new poems

BooMerengue said:
Rejection slips? hell... I have thick skin... I wish I had a poem to submit, but even if I did who would I submit it to? If anyone wants to share it'd be great! I'll try anything once...

400+ e-zines, magazines and journals you can submit to

hey Boo :)
I found this link when I started, just go through them until you find one you want to use and the submission guidleines are on web pages.

as far as fear goes, who knows, who ever said that might be right, maybe in the past, now if I get turned down, I figure, I need to learn and grow, pay my dues. Im not in any big hurry, and it seems to reason if I were truly afriad, I would NOT submit anything and then just tell myself, gosh girl, shame you didnt try to publish, you woulda kicked ass...right??:D

good luck Boo, wouldnt surprise me to see Flippy in print someday :rose:
Maria2394 said:
400+ e-zines, magazines and journals you can submit to

hey Boo :)
I found this link when I started, just go through them until you find one you want to use and the submission guidleines are on web pages.

as far as fear goes, who knows, who ever said that might be right, maybe in the past, now if I get turned down, I figure, I need to learn and grow, pay my dues. Im not in any big hurry, and it seems to reason if I were truly afriad, I would NOT submit anything and then just tell myself, gosh girl, shame you didnt try to publish, you woulda kicked ass...right??:D

good luck Boo, wouldnt surprise me to see Flippy in print someday :rose:

Hey Maria, hope you dont mind if i try one or two? I sent a few out but didnt even get a rejection slip...just silence...
Today brings us 22 new fresh thoughts and poems…

out of them I found charms in these, perhaps it was me today.

Angeline is back with a sad and haunting, beautiful, raw poem, softened by her tender heart, showing her strength and hope blossoming with this poem. A must read and feel… Anew too

Linbido…another one today that blew me out of my corner into a tree, trembling is Quiet in a Corner …this one magnificent and not to be missed. I won’t quote anything, please just read it a few times and savor every nuance glowing.

.Toward A Word flows with warmth and serene seduction of sun, sand and love with South of the Sun

Denis Hale speaks out telling it as he sees it…honestly, with Crypt Keeper Don’t Consult Ouija

Champagne has found time to reflect on the leftovers of a blasting fall and sweeping spring with Spring Runoff

RazzRajen gets into our Heads with this invoking poem, making one stop and think.

Tarablackwood brings a thought provoking poem, deep in memories of the past revisiting anew with Shadow of a Different Day’s Light

and last but not least, neonurotic brings out a great tribute with burnt out

One that caught my eye and think is a poet to keep an eye one is Archon with the devil’s raisin I found the poem a bit broken up at first, separated when perhaps it should have been inter joined for a smoother flow, but well written and worth a look and helpful feedbacks.

I know I have missed some, so please go read and vote, give suggestions and help New poems :rose: :heart:
echoes_s said:
Hey Maria, hope you dont mind if i try one or two? I sent a few out but didnt even get a rejection slip...just silence...

why in the world would I mind??!! I wish you and anyone else that finds the list helpful to forge on!! As hard as it is sometimes not to be in awe of the talent on the board, I would never ever wish anyone anything but the absolute best of luck!! Go for it, if I helped, cool, remember me when you get all famous and stuff :devil:
Maria2394 said:
why in the world would I mind??!! I wish you and anyone else that finds the list helpful to forge on!! As hard as it is sometimes not to be in awe of the talent on the board, I would never ever wish anyone anything but the absolute best of luck!! Go for it, if I helped, cool, remember me when you get all famous and stuff :devil:

Lol! If I ever get all famous and stuff, then I would be able to come out and visit your garden :devil:

Thanks Hon! :heart:
like i said
don't worry about being rejected
you know why a commercial makes it
or a movie or a book??
because some one has the balls to pass talent up the ladder
otherwise we get " Gili" and britany" and Entertainment Tonight and The Whoopee nauseam

you may have to send your stuff to a million people
and somewhere there will be a new editor who will say
" wow this is great" and pass it along
etc etc
it's not that your work isn't is
it's just not being seen by people who have an honest eye and free reign to decide what goes where.
remember...selling ads and all that drives this stuff
keep trying and if all else fails wait
re edit and polish some stuff and have it printed up as a private book
hand em out to family and friends
sell em at flea markets and garage sales
either way you get it out to a receptive crowd

i need to go to bed
still on vegas time

dont worry
you have talent
if you didn't id hide in the background and not say a word
: )

you'll be accepted sooner or later
it's not a race it's a marathon
and you just have to wait for everyone to catch up

sorry this ran so long

be well all
echoes_s said:
Linbido…another one today that blew me out of my corner into a tree, trembling is Quiet in a Corner …this one magnificent and not to be missed. I won’t quote anything, please just read it a few times and savor every nuance glowing.
While we're talking about new poems by Lin, you should all follow the link in my signature and read/see the wonderful poems she let me use in my website. Most are also here, but there are four graphic poems that are completely new, one beautiful song, and a first person bio no one should miss. :)
echoes_s said:
Today brings us 22 new fresh thoughts and poems…

out of them I found charms in these, perhaps it was me today.

Angeline is back with a sad and haunting, beautiful, raw poem, softened by her tender heart, showing her strength and hope blossoming with this poem. A must read and feel… Anew too ...............

Thank you Miz Echoes for your kind words here and in the public comments (not to mention the emails!). And merci to other commenters and feedbackers as well--it's so nice to be back and hear from you all again. (And to you Mista Jthserra, man you don't miss a reference, do you--even got "sinistral," lol!)
Lauren Hynde said:
While we're talking about new poems by Lin, you should all follow the link in my signature and read/see the wonderful poems she let me use in my website. Most are also here, but there are four graphic poems that are completely new, one beautiful song, and a first person bio no one should miss. :)

Lin's art is indeed exquisite, but as you said Lauren, no one should miss her bio, , it is inspiring!!

I was amazed to read how hard she has struggled with her *thing* since everyone should read her story, I wont say what *it* is, but she is one amazing person, thats all I can say ;) just the insight gives so much more appreciation of her work, how hard she has endeavoured to bring us her art, thank you Lin, smoochies :rose:
Re: Ah... it's Monday again.

jthserra said:
after a brief vacation last week, we have 29 new poems today, April 5th. The new poems today started with a bang.

On a comment last week I complained to one of my favorite poets here when she used the word "cock" in a poem. I felt the word was out of place with the rest of the restrained imagery she presented. Even when used for the shock value, I felt it was over the top. Well... today we have an entire poem that went over the top. This one went beyond the erotic to the downright scatological. With some very odd line breaks that went hot and cold, working part of the time, not working at others. I am not a fan of scatology, but this poem was so out there I had to mention it: Babygirl gets Grapple-Gagged by wyattmanusco .

RazzRajen brings us Un-hearing with some interesting off beat phrasing that I heard loud and clear.

With an allusion to T.S. Eliot's poem, Eagleyez wonders about the cruelest month? with some excellent pastoral imagery.

"no more snowblanket
no more willowhip northwind dance,
no more sleeping seeds.

ground softens underfoot,
mudseason on gravel roads, lucky for him you had that chain."

2Rivers takes us on his dream in St. Paul, MN .

A new poet here brings us his supplication. Archon666's offers an excellent erotic poem.

PS... I did recommend he trim out an assortment of words, but that was just my personal opinion. Read the poem, comment, vote and decide for yourself.

Zell19861986 is an up and coming young poet who first sparkled here several months ago. He came back today with five of his poems, all featuring his raw power of emotion. In the best of these poems he looks deep inside The Bottle .

Three poets brought three wonderful poems today... yesterday a few of us read of Roadkill, well one poet took her roadkill and wrote a poem:
Incarnation of a poem as roadkill
by Maria2394 takes us through the discovery and resurrection of a poem from the roadkill of her notepad.

Tendered Embrace is a beautifully erotic poem tendered by Echoes_s:

" body spoke for me
eyes closed
lips wet and parted
head back
a semicircle of waves
as arms sway
and hips delay
then rotate..."

Read this beautiful poem.

And my favorite among favorites today is a sonnet (I just love the form poems), not just a sonnet but a well written sonnet with a subtle meter and rhyme that flowed wonderfully. Everyone read, comment and vote on
Post Choice
by our returning poet Angeline. This is a sonnet!

Well, those are my favorites of today's new poems. There are many other gems out there so take a look and find some I may have missed: New Poems 04/05 and read, comment and vote.

Now poets, let's be poetic out there.

jim : )

sorry it has taking me so long, but thank you for mentioning my unworthy poem
echoes_s said:
Champagne has found time to reflect on the leftovers of a blasting fall and sweeping spring with Spring Runoff
Thank you echoes_s. Your mention of my poem in your review is appreciated, as is the time you, and the others, take to guide us through the, sometimes, long lists of daily poems.
Lauren Hynde said:
While we're talking about new poems by Lin, you should all follow the link in my signature and read/see the wonderful poems she let me use in my website. Most are also here, but there are four graphic poems that are completely new, one beautiful song, and a first person bio no one should miss. :)

Let me second this and recommend you all check out Lin's work--which is wonderful and wonderfully inventive--and Lauren's site (that Hynde ain't no slouch either, lol). :)
I will not remain silent

What you lack, besides a body of work to exhibit your self assumed talent, is respect. Those of us who post stories and poems on Literotica have the balls, that you lack, to put our talent, hearts and souls right out there. We don’t need your approval and we certainly don’t need your criticism. We ask for feedback in order to improve our work, not so you can vent your childish frustrations with the world. You actually said, to one of our talented writers, “Rewrite! Dig the pony out of the shit! There is a poem in there somewhere.” This is not a comment one makes to encourage or help the author grow. This is mean spirited and bitter. I take solace in the fact that the Universe gives back 3 times what you offer it. So, rethink! Dig your head out of your ass. There may still be a brain in there somewhere. Write a story and post it. We’d love to have a look.

Syndra Lynn
Sorry Syndra, but I'll have to disagree. YDD, whoever he/she is, made a tremendous effort yesterday and left good, specific constructive critisism on every poem on the list. Both positive and negative remarks, but all valid. Not the swooning "oooh I love your poem" kind that we see every day, but actual feedback of both positive and negative specifics that could help the poets in question to improve.

Ok, the one you mention was a slip from that, the only such slip if you ask me, but don't think that calls for such a reaction. We do put our work out there in the public, and if we're not thick skinned enough to handle the clumsy honesty of one individuals public reaction, then maybe we should think again before turning on the Public Comment option.

Besides, it's far far far from the worst slander I have seen on public comments in the past. :) Have you met Laura & Lisa? Juansojr? Our own mr Jawa?

I did not see the pony shit comment, but if I would have gotten it, I mayhave laughed about it-- and you never know, he/she might know the poet, and know their sense of humor. YDD left me some solid comments. It takes courage to leave something less than a 5 sometimes. YDD might be a regular who does not want to get on people's bad sides by leaving comments that he/she feels are honest but not lovey dove. I remember one poem where two people I respected told me Rewrite this! and were critical, I was very happy with their honesty.

who knows

you should see some of the really critical comments in the past! I should dig some up-- you would get a good laugh

one I remember---"You call this crap POETRY?" with a zero comment, and they were right, really, even though the poem did pretty well, was up there for a while lol
echoes_s said:
Today brings us 22 new fresh thoughts and poems…

RazzRajen gets into our Heads with this invoking poem, making one stop and think.

I know I have missed some, so please go read and vote, give suggestions and help New poems :rose: :heart:

Thanks echoes for the mention and taking that time again

I had a good laugh

I had a good laugh at YDDs comment to me.

The poem is pertty personal and you need the dictionary handy to understand the meaning. Since he had such a hard time, I rewrote so he may better understand the mind of I, (only a few essoterics have);)

There was a mistake in the printing of Dead Ladybug and 2 lines ran together, it should read:

Atlantis decays from erosion
Elysian pussies perish
Asylum culminating knowledge regarded
Escalating circumstances beyond speculation

TY YDD. No offence taken.

This goes back a page to rejection. Our poetry we write comes from our hearts, feelings, emotions, life experiences, etc.......

Not everyone is going to view them or undertand the meaning as we do unless they have had a tribulation much as our own. Some of us write with words only we understand unless deciphered another way for someone to connect.

Rejection and critsizm should not be looked at as mean, cruel, rude, or a bad thing. It should cause us to take a step back and reflect upon are work. 9 out of 10 times when I look at a piece I am working on, I see many ways it could be better.

Lauren, Maria, Angeline...good grief, girls. You've made me blush. :rose:

& thank you echoes for the kind mention of Quiet In A Corner

& thank you everyone who left comments. I never thought it would generate such reaction. It just goes to show that I am not a good judge of my own work.

ps. YDD? Never seen the name. I'll have to go and read yesterdays poems. Should do that anyway. :)
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Linbido said:
Lauren, Maria, Angeline...good grief, girls. You've made me blush. :rose:

& thank you echoes for the kind mention of Quiet In A Corner

& thank you everyone who left comments. I never thought it would generate such reaction. It just goes to show that I am not a good judge of my own work.

ps. YDD? Never seen the name. I'll have to go and read yesterdays poems. Should do that anyway. :)

Why Gaget, your just so cute:kiss:

YDD reminds me of a GB renagade Hanns. LOL!!!!!
ExistentialLuv said:
YDD reminds me of a GB renagade Hanns. LOL!!!!!
Ok, that's just mean. :D


ps. Haven't seen that dude in a long time. (yes, I'm a sporadic GB lurker) Did he finally got himself bitchslapped into silence?
Liar said:
Sorry Syndra, but I'll have to disagree. YDD, whoever he/she is, made a tremendous effort yesterday and left good, specific constructive critisism on every poem on the list. Both positive and negative remarks, but all valid. Not the swooning "oooh I love your poem" kind that we see every day, but actual feedback of both positive and negative specifics that could help the poets in question to improve.

Ok, the one you mention was a slip from that, the only such slip if you ask me, but don't think that calls for such a reaction. We do put our work out there in the public, and if we're not thick skinned enough to handle the clumsy honesty of one individuals public reaction, then maybe we should think again before turning on the Public Comment option.

Besides, it's far far far from the worst slander I have seen on public comments in the past. :) Have you met Laura & Lisa? Juansojr? Our own mr Jawa?


Just my spin on this
If i really like something..I comment on it
if i don't, or it doesn't reach me, or I don't understand it..i don't

i don't consider myself a talented enough writer to criticize anyone else's work
If they asked what i thought might help..I'd tell them in private.

Some of the stuff submitted is intensely personal and it takes a lot of guts to even write about it.
Each person is writing the way they feel best express's what they want to say in the way they want to say it.
They may not have the "tools" to write any other way.
In that respect, constructive criticism may indeed help.
specific points
a word choice etc.

What bothers me about some of the types of comments made today is that it may make some of the newer posters think twice about posting
in that case...yes i would suggest turning off the comment box.

I write for myself
if someone doesn't like it, or hates it, or thinks it's crap I understand
it doesn't bother me
Not everyone is so thick skinned
I think criticism should be given with some discretion and always keep in mind it's someone's soul you are critiquing
Liar said:
Ok, that's just mean. :D


ps. Haven't seen that dude in a long time. (yes, I'm a sporadic GB lurker) Did he finally got himself bitchslapped into silence?



Think he is lurking under an alter:devil:
Poetry turnaround...

A question here... I've had a poem hovering in limbo for several days now and not wanting to double up on poems I have been holding off posting anything else. I keep seeing new poems showing up okay though. {color=cranberry]Are all your poems coming out within a day or so of posting?[/color]

I am used to the several day delay on prose stuff, but not on poetry. What are you experiencing?


jim : )