new poems

Re: poems April 9

Liar said:


What's this? Another submissive poem? Naah. Master Takes is Angeline going all boppy over jazz. Now, I'm not a jazz man. I know my bird and my monk, but that's basically it. Reading this poem, so packed with references obscure to me that there's almost no space left, makes me wish I was one.


That's it. I probably missed a couple of good ones, so please fill in the blanks...


Well I do get boppy on occasion. Thanks Liar and those who commented on Master Takes. I was listening to a cd of the same name last night, with most of the jazz greats mentioned in the poem and we were cooking chicken for dinner. The music and dinner and poetry all sort of cooked together, lol.

And YDD? I ain't quite THAT old, but I have *good* taste in music (well I think, hehe), and I do love jazz. :)

Thank you liar...

for the kind words about "I began, not began, begin". For me, jazz is so wonderfully disjunctive, surprising and inspiring, especially the lady jazz singers. Diana Krall was center stage here on piano, with her guitar and bass backup, but then again it could have been Cassandra Wilson, or Ann Monheit, Gabriela Anders, Nina Simone or others. How they do it I'll never understand... I just feel it.

Of course Nine Inch Nails will grab me too... go figure.

thanks again,

jim : )
Re: Thank you liar...

jthserra said:
for the kind words about "I began, not began, begin". For me, jazz is so wonderfully disjunctive, surprising and inspiring, especially the lady jazz singers. Diana Krall was center stage here on piano, with her guitar and bass backup, but then again it could have been Cassandra Wilson, or Ann Monheit, Gabriela Anders, Nina Simone or others. How they do it I'll never understand... I just feel it.

Of course Nine Inch Nails will grab me too... go figure.

thanks again,

jim : )

your poem title made me think of the song "begin the begin," old REM

as always, i read your work with great enjoyment.

Re: poems April 9

Liar said:
Well, fuck.

A few posts up in this thread, BooMerengue mentioned that her muse was lost. I think she should stop whining and just write some more. A Song For My Mandolin is clear proof that the muse is sitting there, whispering those sweet little words of inspiration. As with all her poems, it will just sink right in, spreading it's warmth.


"Well, fuck!" LOL I LOVE that line! I stay in trouble here all the time for sayin' that, and my G'sons say it w/ wonderful expression!

Thanks, Liar! Your review made me feel really good. But I am blown away! I wrote that poem in answer to a conversation I had about the killing affects of depression, and how sinister it is.

Liar, I'm not a whiner... I guess I just don't understand. I truly did not expect any reaction to this piece. And the ones that I DO expect one from go largely unnoticed.

So- Thank you.

And while I'm at it I want to thank all of you- everyone who reads and everyone who votes and makes PC's. I have very very limited use of the pc so I rarely get to return the kindness. But I do see them and they inspire me.

The same thing goes for the Memory Lane thread. I want sooo badly to thank the ones who have particularly inspired me and I'm so blonde I can't remember which ones they are, and haven't the time to hunt them down. But I DO read and I almost always vote... Again... Thanks!

And Ange? Thanks for lurking... I'll be lost when you finally quit us.
:rose: :rose: :rose:
Re: Re: poems April 9

BooMerengue said:
Liar, I'm not a whiner... I guess I just don't understand. I truly did not expect any reaction to this piece. And the ones that I DO expect one from go largely unnoticed.
:) That seems to be the common state of things. Happens to me all the time. The poems I that I think the least of, unedited offhand scribblings, are the ones that other people end up liking.

So what I was trying to say in my review was, just do your thing and don't worry so much about not doing it right. Because you are.

Re - Late night version reviews

Liar - if that be your late night versions then I can't wait to see the other. Thanks for taking the time and making to teffort to provide such delightful responses to each poets contributions.

your words are much appreciated.

Thanks again


Re: poems April 9

Liar said:

Friday is back to normal after a few weeks of weirdness, this means not too many poems, but a bunch of illustrated ones. First one on my list is neonurotic's This is Hope, a poem that with a few well chosen words and a skillfull visual arrangement becomes much more than the sum of it's parts.

Thanks for the time and mention Liar, I much appreciate it as I do for all the PC's on This is Hope. ;)

- neo
who has to
play catch
on new poems
& leave Ange's
last so I can sleep ; )
Re: poems April 9

Liar said:
Well, fuck.

Tathagatas uprising is equally obscure. But here I believe it's intentional. A feverish dream of the unknown, a shout for clarity in the unreal. Or just friggin good poetry.


Thank you for the mention
You saw a lot more in it than i did so I'll just pretend it was intentional
Thank you again
Happy Early Easter, blooming lit buds,

I am out of town for the weekend and may not get to the new poem review until late Sunday night.... my early apologies as I will most likely be occupied by the kids and cousins etc etc. tomorrow. If all the poems stuck in the pipeline come out tomorrow, then it will be even longer!

Thanks for the feedback on my maple sprout poem, very humbled by the nice comments.

Take it easy,

2 fingers in the projectionists lamp

because no one else did,
it’s sweet of you to,
happy sappy bunny day to all and the African and Portuguese bunnies too as well,
be well too
Need some help....

Not sure how to go about submitting an illustrated poem. I have the image I wish to use...and of course the poem itself. Can someone help or direct me as to the best way to do this?

I can also be reached at:

Illustrated poems:

Submit the text version under the "Illustrated" category like you would normaly do. In the Author Notes field of the submission, place the words "ARTWORK COMING VIA EMAIL FROM".

Next, attach the image to an email addressed to The Subject Line of the email should be the title of the poem you submitted. Also, make notes within the body of text of the poem showing where you want each picture placed (i.e. "[place image.jpg here]")

All illustrations must be submitted as .gifs or .jpgs, and must be less than 450 pixels wide and less than 40k in size. All must be your original work. No hardcore or nude photography.

Good luck. Let me know if you need any more help with it.
Re: Need some help....

Thesandman said:
Not sure how to go about submitting an illustrated poem. I have the image I wish to use...and of course the poem itself. Can someone help or direct me as to the best way to do this?

I can also be reached at:

Two ways:

1) (aka The Easy Way) Put it all, text and pic, in a Word .doc file and submit it.

2) Mail the picture to Lit. It's all here in deatil in the FAQ
Or in Lauren's post, since she posted ahead of me. :)

good luck!
(The easy way has been known to take a bit longer and get the image quality screwed up, on occasions... :))
Easter Sunday (almost Monday) Review

Wow there are a lot of really good poems from Sunday I am not going to try to count..... I am delerious on chocolate and relative overload along with traffic upon traffic, so late getting home.... I will try to do these wonderful poems as they deserve. echoes_s and The_Fool seem to be on fire and prolific today! Damn. More about them later.

I know I have a great one to start off my review....

Talented beyond my vocabulary, smithpeter takes us behind the scenesMall of America Restroom
water comes and goes
auto flush technology
what else

reminds me of DuChamp's artwork (okay especially the urinal) how every day, even slightly not talked about places can become art if you have the eye, the mind and the talent to reflect it all back to us.

SP takes us through four bathrooms, for some reason I enjoyed the last, it was the perfect end to the louder three... giving a muted ending

the calm after the flush

Fitzgerald Theater Restroom

small for so many
glass block
whisper quiet
intent, reason, compassion
meditative plumb
sublime contemplation
with tongues in cheeks


My favorite poems are those that stay in one moment (okay maybe two or 10) but go into a depth over a small area. The_Fool takes a woman, a glass of wine, her blouse and an onlooker and turns it into damn, a great poem. (I suck at these reviews) I loved being in this moment with the poet and those who were fortunate to read Red Wine

Okay, here is another awesome poem by The_Fool I have to paste the whole thing. It is beautiful. Perfect.
Sandals in hand,
she walks along
the low brick wall.
Deliberate steps,
one tanned foot
in front
of the other.
Gusting summer breeze
twirls cotton dress
swirls unbound hair.
she reaches out,
grabs his hand
for balance.

Damn, is he always this good? There are others out there today too! Please check them out, they are good too I am just so tired!


Okay I admit it, I am squirming in my seat with echoes_s first poem
Primed and am having a little trouble typing. Damn.

polishing nails
as you raise your eyes
to taste
devouring me

My only suggestion is to leave the "soul" out of such a hot poem. Damn. It makes it seem to serious or something ha!

Okay, and maybe leave the "heart" out of Barren Whis was intense. I am probably just having a cynical moment and the heart and soul should stay where they are....

Okay, she first made me squirm and then blush. I am afraid to read the others! echoes_s posts her response to my silly all of a sudden passion suddenly thread post. I found it to be quite delicious. annaswirls ;)

May I Drive? -
Submitted by echoes_s (Erotic Poetry) 04/11/04
Your Whore -
Submitted by echoes_s (Erotic Poetry) 04/11/04

Are also excellent, hot poems. Damn girl!


I liked this one by dreamsweet
The Story Behind where she wonders
Would anyone be interested,
so deeply, to go seeking me?
in an interesting look at the poem behind the story behind the story....

She also got me with
The Magic I Need


eagleyez brings usmidnight on good friday I know I will be coming back to this poem, feeling its layers under my toes. Tight poem with clear story and some intense "hybrids" throughout....
i feel jesus, i see mosques, synagogues, rehabs,
i look at the river
i read the sermon on the mount
i watch politics
and machine guns
slung over
camoflauged backs, pass no judgement but listen to the violin.

This story, with it's added details so heavy with multiple meaning really got to me. I am glad this one fell on my review day.


Okay I forgive Angeline for using the word "strophe" in this poem... because this is a intimate look at the interplay between two lovers seems too good to be true.... takes me to Dylan's "Tangled up in Blue" and LCohen's "Suzanne" for some reason... sorry to be referential, but this played like a poetic version of my favorite songs, should be a movie about the lovers in this poem, DharmaLife Thanks Angeline.


Ancient117331 brings us a good poem
A Good Day Go read if you haven't. It made me a little sad, very simply written, on purpose. Just check it out.


Okay remember this is my opinion, my sleepy chocolate bunny opinion at that, please go check them out, don't skip over them for the newer new poems which are already out! Can't wait to go read those as well. Things seem to really be warming up. I have never been at Lit in the springtime. I am a little nervous.

As always,
your humble reviewer,
signing off

Re: Illustrated poems:

Lauren Hynde said:
Submit the text version under the "Illustrated" category like you would normaly do. In the Author Notes field of the submission, place the words "ARTWORK COMING VIA EMAIL FROM".

Next, attach the image to an email addressed to The Subject Line of the email should be the title of the poem you submitted. Also, make notes within the body of text of the poem showing where you want each picture placed (i.e. "[place image.jpg here]")

All illustrations must be submitted as .gifs or .jpgs, and must be less than 450 pixels wide and less than 40k in size. All must be your original work. No hardcore or nude photography.

Good luck. Let me know if you need any more help with it.

Thank you so much. That was much easier than I thought...and I hope when it posts that you'll have a chance to read it. Your comments always have been much appreciated.
Okay I forgive Angeline for using the word "strophe" in this poem... because this is a intimate look at the interplay between two lovers seems too good to be true.... takes me to Dylan's "Tangled up in Blue" and LCohen's "Suzanne" for some reason... sorry to be referential, but this played like a poetic version of my favorite songs, should be a movie about the lovers in this poem, DharmaLife Thanks Angeline.

Thanks Anna for recommending my poemy--I really appreciate it. I thought somene--smithpeter mebbe--would tease me about using "strophe" lol, but it turned up in the poem because I've been reading definitions of different poetic terms, and it turns out that a strophe *is* different from a stanza. A strophe is traditionally unrhymed, a stanza is traditionally verse of some type. So there. :D

Thanks to those who commented/sent feedback, too. All your thoughts were gratefully accepted.

Re: Easter Sunday (almost Monday) Review

annaswirls said:
Wow there are a lot of really good poems from Sunday I am not going to try to count..... I am delerious on chocolate and relative overload along with traffic upon traffic, so late getting home.... I will try to do these wonderful poems as they deserve. echoes_s and The_Fool seem to be on fire and prolific today! Damn. More about them later.

I know I have a great one to start off my review....

Talented beyond my vocabulary, smithpeter takes us behind the scenesMall of America Restroom

reminds me of DuChamp's artwork (okay especially the urinal) how every day, even slightly not talked about places can become art if you have the eye, the mind and the talent to reflect it all back to us.

SP takes us through four bathrooms, for some reason I enjoyed the last, it was the perfect end to the louder three... giving a muted ending

the calm after the flush


My favorite poems are those that stay in one moment (okay maybe two or 10) but go into a depth over a small area. The_Fool takes a woman, a glass of wine, her blouse and an onlooker and turns it into damn, a great poem. (I suck at these reviews) I loved being in this moment with the poet and those who were fortunate to read Red Wine

Okay, here is another awesome poem by The_Fool I have to paste the whole thing. It is beautiful. Perfect.

Damn, is he always this good? There are others out there today too! Please check them out, they are good too I am just so tired!


Okay I admit it, I am squirming in my seat with echoes_s first poem
Primed and am having a little trouble typing. Damn.

My only suggestion is to leave the "soul" out of such a hot poem. Damn. It makes it seem to serious or something ha!

Okay, and maybe leave the "heart" out of Barren Whis was intense. I am probably just having a cynical moment and the heart and soul should stay where they are....

Okay, she first made me squirm and then blush. I am afraid to read the others! echoes_s posts her response to my silly all of a sudden passion suddenly thread post. I found it to be quite delicious. annaswirls ;)

May I Drive? -
Submitted by echoes_s (Erotic Poetry) 04/11/04
Your Whore -
Submitted by echoes_s (Erotic Poetry) 04/11/04

Are also excellent, hot poems. Damn girl!


Okay remember this is my opinion, my sleepy chocolate bunny opinion at that, please go check them out, don't skip over them for the newer new poems which are already out! Can't wait to go read those as well. Things seem to really be warming up. I have never been at Lit in the springtime. I am a little nervous.

As always,
your humble reviewer,
signing off


LOL! Thanks Anna, glad you didnt take offense to your poem ;)
I was doing fine posting comments and reading poems until in a flurry, the Easter bunny, kids and more showed up at my door. Made homemade bread, cake and Easter Dinner for everyone at my place then after cleanup, I drowned in the tub and died in bed :heart:

...and thank you everyone for your comments, kindness, reading pm's and emails, I will respond to these once I wake up ;)
Thanks for the review, Anna. Thanks also to all that left PCs. There were certainly some interesting ones....:D

Since my longer poems have been sucking so bad, I have been doing the snapshot thing, going for a shorter poem. I guess it works...


your texture in review is soft as fur encouraged to rub only one way.
any compliment from you is a compliment indeed.
the wrong way would surely bring a pained frown to the wrong rubber!
honor is mine to enjoy due your slightest mention

thank you
dance you wink unbridle you
you will never be full
never satisfied,
I am happy to have offered a small compliment
of words,
to you
Someone please take Tuesdays reviews for a while. I need a break from poetry for a bit. I don't like feeling responsible for people getting hurt, especially those who have been nothing but kind, caring, helpful and nice to me.
Sorry about the short notice...a bit fed up right now :(
Lol, ironic, you can crit my poems to hell, but start to hurt people and it really affects me.:rose: