new poems

Hello Monday...

Well, a while back I had a vacation when no poems showed up on the new list. Today i got a near double dose... 49 new poems.

I was immediately drawn to a series of poems written by 2rivers. I have always enjoyed this poets phrasing and found each of his poems delightfully intriguing. They are... if I get my numbers right: 041004

I just love this poetry...

Then suddenly the poems began to echo... It began with meteorillogic by Liar then echoes_s echoed with meteorillogic 2 and then came Liar's meteorillogic 3 and then echoes_s replied with meteorillogic 4. It was great fun to listen to the echoes.

Subwithnocollar brought us a number of poems today, of the poems, my favorite was Dream. Take a peek.

Svelt Walker brought us two interesting poems... my favorite was a shocking, stunning ass is precipice, fucker. Hang onto your hats and read this one.

Talk about shocking... a tour de force... Calvin Haynes slapped me with Rim Shot at the Friar's Roast. It's a wowser...

We had the appearance of a couple of early Onlys. Man Ray touched us with Only and Champagne1982 brought us a beautifully sparse poem with Only. Read both, comment and vote.

Oxalis' Sister prey opened my eyes with a jagged blade of a poem.

"standing upon a toilet seat to change a light bulb,
standing on a toilet seat for the ceremony and ritualistic thrill
panty tugging, pretend rape

the wonder of simple square feet,"
Read all of the poem.

RazzRajen then brought us some Illusion not allusion, experience the poem...

Okay, now for a couple of erotic ones... SeattleRain adjusted our thinking with her hind brain secret Take a glance:

"waiting for that low down
crawl and growl
only comes in the
burn of solar winds
pelting skin
into submission
space void vacuum"

So good.

Tagatha brought us three poems. My favorite was the fantastic Dusty Mirror. Enjoy:

"From afar I worship
hearing your stiletto click in raindrops
your sweet whiplash in the wind
your harsh command in thunder"

A touch of BDSM never sounded so appealing...

Ah Jazz... Ah Miles Davis... Ah Angeline in a wonderful nod to Miles Davis, she brings us Kind of Blue. Shhh... Listen:

"Maybe it's all kind of blue,
like skies shift languid dawning
soft as miles but insistent.
Time proceeds in brushbeats
and low chords swing quiet"

Miles is jazz, but he really shines on the slow stuff.

Sxysonghai brought a number of poems today. My favorite was Live Each Day

Alonelygal presented two blue, blue poems. Spiraling downward was may favorite this need

And last, but certainly not least was my favorite of the day... catch and hold, 22 by Sibilaire featured a poem that was something, and then suddenly so much more. Something in the blur and oxygen. Read it and find the Catch 22.

Well, those are some of the new poems for today, Monday April 12th. I picked out the ones that grabbed me. There are a number of other poems... read them all: New poems.

Farewell all...

and hey, hey, let's be poetic out there.

jim : )
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Thank you so much for the Monday nod,Jim...

It fills my heart to find this acceptance...

Before i started submitting poems here i never thought of myself as a writer.Years ago i heard or wrote,i don't remember which,a poem that said,in part...'i am not a writer...i just write...i am not a poet...i just feel'.Since finding this place and seeing the number of views of my writings rise,however slowly...i feel it...i hear it...i almost accept it...i am a writer...

i have never cared about what people thought of my ramblings.i have always written what is in me and simply needs an out.Even with this,it is so filling to know that people read them.Like them or not,thanks to you all that choose to visit this chaos...

One thing i would like to say,though i'm not sure if this is the place to say it.What i write is my is the heart of me...i have written from good places and maybe i will share those poems with you.The poems that i have most recently posted were written and submitted in a matter of about 10 minutes.i was in a seriously dark place.A friend said...'write it out'.This is what i did.i wanted to post them so that i couldn't just tear them up when i felt better.i do not want to forget my dark places or be in denial about them.i want to be able to look back and say...'wow,look what i got through...look what i have survived'.So i post them...i will not apologize for coming from a place of darkness.This is where i was at the moment.i understand that some people might not get that.i am sorry if what i have written brings anyone else down.That is surely not my intention.To you who may be disturbed,i say maybe not to read my postings...i will be in that dark place again...i assure you...

Sorry for the ramble...

Again always ...many thanks to you,dear...

:heart: joanna
Thank you...

Thank you for the kind mention for `Only`. The lady who inspires the poems I write knows who she is and knows that each one I write is a kiss and a hug and love all rolled into one! :rose:
A heartfelt thank you to Jim for the time and effort put into the Monday reviews. :rose: Always so well written and thoughtful, I love them and I know I'm not the only one.

- Mindy :kiss:
Re: Hello Monday...

jthserra said:
Then suddenly the poems began to echo... It began with meteorillogic by Liar then echoes_s echoed with meteorillogic 2 and then came Liar's meteorillogic 3 and then echoes_s replied with meteorillogic 4. It was great fun to listen to the echoes.
Thanks for the time and effort, Jim, on both the reviews and PC you constantly provide. As always when it happens I am surprised to find myself mentioned in such a fine company. Thank you, it is all much appriciated.

And an extra :rose: to echoes_s for playing along in this poetry Pong with me. Twas fun. :)

Re: Re: Hello Monday...

Originally posted by jthserra
Then suddenly the poems began to echo... It began with meteorillogic by Liar then echoes_s echoed with meteorillogic 2 and then came Liar's meteorillogic 3 and then echoes_s replied with meteorillogic 4. It was great fun to listen to the echoes.

Liar said:
Thanks for the time and effort, Jim, on both the reviews and PC you constantly provide. As always when it happens I am surprised to find myself mentioned in such a fine company. Thank you, it is all much appriciated.

And an extra :rose: to echoes_s for playing along in this poetry Pong with me. Twas fun. :)


Thank you also Jim :heart:

and yes Liar :devil: it was devils advocate here :D
thanks :rose:

Reviews will be posted later today, lots of lonely onlys out there plus new poems....
Re: Hello Monday...

jthserra said:
Well, a while back I had a vacation when no poems showed up on the new list. Today i got a near double dose... 49 new poems.
Ah Jazz... Ah Miles Davis... Ah Angeline in a wonderful nod to Miles Davis, she brings us Kind of Blue. Shhh... Listen:

"Maybe it's all kind of blue,
like skies shift languid dawning
soft as miles but insistent.
Time proceeds in brushbeats
and low chords swing quiet"

Miles is jazz, but he really shines on the slow stuff.


Well, those are some of the new poems for today, Monday April 12th. I picked out the ones that grabbed me. There are a number of other poems... read them all: New poems.

Farewell all...

and hey, hey, let's be poetic out there.

jim : )

Thank you Jim--as usual you totally got the poem. :)

I write a lot while listening to music and I was listening to


which sounded so languid and lovely. The reference to "green" later in the poem by the way was my anticipating listening to a radio interview with the great soul/gospel singer Al Green later that day.

Thanks too to all who commented--what great company to be in indeed. :)

Thank you for the mention Jim
as always I'm both shocked and pleased when something gets this much notice
love hate relationship with those damn smilies

jthserra said:
Okay, now for a couple of erotic ones... SeattleRain adjusted our thinking with her hind brain secret Take a glance:

"waiting for that low down
crawl and growl
only comes in the
burn of solar winds
pelting skin
into submission
space void vacuum"

So good.

Well, those are some of the new poems for today, Monday April 12th. I picked out the ones that grabbed me. There are a number of other poems... read them all: New poems.

Farewell all...

and hey, hey, let's be poetic out there.

jim : )

Hey Mr. James Monday Review Guy!

Thank your for your mention of my crazy little poem. :)

I woke up in the middle of the night thinking about my love love lovah :heart:

stumbled to the computer, typed this out and posted it.

I woke up thinking "did I write a poem last night or was it a dream?" :confused:

Thank goodness it did not get sucked into the lit machine yet, as I made some really silly mistakes.:rolleyes:

You are the best,

rock on Jim,

Seattle Rain

Monday jim and critiques....

Thanks again jim for taking the time and trouble to read review and post comments on people's work

Do not ever give up regardless of who says what about the way you feel and write comments. I find it strange that people will claim the right to write the way they feel and for themselves only and Yet - not allow another the right to comment on how he or she feels about the writing.

Everyone has an opinion - some more so than others - and if opinions are stifled then what are we left with?

Something to think about, n'est-ce pas?

Thanks for your time and effort again


To appreciate ...

Jim as I Only just mentioned:
Only there could I learn
Only here could I learn
Thank you and thank you all for the very positive feedback on a poem I wasn't sure was adequate. YDD almost had it right in his wish for development. I just about took it further, though now, I think the poem's better for leaving the rest unsaid.
Re: Monday jim and critiques....

RazzRajen said:
Thanks again jim for taking the time and trouble to read review and post comments on people's work

Do not ever give up regardless of who says what about the way you feel and write comments. I find it strange that people will claim the right to write the way they feel and for themselves only and Yet - not allow another the right to comment on how he or she feels about the writing.

Everyone has an opinion - some more so than others - and if opinions are stifled then what are we left with?

Something to think about, n'est-ce pas?

Thanks for your time and effort again



Something to thing about indeed, Razz. Wish a few more on my side of the border were...c'est vrai.

Re: I will not remain silent

Syndra Lynn said:
What you lack, besides a body of work to exhibit your self assumed talent, is respect. Those of us who post stories and poems on Literotica have the balls, that you lack, to put our talent, hearts and souls right out there. We don’t need your approval and we certainly don’t need your criticism. We ask for feedback in order to improve our work, not so you can vent your childish frustrations with the world. You actually said, to one of our talented writers, “Rewrite! Dig the pony out of the shit! There is a poem in there somewhere.” This is not a comment one makes to encourage or help the author grow. This is mean spirited and bitter. I take solace in the fact that the Universe gives back 3 times what you offer it. So, rethink! Dig your head out of your ass. There may still be a brain in there somewhere. Write a story and post it. We’d love to have a look.

Syndra Lynn
I agree. Who is this asshole ydd anyway? Who died and put him in charge of criticizing everyone's poetry anyway?
Only one person died for my defects and you're not HIM!
(ydd, please DO NOT EVER READ any of my stories. Everyone else likes them.)
Re: Re: I will not remain silent

MagicFingers said:
I agree. Who is this asshole ydd anyway? Who died and put him in charge of criticizing everyone's poetry anyway?
Only one person died for my defects and you're not HIM!
(ydd, please DO NOT EVER READ any of my stories. Everyone else likes them.)

I have to take exception with that comment. YDD is perfectly justified in expressing criticism, not that I necessarily agree with him or her but the words said are valid criticism which is the purpose of the PC function. If you don't like to hear about the opinions of others, you can turn the function off.
MagicFingers said:
I agree. Who is this asshole ydd anyway? Who died and put him in charge of criticizing everyone's poetry anyway?
Only one person died for my defects and you're not HIM!
(ydd, please DO NOT EVER READ any of my stories. Everyone else likes them.)
Hello MagicFingers,
How does one go about breaking into your rant to welcome you? :confused: I have only a couple of minor thoughts to share with you about comments and feedback, the premier of these is that you should be willing to accept the good with the bad.
The second is to remind you and others that there is an off selection on your Literotica Control Panel (you reach this feature directly off the login page) for both voting and comment on each individual submission. You can exercise this option at any time.
As an aside, not about feedback or commentary, I'd like to know just who are you to say YDD isn't the second coming? Unless you're blessed and anointed you'll never know until it's too late! Turn the other cheek, love others as you would be loved :heart: and above all else remember, :rose: words will not hurt those sheilded by an OED. :)

Thanks for your time,


p.s. I'm sorry for hijacking this thread but there are an awful lot of critical critiques critiquing the critics and I just needed to add my own (almost worth less than the copper alloy they're made of, two cents)

p.s.s. I'm off to read, vote and maybe, even offer comment to some of today's new poems.
Re: Hello Monday...

Dear jthserra,

It always surprises me when I see a "Feedback" email, especially one that leads me here. It is so nice that someone who seems as nice as you likes something that I write.

Thank you, and thanks to the others who have left comments on my writing these past few months.



And last, but certainly not least was my favorite of the day... catch and hold, 22 by Sibilaire featured a poem that was something, and then suddenly so much more. Something in the blur and oxygen. Read it and find the Catch 22.

Well, those are some of the new poems for today, Monday April 12th. I picked out the ones that grabbed me. There are a number of other poems... read them all: New poems.

Farewell all...

and hey, hey, let's be poetic out there.

jim : ) [/B]
April 13, 2004…part 1
poetry review; today we have a total of 19 new poems, 11 “only’s, plus 2 from yesterday and Ange, I hope you post your beautiful cinquin up there for tomorrow.

First with the poems;

SeattleRain shows us even Holsteins get mooving on escalators or by spring fever in this humorous short poem bovine road side

Denis Hale has been watching cartoons again, siskel, erbert, popeye, brutus, porch monkeys on haciendas, but this poem shows an evil lurking sense of humor that I so love about him and he paints this poem out perfectly with each step in siskel, erbert, and opposable thumbs

And there is no sense
in candy coating
the curled Flintstone toes
of potentiated soft soap B Side

looking for silver meanings
in this lunatic purple
sunrise careening
even as we speak
from bruise
to blush.

Cordelia brings a short but powerful burst of stability in the geographical plates of her love with tectonics
can I say that? :devil: a must read…

The Fool Seams to be enjoying the warmth of spring air and cast off coats as he caches in on sultry sights.

Steveporter seduces with a swirling oh come pose just for me

more coming...:rose:
champagne1982 said:
I'm sorry for hijacking this thread but there are an awful lot of critical critiques critiquing the critics

To jack even higher, a meta-critique on critical critiques critquing the critics:

It seems there are two sides. The first is composed of the people who, having put something on an anonymous and very public stage, have been hurt by the words of those who spoke afterwards. The second are those who point out the nature of said anonymous and very public stage, and even the options which can be used to shield the actors.

The second side has little luck because when the actual problem of the first is ever addressed, the advice is simply to "grow a thick skin." The issue of issues of public comments and the type of criticism doesn't matter because the actual problem is that words *can* hurt and not many people are ready for that.

And no one listens to advice anyway, until they are ready to hear it, which is why both criticism and this whole argument go lost on the people needing help.

Or so it seems to me, an infrequent participant.
Re: Re: I will not remain silent

MagicFingers said:
I agree. Who is this asshole ydd anyway? Who died and put him in charge of criticizing everyone's poetry anyway?
Only one person died for my defects and you're not HIM!
(ydd, please DO NOT EVER READ any of my stories. Everyone else likes them.)
I saw the feedback YDD left for your poem. It was polite, constructive criticism. The kind of crit any of us would be fortunate to receive.
There is thread entitled To The Critics here on the poetry board--an excellent place for any further discussion on this topic. :)
echoes_s said:
April 13, 2004…part 1
poetry review; today we have a total of 19 new poems, 11 “only’s, plus 2 from yesterday and Ange, I hope you post your beautiful cinquin up there for tomorrow.

First with the poems;

SeattleRain shows us even Holsteins get mooving on escalators or by spring fever in this humorous short poem bovine road side

Denis Hale has been watching cartoons again, siskel, erbert, popeye, brutus, porch monkeys on haciendas, but this poem shows an evil lurking sense of humor that I so love about him and he paints this poem out perfectly with each step in siskel, erbert, and opposable thumbs

And there is no sense
in candy coating
the curled Flintstone toes
of potentiated soft soap B Side

looking for silver meanings
in this lunatic purple
sunrise careening
even as we speak
from bruise
to blush.

Cordelia brings a short but powerful burst of stability in the geographical plates of her love with tectonics
can I say that? :devil: a must read…

The Fool Seams to be enjoying the warmth of spring air and cast off coats as he caches in on sultry sights.

Steveporter seduces with a swirling oh come pose just for me

more coming...:rose:

Tristesse soars by flashing us with Sex in the Air

He tries to lock the smell
the taste of her
in his mind
as he looks down at the world
through distorting glass

then she lands with a resounding impact bringing us Stories To Tell

Thesandman swoops in with a raw and emotional poem of The Hawk and The Man

deezire 1900 brings an interesting view and read with Lies

now on to the “Only” poems…
Thank you Echoes...

echoes_s said:
Tristesse soars by flashing us with Sex in the Air

He tries to lock the smell
the taste of her
in his mind
as he looks down at the world
through distorting glass

then she lands with a resounding impact bringing us Stories To Tell

Thesandman swoops in with a raw and emotional poem of The Hawk and The Man

deezire 1900 brings an interesting view and read with Lies

now on to the “Only” poems…

I appreciate the note on this poem. And still is. Thank you.
echoes_s said:
April 13, 2004…part 1

Cordelia brings a short but powerful burst of stability in the geographical plates of her love with tectonics
can I say that? :devil: a must read…

Heh. Not only can you say that... It's probably true! <sly grin>

Thanks for the mention, echoes_s. I don't post as frequently as most, or as excellent poetry. I am honored to be mentioned...


Cordelia said:
Heh. Not only can you say that... It's probably true! <sly grin>

Thanks for the mention, echoes_s. I don't post as frequently as most, or as excellent poetry. I am honored to be mentioned...



riiight...who are you trying to kid :devil: ;)
I read your Only poem....geesh poets! :heart:
echoes_s said:
Tristesse soars by flashing us with Sex in the Air

He tries to lock the smell
the taste of her
in his mind
as he looks down at the world
through distorting glass

then she lands with a resounding impact bringing us Stories To Tell

Thanks so much for the mention echoes_s - and, as always, thanks to those who comment publicly and privately.

A fantastic and beautiful job expressing how Only could be interpreted and expressed by everyone, go read, go vote and comment please. Thank you everyone :kiss:

Champagne jolts us into the running with her Only

Cordelia lavishly paints with Only the unique lush that she can.

lol, jthserra…what are you reading back there? I went and looked to see what I could find out about Batille, to try and understand the exact meaning of your poem and found this very interesting exerpt…I hope no one minds me posting it here…

The quality of Batille's work (in Supervert's estimate) varies considerably. His worst writings are a kind of wannabe Sade, texts whose apparent inspiration lay less in their subject matter than in their subject matter's anticipated ability to shock and appall. On the other hand, his best writings are intellectual tours de force that are to philosophy what fisting is to a virgin anus. If Sade was a more original prose writer than philosopher, Bataille was the opposite: a radical thinker whose prose skills sometimes failed to present his ideas with that Cartesian clarity the French pride themselves on. While this was probably not deliberate on Bataille's part, it did evince a certain irony: if his project was to embrace the waste products of society, why write in a manner condoned by tradition?

Would you please mind giving us an interpretation of what you meant with your Only?
Is it the completeness of man and woman together?

OT whispers to us, making us lean closer to softly grace us with his Only sweetest kiss.

Liar tells us how “Only you” appeases him right now, when nothing else matters or makes sense…I hope I read this right Liar?

sandspike quips Only a short sprig of lonely blues. Enjoyable to read.

Catbabe reminds me of being back in the military, marching exact precision so not to scuff someone’s boot or trip with her Only to break free to find her own way.

Linbido’s Only sent shivers down my spine with the beauty of her words, reflection of emotion, and images she presented.

Tristesse turned her Onley into a wonderful and embracing tribute to a wonderful pilot who lost his life “only” doing what he loved.

darkmass brings in a quiet interlude of solitude with his only

Angeline, I am going to post your Only Cinquain Chain here for everyone to read, I hope you don’t mind…

Only (A Cinquain Chain)

here as the heart
holds a house once alive,
now tenuous memory threads

in time
like a river,
receding from my shores,
but flowing to an unknown sea

where peace,
joining these ghosts,
awaiting the sister,
a daughter lives with their quiet

BooMerengue brings a sad and wistful, yearning if Only ” if only…”

Man Ray brings a solid meaning to the word Only the love between two people.