new poems

Re: Poetry turnaround...

jthserra said:
A question here... I've had a poem hovering in limbo for several days now and not wanting to double up on poems I have been holding off posting anything else. I keep seeing new poems showing up okay though. {color=cranberry]Are all your poems coming out within a day or so of posting?[/color]

I am used to the several day delay on prose stuff, but not on poetry. What are you experiencing?


jim : )

Could be it got lost in the shuffle of things. Mine are usaully approved and posted by the next day. Hope it is found:)
Re: Poetry turnaround...

jthserra said:
A question here... I've had a poem hovering in limbo for several days now and not wanting to double up on poems I have been holding off posting anything else. I keep seeing new poems showing up okay though. {color=cranberry]Are all your poems coming out within a day or so of posting?[/color]

I am used to the several day delay on prose stuff, but not on poetry. What are you experiencing?


jim : )

Hiya jim. :)

I'd send Laurel a short pm--a standard poem should appear the next day; illustrated stuff as you know takes somewhat longer. What you describe has happened to me a few times--the result of my poem getting lost in the shuffle of submissions. You may need to resubmit it. Laurel is always sweet and timely in helping make that happen.

Re: I will not remain silent

Syndra Lynn said:
What you lack, besides a body of work to exhibit your self assumed talent, is respect. Those of us who post stories and poems on Literotica have the balls, that you lack, to put our talent, hearts and souls right out there. We don’t need your approval and we certainly don’t need your criticism. We ask for feedback in order to improve our work, not so you can vent your childish frustrations with the world. You actually said, to one of our talented writers, “Rewrite! Dig the pony out of the shit! There is a poem in there somewhere.” This is not a comment one makes to encourage or help the author grow. This is mean spirited and bitter. I take solace in the fact that the Universe gives back 3 times what you offer it. So, rethink! Dig your head out of your ass. There may still be a brain in there somewhere. Write a story and post it. We’d love to have a look.

Syndra Lynn

Hi there Syndra. :)

I too have to respectfully disagree on this one. YDD seems to put a lot of effort into public comments, which I always appreciate whether I agree or not. I figure the cost of posting and being willing to accept feedback is that some folks won't understand or like what I wrote. That's fine. It's also fine if the comment is worded in what might be, in my opinion, less than tactful lol. I'm not sure that this was the case with YDD's comment anyway--I know that I'm often not recognized for simply being irreverent or silly in my wording. So be it.

Bottom line though is that I try to see every comment--even the nasty ones (which believe me I've had plenty of lol) as potential to learn and improve. Sometimes even a very negative comment carries a lesson that can make me write a better poem next time, so bring em on. :)

turn around

Submit one day, post the next. Same as usual Jim. Sounds like the computer gerbils ate your poem.

Syn :kiss:

Being in a pissy mood yesterday, I did take it a little harsh, I admit, but I decided a long time ago that every single human being on the planet is just that, HUMAN. I don't care what degrees, publishing, and experience anyone has. No one is truly better than anyone else, just more experienced.

However, unlike with everyone else, there were no specific comments about my poem, and as I went over it a few times, adding experiences and images - and being satisfied with it on my own - I really don't care.

This person reminded me of my senior year poetry teacher who nearly drove me from writing. Luckily, I have developed some thick skin since I was 17.

And I try to keep in mind that the hostile tone could become very contagious. Or maybe this person really didn't see the hostility. Or maybe this person knows me and thought I needed a good slapdown, or something...

I would like to say that (I have a feeling this person won't care):

Either come up with something specific or vote low and move on - and a good writer can vent frustration without resorting to cliche curses...
Now I'm really nervous about my poems! Seems YDD liked mine! And no one else noticed it! (well, 2 did... LOL)
BooMerengue said:
Now I'm really nervous about my poems! Seems YDD liked mine! And no one else noticed it! (well, 2 did... LOL)
Oh, I did. But i had nothing more specific to say than "Yeah. Bloody good.". That's when I choose to vote and leave it at that. :)
I just got 2 delightful feedbacks and I'm sitting here laughing! You poet types are THE BEST!! I love y'all! I wasn't really hoping for much on the 'blanky' poem. I had posted it on a thread and then put it here so it wouldn't get lost cuz I'm out of floppies. But I DO thank everyone of you! Please... PLEASE pray that my muse is found soon...
BooMerengue said:
Please... PLEASE pray that my muse is found soon...

Boo! I think our muses absconded together. Mine's been AWOL for weeks now.

Maria2394 said:
isn't YDD the lettering on zipper pulls?, or it used to be....oh, who cares ;)
Mine all say YKK—but it proves that your mind is in the right place ;)

- neo
To YDD on my poem - "Mourning you"

You questioned as to what I stand over in my mourning if she is not dead, simply put...and I think it obvious to the reader, unless I am so sadly mistaken...but her memory. The symbol of the rose, a final good-bye a mental image of placing it upon the breast of her person, her soul...and again the image of her that remains within the memories of my heart.

Sorry I didn't put it as succint as you might have prefered. But I think the poem otherwise speaks for itself in the loss of someone loved.
Re: To YDD on my poem - "Mourning you"

Thesandman said:
You questioned as to what I stand over in my mourning if she is not dead, simply put...and I think it obvious to the reader, unless I am so sadly mistaken...but her memory. The symbol of the rose, a final good-bye a mental image of placing it upon the breast of her person, her soul...and again the image of her that remains within the memories of my heart.

Sorry I didn't put it as succint as you might have prefered. But I think the poem otherwise speaks for itself in the loss of someone loved.

Lovely sentiment, sandman. Thank you for sharing.

Syn :kiss:
Re: Re: To YDD on my poem - "Mourning you"

Syndra Lynn said:
Lovely sentiment, sandman. Thank you for sharing.

Syn :kiss:

Thank you Syndra...:rose: I do so appreciate your comments. I am indeed far from perfect as a poet. And certainly do not consider my "prose" as poetry. But it is nice to express my thoughts, especially at this time, in this way. And hopefully let others know in the writing. They are not alone.

Thank you...
new poems 4/8/04

Twenty four new poems today.

Before I give my recommendations, just remember that this is one person's opinion. If I don't comment on a poem, I usually have a reason. Feel free to PM me if you want to know.

Okay. Here are the ones I truly enjoyed today.
eagleyez was kind enough to share two poems with us today. Both of them are filled with such delightful images, I have to recommend them both.

one window open is a tender sleepy poem that made me want to curl up in a sunny window and doze; but I highly recommend Kindling. I won't say much about it except that I keep going back to read it.
Angeline is still blessing us with her poetry (shhhh.... no one remind her that she's allegedly lurking)

Renewed 1 is another sleepy poem worth wrapping your mind around. Thanks, Ang.
laelia is a newer poet whose work, so far, is wonderful.

Today she graces us with quake, a nicely done and solid take on an old metaphor.
archon666 brings an interesting poem to us today with assassins and sword. I must say I didn't like it much on first read, but something compelled me to read it again. There are nice images embedded in there. Compelling... but it seems scattered. Go read and judge for yourself.
Calvin Hanes brings a stark slice of life with Speedball Is A Rubber Bullet. Amazing poem with all-too-clear images.
dreamsweet gives us a wistful "what could have been" thought with her poem My Brush with Infamy. I loved this poem.
And finally, my favorite of the day was from neonurotic with his poem Zygote?. Wonderfully chock full of sly references and emotions that run from wistful to playful. And all done in a great short poem. Go read it!

Whew. Nicely done, folks.

Now read, vote, comment, and enjoy.


Side note to YDD: Thanks for pointing out the typos. It is one of my pet peeves.
Re: To YDD on my poem - "Mourning you"

Thesandman said:
You questioned as to what I stand over in my mourning if she is not dead, simply put...and I think it obvious to the reader, unless I am so sadly mistaken...but her memory. The symbol of the rose, a final good-bye a mental image of placing it upon the breast of her person, her soul...and again the image of her that remains within the memories of my heart.

Sorry I didn't put it as succint as you might have prefered. But I think the poem otherwise speaks for itself in the loss of someone loved.

well Sandman, you are right..sorry YDD....but anyone who ever had a relationship that touched their heart and then "lost" it for whatever reason, will mourn that loss...a poet should know that!!! ( well, not to stereotype or anything, but emotions usually have a way of showing up in our poems, dont they?):rose:
neonurotic said:
Mine all say YKK—but it proves that your mind is in the right place ;)

Hey... not so bad... he could have said "It proves your head is in the right place." :D
Thanks for the kind words on my poem Ms. Cordie--and thanks to those who commented (Even neo, whom my poetry puts to sleep, hehe). As you may have noticed, I'm erm unlurked. Those seeking additional information feel free to pm. :D
Re: new poems 4/8/04

Cordelia said:
Twenty four new poems today.

dreamsweet gives us a wistful "what could have been" thought with her poem My Brush with Infamy. I loved this poem.
And finally, my favorite of the day was from neonurotic with his poem Zygote?. Wonderfully chock full of sly references and emotions that run from wistful to playful. And all done in a great short poem. Go read it!

Whew. Nicely done, folks.

Now read, vote, comment, and enjoy.


Thank you for the time and the mention of my poem Zygote? — I'm glad you enjoyed.

I also like to say thanks to the PC's and the private feedback :)

- neo

editted to add: got a negative so back to practice... ho-hum : )
Last edited by a moderator:
Thank you for the mention, Cordelia. I'm glad you loved that one. It should have posted the day before, but I messed up and it had to wait a day. I preferred it to the other poem, completely.

poems April 9

Well, fuck.

The gods are against me, I tell ya. I was going to dig into the new poems right after my early dinner, around 4 PM local time.
That was eight hours ago. Since then I've been waiting patiently to get onto the net. But my way too expensive dsl provider had the service line closed today. Ain't that nice? So around 8 I decided to skip that, and went with my equally bored sister to the movies.

We saw Big Fish. If you haven't, do. Great movie.

So, basically, that's why you get this too-tired-to-sleep version of Friday reviews instead of the wonderfully clever and insightful ones (yeah right) that you would had gotten if I had been able to when I was supposed to.

What have we got then? We've got a truckload of really good poems, that's what we've got:

Friday is back to normal after a few weeks of weirdness, this means not too many poems, but a bunch of illustrated ones. First one on my list is neonurotic's This is Hope, a poem that with a few well chosen words and a skillfull visual arrangement becomes much more than the sum of it's parts.

Another illustrated poem comes from Elizabetht. You Created Me does a great job in relaying it's emotions to the reader, and the visuals, both the illustration and the text layout adds to that mood.

Silent Sounds by RazzRajen ain't illustrated at all. But hey, who needs artwork when you write like this guy? I have always liked his semi-abstract word webs. This is one of his better ones.

A few posts up in this thread, BooMerengue mentioned that her muse was lost. I think she should stop whining and just write some more. A Song For My Mandolin is clear proof that the muse is sitting there, whispering those sweet little words of inspiration. As with all her poems, it will just sink right in, spreading it's warmth.

A poem with he words My Master in the title raises my defensive shield immediately. Binding My Master by Dustystar however, turned out to be nothing like what I had feared. This is a mightily crafted sonnet, beautifully written and with a juggle of relations, dependacies and emotions that made me read it again. Slowly.

What's this? Another submissive poem? Naah. Master Takes is Angeline going all boppy over jazz. Now, I'm not a jazz man. I know my bird and my monk, but that's basically it. Reading this poem, so packed with references obscure to me that there's almost no space left, makes me wish I was one.

Tathagatas uprising is equally obscure. But here I believe it's intentional. A feverish dream of the unknown, a shout for clarity in the unreal. Or just friggin good poetry.

And then eagleyez celebrates the death of winter in his own way. His spring ode gives us a very vivid looking glass view of spring, with a soundtrack that shines through the words so brightly that I can almost hear it myself.

And finally, jthserra shoots deconstructed notions our way in I began, not began, begin, serving lines, and pieces of lines as confused as the poems layout. Until you read it with both eyes open, and an impressive structure and rhythm presents itself.

That's it. I probably missed a couple of good ones, so please fill in the blanks...
