new poems


Thanks anna for the mention.....

Much of what I write looks inward - makes the reader look inward and some connect , many do not.

Its how My thoughts tumble around - some say as an empty vessel fissuring, that has no meaning and some draw wells of it from the words... as long as the words mean something to some for whatever reason - its good enough for Me.

Thanks again for taking the time to post your comments on the days works

Razz :p
Re: to anonymous...yes, FB again

Maria2394 said:
hey ya'll, missed ya lots, been wallowing in blue funk lately, its okay, anyway, Tathagata, your H is because your poem, um ROCKED hehe

and well, this is to anonymous who sent me an email last night

Dear anon,
thank you for the kinky, albeit rather disturbing email,
I do enjoy things like that...I have to say, that your letter ( about the fly and the eyes and the oh so sweet ass) brought me out of that dark place, so whoever you are ( and I have a bit of an idea), thank you
and I owe you at least a poem, maybe a serious spanking :D

have a beee utiful day, you, with the heart of a serious stalker, thanks again

Thanks maria
I still think it was a throw away piece

and hey.....
How come no one told me we could send you disturbing albeit kinky emails??

Re: Re: to anonymous...yes, FB again

Tathagata said:
Thanks maria
I still think it was a throw away piece

and hey.....
How come no one told me we could send you disturbing albeit kinky emails??


sorry Tathagata, I thought it was a well known factoid about me, I tend to appreciate well-thought-out, non-threatening and NON crude kink, in other words, please dont tell me you wanna do me like I have never had, or lick me till I whatever, I have a Hitchcock fetish, so make it kinda spooky without giving me nightmares, the one last night was very voyeuristic and kinda sweet, hehe, bet I have read it about 20 times already :D
Re: Re: Re: to anonymous...yes, FB again

Maria2394 said:
sorry Tathagata, I thought it was a well known factoid about me, I tend to appreciate well-thought-out, non-threatening and NON crude kink, in other words, please dont tell me you wanna do me like I have never had, or lick me till I whatever, I have a Hitchcock fetish, so make it kinda spooky without giving me nightmares, the one last night was very voyeuristic and kinda sweet, hehe, bet I have read it about 20 times already :D

oh my
i'll get right to work on that
Re: Re: Re: to anonymous...yes, FB again

Maria2394 said:
[...]I have a Hitchcock fetish, so make it kinda spooky without giving me nightmares, the one last night was very voyeuristic and kinda sweet, hehe, bet I have read it about 20 times already :D
Said in my best Hitchcock....

Thus passed another evening where Maria sat and read, read and sat. Reading that, oh so seductive, email. She felt the eyes of the voyeur on her back as her lovely face bathed in the blue glow from her computer monitor. Over and over again, she read it. Until her eyes stung and her mouth sucked in dry breaths. She couldn't tear herself away, not to blink, not to drink. Those who knew her wondered if even her favourite Hitchcock cameo would succeed in getting her to close the fuckin' email and write some poetry dammit :p
Syndra's Saturday Picks

I found several new poems today that I like.

Dark Benediction by Xeyda is steamy hot prose poetry.

Here and There by E-nymph needs a little editing but is well worth a look. I liked it a lot.

tarablackwood22 has given me another favorite with Lake Michigan I love the way this girl writes!

Slow Train Coming by Angeline is a lovely look at anticipating reunited love.

I like theology of life by uncorrupted. It is simple and I happen to agree with the view point.

American Wench brought us a lovely Woman I love the rhyme and meter in this one.

I don't "do" baseball, but I still liked red sox conundrum by tathagata. It is a nice haiku on human nature. (You KNOW you're gonna eat it!)

Anna Swirls brought us a great look at the lives of mother women in choosing sides

jthserra has (yet another) wonderful poem in The Subtleties of Proximity
Late at night everything slows
and footsteps echo
off long terrazzo floors
and aluminum window walls.
Thanks Jim!

And my two favorites today:
(drum roll please)

reprieve by OT is a wonderful picture of relaxation! Take a deep breath. Ahhhh. I needed that.

The not to be missed Waters of Summer by Toward A Word took my breath away. Lovely painting. Beautiful. Thank you.

I liked half the poems posted.
You may like the other half!

Go read them all

Thanks for letting me play.

Syn :kiss:
Thank you Syn for taking the time to take over the review of poems today in Laurens absence

(is she on a hiatus? I think it is her birthday today...)

and thanks for the mention of my choices (damn what was the title of that poem?)

You have been a busy little bad girl! Damn! You got a sexy little AV faster than lightning!

Have to add my two cents to your ten and make an even dozen:

mr. smithpeter
we room

entering a different room
the lighting is similar
positions are different
I experience mannequin envy

we keep our hands warm in each other
our step is march
our heels clack, noses bleed
from our own loftiness

I experience something like mannequin envy when I read these poems, and this one was even more trippingly wonderful than others I have stumblied upon

and what a trip we are taken on here
through the rooms
damn such contrast
sharp as clack, knives, glass crash, cross, stitch, glue
into the soft quilt, animal furs

flipping platitudes (I dont know if that is what I mean to say)
around like they were meant to be
gracious, goodness

I know there are more, but just off the top of my head before it hits the surface of my pillow....

pillow now

thank you

thank you...

Syndra for your kind comments on "The Subtleties of Proximity". The poem was based upon some observations of an early snow in Philadelphia and a late snow in St. Louis. An odd coincidence had put me in those airports at the same time an estranged aquaintence (who had moved from one place to the other) lived in those citys. How entirely appropriate was the chilling snow.

thank you again Syndra,

jim : )
Thank You Syndra

for your recomendation (and your public comment) on Slow Train Coming. Two things put those words in my head: first, I have been very focused lately on blue highways and train/car travel as a uniquely American metaphor for freedom. Dunno why, lol--just am. Second I got this incredible cd recently of various gospel stars singing songs from Bob Dylan's born-again period. The music is--no matter what your spirtual stripe (or lack thereof)--powerful and uplifting. I was listening to it as I wrote.

Loved reading your reviews, btw. :rose:
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Thanks Syn
Both for the review and your mention of my little joke poem.
I'm glad you took the time to post your thoughts.
Your thoughts mean a lot to me...because you seem to have an intuitive grasp of some of my stuff so...chances are if you like it...I'll like it too.
: )
Keep writing
and thanks again

Hulloh poets. I'm back again from my weekend trip to Unwiredistan, and tsaking on Anna's Sunday as promised.. The batch of poems today was quite interresting, not better or worse then usual, but I found that I had a lot to say about them.

The list is also a bit longer than what I am used to, so I'm ploughing my way as good as I can through it.

Reviews in a jiffy. Or maybe a little longer. :)

...and here we go: Sunday, Mars 14

Ok, watch out. I'm used top maybe ten or fifteen poems in a day, and half of them illustrated. For some reason that's the curse of Friday, the day I'm usually reviewing. So normally I have a lot to say about the poems I recommend. And I ain't gonna change that. Hold on to yer hats, and prepare read over analytical reviews that just might actually be longer than the poems themselves. :rolleyes:

Oh, and before we begin. All the new poems are here. Go read them all, post links here to poems I missed, read, vote, fb, pc, blah blah blah... :)

Here be reviews...


First out, a case study of two very different poems, but with a few very similar traits. In fact they look like they were two poets interpretation of exactly the same challenge: "Write an erotic poem, involving no sex, about a woman preparing for the hanky-panky."

all yours by valkyrieblonde
No fuss here. Straight on, almost like a checklist of sexy attributes. Very basic, very peeled of everything flowery, and in it's relentless way, very sexy.
[color=777777]black lace bustier
red roses crawling over
22 hooks

Waiting Maiden by damppanties
Exactly the opposite. Elaborate, carefully written, romanticism barely steered clear of ridiculous, flowery and soft as cotton candy. And in a rhyming couplet form none the less.
Around slender frame a saree she drapes;
It falls in soft folds, the smoothest of crepes.
Sticks of incense placed around the room,
The wick turned down until shadows loom.


flash by Palau
It took a couple of reads until I could see the picture behind the very precisely carved lines that palau delivers in this thoughtful piece on soul interaction.
I was sucked, just a little, of precious soul
nothing special, a part meant for stealing

Trembling Weak by echoes_s
No matter what the theme of the poems, echoes_s have the ability to seduce readers with the fluency of her language alone. Here she delivers a musical performance that begs to be read aloud. It is also a very vivid poem of passion overload. The last passage is nothing but perfect. I ain't gonna quote it here, go read the whole thing. Now.

grains in basket by SeattleRain
SeattleRain is another poet that have spat out some impressive poems these last few weeks, and this is not an exception. Somehow, the You and it's relation to the I in this poem eludes me, but it's main theme of how things turn out the way they do in life, is not at all unclear. Read, for mundane beauty of descriptions, or for the probably precise message behind it all.

