new poems

Tristesse said:
Hello Maria, funnily enough it's of the heather family.

Arbutus, also known as madrone, takes its crooked shapes because of how it has to cling to the rough terrain, rocks and fissures and also because of its search for sunlight bending around other trees for optimum sunlight. They can grow horizontally and every which way!

Here is an amazing feature: their leaves. Arbutus is the only deciduous tree (ones with leaves) that does not loose its leaves in the winter! It is an evergreen without needles, as are the evergreen trees like pines and spruces. What happens is that in the early summer, new leaves grow and the old ones fall off but the tree is never ever naked! It always has leaves.

Another special feature of Arbutus trees comes to light only in the rain! When the bark gets wet it glistens and shimmers as though recently waxed to a high sheen. The smooth bark makes the water on it dance with glee! So even in the most miserable weather of the “wet” coast, Arbutus brings joy to the beholder!

well, gosh!! thats incredibly interesting, thanks for the info :)
about ten years ago I planted a small eucalyptus for my grew huge, in a vey short time and shades teh whol west side of my home now..sometimes in the summer, it might get close to 100F for days, and I can take the water hose and spray the leaves and the scent freshens the whole yard for a couple hours..I love trees
Thank you Liar...

for the very kind comments on "Skating Saturn's Ring". That was a fun poem to write and I am glad some of you enjoyed reading it.


jim : )

.PS... Still need a few votes if you are not to go celibate..
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Maria2394 said:
well, gosh!! thats incredibly interesting, thanks for the info :)
about ten years ago I planted a small eucalyptus for my grew huge, in a vey short time and shades teh whol west side of my home now..sometimes in the summer, it might get close to 100F for days, and I can take the water hose and spray the leaves and the scent freshens the whole yard for a couple hours..I love trees

That's lovely, Maria! Trees are great any how - but one that smells good is a bonus.

To all the commenters and e-mailers - thank you.

jim ~ on my way.................... :D
Re: New poems Mars 26

Liar said:
. If this one doesn't have a bright, shiny H] tagged to it by the end of the day, I'll give up sex.

lol Liar...

Someone doesn't want you to have sex... A late 1 dropped it below the magic number. So much for fans...

jim : )
Sincere Gratitude

There are poets among us with towering talent that could easily lead to inaccessibility or egotism. We here at Lit are so lucky that many of them step out of self to help us improve a thought, tighten a phrase, reinvent ourselves, write better poetry. I would like to personally thank the following poets:

jthserra whose talent is a beacon, calling me to the shores of better writing, and who always offers incredibly concise critique.

Kundalinguini who has befriended me and challenged me and brought me to new heights in writing.

Tathagata with whom I have connected on many levels and who has taken the time to review my work and offer insightful, manuscript altering suggestions.

sandspike who's kind words made me feel like my writing was brilliant, though his far outshines my own.

Thesandman whose feedback is always uplifting and encouraging.

And the BEAUTIFUL, TALENTED Maria2394 Who single handedly improved my Poetry Chyme 100%! My love and thanks.

Click on their links to read poetry, erotica and informational how-to's. There is something for everyone and all of it is great. There are others, of course, but these, for me, stand head and shoulders above the rest.


Why on the new poetry thread? Because some of the poems I have posted have been improved with the help of these fine writers. The edited versions have now posted, so many things old are new again. You will find links to them in my sig line. Please read and comment if you have time.

My thanks to all who have helped so many!

Syndra Lynn :kiss:
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Re: new poems 3/25/04

Cordelia said:
I read all seventeen new poems today, and I must say that the quality isn't up to what I've been reading lately (but I may be getting pickier in my old age). But there are a few exceptions. Let me share them.

I loved the little Peek into echoes_s' life and bathroom. If I didn't have a review to finish (and kids to cook for), I'd draw a bath and remember to bring my notebook. A lovely poem.

Go read, give feedback (especially to the new guys), vote, and share any poems you think I missed.



Sorry it's late, but thank your Cordelia mentioning...and remembering your notebook, although try not to get the paper wet :p

Thank you also Big T and Toward a Word for you kind PC's :rose: :heart:
Re: Sincere Gratitude

Syndra Lynn said:
Tathagata with whom I have connected on many levels and who has taken the time to review my work and offer insightful, manuscript altering suggestions.

Syndra Lynn :kiss: [/B]

You're so sweet
It's an honor to know you and to be able to share ideas with you.
your work inspires me.
as does your life in general.
any help I have given was purely a case of me showing you what was in plain sight.
You would have realized it sooner or later.

namaste my dear friend

( have I mentioned your AV??)
; )

Be Well Syn
Re: Sincere Gratitude

Syndra Lynn said:
There are poets among us with towering talent that could easily lead to inaccessibility or egotism.

hey Syndra :)
you are so right about the talent here and the lack of egotism, but I feel a real need to respond to that certain phrase...

