new poems

Re: Four Play

Syndra Lynn said:

My other 2 favorites come from one of my favorite people and a TALENTED poet, Tathagata.

Oral is a wonderful look at an intimate act. It makes me wet. Thanks :D

Syn :kiss:


whatever the male equvilent of wet just did that to me
Thanks Syn

I will be in las Vegas from tomorrow till monday night so..
I wont be able to submit or give any feedback
rest assured i will catch up when I get back

Anyone gonna be in Vegas this weekend?
I'm buyin
( and Syn if you show up...we'll hit a few stripjoints....)
Be Well All

Hey ho ladies and gents and those who may be a bit confused....

Cordelia has graciously switched review days with me, so I will be on tonight with a review. Today is my no break day with the kids, so it won't be until the little angels are in bed.

I am looking forward to it, many amazing ones out there today that I zipped through this morning

Re: I like cock

Syndra Lynn said:
I want to thank everyone who voted and commented on my new poem. I was delighted to get a big red H on the same day it posted!:D

Several of you suggested that I remove the second to last line because of the harshness of the word cock.

I love the word cock, and I specifically chose it here because it highlights the difference between the fantasy of our relationship "then" which was all warm and fuzzy and innocent and new, and the reality of our relationship "now" which is hot steamy cyber sex.

I love the word cunt, too, the way it just drips off the tongue. :p

THANK YOU! Your (the collective "you") support and encouragement continues to inspire me. :)

Syndra Lynn :kiss:

I gotta tell y'all... I kinda like a TallyWhacker now and then! LOL

Just wanted to say Hi while I have the chance! See you soon I hope!
Thank you very much for the mentions on the thread Syndra and Maria and for the kind comments about my razor and reflection poems. :)

I am humbled. And kind of amazed.

pondering over what exactly is meant by my world as "not quite right...."
annaswirls said:

pondering over what exactly is meant by my world as "not quite right...."


the way you see it
I didn't mean that it was anything other than normal...but your view of it suggests...a darkness under the surface.
In old paintings there was always a representation of death somewhere..
that's, in a way, how i read your stuff.
its a compliment and not a judgment at all

~slinks away~
Tathagata said:

the way you see it
I didn't mean that it was anything other than normal...but your view of it suggests...a darkness under the surface.
In old paintings there was always a representation of death somewhere..
that's, in a way, how i read your stuff.
its a compliment and not a judgment at all

~slinks away~

hey Tathagata, dont slink away, I agreed with you, remember? only my idea of it not being quite right, I was referring to the fact that the way she writes allows me to see from so many perspectives, some I would have never thought of and some that are just plain kinky and fun, I like a slightly twisted take on things and well, Anna, youre just good at it, :catroar: :rose:
Maria2394 said:
hey Tathagata, dont slink away, I agreed with you, remember? only my idea of it not being quite right, I was referring to the fact that the way she writes allows me to see from so many perspectives, some I would have never thought of and some that are just plain kinky and fun, I like a slightly twisted take on things and well, Anna, youre just good at it, :catroar: :rose:

you're so cute maria
thank you sweetie
T&M you are so cool. I am a lot harsher on myself.
My brain is like one of those find what is missing/wrong/different puzzles where you find someone barefoot in a snowstorm and a bluebird with a cats tail


I took it as a compliment, thanks for paying any attention to me at all.

okay off to review and the web is moving so slowly it is going to take forever

If you get a chance...

annaswirls said:
T&M you are so cool. I am a lot harsher on myself.
My brain is like one of those find what is missing/wrong/different puzzles where you find someone barefoot in a snowstorm and a bluebird with a cats tail


I took it as a compliment, thanks for paying any attention to me at all.

okay off to review and the web is moving so slowly it is going to take forever


A good friend of mine just posted her first poem. I personally liked it, but if you're in the mood to comment on's the link:
annaswirls said:
T&M you are so cool. I am a lot harsher on myself.
My brain is like one of those find what is missing/wrong/different puzzles where you find someone barefoot in a snowstorm and a bluebird with a cats tail


I took it as a compliment, thanks for paying any attention to me at all.

okay off to review and the web is moving so slowly it is going to take forever


it's very easy to pay attention to talent
as i've make me see things in a whole different light
you alter my consciousness...and that's what religion and meditation do
I bow to you and your talent.......

now kiss me
Re: Re: If you get a chance...

Tathagata said:
Oh I liked that Alot!
as you can tell from my feedback
; )

Thank you...I saw that. I thought the same way about it myself. And I am sure she will be amazingly pleased. <grin>
wow so glad I saved this bugger, I got booted when I tried to preview.... so I am sending it out as is.... will edit as necessary

26 New Poems Today!!!

Starting at the bottom of the day for something new.

A Logical Poem
recklesschild should come to my house for dinner to entertain my brothers. Anyone who can mix Lewis Carrol and mathematical logic into a magical potion is a-ok in my book. I am just surprised Schroedingers Cat did not jump out of a box while we crossed that bridge. :) Well done.

The Bridges of Koenigsburg County

If two plus two equals four a lot
Then some are penguins, some are not
Which might be more correct to say
Logically, facts don’t matter much anyway.
You could be a penguin, but not a bird
And/or lay green eggs, now how absurd!
Because if y=x and x=y
Then it’s in z that lays the compromise.
And if Lewis Carroll chased white rabbits
And smoked the hooka and other bad habits

I just love the name DeadlyNytshayde who has brought us five poems today, all filled with hot passionate love...sizzle. My favorite was Mercury
Quicksilver dreams rush me to slumber
where I find awaiting arms.

oop just found another one which is very nice Voyage

I sail to you on the currents of ether
voyaging beyond all linear reality
into the realm of passion.
I seek the harbor of your smile
I long to dock this ethereal vessel in your awaiting arms
and stay
moored for the rest of eternity.

SeattleRain gets a picture taken, rated G, in
natural light

laelia new to Lit, but obviously not new to writing gives us another tight poem, every word essential
see you there
while voodoo croons...
swallowed whole, like
an oyster peppered
with jazz


Always seems to be a great Liar poem for me to review and today is no exception. Carpe Diana This poem is a trip jam packed with pleasing, interesting descriptions like "Soft socked steps" and some cool abbreviation thinggies " '2 bux @ the gas station" Enjoyed this one a lot.

Then miss anna bringspoets razor I was sitting in Starbucks in an unplanned alone time (what?) and this happened. Thank you for your kind comments.

champagne1982 brings us a "ghazal" I have no idea what this is, I will look it up later! Wish I knew, I hope someone who does sends her a note, as I know it is tough to make things work in this form. I did take notice, of course, of the rhyming and repeating section at the end of each line. It flows right around this without making the form force the poem. Nice!Loves Stain Upon Me


bluerains brings us three today. My favorite was
garden magic *haiku*

by bluerains ©
wilted petals weep
wild flowers bloom alchemy
scented memories

She is new and has brought us many good ones already. Check it out. bluerains

I do not know why, but I love this title so much I want to steal it, having no background in the story behind it.... I felt like I got to know a little more about the life *Authors Hangout Board here at lit. Boxlicker101 everytime I read this name, I wonder what university offers such a class.... Tatelou Quits Smoking I hope Tatelou made it through, seems they had quite a support group, go read-- it is pretty cool.

jthserra brings us a dreamy poem It Ripples Like Rain, Tears made me feel like I was drifting on a boat, very soothing.

Sibilaire brings us a, well, not really sad, but hmmm weighty poem where a diety sells her a piece of land in shared silence...
my new address


2Rivers brings us two inspiring poems--
dark kitchen already inspired two poems as PC's... that is good...!
Emotionally charged in all directions, centering around the universal show above us from a stage right under foot. I gave 2Rivers bonus points for inventing a word, I believe....
the nerve of minerals
their audacity, stalacticity

Damn. Top notch. I cannot even envy this writer. It would not make sense.
In simple solar 2Rivers pulls a Fillini on us, playing with the order of time with such rich description of anticipation of a cave visit from a clog stomping mountain woman, the anticipation of damn yummy smoothies, introduction of all characters involved and then a crash of reality at the end. If you missed this for some reason, go check it out. Classic.

