new poems

thanks, jim

for mentioning my little terzanelle sketch...

Funny how some things stay with you. I saw it, and knew I needed to record that little vignette. This was the result.

And to the anonymous person who sent me feedback asking me when I was going to post poems again. Here ya go...

Thanks again, jim, and all who sent feedback and comments.


And I will miss Angeline as well... :(
Re: Well, this Monday was very light

jthserra said:
Speaking of electric, Liar is
polar ized. A peek at seasons and something more. He then asks: we are stardust, so what?. I thought I might hear Joni Mitchell, but he took us spinning into the universe, far, far from Woodstock.
Thank you Jim for letting me in on your selection list and for the cheerful commenting. :)

I swear to all heavens that woodstock and Joni was far far from my mind when I wrote this. We're of different generations, my only frame of reference to that time is a backlog of dads vinyls.

Thanks to anna, echoes, Seattle, and Tathagata for always so uplifting feedback. I still don't understand how I get away with this. ;)

:rose: L
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Re: Well, this Monday was very light

jthserra said:
Not Woodstock, but Echoes__s still sings a smoky, sultry Song , just listen:

"Her voice smolders
smoke, billowing with steam,
dancing on pillows of rising air
and sings love’s fierce serenity
edging the suppleness
with stirred passion
awakening obsession..."

And those are my picks of Monday's New Poems . Take a peek and find a gem I may have missed.

jim : )

ps. one of my favorite poets has decided to leave our small pond here. I will miss her: Moving On [/B]

Thank you Jim for such a wonderful review!
and thank you again and Liar for leaving encouraging and beautiful comment in PC's on the poem.
:rose: :heart:
Re: Thanking you for another mention

Thanks Jim for your mention of my work experience poem, and the nice pc's too!
Top Two

There are two GREAT ones today people!

jthserra brought us a brilliant look at war through the eyes, of all people, Mary Poppins

It works so well on so many levels you simply must go see it for yourselves!

And a perfectly sweet look at Romance by belegon. This touches every generation and I love it!

Go check them all out here

Syn :kiss:
hey everybody, posting sort of off-topic, I apologize.

i wanted to make sure everyone knew i wouldn't be doing the reviews anymore, I'm sorry I forgot to PM anyone...just wanted ot make sure there was no confusion.

i'm going into the hospital for a few months to get my head on straight. i'm sure you're all sick of my hospital poems, but there may be a new one when I get back; or maybe i won't get back. who knows.

just wanted to make sure no one was mad at me for not PM'ing or for doing them. ok, sorry to hijack thread. have a good couple of months, guys. i'll be wishing you all well.
as long as they don't screw it on so tight
that it stops you from looking left or right

...or something like that. ;)

Be well, mojo, best of luck and welcome back whenever.

Thank you...

Syndra for the mention of "Mary Poppins' Response to War". I had originally written it right after the State of the Union Address before the war started. Her response was originally to the State of the Union Address, but changed as we entered war...

thanks again,

jim : )
mojo_cat said:
hey everybody, posting sort of off-topic, I apologize.

i wanted to make sure everyone knew i wouldn't be doing the reviews anymore, I'm sorry I forgot to PM anyone...just wanted ot make sure there was no confusion.

i'm going into the hospital for a few months to get my head on straight. i'm sure you're all sick of my hospital poems, but there may be a new one when I get back; or maybe i won't get back. who knows.

just wanted to make sure no one was mad at me for not PM'ing or for doing them. ok, sorry to hijack thread. have a good couple of months, guys. i'll be wishing you all well.

dear mojo_cat, you will be OKAY, hear me?? dont be gone too long, we need you here and like someone else said, dont lettem screw your head on the wrong way, you are stronger than you realize, just like many of the rest of us,,if you need me, you know where to find me :big hugs: maria
My ca-ca

Thank you to normal jean, Maria2394, WindChyme, and also jthserra. You all left me comments. And I know what I write is ca-ca compared to you all... I am trying pull from my inner self. In hopes to find something spectacular! I am curious...Did any of you read "Hot Water" was it that It did not print on this site the way I had it originally. But the words, we they that bad??
I can take your constructive criticism, believe me, I think I can take anything at this point. Have a wonderful day all.

Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much:kiss:

Oh and hear is my green for the day, no pinch please.:p only licks
mojo_cat said:
hey everybody, posting sort of off-topic, I apologize.

i wanted to make sure everyone knew i wouldn't be doing the reviews anymore, I'm sorry I forgot to PM anyone...just wanted ot make sure there was no confusion.

i'm going into the hospital for a few months to get my head on straight. i'm sure you're all sick of my hospital poems, but there may be a new one when I get back; or maybe i won't get back. who knows.

just wanted to make sure no one was mad at me for not PM'ing or for doing them. ok, sorry to hijack thread. have a good couple of months, guys. i'll be wishing you all well.

