new poems


all those a jonesin for some new poems, they are out there on poet's member pages, just not on the new poems link yet...

so if you need a fix, which I did, just go click on some poet's names and take a sneak peak.

If you are looking for some hot and rudely delicious ones, check out Oxalis, he has a 5th catapult (which I am glad I don't have to review as the first 4 left me speechless) and some others.

I am goin back to look to look for some more, just wanted to stop in and let y'all know....

Happy hunting,

echoes_s said:
Reviews are late in coming tonight, but here none the less.
Very busy day, then I fell asleep in the bath…bad bad habit :D

Today brings us 32 poems

jstherra brings a cool impassioned look inside a strippers job and the heated onlookers, warming from the show and inside, drawing slightly on both realms for the reader with
Winter Bliss

silken_dreammaid brings us bold and raw, intense quiverings of oral states…well written and exposed emotion

thegirlfriday came up with a good and interesting. yet honest view with Mirror Mirror on the Wall, just needing a little tweaking of format of lines and softening of some rhymes to make it flow, making it easier to read and fall into the rhythme.

Liar takes miss mina on a trip back home to retouch nostalgia (reminds me of my trip to my home town years ago, thank you Liar) and paints a beautiful vivid picture with A Reign of Dandelion

Syndra Lynn softens the harsh glare of the monitor with an exquisite essence of Orange Glow

psst, I too would drop the second last line :kiss:

RazzRajen reigns two, but my favorite sweeps passion then traps it within seductive poise and strikes with everMore

Laelia writes two, but I more enjoyed the independent and carefree, eccentric attitude of love and strange fruit

Maria left us two poems, sowing and nurturing with aged nature and a green thumb so natural to her with garden gate speaks

Shadowsandflames left a beautiful haiku of life
and I have to also mention this wonderful, yet darkly savage, intriguing poem My Lioness as deep rooted passion can be…

oxalis gives us 3 poems today and I concur with Anna on this, 5th catapult hurls you verse through verse, hitting heavy breathed and hard.

and then, Denis Hale…brusque, carnal, telling what he and she wants and intends on getting it, boxing the boom with Strangest 7-11 Pick Up Line Ever

I know I have missed some, it’s 2 AM here, please go read and comment, give a helping hand to all us poets out there!
New Poems :kiss: :heart:
I like cock

I want to thank everyone who voted and commented on my new poem. I was delighted to get a big red H on the same day it posted!:D

Several of you suggested that I remove the second to last line because of the harshness of the word cock.

I love the word cock, and I specifically chose it here because it highlights the difference between the fantasy of our relationship "then" which was all warm and fuzzy and innocent and new, and the reality of our relationship "now" which is hot steamy cyber sex.

I love the word cunt, too, the way it just drips off the tongue. :p

THANK YOU! Your (the collective "you") support and encouragement continues to inspire me. :)

Syndra Lynn :kiss:
Re: I like cock

I love the word cock, and I specifically chose it here because it highlights the difference between the fantasy of our relationship "then" which was all warm and fuzzy and innocent and new, and the reality of our relationship "now" which is hot steamy cyber sex.

I love the word cunt, too, the way it just drips off the tongue. :p

THANK YOU! Your (the collective "you") support and encouragement continues to inspire me. :)

Syndra Lynn :kiss: [/B]

I saw a post called " I love cock" and i just knew it had to be Syndra

I liked the transition from " warm and fuzzy" to lustful abandon
and let's face it..when you start out you call it " making love" and later on it's just " shut up and do me'
or maybe that's just me


i just had to comment on waking up and seeing ' I love cock'
What a way to start your day
thanks Syn
Re: Re: I like cock

Tathagata said:
I saw a post called " I love cock" and i just knew it had to be Syndra

I liked the transition from " warm and fuzzy" to lustful abandon
and let's face it..when you start out you call it " making love" and later on it's just " shut up and do me'
or maybe that's just me


i just had to comment on waking up and seeing ' I love cock'
What a way to start your day
thanks Syn

excuse me, Tathagata, but Syn aint the only one that likes cock :D I got some stories you should read, uh huh :rose:

and congrats one the well deserved, really fast H

and Syn, your response? well, damn, it reads like porn, the way it rolls off the tongue... I love getting up and seeing such a wonderful post on any thread!!


Thank you echoes, for the mention, its actually a revision of one I had posted sunday, I think it was, it had some serious problems, and once again, I thank everyone who voted, (twice) and all the wonderful PC's that accidentally got deleted when it was revised... :rose:
Re: Re: Re: I like cock

Maria2394 said:
excuse me, Tathagata, but Syn aint the only one that likes cock :D I got some stories you should read, uh huh :rose:

making a note " maria likes cock too'
i do believe that is the only time I've ever had a woman correct me publically that she wants to be included in the ' likes cock" category
This place never ceases to amaze me
Re: I like cock

Syndra Lynn said:
Several of you suggested that I remove the second to last line because of the harshness of the word cock.

I love the word cock, and I specifically chose it here because it highlights the difference between the fantasy of our relationship "then" which was all warm and fuzzy and innocent and new, and the reality of our relationship "now" which is hot steamy cyber sex.
Syndra Lynn :kiss:

Personally, I was surprised when the word popped up because it was like a gentle slap in the soft, innocent face of the start of the poem, but I took it exactly as you meant it... almost instantly.

Besides, it wasn't just a soft orange glow there between you, especially not your first time. Impaled on a soft orange glow? I don't think so. ;)
cock a doodle

T- it might be easier to find women in here that are opposed to the term.

damn I did not used to like many words in the english language, that I find to be so functional now!

Maybe you could start a thread with a poll

Which do you prefer

a. cock
b. penis
c. dick
d. prick

damn! I could do the whole alphabet with the titles, but all in all,

"Cock" wins Hands Down ....

or up

or up and down
repeat as necessary

no one asked but figured I would add my two cents...

I use the word that fits the mood of what I am writing...

rough and hard may find me using cock

softer 'porn' may find me using dick or shaft or something softer
thankyou echoes_s for the feedback
i'm an extraordinarily undisciplined pre-amateur writer
mostly because I haven't a clue what i'm doing
and when i try to concentrate on smoothness and form i forget what i was going to write
and i'm not very creative either

i knew the poem was rough when i submitted it but really didn't know how to fix it or what to do with it (i think my poetry is more blurt than poetry, it's ....blowetry ...:D blows and usually i'm just blurting what's on my mind in a way that rhymes)

but i'm totally open to suggestions on how it could be changed to be a better poem
1. Thanks echoes for your kind mention of the Dandelions. Mina thanks you too.

2. Where did all this cock come from? Wait, don't answer.

on my knees

Liar, Cordelia, Lauren, Jim, Echos, Destine21,

Could any of you please switch your day with me? I will be driving far far away and will not be able to do the reviews on Sunday. Actually not on Monday either.... hmmm...

please let me know, I would be so thankful if someone could help out.

If anyone else wants to give it a go, please let me know. I will be back before next week.

Re: on my knees

annaswirls said:
Liar, Cordelia, Lauren, Jim, Echos, Destine21,

Could any of you please switch your day with me? I will be driving far far away and will not be able to do the reviews on Sunday. Actually not on Monday either.... hmmm...

please let me know, I would be so thankful if someone could help out.

If anyone else wants to give it a go, please let me know. I will be back before next week.



I'll do Sunday if you'll do Thursday...

Re: cock a doodle

annaswirls said:
T- it might be easier to find women in here that are opposed to the term.

damn I did not used to like many words in the english language, that I find to be so functional now!

Maybe you could start a thread with a poll

Which do you prefer

a. cock
b. penis
c. dick
d. prick


lol... Hey, I have one to add to your poll, one that I used in one of my stories. What about...

e. du’o’ng vat

I guess it depends upon the context. Take a peek: A Rat's Return

You know, I don't think I have used any of those words in a poem.

jim : )
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Thank you Echoes_s

for the kind words on my Winter Bliss. I wrote that one a few years ago after accidentally mixing some Bukowski with Miguel Algarin... the combination inspiring several poems.

thanks again,

jim : )
originally posted by echoes_s
silken_dreammaid brings us bold and raw, intense quiverings of oral states…well written and exposed emotion

thanks for the kind mention, it's much appreciated.

Re: Re: cock a doodle

jthserra said:
lol... Hey, I have one to add to your poll, one that I used in one of my stories. What about...

e. du’o’ng vat

I guess it depends upon the context. Take a peek: A Rat's Return

You know, I don't think I have used any of those words in a poem.

jim : )

One has to wonder if that's where the slang term dong originated?

Never used ANY of them? Wow. And brilliant poetry at that!

Now my brain is working far too early in the day!

Syn :kiss:
new poems 3/31

Happy Fools Day, Litsters!!!

I know, Maria doesnt usually donew poems but I'm amber, the one she hides away...shhhh,
I wont tell her if you don't!! also, this computer is fragile, lazy and old, so it will take a few tries to get the links posted, I will be popping in and out and in and out, ohhh, that sounds soo good... ;)


the first one on m y little list is:

winter wonderland, a senryu, by bluerains

a short offering, but pleasurable to read. I like the way the author began with the hard sounds of the B ( blanket) and hard C ( camoflage) then goes on to soften the tone with more feminine sounds. Please read it and think about what it means and please vote, if you have not already done so!!

Tathagata brings us Oral

...passion fruit
open and ripe
lush and moist
held in my hands
your fate, your fear, your secrets
a slow soft kiss
and you are mine...

the whole poem is rich and sensual . Its a bit longer than most of his other works, but its worth reading, over and over. Actually, it could have ended with the quote I posted above,..that part did it for me :rose:

Liar brings us in depend dance

he seems bound up in a sort of conundrum, wanting to be free, but enjoying the dance so much, he turned it into a poem..

...but what is it I fear
when smothered by the wonder
that binds me so sincere
to siren's song and thunder
a whisper in my ear...

Liar-pssst, I LOVE word play like that, always and in all ways, very good :) and the rhyme works wonderfully

next up is Scattered Showers with Dear TopCat and Pony]

I will not quote this one cause just a snippet wouldnt be right!!

this poem touched me in so many ways, made me remember getting at least a couple secret admirer notes and I always knew they came from momma, but it made me feel so loved that she did that for me :) thank you SS for a beautiful poem :rose:

Laelia brings
us Collaboration

this poem is short. but sees a vision of art where I never thought to loo before ;) thank you

and I see that Syndra Lynn has mentioned Annaswirls'

Index of reflection

I have to agree with tathagata's PC on this poem about anna's world being not quite right..and I love that observation, she's an extremely talented poet as are so many others here, some mentioned on this list and so many others that didnt post on 3/31

There are so many good poems that deserve to be read and I am sorry that I havent pulled my share of such a delicate and beautiful load around here, I will do better in the future, ( if that byatch maria will let me out, shes lazy you know, lol)

also, a shout out to some lurkers I know ya'll are out there!!

Wicked Eve, hope you'refeeling better, can Tammy come out and play? <WEG>

Lauren, I expect an answer on that email in at least the next 2 years, just kidding sweetie :kiss:

and whine!! I miss Rybka!! I really truly do, he sends me FB sometimes and thanks for the one on my toe poem, that made me smile :D

I hope that angeline and ee are doin well..thing is about people leaving, we all grow up and grow and then grow away, even on Lit..this is a good springboard ( towards getting published, if that is your ambition) and I sincerely hope that any new poets reading this will take the awesome opportunity of learning from so many talented wise people!!


who wishes neo would post some thing new too!!
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Four Play

I want to mention my 4 favorite poems from yesterday and today.

Bravo Anna! I love love LOVE index of reflection

And your poets razor is a wonderful look into your mind and thought process.

Thanks for both of these.

My other 2 favorites come from one of my favorite people and a TALENTED poet, Tathagata.

Oral is a wonderful look at an intimate act. It makes me wet. Thanks :D

Insomnia hits close to home but somehow makes me embrace the moment instead of dreading it.

Thanks for these 2 wonderful poems.

And now, back to your regularly scheduled programming.

Syn :kiss: