new poems

Liar said:
First, a :rose: to annawirls for a good reviewing job, and for having the kindness to mention my Carpe Diane, my recollection of a day last spring, when I had a good reason to call in sick. :p

Second, reviews for today in incoming, and will arrive at this thread later tonight.

Well, damn. Sorry poets, real life got in the way yesterday.

So i still haven't written much of a review, but here are, at least, my recommendations for Friday.

33 poems on the Firday list. Out of those I found some very enjoyable ones:

one eye open by eagleyez

Spring Is Coming by dreamsweet

Killing Schrodinger's Cat by jthserra

richard is the first by steve porter

Cycle by Tathagata

time waves and dream catchers by bluerains

Bubblegum dreams by duckiesmut

Painted by tarablackwood22

Ghouls by RazzRajen

Again, sorry for the delay and non-reviews. I'll do better next time.

Great List!

Thanks Liar!

We appreciate the review even with real life in the way. And great choices! I commented on most of those myself. Nightie night y'all.

Syn :kiss:
Re: Great List!

Syndra Lynn said:
Thanks Liar!

We appreciate the review even with real life in the way. And great choices! I commented on most of those myself. Nightie night y'all.

Syn :kiss:

And thank you Syndra Lynn for the comment on my poem. It meant a lot to me.
Thanks for the mention - glad you enjoyed the poem, Liar. :) It's nice to have it listed among some really good poems!
for the time taken


Thank you for the time taken to read through and recommend the days poems.
Its not easy and its always appreciated when one makes that effort to do it.

Thanks for the mention.

new poems 4/4/04

Stepping in for the irreplaceable anna today...

There were twenty one new poems today. Here are my recommendations.

As always, if you feel differently about any I've mentioned or neglected to mention, let us know.

First is a wonderful new poem by denis hale. (Note: deos he write any other kind of poem?)

Making Porn From Spacely Sprockets should get the karmadog award for best title. The poem doesn't disappoint, either.

I don't usually like to insert too much commentary, as I feel poems should speak for themselves. This one had me stunned with such wonderful lines such as this:
Then there is
a bongo sound
like Flintstone feet
making the stone slab rag top
burn rubber right through
downtown Bedrock
As usual, denis' poem is a must-read. Read it aloud. (Just make sure there are no children present.)
And I am ecstatic to see Angeline is still writing and letting us share her genius. Definitely go read the wistful, beautifully understated, subtly rhymed Anew.
And a newer author, normal jean, blesses us with a wonderful poem using repetition and rhyme in an effective way in her poem Ice Man. Check it out.
And I admit my knees buckled when I read Liar's poem humble. Guys... this is how to make a girl melt. Wow. What a love poem...
And eagleyez is back, as well, with a poem full of such imagery, I kept closing my eyes and savoring each line. Go read arborculture and prepare to be transported.
And I am so glad to have perks back with her amazing word-smithing. I nearly wept, however, when I read closing the door. A fine, sad poem. I've missed you, perks.

As always: Read, give feedback, vote.

Re: new poems 4/4/04

Cordelia said:
Stepping in for the irreplaceable anna today...

There were twenty one new poems today. Here are my recommendations.

As always, if you feel differently about any I've mentioned or neglected to mention, let us know.

First is a wonderful new poem by denis hale. (Note: deos he write any other kind of poem?)

Making Porn From Spacely Sprockets should get the karmadog award for best title. The poem doesn't disappoint, either.

I don't usually like to insert too much commentary, as I feel poems should speak for themselves. This one had me stunned with such wonderful lines such as this:
As usual, denis' poem is a must-read. Read it aloud. (Just make sure there are no children present.)
And I am ecstatic to see Angeline is still writing and letting us share her genius. Definitely go read the wistful, beautifully understated, subtly rhymed Anew.
And a newer author, normal jean, blesses us with a wonderful poem using repetition and rhyme in an effective way in her poem Ice Man. Check it out.
And I admit my knees buckled when I read Liar's poem humble. Guys... this is how to make a girl melt. Wow. What a love poem...
And eagleyez is back, as well, with a poem full of such imagery, I kept closing my eyes and savoring each line. Go read arborculture and prepare to be transported.
And I am so glad to have perks back with her amazing word-smithing. I nearly wept, however, when I read closing the door. A fine, sad poem. I've missed you, perks.

As always: Read, give feedback, vote.


Thanks for the pick-outs. I truly enjoyed Liars poem "humble".
Re: new poems 4/4/04

Cordelia said:
Stepping in for the irreplaceable anna today...

There were twenty one new poems today. Here are my recommendations.

As always, if you feel differently about any I've mentioned or neglected to mention, let us know.

First is a wonderful new poem by denis hale. (Note: deos he write any other kind of poem?)

Making Porn From Spacely Sprockets should get the karmadog award for best title. The poem doesn't disappoint, either.

I don't usually like to insert too much commentary, as I feel poems should speak for themselves. This one had me stunned with such wonderful lines such as this:
As usual, denis' poem is a must-read. Read it aloud. (Just make sure there are no children present.)
And I am ecstatic to see Angeline is still writing and letting us share her genius. Definitely go read the wistful, beautifully understated, subtly rhymed Anew.
And a newer author, normal jean, blesses us with a wonderful poem using repetition and rhyme in an effective way in her poem Ice Man. Check it out.
And I admit my knees buckled when I read Liar's poem humble. Guys... this is how to make a girl melt. Wow. What a love poem...
And eagleyez is back, as well, with a poem full of such imagery, I kept closing my eyes and savoring each line. Go read arborculture and prepare to be transported.
And I am so glad to have perks back with her amazing word-smithing. I nearly wept, however, when I read closing the door. A fine, sad poem. I've missed you, perks.

As always: Read, give feedback, vote.


Thanks as always for the comment Cordie, and thank you to those who left public comments--I much appreciate them, and it' s good to hear from you all. :)

many thanks for the kind words Cordelia

i suppose you can take the boy out of the poetry

but i reckon ya cant take the poetry out of the boy.(not even worth trying anymore)

i chronicle what i see and really relish the mix i see on this forum.

those bellringers i spoke of earlier on-all of you.

my best.

Re: new poems 4/4/04

Cordelia said:

And I admit my knees buckled when I read Liar's poem humble. Guys... this is how to make a girl melt. Wow. What a love poem...
I have made Cordelias knees buckle. My work here is done. ;)

thnx... trying to work up the guts to deliver it to the one I wrote it for. Maybe I'll write a followup some day...

Ah... it's Monday again.

after a brief vacation last week, we have 29 new poems today, April 5th. The new poems today started with a bang.

On a comment last week I complained to one of my favorite poets here when she used the word "cock" in a poem. I felt the word was out of place with the rest of the restrained imagery she presented. Even when used for the shock value, I felt it was over the top. Well... today we have an entire poem that went over the top. This one went beyond the erotic to the downright scatological. With some very odd line breaks that went hot and cold, working part of the time, not working at others. I am not a fan of scatology, but this poem was so out there I had to mention it: Babygirl gets Grapple-Gagged by wyattmanusco .

RazzRajen brings us Un-hearing with some interesting off beat phrasing that I heard loud and clear.

With an allusion to T.S. Eliot's poem, Eagleyez wonders about the cruelest month? with some excellent pastoral imagery.

"no more snowblanket
no more willowhip northwind dance,
no more sleeping seeds.

ground softens underfoot,
mudseason on gravel roads, lucky for him you had that chain."

2Rivers takes us on his dream in St. Paul, MN .

A new poet here brings us his supplication. Archon666's offers an excellent erotic poem.

PS... I did recommend he trim out an assortment of words, but that was just my personal opinion. Read the poem, comment, vote and decide for yourself.

Zell19861986 is an up and coming young poet who first sparkled here several months ago. He came back today with five of his poems, all featuring his raw power of emotion. In the best of these poems he looks deep inside The Bottle .

Three poets brought three wonderful poems today... yesterday a few of us read of Roadkill, well one poet took her roadkill and wrote a poem:
Incarnation of a poem as roadkill
by Maria2394 takes us through the discovery and resurrection of a poem from the roadkill of her notepad.

Tendered Embrace is a beautifully erotic poem tendered by Echoes_s:

" body spoke for me
eyes closed
lips wet and parted
head back
a semicircle of waves
as arms sway
and hips delay
then rotate..."

Read this beautiful poem.

And my favorite among favorites today is a sonnet (I just love the form poems), not just a sonnet but a well written sonnet with a subtle meter and rhyme that flowed wonderfully. Everyone read, comment and vote on
Post Choice
by our returning poet Angeline. This is a sonnet!

Well, those are my favorites of today's new poems. There are many other gems out there so take a look and find some I may have missed: New Poems 04/05 and read, comment and vote.

Now poets, let's be poetic out there.

jim : )
Last edited:
Thanks Jim for the comments and thanks to those who voted and made public comments. I wondered who'd pick up on the sonnet form because it is rather updated--and I was sort of thinking of Bobby McGee when I wrote it. :)


Re - Un-Hearing

Thank you for the mention and the pc you left - That it worked was wonderful and that it was liked is even better.



thanks truly for you comment on that One Eye Open bit,

you are correct, the opening image of brain chemistry doesnt match the mosaic of the river and the birds.

point well taken (as always)


i shoot from the hip-so i can use all the feedback one cowpoke can take.

as always, great respect.
Thanks Jim for reading and your mention here,

...and for everyone's pc comments and suggestions. As usual, right on the market and your help truly appreciated. :rose:
Jim, thank you for mentioning my little roadkill poem. You actually gave me the idea, so thank you:rose:

and so far, I have 11 PC's, the most on any poem I have, the most feedback in email, so I want to thank you all and also say that, what you might have identified with in this poem, I am not sure its the same for everyone, it wasnt really about having old poems lying around, but more like a rejection of sorts.

Remember dh's poem, pissing on the rejction slip?, well, roadkill was my version of that . Angeline told me it would be hard at first, and I only began submiting things by hard copy a few weeks ago..but anyway, the point is, don't give up, learn, thats what I am telling myself and its working for now :)

thanks to everyone who commented and send FB by mail, it means so much to know that anything I write touches all your talented minds and loving hearts :kiss:

Maria2394 said:
Jim, thank you for mentioning my little roadkill poem. You actually gave me the idea, so thank you:rose:

and so far, I have 11 PC's, the most on any poem I have, the most feedback in email, so I want to thank you all and also say that, what you might have identified with in this poem, I am not sure its the same for everyone, it wasnt really about having old poems lying around, but more like a rejection of sorts.

Remember dh's poem, pissing on the rejction slip?, well, roadkill was my version of that . Angeline told me it would be hard at first, and I only began submiting things by hard copy a few weeks ago..but anyway, the point is, don't give up, learn, thats what I am telling myself and its working for now :)

thanks to everyone who commented and send FB by mail, it means so much to know that anything I write touches all your talented minds and loving hearts :kiss:


Sis, it's a great poem and the poem it's about is too, darnit! I have a friend who has published three (count em) books of poems, who once said to me that I shouldn't worry about rejection slips until I have enough to wallpaper my house. And even then, he said, keep writing. ;)

ExistentialLuv said:
Rejection is epitomized self-doubt and fears of those judging

rejection means they don't understand you
or they are thinking about what the ' public" wants
( ie: money)
fuck the public
reach those you are meant to reach
and they will understand
: )
it will happen
no worries
look how many you've reached here
( that doesn't sound right...bring in the grammar nazi)

your audience is there
when the time is right
you will find each other
never doubt you have talent or a message
they just may not be ready to receive it
Angeline said:
Sis, it's a great poem and the poem it's about is too, darnit! I have a friend who has published three (count em) books of poems, who once said to me that I shouldn't worry about rejection slips until I have enough to wallpaper my house. And even then, he said, keep writing. ;)


What I don't understand is...

how can anyone think to even send a rejection slip to you guys and gals :confused: :heart:
Rejection slips? hell... I have thick skin... I wish I had a poem to submit, but even if I did who would I submit it to? If anyone wants to share it'd be great! I'll try anything once...