Hey Mojo, been there. Keep up the good work and know we will be here when you get back...and please do come back. I have your spot reserved for you and am waiting for your poem.
Yeah, dont let them screw your head on too tight, we always have to have a few loose screws rattling around. It motivates us to write
out I say out!
;) :rose: :kiss:
As Anna brought to my attention via email. Mojo did reviews on Tuesdays until Eve felt rested again. I could take Mojo's spot in doing these reviews and do my best.
Any suggestions, comments, objections...let em rip. I am all ears

:rose: :heart:
Many thanks to you,Jim for mentioning my little piece of nothing the other day.I am so grateful for your feedback and Tathagata's encouragement.

I don't know why it means so much to me.Just a few words from a passing stranger,but they touch my heart,so...

thanks to all who have stopped to peek into my madness:rose:

Hi all.
I'll be jumping in and take on the Friday poems when Ice is off daddying. Reviews around midninght CET.

* Mojo, keep your head above water, ya hear? I'll gladly read another hospital poem of yours, if it's anywhere as good as the previous ones. Just like Maria said, the fact that you can collect and communicate your thoughts as well as you do in your poems is proof alone that you have a better grasp at things than most people. You do what you need to do, and you're always wecome back here.

* Joanna, keep on writing. You deserve the praise, and I hope to see more from you in the future.

* Echoes, you'll do a splendid job reviewing. We're both brand new in this. So let's succed or scrwe up together, shall we? The poets are patient fellows. :)

Mars 19

Here are my reviews for this Friday then. Not many poems to choose from, but those five brightened my day.

(quick note: all poem quotes are excerpts. click links for the whole thing.)

steve porter tells us the time for me to turn has come. He weaves common words in uncommon ways and makes the language flow very nicely. it reads like a farewell. Let's just hope it's not a farewell to us.

[color=666666]so now the time for me to turn has come
as we forever always turn in time

and as we grow we turn away each day
from our innocence more and more

well we know ourselves better than before
and so we know in time that we must turn…


Crimson Colored Hands of Time by Savannah Skye is a sad, maybe even bitter wiev on wounds that time takes too long to heal.

[color=666666]jilted hand over damaged heart
love slits open wrists
melancholic wounds exposed

by crimson colored hands of time
that prolong our forlorn bond
in green fields of wistful emptiness


Dustystar is a less frequent poet here. But the quality of Far shows that her writing is well worth waiting for. This is nothing short of brilliant.

[color=666666]I still cannot fold time
Countries, continents or maps
Corner on corner
In a meeting place.


annaswirls have gone old school and written a real envelope-and-stamp letter. fold and glue describes the special feeling that dropping it off can leave.

[color=666666]folded in three
slid in bright white
long and legal

tongue spit wet glue
and press

seal, stamp
label, drop


There is a thread over at the Author's Hangout right now discussing environments and settings. I stated in a post that there is no such things as too much humidity. jthserras poem with that name is right up my alley, hot, damp, sweaty and sexy as hell.

[color=666666]Dead wind
I dreamt a breeze,
the slightest breath of air
as sweat poured from bodies and
we touched.

flesh burned in waves
a sweltering motion
to the moist, screaming, endless depth
of you.
new poems 3/18/04

Oh geez, guys.... I'm so sorry.

My son had his first band concert last night, and I completely forgot about the review. Luckily there were only 7 new poems for Thursday...

Here are the one's I'd recommend for reading:

Point of View by *Catbabe*

A wonderful look at "progress."
Two I-s by jthserra

Some fine erotic poetry about the person we love best.
Ceangailte Ri Cheile by Tathagata

A wonderful tale for the senses. Though, I admit the last stanza didn't' do the rest of the poem justice. The beginning was inspired...

Go read, vote, etc...

And a thousand apologies to you all.

annaswirls have gone old school and written a real envelope-and-stamp letter. fold and glue describes the special feeling that dropping it off can leave.

Thank you for the mention, Liar!
Very kind of you to take on the Friday poems, you did a great job! Thanks!

Anna :heart:

What's Your Wind Chime?

I get stuck in one or two threads, and I did not seen this one until today.

There are some damn good poems in there, I think I only recognized one that was posted in the new poems.

Go check em out only if you want to see some damn good writing.

Passion thread in virtual 3D

Thanks for the mention Cordelia and for reviewing despite being very busy with real life stuff.:)
Thank you...

Liar and Cordelia for the kind words on "Humidity" and "Two I-s". I live in the Houston area, so humidity is a subject I am familiar with... well the weather part of it at least. An the quote I provided by Fernando Pessoa fueled the "Two I-s".

Thanks again...

jim : )
Reviews will not be in until late today! My plans for early morning work were foiled by two little things that often have plans of their own involving me :)

I did take a look and I am very excited to sit read and review!

I wanted to mention a poem I stumbled across

I had missed it in the new poems, but fortunately I happened upon it. The poem: Autoerotica written by dreamsweet is an incredibly intimate look inside an incredibly intimate act.

The wonderfully subtle sexuality here is charged with the poet's thoughts as she experiences the sensations of her touch. With an intriguing twist at the end, this poem will make you think.

Intimacy is far beyond the physical, this poem revels in that thought. Read it, comment and vote... It is well worth the time.

jim : )

I am going to start off running....

It does not get much better than the first poem on the new poems list:

:heart: Liar's what becomes of once

The sea has been the topic of a great many great and many poems, you might think that there would be a lack of new ideas and sentiments. Think again.
that still,
when shores lean back
into the motherly arms
of horizon,
It is good to be alive today, thanks Liar.


A look into a mirror like I have never looked before: 2Rivers, like other great poets, always touches me in places I was not sure I had.

being as small


I am not sure I understood this one by Palau proud vest walking but I liked it.
the way, it’s hard to dance with a cat
blue nights
gentle adventures
deep dark caves
Go read it and tell me what you think. Sounds like a fun time, that is for sure.


:heart: Miss Maria2394 comes back from her poetic hiatus with a sexy, fun loving, unique look at FEET. I have never been a foot person myself, but I am with her on *the spot* and do admit I was turned on with this vinyl and gilded poem...
for the love of toes
revealing in pose, my feet are resigned
to climb stiletto mountains
one inch at a time
I feel like this should be published somewhere it would be appreciated by the foot lovin' masses who do not know that there is such a poem sitting here right now waiting to be savored..... Maria, just an idea...maybe write a foot fetish story and include this as a companion poem?


:heart: Of sveltwalker's three poems posted today, I prefer the second: just sex

Damn some hot and kinky (I guess maybe it is just me) stuff all packed together in a "non-erotic" poem damn, made me wish I were a fly or other insect on this poets watch the ritual and to get some hints on how to write....

I am prejudiced against the word "meat" but that is just my neurosis, just a little pink

This one was short, sweet in a sexy kind of way and promotes make love (or something like it) not war. preach as practice


Nolan is a first time poster here on lit, and damn has he made a splash (at least in my waters) with an Erotic with a capital E poem....take a look at
I like the blush as it plumps
your tint darkening to crimson

Holy Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hide anything breakable when Toward A Word is with his "baby." Damn. If you are going to do a fuck poem, then fucking do it like this. Damn! He takes us through the duality of an affair of the heart and other pulsing places.... in the poem Nice and Explicit (and it is both)


I do believe that newcomer, Calvin Hanes was the smart ass punk that got you in trouble because who the hell couldn't laugh their asses off when they sat right behind you in Geometry?

:heart:Here is his latest, I Would Fuck Judge Judy It would not surprise me that he gave this poem its title just to make the review have to type, and for mouth readers have to mouth the confession "I would fuck Judge Judy" I mean, come on!
We can
work on our tans
in fluorescent coffins,

we can quote Ayn Rand
with gusto,
and often.
Check out his other stuff, quite funny, clever, creative, but don't hate him for it. Calvin Hanes


dreamsweet pulled me along in her story of listening to her answering machine, a very ordinary thing, under usual circumstances. I wanted to hear more, like this was a best friend telling me about something very important to them.... I loved this poem. Replay


When we see statistics on any war, it is easy to dehumanize down to numbers... jthserra brings us back to reality at a look back to VietNam, but for me, also took me forward thirty some years from now, looking back to where we are today... the same poem could be written then, or with any war--with only the years of the car and death and the name of the war.


I have been putting off :heart: oxalis catapult quartet, and here I am at the end, and I am still not up for the task. Oxalis is one of my favorite writers here, always hits me hard, such a powerful writer.... I want an extension! I want to print them out and do a real review tying them together! I want a great many things!

I am going to post this now and come back and post the catapult series separate, hoping that oxalis will forgive me for pulling these out to deal with a teacher pulling that unruly (but quite charming) student into the hall for a few private words....


OKAY I write too much. I apologize. This was a GREAT day to be a live, and a great day to get to read so many amazing poems.

Please, go read, leave some nice comments, proposals of marriage, and the like, and please leave some feedback here, as we all have our own opinions and I always worry I will have missed a great one!

Off into another week!

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annaswurls person

4.5 catapult

I thank you dear reviewer
in your world and in my home surrounding
verbs and landscape