Look Out For Lenny by Calvin Hanes
Calvin writes in a 'no-fuss, no artsy-fartsy crap' style that I find quite charming. I believe there are some rough edges to his writing that could be rubbed off, but I have liked what I've read so far. Here he paints an equally sad and humorous scene of disattachment. In rhymes.

Jazz by jthserra
I couldn't pull off a good cinquain to save my life. jthserra pulls off a brilliant one about jazz as easy as I pull off my socks.


And finally, my pick of the day, from a poet that I like more and more for every offering I read. This one went straight for my mind, and simultaneously for my heart and spine:

Unleashing by *Catbabe*
Poetry with a simple approach, and a not too elaborate vocabulary, but with a power and a geist that makes the poem glow. Not every poet speaks fluent Common, but *Catbabe* has tuned out to be one of the grand masters of that practice. Here she takes us to a sad scene of once-a-family and attaches some very educational truths along the trip.
Leashes extend,
to show us off,
shallow smile says,
“See all I have,”
your hand petting heads,
a hand, heavy with ownership
but light on love,
never realizing,
birth certificates are
not property deeds,
that children
are not gifts
given just to you,
but gifts you give
to the world.

As a parent-to-be, I will try my very hardest to remember that.

Phew Icing! Thanks for the awesome review!

Both you and Ange knocked the meaning straight in with one shot...through the heart and searing heat of passion

Thank you Ange also, I wasn't sure if "orifice" would throw the whole poem off, or if I wrote the meaning clear enough.

You both showed me I did.
:rose: :heart:

thanks so much, icing...for the review of "all yours" means alot to me...i've read so much of everyone's poetry on here...and realize i have far to go with mine...but i'm working on it...and enjoying every step...and learning so much from all of you...thanks again...:)
It makes my whole being hum in such a delightful way to know that anything I have written actually meant something to someone else. God, that sounds corny, but I really do mean it.

Thanks Ice. I still have a silly grin on my face from your words.

Thanks to Ange and echoes_s for their pcs.:rose: and to all of you who sent feedback.:rose:
Hey congratulations Ice, when are you due to be a papa?

Thank you for your mention of my "grains in basket?" poem... I am glad someone enjoyed reading this one. It was one that hurt a little bit coming out.

And to my anon commenter, I wish I knew who you were so I could thank you for your sometimes hilarious, always head twistingly interesting comments you sometimes leave for me. :D
But I suppose the mystery is part of it all. :cool:

I am a little sad that no one sends me spooky feedback, Maria, how do you do it?:confused:

Thanks Ice for your recommendations, I had little time today, so it was good to have these to check out first. Always a pleasure,

SeattleRain or something like it:heart:

I do not like smilies, sometimes I use too many of them as a kind of self-punishment, like wearing a hair shirt. Once I bought an insane tee shirt at the thrift shop-- with robot parts printed on it, so I looked like a living transformer. I forced myself to go to the playground with the other mothers all perfect in their playgroups, as a form of forced humility. keep me humble.

Icingsugar said:
Elaborate, carefully written, romanticism barely steered clear of ridiculous, flowery and soft as cotton candy. And in a rhyming couplet form none the less.

