new poems

Ah... Georges Bataille...

I have two reviews coming shortly. One for his erotic novel "Story of Eye" and another for his "Collected Poems". Story of Eye is considered an erotic classic by many. The book shows his odd philosophy, which I discuss in the reviews. He certainly was groundbreaking.

The specific lines I used of his, an interesting exerpt from one of the several poems I enjoyed from his collected poems. Most of the rest were, well, over the top...

As for Only... basically, there are times when the world is only man and only woman. I tried to go there, in one of those moments when the world is celebrated in the wind, the pungent earth, and a voice.

Bataille's quote was the image I began with in my mind.

He was an odd fellow, who really gained most of his fame after he died. Recently Susan Sontag hailed his erotic writing. Watch for the reviews to pop up in the next couple of days.

Thank you Echoes_s for the mention. And I thank those who commented and voted.

jim : )
echoes_s said:
Liar tells us how “Only you” appeases him right now, when nothing else matters or makes sense…I hope I read this right Liar?
Hehe. Yep. I guess my Only is pretty much on the edge of how thin you can stretch a metaphor, but I wanted to see how weird i could write it. :) It is a new poem for a state I was in over a year ago, but I remember it too well.

Thanks for a great review session, and for summing up all the Only into something more than only.

:rose: Thank you everyone for the great response on my little spring poem. YDD was right on the money, it's for little M, who watched all that green stuff on the ground with the biggest awestruck eyes I'd ever seen. :)

Those challenges seems to bring out the best in all of us. I paged through them all just now, and will definitely go back again later today. Many fantastic poems in that pile.
echoes_s said:

The Fool Seams to be enjoying the warmth of spring air and cast off coats as he caches in on sultry sights.


Thanks for the mention, echoes. Have to think YDD for the main topic based on a PC. Thanks once again for the PCs as well. Hmmm....cast off coats....;)

"Been on hiatus"

Hello all, I have been on hiatus. At least my mind has been. I have tried to pull my self up and out of the cesspool I have been living in. Spending to much time drinking and smoking kind of makes my mind foggy. I came up with only two poems. Maybe they will be here tomorrow, and you can pick em apart. I can’t get out of the rhyme of things though. I am trying, bare with me please.... I have been reading all the new poems, I just have not made any public comments, but I loved many of them. I just did not think a comment from a drunkard would be appreciated. lol

Have a great day! You all are wonderful people. :)

-KK :kiss:
"Exit light, enter night"
Karen... I am not being facetious here- I would give my left tit to be able to get drunk and stay that way for about a month! Have one for me, would ya? :rose:
hey check this one out

Wide Screen
by twelveoone ©

Check out what twelveoone is watching on the new wide screen and welcome this new writer to lit...

Vermillion! Scarlet!
(Well ok, maybe, just an off shade of red)
But still,
Throbbing with intensity
And larger then life; Larger than me
This fearful symetry
Of spasms blown up
And finely detailed

Well worth the trip, can't wait what comes next!

Of course, tons of other awesome poems, just not my review day, had to mention this one.
re:hey check this one out

Thank you annaswirls
I'm afraid you may have given it more of a send off
then the climax
is worth

Re: "Been on hiatus"

KinkyKaren said:
I have been reading all the new poems, I just have not made any public comments, but I loved many of them. I just did not think a comment from a drunkard would be appreciated. lol

Have a great day! You all are wonderful people. :)

-KK :kiss:
"Exit light, enter night"

If drunkards aren't suppose to comment or post mytotal post count would be about 60
Sweet Echoes, thank you (and thank you pc'ers) for commenting on my Cinquain Only--or Ony if you go by my er "Chaucerian" spelling, which Eve was kind enough to suggest to me, lol. Truth is I'm nearsighted as heck, and even editors miss a few sometimes when they can't see what the hell they're doing. :D
BooMerengue said:
Karen... I am not being facetious here- I would give my left tit to be able to get drunk and stay that way for about a month! Have one for me, would ya? :rose:

Well, hand it over and we will see what we can do...


OMG Boo, please, not the left one, please!!!

;) you and fool got room for me at that one tit bar? I';ll have a double Cuervo gold, straight :D
Maria2394 said:
OMG Boo, please, not the left one, please!!!

;) you and fool got room for me at that one tit bar? I';ll have a double Cuervo gold, straight :D

what a titilating, (or is it titivating) experience ! :devil::rose:
if you are cultivating tits I think it would be titivating, but...:confused: :D
OMG! Unwittingly, Maria, Fool and I have just opened The One Tit Bar and Grill!! Surely we can do something with this...

*edited to come back and hire Echoes as our Hostess Extraordinaire! umm... and how many tits do you have, Echoes? LOL
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Boo, thats too funny!! but I wonder how many male customers we'll have with so few tits...I heard that some mens idea of a perfect woman is, she is 3 feet tall, has a flat head and three tits, ..isnt that sick??:D

oh yeah, i wanna be a topless titles barmaid, a floozy one :devil:
BooMerengue said:
OMG! Unwittingly, Maria, Fool and I have just opened The One Tit Bar and Grill!! Surely we can do something with this...

*edited to come back and hire Echoes as our Hostess Extraordinaire! umm... and how many tits do you have, Echoes? LOL

:eek: do nipples count?! :devil: :D
"Have a drink on me"

BooMerengue said:
Karen... I am not being facetious here- I would give my left tit to be able to get drunk and stay that way for about a month! Have one for me, would ya? :rose:

Oh it's been more like a one, a two ,a three, and the damn bottle is empty. I think there is a hole in the bottom.

I like how you all have taken my "Drunkard" comment and have now turned it into a left tit buy's the top shelf booze kinda bar.

Hey everbody, Karen's loaded and drinks are on her.

I think you are all still wonderful people, regardless of what everyone else say's. lol

-KK :kiss:
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*comes in with arms tightly folded.* I like both my tits.

Psst KK What DO they say?

Tristesse said:
*comes in with arms tightly folded.* I like both my tits.

Psst KK What DO they say?


I like both your tits too..but that AV is even better
new poems 4/15/04

Seems poetic that an accountant reviews poems on April 15th...

But as I don't do taxes, I will give you my pick of the twenty-three new poems posted today.

aurora virago
by oxalis

take me to your lap
across an arched bridge stream

Ahhhh... lush words and images I can taste...
Three from annaswirls:

Land of the Free

50 year dreams

And, my favorite of today's offerings:

a better view

Milk carton house, pint
sized, salt slats, paint, chipped
with milk crate tool box next to
concrete flower garden

All three poems have a similar theme treated in three wonderful ways. But the imagery of the last one had the most impact on me...
Also, three from WickedEve

Tattoo Animal

I'm A Good Book

And the grin-inducing She Has The Cure

Emmy of the mountain,
hair corkscrewed and crow,
totes prayers to town.

And I have mixed feelings about this one. But I feel I must mention it because I must've read it three times. Evoking the poor Odysseus and his years on that island...

by jesusgarcia

A new Lit poet, he brings a lot of good images and some words that even I had to smile at! I know this poem could use some tweaking, but damn it's a good read. And those typos! <wince> Have someone read through this to proof it!

In pain and quaquaversal awe.
My destitute bones ache for the contentment found in your sanctuary,
My heart cries for rest in the copious titties of humanity

How could you not like the word "quaquaversal" ?
And finally...

My Pillow Book
by Dustystar

While I found the "list" at the beginning a little distracting and superfluous, the rest of the poem was a delight.

Take this skin and mark it
With words

of topaz eyes
that light upon amber lizards
dreaming of orchids.


Now go read, vote, comment, and let us know if I missed anything you thought needed mention.


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thank you

what can be more compliment than being
mentioned by you

what a curious day
here standing next to
impromptu words of gratitude
gracious holding
heads on shoulders