You write so well, you learn so incredibly fast, that its really just a matter of learning new techniques and honing the skills you alreday the future, after youve been here, oh, six months, you might not get as, that is... unless you ask for it

the poets on this board have a unique way of tending us fledglings and raising us up good then setting us on our own, ( with a wonderful support system though)

In the short time I have been here, I have seen Eve go, a couple times, Rybka, and now Angeline, OT ( probaby is lurking) :kiss: and .... Lauren is almost never here, i almost felt abandoned for a while, then I realized, I had done the same type of thing....
I am already to the point where I am trying not to say so much on PC as it all started to sound so lame and repetitious, repititious

Jim, ;) I am so overwhelmed by your talent, I can honestly say I feel I could never give you any type of constructive Fb and that makes me feel sorta sad...

Anna, duh, what could I say about you, brat :) you dont need much help girl, not in poetry anyway :D

and smoochies to you Cordelia, thought you were a goner too :rose:

oh yeah, Syn, I am in my lovey-dovey hyper-manic freaky phase, sorry, it happens on occasion and I feel I just have to say how much this place means to me,,

and Eve, I would post on your site much more, but my computer freezes everytime I log onto your site,(( it really pisses me off...grrrr) but I will keep trying...:devil:

bye for now, ya'll, hope you had fun in the sun, wherever you were :)

** I probably said half of what I meant the wrong way, so dont yell at me if I did !! and all you lurkers, get back in here and start writing me some poems!!! :D**
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Re: Re: Sincere Gratitude

Maria2394 said:
Syndra Lynn said:
There are poets among us with towering talent that could easily lead to inaccessibility or egotism.

hey Syndra :)
you are so right about the talent here and the lack of egotism, but I feel a real need to respond to that certain phrase...

You write so well, you learn so incredibly fast, that its really just a matter of learning new techniques and honing the skills you alreday the future, after youve been here, oh, six months, you might not get as, that is... unless you ask for it

the poets on this board have a unique way of tending us fledglings and raising us up good then setting us on our own, ( with a wonderful support system though)

In the short time I have been here, I have seen Eve go, a couple times, Rybka, and now Angeline, OT ( probaby is lurking) :kiss: and .... Lauren is almost never here, i almost felt abandoned for a while, then I realized, I had done the same type of thing....
I am already to the point where I am trying not to say so much on PC as it all started to sound so lame and repetitious, repititious

Jim, ;) I am so overwhelmed by your talent, I can honestly say I feel I could never give you any type of constructive Fb and that makes me feel sorta sad...

Anna, duh, what could I say about you, brat :) you dont need much help girl, not in poetry anyway :D

and smoochies to you Cordelia, thought you were a goner too :rose:

oh yeah, Syn, I am in my lovey-dovey hyper-manic freaky phase, sorry, it happens on occasion and I feel I just have to say how much this place means to me,,

and Eve, I would post on your site much more, but my computer freezes everytime I log onto your site,(( it really pisses me off...grrrr) but I will keep trying...:devil:

bye for now, ya'll, hope you had fun in the sun, wherever you were :)

** I probably said half of what I meant the wrong way, so dont yell at me if I did !! and all you lurkers, get back in here and start writing me some poems!!! :D**

Many thanks, Maria for kind words and expertise. I regret not having mentioned OT when I was thanking folks, as he has also been kind and encouraging and fun to read. I still see him lurking on the passion thread occasionally.

I have been made to feel special, comfortable and at home by almost everyone.


Syn :kiss:
Re: Re: Sincere Gratitude

Maria2394 said:
Syndra Lynn said:
There are poets among us with towering talent that could easily lead to inaccessibility or egotism.

hey Syndra :)
you are so right about the talent here and the lack of egotism, but I feel a real need to respond to that certain phrase...

You write so well, you learn so incredibly fast, that its really just a matter of learning new techniques and honing the skills you alreday the future, after youve been here, oh, six months, you might not get as, that is... unless you ask for it

the poets on this board have a unique way of tending us fledglings and raising us up good then setting us on our own, ( with a wonderful support system though)

In the short time I have been here, I have seen Eve go, a couple times, Rybka, and now Angeline, OT ( probaby is lurking) :kiss: and .... Lauren is almost never here, i almost felt abandoned for a while, then I realized, I had done the same type of thing....
I am already to the point where I am trying not to say so much on PC as it all started to sound so lame and repetitious, repititious

Jim, ;) I am so overwhelmed by your talent, I can honestly say I feel I could never give you any type of constructive Fb and that makes me feel sorta sad...

Anna, duh, what could I say about you, brat :) you dont need much help girl, not in poetry anyway :D

Thank you Maria,
When I first started here in December, (three months ago!) I had not been writing ANY poetry anymore. It is hard to imagine. The first two I posted were old ones as I could not even write at all.

I lived here trying to find my place, posting a million PC's, and as I felt more comfortable, helped to welcome new people with PC's, and mostly private messages. Now that I started to do reviews I try to be supportive of as many people as I can, especially the new comers.

And you are right, as a writer starts to improve, there is a tapering off of many things, which is to be expected. With improvement and a greater acceptance comes this bizarre outcrop of people looking to judge you (personally and on the voting etc) It has been a very interesting sociological study watching things change and evolve over the relatively short time I have been here.

You are kind Maria, but I *do* need help in poetry. Every kind word in feedback, even just a simple damn! is incredibly important to me. I have been so thankful to SennaJawa, Rybka, Eve, SP, Jim, and others of course, for their constructive criticism of my work, even when it gives me a sting, because it is important too.

But Maria (and anyone else who might be thinking this)
it is very meaningful to just give a quick shout out for those who you think might not really need it. I remember sometimes reading through Angelines poems saying "Wow that is a great poem," and then voting w/o a comment, because I unconciously (and maybe incorrectly) assumed, "she knows she is good and why would she care about my stupid little opinion?" But it is important because it is very difficult to stay motivated, to keep improving and producing.

So yes I do need help with a great many things, including poetry, which is not as easy as a walk down the sidewalk.

blah blah blah Anna shush already...

I know the new poems have been sucked into the great cyber machine of lit stuff as I saw my latest on my member page.

I hoped I had posted late enough to miss my review day, has a spelling error in the TITTLE oh yeah, that's what I am talkin about, can't even really edit that shit.

ironic I spell the same word correctly in the first line....

I can't wait to get back from church to review the heck out your stuff.

Syndra, Maria and Anna...

Wow... thank you for the kind words. I think, in my case, you overstate, but it feels nice to receive praise for something I enjoy so much. I often face a concern when I comment on poems and make recommendations that I will do more harm than good. This is especially true when I come across many of the poems here written by Syndra, Maria, Anna and many others here. I find a good poem and simply try to give some ideas how to tweak it... often wishing the poem was mine to begin with. Anyway, thank you for the nods.

jim : )
beautiful Sunday

30 New Poems today, this beautiful Sunday. Tall order. A big mix in there today too. Hope you have a chance to go read.


First one I run across that gives me a shiver, is Maria's garden gate speaks

She shows time pass and glimpses of what may come from the perspective of her, you guessed it, garden fence. Some amazing amazing amazing personifications, from
The path is now covered by
slight comb-over of late winter grass
to the comparison of the grate and squeak to the cracking knees of the one who passes through.

Bravo! Put down that can, Tin Man!


Why do I have such a hard time reviewing oxalis Maybe it is because I understand his writing on a level that I do not have direct communication with. Curious. I should go back to school so I can write about poems like this:library book
seeing my own reflection
in rainbow bubbles in a polluted stream
meant for me, my ego, my
narcissistic cannibalistic self respect,
hungry for Oxalis


Speaking of hungry, Tathagata brings us a feast ofsoft shell seduction fresh from the Passion thread, seems to be a season of molting.

Tathagata brings us a flock of haiku (herd of haiku? Jim, some help here?) that are all worth a look. Some interesting peeks at his insight into human nature and relationships.


Liar brings us another poem from the Passion Thread (check it out if you haven't a lot of cool stuff goes up over there)
in a poem that made me scowl and say "Yeah" in my best "you tell em" voice in
Hello Mr. Office Whore


errr I just wrote a big review of recklesschild’s poem the hair on my big toe and my review got swallowed whole—lucky I had the rest saved. This poem is an amazing parade of disturbingly familiar images of our consumeristic society, including burger boxes, chip clips and silicon beads. Important political./societal/environmental message without sounding preachy, just a lot of good writing.
the hair on my big toe


Sentiments Painted by Wynter Bliss © Short, one message, I love this kind of poem. Bite sized, delcious


You do not have to understand baseball to get the point of jhtserra'sarrived The baseball game is just a method of delivery, nice delivery at that.


Finally per request of SP, my annaswirls poem that I wanted to show up tomorrow as this is awkward--
Northeast Extension

Wrote this in the car yesterday outside Wilmington or maybe Philadelphia, many things were telling me the truth of things do not always (often?) turn out as intended. Maybe like this poem. Who knows

Go read, it is all a matter of taste, there were a lot of love poems out there that I just couldn't get into, and a lot of cliches and overworn phrases that kind of got to me after reading 30 poems in a row with this bright sunshine in the corner of my eye teasing me.......

there were poems out there that I KNOW mean a lot to the person who wrote them and to the person to whom they were written. I hope that the loved ones will get a chance to read them too.

That is the most important thing. The closeness.

Which reminds me. I have to make a phone call


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dear anna

thank you for mentioning my garden gate poem. And also for pointing out the problem with the middle and thanks to OT for his suggestion about the ending.

I appreciate constructive FB, always, and thanks to everyone who sends it :rose:

I already revised and submitted, but this might be one that I will pull and tweak till it squeaks too :D
Miss annaswirls,

thank you and thank you three times,
don’t waste any learin on my whatever.

by way of skies and gray
friendly joy tail wag
taking snip and snipe

ouch, a very pointed spear
flyer leather jacket only this time
cotton with padding
without buckets for catching
the stuff I get yelled at for calling stuff
the next day pants for painting
rolling up and down the walls
aluminum pan for dunking
dungaree hammer loop, box cutter sloop
grooved due to use
like a limb with swing squeaky
hammock friendly, mesh with belted snappy rings
Thank you Anna...

for the kind comments about Arrived...

It was a real game, actually two, a double header. Sam McDowell pitching in the first got knocked out early, but in the second I got to see a triple play. I actually remember two triple plays in the game, but the record books say that never happened, but I believe it did. The Senators won one and lost one... but it was all good.

thanks again,

jim : )
Re: beautiful Sunday

annaswirls said:
Speaking of hungry, Tathagata brings us a feast ofsoft shell seduction fresh from the Passion thread, seems to be a season of molting.

Tathagata brings us a flock of haiku (herd of haiku? Jim, some help here?) that are all worth a look. Some interesting peeks at his insight into human nature and relationships.

~Anna [/B]

Thank you for the mention Anna
very glad you liked the haiku...

Just a new girl sending sincere thanks for the kind comments and messages some of you have sent me.

Sensing the kinship you all display here, I can't help but feel like an intruder. Reading your posts reminds me of moving into a new neighborhood as a child, being unable to shake my fear as I peeked with shy eyes through my curtains at strangers playing hopscotch in the street.

Life has conspired lately to keep me from reading as much of everyone's poetry as I would have liked. As soon as I slap a few things in the face and flip some others off my back, I will do that.

Best wishes and good will,


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Re: Thanks

tarablackwood22 said:
Just a new girl sending sincere thanks for the kind comments and messages some of you have sent me.

Sensing the kinship you all display here, I can't help but feel like an intruder. Reading your posts reminds me of moving into a new neighborhood as a child, being unable to shake my fear as I peeked with shy eyes through my curtains at strangers playing hopscotch in the street.

Life has conspired lately to keep me from reading as much of everyone's poetry as I would have liked. As soon as I slap a few things in the face and flip some others off my back, I will do that.

Best wishes and good will,



Hmm... I think there are some people in here who really like the idea of you peeking through the curtains at them....

You gotta know one thing, Tara, we LOVE new girls around here!

Please make yourself at home. Please ask if you have any questions, we all did and still do have them.

There are many wonderful poems and many friendly folks to play with. Slap and Flip and jump right in. The water feels great!

Re: Thanks

tarablackwood22 said:
Just a new girl sending sincere thanks for the kind comments and messages some of you have sent me.

Sensing the kinship you all display here, I can't help but feel like an intruder. Reading your posts reminds me of moving into a new neighborhood as a child, being unable to shake my fear as I peeked with shy eyes through my curtains at strangers playing hopscotch in the street.

Life has conspired lately to keep me from reading as much of everyone's poetry as I would have liked. As soon as I slap a few things in the face and flip some others off my back, I will do that.

Best wishes and good will,



You might have to teach me hopscotch all over again, but I would love to play :devil: :D

Welcome Tara,

don't ever feel like an intruder here please. Hop in, write your stuff, leave comments, and most important of all, don't be shy :rose: (I know, hard to do)

Be yourself and be at home here :rose:
Re: Thanks

tarablackwood22 said:
Just a new girl sending sincere thanks for the kind comments and messages some of you have sent me.

Sensing the kinship you all display here, I can't help but feel like an intruder. Reading your posts reminds me of moving into a new neighborhood as a child, being unable to shake my fear as I peeked with shy eyes through my curtains at strangers playing hopscotch in the street.

Life has conspired lately to keep me from reading as much of everyone's poetry as I would have liked. As soon as I slap a few things in the face and flip some others off my back, I will do that.

Best wishes and good will,



Welcome Tara!

Glad to have you here. I love your poetry. And, hey, I'm still new. Only been here a month. Always glad to have new friends!

Syn :kiss:
Re: beautiful Sunday

Thank you kind Anna for the mention! I am very honored that my poem caught your eye. Lit is such a wonderful place!!

:heart: ~Wynter