Keep writing, keep reading, be kind to each other unless asked nicely and all that

See you Wed.


*edited after Minsue's correction- I really never venture outside of Poetry World here at lit, because I know I would never leave this damn chair if I took on another hobby-- I am really unfamiliar with the different venues. Sorry for the mis-identification. I recognized the names as writers, should have known :eek: :eek:
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annaswirls said:

I do not know why, but I love this title so much I want to steal it, having no background in the story behind it.... I felt like I got to know a little more about the life on the General Boards here at lit. Boxlicker101 everytime I read this name, I wonder what university offers such a class.... Tatelou Quits Smoking I hope Tatelou made it through, seems they had quite a support group, go read-- it is pretty cool.

I hit 'quote' to get the post ID to give to Box so he could see, but while I'm here I'll add my love for this poem. It's on the AH, though, not the GB. :D

Love your reviews, as always!

- Mindy :rose:
annaswirls said:

champagne1982 brings us a "ghazal" I have no idea what this is, I will look it up later! Wish I knew, I hope someone who does sends her a note, as I know it is tough to make things work in this form. I did take notice, of course, of the rhyming and repeating section at the end of each line. It flows right around this without making the form force the poem. Nice!Loves Stain Upon Me




Thanks for doing such a good job on the reviews. I'll try to do as well on Sunday.

For information on ghazals, there was a thread from a long time ago right here. There are also many sites devoted to this on the net.

Nice poem, Carrie!


gosh, those are nice compliments.
Thank you. :rose:

gravity: bass fiddle coldice,
Candice, Ruth and learned tutors-
my pants are knee stained, glasses stemmed bent, an arch will be over us
next day on Mississippi crossing, like you your kitch.
our brothers our paths
rambling as it is all of a sudden
blue next to periwinkle wink
outer limits reached
inner limits left
calm sleeping sounds
warm pond dominates
scurry hurries away
a spin on this life
annaswirls peers
Thank you Anna...

for the kind words about my poem: "In Ripples Like Rain, Tears".
It was about a poet who died far too young. I didn't know her well but did have an opportunity to read much of her poetry.

thanks again,

jim : )
Hi, Anna.
Thanks for the kind words. The thread that inspired the poem is on AH and the name of it is "I Need Help". I think I mentioned everybody who posted there.

Boxlicker 101 is a handle I had on another thread and the first part means just what it sounds like. The 101 is a reference to an elementary college course but I don't know of any college that would include the course. If there is such a one, I want to enrol there:p
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annaswirls said:
champagne1982 brings us a "ghazal" I have no idea what this is, I will look it up later! Wish I knew, I hope someone who does sends her a note, as I know it is tough to make things work in this form. I did take notice, of course, of the rhyming and repeating section at the end of each line. It flows right around this without making the form force the poem. Nice!Loves Stain Upon Me[...]
annaswirls and turns, she dances me round the outside and then spirals me back to the middle. Thank you for the comment. I tried to make it count even and have meter in each couplet too. I don't know if you noticed ;).
Cordelia said:
[...]For information on ghazals, there was a thread from a long time ago right here. There are also many sites devoted to this on the net.

Nice poem, Carrie!

Thank ye, Cordelia. You are the ghazal mistress and I am but a servant to the muse.
First, a :rose: to annawirls for a good reviewing job, and for having the kindness to mention my Carpe Diane, my recollection of a day last spring, when I had a good reason to call in sick. :p

Second, reviews for today in incoming, and will arrive at this thread later tonight.


I wrote this poem right after 9-11. It was posted by someone else on another website but I don't know which one yet. Anyway, it speaks for itself.