Thank you Ice. After these kind words, I feel a bit guilty that the poem came out so easily. :eek:
Thanks for the review. Feels great to be appreciated. :rose:
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SeattleRain said:
Hey congratulations Ice, when are you due to be a papa?
Thank you!
The subject has been flogged to death in other threads before, so I'll keep it short. ;)

What? Twin daughters.
When? Any day now...
Who? The connection might have passed you by, but Lin is the mommy-to-be.
Why? Unplanned, not unwelcomed.
Where? Where what? Where they were made? That's none of your god damn... ;)
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jim :), Thank you for the comments on when. I do appreciate anyone taking the time to read my sensless crap. I just have finished "Hot Water" which is truly from my gut. I am going through a difficult time now, and I am sure "Hot Water" will enlighten you... Thanks again for any comments. And I am a virgin to this site, I have alot to learn. lol I just tried to reply to post, and made a new thread instead. lol I am blonde...Dah...:confused: :nana:
Icingsugar said:
Thank you!
The subject has been flogged to death in other threads before, so I'll keep it short. ;)

What? Twin daughters.
When? Any day now...
Who? The connection might have passed you by, but Lin is the mommy-to-be.
Why? Unplanned, not unwelcomed.
Where? Where what? Where they were made? That's none of your god damn... ;)

Whaaat? No details !? :D
Congratulations Lin and Icing!!! May the birth be smooth and your daughters be healthy, vigorous and as imaginative and gifted as the both of you!
raises her glass of blueberry cranberry juice in toast of celebration and cheer!
:rose: :heart: :kiss:
Before I get started with Monday's new poems...

I wanted to thank Icing for the kind words on my Jazz cinquain. I also want to congratulate him and Lin on the upcoming arrivals. I think there are some changes coming in that household.

good luck...

thanks again,

jim : )
Well, this Monday was very light

After several weeks of 60 plus poems and a few others with 40, today was fairly light. Monday had become the Illustrated and Audio poem day, but there are none today. After last weeks audio poems a lot of poets may have decided it was too tough an act to follow. Perhaps next week.

Well, today seemed quite good and although there were not many poems posted, I found most of them very good. They ranged from good, to absolutely wonderful. Okay, let me dispense with the superlatives and present not myself but: me by alonelygal, an insightful look inside the poet, by the poet:

"...i don't
want to
popeye said it best

Anyone quotes Popeye in a poem gets my vote... take a look.

Wind Chyme brings us two poems today, in my favorite Wind Chyme rhymes with her Lifespan . So often poems with couplets will get a forced feeling, but here the poet uses enjambment very effectively, keeping the rhyme unobtrusive. Life and death in a moment's breath:

"On a cold and lonesome point of time
Sit all my words in ancient rhyme
Within a solitary cell
All my thoughts take form and gel..."

A lovely poem...

For a smile, consider the:
Horny Waiter At Hung Far Low's . In this hijinx packed adventure, Calvin Hanes says:

"sure also to show you
the little trick I can do,
coaxing the colored litmus slip
of fortune from the cookie crack
with nothing but my tongue,"

I know I'll never look at a fortune cookie the same way again.

Annaswirls brings us a different type of work experience and asks a very pertinent question. Take a peek and look for the answer, then comment and vote.

For some insight into the submissive, Dustystar offers Understanding :


Is there any better word?

Pour it out and give it to me.
I will carry your ache."

Read the whole thing...

Smithpeter goes electric with a shocking poem. With his
gennerator he creates:

"stray stray voltage
up from grounded
up inside pant leg
dog leg, cat scratch"

Speaking of electric, Liar is
polar ized
. A peek at seasons and something more. He then asks: we are stardust, so what? . I thought I might hear Joni Mitchell, but he took us spinning into the universe, far, far from Woodstock.

Not Woodstock, but Echoes__s still sings a smoky, sultry Song , just listen:

"Her voice smolders
smoke, billowing with steam,
dancing on pillows of rising air
and sings love’s fierce serenity
edging the suppleness
with stirred passion
awakening obsession..."

And finally for today, my favorite... an intriguing title, wonderful rhyme, iambic pentameter and a terzanelle all in one... join me in admiring a masterpiece:
still life on stairwell by Cordelia. I'd give you a peek, but this one needs to be viewed in its entirety.
Read, vote... and comment.

And those are my picks of Monday's New Poems . Take a peek and find a gem I may have missed.

jim : )

ps. one of my favorite poets has decided to leave our small pond here. I will miss her: Moving On
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Thanking you for another mention

Thank you for your mention of my "Lifespan"

It is not a new effort for me. It's been sitting around for years. I really agonized on whether to post it or not, because I wasn't sure it was any good or not. What I do remember about writing it is that it came into my mind full blown. How does that happen?
Any why not more often? :confused: