new poems

Re: Big T

annaswirls said:
Originally posted by annaswirls

Thank you to my Maria, BigT, Echo for your comments as well.

You all are among the reasons I keep coming back.

I hope I can help you even in small ways, want to stick around as well!


Wow T Rex, you are easy, I am glad I did not have to get out the choke chain and leash.....



oh sure...Now you tell me that was an option
next time I'm holding out for the collar
Hey Sister Seattle,

no worries, poor disturbed friend:cool:

read your poem this am
wishin I were a man
so I could give you some of my personal
put you out of your misery for a while

open your eyes girl, looks like a nice day out there


ps echoes sorry for the confusion :(
Tuesday is *ALL YOURS *
did not mean to lead you to believe otherwise

not that I have any say in the matter, please ignore me
And now a word about some new poetry

As far as I know we have no reviewer on Wednesday and there were a couple of poems I wanted to bring to the attention of the masses.

Becoming X by RisiaSkye is my favorite today with this to share
Then comes the choice--
do they ignore the previous direction
of each one's entire existence,
and stay together,
forming a whole new configuration,
previously unseen?
It's a great look at the instability of relationships.

SeattleRain gives us an intimate look at fucking a stranger in for two days I tried but It made me think and I love this
fucking a stranger
is like Ben-Gay

denis hale leads us astray in his mind again with Morse makes out a look at writer's block, lust and sexual fantasy.

And, ever sensitive, Thesandman brings us I need to touch you

Hard as a Rock Cafe takes a fresh look at the old metaphor of sex as food. thanks to thegirlfriday11

Ok, that's more than a couple. There are a couple more. Go read the new poems

Syn :kiss:
Re: And now a word about some new poetry

Syndra Lynn said:
As far as I know we have no reviewer on Wednesday and there were a couple of poems I wanted to bring to the attention of the masses.

Becoming X by RisiaSkye is my favorite today with this to share
It's a great look at the instability of relationships.

SeattleRain gives us an intimate look at fucking a stranger in for two days I tried but It made me think and I love this

denis hale leads us astray in his mind again with Morse makes out a look at writer's block, lust and sexual fantasy.

And, ever sensitive, Thesandman brings us I need to touch you

Hard as a Rock Cafe takes a fresh look at the old metaphor of sex as food. thanks to thegirlfriday11

Ok, that's more than a couple. There are a couple more. Go read the new poems

Syn :kiss:

nice AV
Re: And now a word about some new poetry

Syndra Lynn said:
As far as I know we have no reviewer on Wednesday and there were a couple of poems I wanted to bring to the attention of the masses.

Becoming X by RisiaSkye is my favorite today with this to share
It's a great look at the instability of relationships.

Thanks for the mention, Syndra. Wrote this one a decade ago, so it feels strange to see it on a "new" list, but I much appreciate the compiment. :rose:

Re: Re: And now a word about some new poetry

Tathagata said:

Why thank you vera much.

But look at thegirlfriday's av two lines down. Now that's poetry! ;)

Syn :kiss:
Re: Re: Re: And now a word about some new poetry

Syndra Lynn said:
Why thank you vera much.

But look at thegirlfriday's av two lines down. Now that's poetry! ;)

Syn :kiss:

that is a beauty

kinda scary we have the same taste in.......AV's
Poetry reviews Tuesday March 23, 2004

sitting with my fresh hot steaming cup of coffee and Irish cream, Beethoven in surround sound and feet curled under me, with keyboard on lap…
We have 22 new submissions for this day
*turning off Beethoven to savor the richness of today*

jthserra causes us to hold our breath to feel this vividness in his tribute to The Great Gatsby

just to fall in his shadow
and be something like somebody
for the moment, a breathless moment
when he tips a glass toward me
"Here's to you sport."
And I can smile back, breathing in
the faintest hint of greatness.

The Great Yearning

So we beat on, boats against the current, born back ceaselessly into the past…

Dustystar brings on two strong and fiery poems, this one is short so I won’t quote it, but go read Drowned Gods

This one breathless, explaining of becoming for her Sir/Master. Punctuation is a bit off I felt, but if you sorted it out, you could feel the raw power in her words, the intense feelings she evokes.

kinkykaren sharpens her claws before they rip into the lonely heart of Black Spider

…time to make another coffee, then I return to complete this :rose:

pssst, my favorite AV..for now
it changes so much I have to look to see what one I am showing:p :confused: :heart:

HUMBUG!!! I apologize for the screw ups on this post if anyone caught them. My computer isnt copying right, this happened before too. But they are all fixed I hope.
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Big T

Originally posted by annaswirls
how about a long sharp knife..

or maybe scissors?

Tathagata said:
maybe i'll just shut up

Sweet T,

when I want you to shut up
I will tell you to shut up

got it?

Anna :kiss:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Big T

annaswirls said:
Originally posted by annaswirls
how about a long sharp knife..

or maybe scissors?

Sweet T,

when I want you to shut up
I will tell you to shut up

got it?

Anna :kiss:

yes Mistress Anna
Final part of review for Tuesday…:rose:

Empty Morning by Dreamsweet.
I was a little confused by the title and the ending plus the reference to days passing away, but I could have misunderstood something here…

this was absolutely beautiful though

My brain is quiet
and for a second
I know other people

I loved Seeking an Original Thought, another by Dreamsweet, again with a tiny bit of work to iron out one area…in my humble opinion only.
if you must throw anything, please make it soft!…and that it is only my thought with kindness.

Thesandman comes around with an innovative poem speaking loss, not of one but two people, speaking more in his last line, telling a story with If

and finally, finally….Monsieur Fool!
That he makes me want to swoon at his feet, breath held, all senses hot-wired to feel the heat of him passing by, to hear him sing his poetry. That you can hear his voice tremble, and if not, then want to…
OKAY, admittedly that he has turned me into a fool:p
We are gifted by the wisdom of The Fool today with 6 submissions…making this task difficult, I cannot choose any particular for they are all smooth, soothing, flowing with fluidity, from feeling his pain There’s Nothing Wrong and Foolish Games
to his next four of poised passion and sultry desire…go read!
An Afternoon
In Mixed Company
and if I had to choose a favorite, it would be this
By Night

I am sure I have missed a few, so go read, comment, help a friend along with suggestions if needed New Poems

:rose: :heart:
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Thank you for the comments. Empty Morning... I think the title was just a reminder that the day I wrote it was one of those where he wasn't there. The end was for a future moment when he would return. I think this one is too tied into my story, so're the other two...

Which part would you iron out in Original Thought? (Out of curiousity.)

I can't say I'll change it. I tend to write within a certain space of time on one poem, then move on to another. Sometimes it takes years for me to get back to the ones I wrote before. I see them almost as snippets of my mind at specific moments in time. Sometimes, it's too hard to recapture that inspiration, later. It's much easier to revise the book I'm working on, I find...
echoes_s said:

and finally, finally….Monsieur Fool!
That he makes me want to swoon at his feet, breath held, all senses hot-wired to feel the heat of him passing by, to hear him sing his poetry. That you can hear his voice tremble, and if not, then want to…
OKAY, admittedly that he has turned me into a fool...

Oh my darling,

Rise upon your feet that I might hold you close, clasping your hand and sharing once and twice a most chaste kiss of friendship. Or barring that, Let me kneel beside you and offer my most humble thanks at your cherished words....


Many thanks for your kind comments and also to those that left posts with the poems.

I guess I need to go to the amateur pic thread more often....

Thank you Echoes_s

for the kind comments about The Great Yearning... I've been intrigued about people who call a person "sport", I thought I'd write about it.

Now don't ask me why that intrigued me...

jim : )
dreamsweet said:
Thank you for the comments. Empty Morning... I think the title was just a reminder that the day I wrote it was one of those where he wasn't there. The end was for a future moment when he would return. I think this one is too tied into my story, so're the other two...

Which part would you iron out in Original Thought? (Out of curiousity.)

I can't say I'll change it. I tend to write within a certain space of time on one poem, then move on to another. Sometimes it takes years for me to get back to the ones I wrote before. I see them almost as snippets of my mind at specific moments in time. Sometimes, it's too hard to recapture that inspiration, later. It's much easier to revise the book I'm working on, I find...

Hi Dreamsweet, thanks for at least talking to me and not hating me! It is just my own personal opinion, I thought the whole poem flowed and was literate until I came to this...

Words, words, words,
writing out memories,
tap, tap, tap -

It could have been the word bang! Everything else was descriptive, but "bang", completely broke the reverie, the
momento of the poem, the did describe a frustration, and movement (of what though. a fist, a finger, a keyboard, a key?):rose:

echoes_s said:
Final part of review for Tuesday…:rose:

Empty Morning by Dreamsweet.
I was a little confused by the title and the ending plus the reference to days passing away, but I could have misunderstood something here…

this was absolutely beautiful though

My brain is quiet
and for a second
I know other people

I loved Seeking an Original Thought, another by Dreamsweet, again with a tiny bit of work to iron out one area…in my humble opinion only.
if you must throw anything, please make it soft!…and that it is only my thought with kindness.

Thesandman comes around with an innovative poem speaking loss, not of one but two people, speaking more in his last line, telling a story with If

and finally, finally….Monsieur Fool!
That he makes me want to swoon at his feet, breath held, all senses hot-wired to feel the heat of him passing by, to hear him sing his poetry. That you can hear his voice tremble, and if not, then want to…
OKAY, admittedly that he has turned me into a fool:p
We are gifted by the wisdom of The Fool today with 6 submissions…making this task difficult, I cannot choose any particular for they are all smooth, soothing, flowing with fluidity, from feeling his pain There’s Nothing Wrong and Foolish Games
to his next four of poised passion and sultry desire…go read!
An Afternoon
In Mixed Company
and if I had to choose a favorite, it would be this
By Night

I am sure I have missed a few, so go read, comment, help a friend along with suggestions if needed New Poems

:rose: :heart:

Wow...Echos thank you. I just stumbled onto this thread and noticed that not one...but two recent poems of mine were even mentioned. And am even more surprised, that you caught what I was trying to indicate in that last line of "If". There is loss...both for the person writing the thoughts, but the loss of the other who has lost herself.

Thank you for the mention, I truly am surprised.

I remain, Thesandman
Re: And now a word about some new poetry

Syndra Lynn said:
SeattleRain gives us an intimate look at fucking a stranger in for two days I tried but It made me think and I love this...

Nice job and thanks for the mention Syn, but I have no idea why you thought my poem was about fucking strangers. I would never write such a crass poem


There are a few I would like to add, as we all have different tastes:

there is something I really like about this new killallhippies dude. Can't put my finger on it. Seems like a bit of a smart ass. I like smart and I like ass, so maybe that is it.

paranoia vs sleepytime trucker

paranoia vs. sleepytime trucker
by killallhippies ©
Broken, it’s so ugly.
Maybe some glue could fix it.
Too bad. We’re fresh out.
We still have cable
For what that’s worth.
Forty five dollars a month

Of course, oxalis heats things up with his ice drips


by oxalis ©
ice hidden behind teeth
is soon found
never lost, sorted for one
then the other nipple
later melted,
sprayed into belly button

damn my little nibbles are peeking out wanting a turn :eek:

steve porter brings us a sweet and simple (in a good way!) look at an intimate, yet somehow anonomoyous talk.... anyone who has had one of these, knows it is not simple at all, but difficult to explain. steve does a wonderful job in this delicate poem.:) Even softened me up a bit. This kind of meeting does not leave me numb. A few glasses of white wine might.

to barbara somebody

to barbara somebody
by steve porter ©
we had a nice long talk
about all kinds of things
didnt we barbara somebody

sensitive things like religion and sex
and we even mixed in some politics…
yes it was a very pleasant interlude

we were just like two strangers
walking along a secluded beach
with a lighthouse in the distance

and as the evening descended
like a billowing brown blanket
we shared a dim lantern

and a glass of white wine.

I think my favorite was laelia and her heart

by laelia ©
return to scene
of the crime
blood e-words
still in evidence
the thief speaks
edgy eloquent lust
here, gather 'round
victims, groupies all
I’ll still swoon
even now
chest gaping
at this empty cliché
howling a demand
for him to return
the stolen part

speaks for itself
empty cliche? perhaps
but you know,
that is what s/he is worth,

I think Anna had a nice one about people dying in a boat and a candle that would not light or something. :rolleyes:

There were others.

But it is time to rinse the dye from my hair

Write on

Seattle :rose:
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my poem..come lay with me..

i want to say thank you to ray..who wrote me about this poem..and sent me a lovely letter..and tell him i was going to reply to his letter..but being the blonde i am..i accidently erased it..duh...i hope he gets to read this and replies to me again..i loved what he sent...and am so sorry i hit the wrong button..too damn many of them on this keyboard...i also want everyone how much i enjoy reading their learning so much..thank you..and ray...please write again...:)
told you there were too many keys

re...i want everyone to much i enjoy all the great poetry on going to bed..i evidently can no longer type proper english...