Last night I watched a man on my TV

He was wearin' a fine suit
That reeked authority

And the lining was a fabric called bureaucracy

But any crazy nut,

Could see that it was cut

From a bolt of cloth called Bullshit,

And it fit him to a tee


He said, "I'm speakin'on behalf of the presidency"

You spot some fella acting funny

You just turn him in to me

Cause as a G-man

I‘m a member of your local PD

But Gee, man, Mr. G-man, it's me, man, and I

Don't see, man, cause me, man, I'm legally blind

But I don't need eyes to realize

That your Bullshit's G-Man subsidized


Now the local DA is workin' with me

Plus the NRA, the PTA and the SEC

But NASA's goin' to outer space

And Ward and June, claimed Wally was an alien

And Beaver, too.

It's gettin' crazy out there

I'm tellin' you

They even say McGyver don't know what to do

But an APB was posted by the CIA

Said we’re gonna get Osama

And he'll soon be DOA


It's rough out there

There's so much hate and malice

Why it's so bad down in Texas,

Ranger Walker's, leavin' Dallas

He said he thought the trouble stemmed

From Bush being a Texas resident

Or some black magic voo-doo curse

For electin' him the president


Said Osama's been on drugs real bad since Y2K

And Kabul says he's 86'd for failin' to pay

Taxes on the axes that he's grindin', so they

Froze his assets worldwide, and to this day

His Visa status might be bad,

So we had ‘em check

But it was all in order and politically correct


What should we do?

Cause it's gettin' harder each day

The border guards complainin'

About the low bribes that we pay

They were told they'd be increasin',

Higher pay for their policin’

But no ones done a damn thing

And their palms they need a greasin’


It's crazy everywhere, up and down the street

You just might get attacked, when you go to graduation

Or when you go to TJ to refill your medication

So for safety, and the heartland, and to settle up the score

We're gonna, for the sake of Peace, have another war

And when things are all better, and it's all back on track

We'll telemarket Sadam's head, mounted on a plaque

The whole wide world will thank us

For helping them to see

How Allah really made all their oil.....for our pretty SUV's

El Magnifico
Hey there Annaswirls-a-lot, thanks for the mention. I need a serious kick in the ass, have not been up to the writing gig lately. Damn. But it was bizarre. I felt the incredible urge to pose for this guy with my foot propped up on the table or something. Maybe turn my chair around backwards like I have seen in some of those naughty pictures and such.

All of this lasted about 2 seconds, maybe 6.

Maybe I need to take a trip to Glamour shots or something. Get it out of my system.

Some damn good poetry flooding the streets of lit these days. Got my jeans up around my knees. Soon y'all will have me swimmin' nekid.

Sincerely Seattle :rose:
Before everyone calls the SPCA...

I thought I might explain Schrodinger's Cat... to help me, I found a simplified explanation of it on , the italics are mine.

Schrodinger's cat is not a cat at all...

Schrodinger's cat is a famous illustration of the principle in quantum theory of superposition, proposed by Erwin Schrodinger in 1935. Schrodinger's cat serves to demonstrate the apparent conflict between what quantum theory tells us is true about the nature and behavior of matter on the microscopic level and what we observe to be true about the nature and behavior of matter on the macroscopic level.

First, we have a living cat and place it in a thick lead box. At this stage, there is no question that the cat is alive. We then throw in a vial of cyanide and a radioactive material that at any given time has a 50% chance of emiting a tiny amount of radiation that causes the seal on the cyanide to break. We do not know if the cat is alive or if the cyanide has been emitted and the cat has died. Since we do not know, the cat is both dead and alive, according to quantum law, in a superposition of states. It is only when we break open the box and learn the condition of the cat that the superposition is lost, and the cat becomes one or the other (dead or alive).

We know that superposition actually occurs at the subatomic level, because there are observable effects of interference, in which a single particle is demonstrated to be in multiple locations simultaneously. What that fact implies about the nature of reality on the observable level (cats, for example, as opposed to electrons) is one of the stickiest areas of quantum physics. Schrodinger himself said, later in life, that he wished he had never met that cat.

Killing Schrodinger's Cat

jim : )

ps: my cat's name is Fuji...
Being new here, I have never seen a post by either El Magnifico

or Seattle Rain, but after trudging through the Magnificent One's

lengthy poem, I suddenly realized how very much I love the

weather in Washington!

Sometimes, revelation comes from the strangest of places!

:D Tara