new poems

Thanks for taking the time and effort, Cordelia. I'm sure many of the posters here have no idea how time consuming reviews can be.
Thanks for the mention, Cordelia. I think my Tennessee poems are just about finished! Damn, I need to go on vacation more often, puts one in a different frame.

Anna<----had to pry myself from Eve's new AV to post this Hello!

Hey is the bar open. Make it a double...... It's Friday!!!
Thought I would drop a line or two or three, to thank Tathagata, YDD, and Sandspike for their comments on my two poems. (*wink*) Thanks for the good and bad, voicing our opinion is one good thing we have in this country. I hope we never lose it... Ever....

-KK :kiss:

"Don't forget to VOTE!"

Nothing new yesterday? Last one on the list says 04/15/04. Oh well, gotta go check out that new bar...

are you okay?
seems as if your reptilian friends
are making a move on your face....

do you need some help?
SeattleRain said:

are you okay?
seems as if your reptilian friends
are making a move on your face....

do you need some help?

Are you making fun of my beard?


ps. They're geese. :)
WickedEve said:
It happens but not often. It can take several days for new poems to show up.

Whew!Now i feel better...i thought maybe i just wasn't liked anymore...

Liar said:
Are you making fun of my beard?


ps. They're geese. :)

damn! Those are Geese! I thought they were some kind of ring neck snake.

Thank God their beaks are pointing outwards. Reminds me of room 104

Liar said:
Room 104? What's that?


isnt that the room in Brave New World where your worst nightmares are used as a torture device? or was it 1984? I always get them confused

I think the guy had hungry rats going at his face, maybe Seattle is afraid of ducks or geese or...

I came here to say that the new poem review may be very late, I have so many things I HAVE to do, for people who know where I live...

bumper sticker

would rather reviewing poems

There were a lot of New Poems today.

There was also a lot of attention paid to these poems by very talented writers and reviewers. I feel a bit lame writing this review in the presence of such PC's, but here it is, my humble opinions. Please go check the others out as well. I KNOW I did not do the rest justice, there were some out there I just could not do today. My apologies.


Only Supertemporal

Personal commenters left some great feedback on this poem. On top of the brilliant approach to social commentary, Xtaabay's beautiful command of language comes through "Splashing child happiness" I love this poem.

Paper petals splashing child happiness
across fields;
the humblest rural flowers are resplendent…
beyond urban exhaust, gritty paving,
sickly leaded warmth and sticky patches
of melted gum.


This is my favorite of the day, just made me feel lighter somehow. Like something new blew in, I loved this poem because of the playful wording and it's unique (god I hate that word) original? spin. Wish I would have written this, or have it in me to do so.

by RazzRajen ©

the croaking bull frog with one good eye,
Sometimes skips and mostly plops

Pulsating throats and dissolving mewls,
They skitter
like stones skipping the glassy lake.
She comes in swampy drifts
then glows with eructating fevers
whose Hand is the one beating?


Meter, schmeter, YDD I do like you and your comments, but sometimes you gotta just let lose with the meter when you are trying to just tell a story.

New writers, please, don't be put off, it is actually cool that someone is reading our stuff so carefully, and if you are trying to keep consistant with your meter, then you got the right meter reader reading your's that is for sure, and if you are not into meter just repeat after me "meter, schmeter!"

This is pretty neat. Worth the read.

Shifa Retrospective by Bitch Boy ©

I was happy to chat
To a stranger online
And as chat pals, the two
Of us got along fine
Then somehow it migrated
To phone calls and voice
And to be honest with you
I don’t remember that choice

But the talking was fun
And we chatted for hours
No complications in this
All is good, nothing sours.

Could we stay like that?
No! For from Shifa I get:
“Don’t you think that it’s stupid
That we’ve never met?”

Cool images in this one.
Rain 2
by Bitch Boy ©

I can see the rain
Bouncing off cement
Tiny little bombs
Exploding as they strike


poem before concert
by 2rivers ©

lolly red pop awesome cascading hair
with bustle intellect and at times
in dark night headlights hustle

To me, this felt more like a sexy psychological three ring circus than a concert, but I may just be going to the wrong concerts. Feast for the mind, and apparently body, ears included. "Only one lover" but thank goodness we get to enjoy this wonderful poem.


Big T has four today, all well worth a read, this was my favorite.
Something about suckling and a lot of um action. Someone is feeling spring fever, and it is spreading damn!

Crocus apparition
by Tathagata ©

things wind down
playing out the clock like a penalty
wishing for salvation
but not wanting the sentence
people wander back and forth across my line
of vision

spring exuberance
pollen and t shirts
bare thighs and the urge
to fuck and rub and suckle
all that's in lace


Another spring poem, reminding me I should be outside working on my beds!

by 2rivers ©

nestle warm
simple surges, laughter
coos of spring, pulling back the leaves
sexy bare earth
odor of life, purpose
stretch out long


Okay I am finished.

I am really sorry, there were ones in here with great lines and great potential and just plain great but, I really gotta go.

There were so many amazing PC's by such talented writers that I will forgive myself and know that no poem went unnoticed today....

Keep writing, that is all that really matters here, I hope that you have a week full of peace in your "real" lives and the ones that live in here....

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to annasqirls

this boy is very happy you are as kind as you are.


now, back to the minds
wasting times meant mean/average
silver road,
fine wares, not really knowing
if certain lines in poems will go,
will go unnoticed or flown like flares
tied to kites
annaswirls said:
[ **********

Big T has four today, all well worth a read, this was my favorite.
Something about suckling and a lot of um action. Someone is feeling spring fever, and it is spreading damn!

Crocus apparition
by Tathagata ©

~Anna [/B]

you know i love when you call me big T baby
; )
Thank you again for the mention
I am always honored when someone likes me enough to mention me in this context

and thank you to all who have given me feedback and suggestions
Re reviews

Thanks anna for mentioning My poem

and thank you to all who left pc's on it. I don't think any of my other works have ever received as many votes as this one has pc's.

Glad you all liked it.

Razz :p
Someone help out Sunday?

Hi fellow poets--

I have a "little" rally/march to attend on Sunday, so I won't be able to do the reviews...

if anyone wants to do a switcheroo or if someone (YDD?) wants to jump in, please let me know.

Much appreciated!


Be prepared for "keep your laws off my body" poem flurry oh my
Monday, Monday...

and a Monday after a weekend trip to Dallas (that's 6 hours by bus) with the band. So please excuse my laziness as I didn't get to offer public comments on all the poems today. I started out in a bit of a funk, so I started with a poem that I knew I would say the most on.

Catbabe started my day of poetry with a nice haiku . The poem was an intriguing look at a body of water that was so much more.

Wickedeve has returned with a whole bunch of great poems. As I read one and then the other I reveled in her words and felt a tinge of envy, wishing I could do what she does so well. Each of her poems should be read today but I'll highlight my three favorites: Along My Beaten Path takes us down the backroads of her memory, in my favorite of hers today Death Smells Like Cinnamon and don't miss Rum Rush a very erotic illustrated poem.

There were a number of outstanding illustrated poems. One submitted by Tristesse initially had me thinking of Neruda's ships at night, but I quickly got caught in the meter and rhyme and suddenly Emily Dickenson seemed to be talking of the Moon Sails.

neonurotic followed with Hollow a haunting poem of despair. The artwork is dark and forboding, the words even more so...

And Linbido brought us Written Voices.

In a swing towards light Annaswirls brings us Most Beautiful, Essential a poem that blossoms.

In another shining poem OT kisses us with Spring. Read, vote and comment on this one.

And speaking of kisses, in a wonderfully tender and innocent poem Thegirlfriday11 tells us of the Things I Noticed While Holding Hands.

Denis Hale speaks with his physician in Now See Herr Doctor. Read it with two asprin and call me in the morning. Well, skip the asprin, and don't call me, but definately read the poem.

In a creative burst Syndra Lynn talks of a Poem Waiting to Happen. She provides a look into the creation of art.

Ah, we turn to the erotic... Archon666 breaths life into Breathing the Chalice.

Echoes_s presents a firm hand in counting strokes. She counted them and I loved every one. Hot stuff here.

And finally, my favorite poem of the day was written by 2Rivers. In 6 and 9, he presents a mathematical look at life and gravity. Read it and enjoy.

Those are the poems that caught my eye today, Monday April 19th. Those are only a few of the 49 poems posted today, and I am sure I left out some excellent poems. Go to the New Poems and read them all.

Now poets, let's be poetic out there...

jim : )
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Thanks Jim for the mention of my 'Hollow'. I appreciate the time in reading and commenting. I also extend this thanks to those who PC'd and sent private feedback for both 'My Mango' and 'Hollow'.

You are all fab! ;)

- neo
Re: Monday, Monday...

Wickedeve has returned with a whole bunch of great poems. As I read one and then the other I reveled in her words and felt a tinge of envy, wishing I could do what she does so well. Each of her poems should be read today but I'll highlight my three favorites: Along My Beaten Path takes us down the backroads of her memory, in my favorite of hers today Death Smells Like Cinnamon and don't miss Rum Rush a very erotic illustrated poem.
I understand the envy. I've never been an envious person until I became a poet. At times, it's difficult to read all the incredible work by the poets here and not feel a little envious.
I'm glad the Beaten Path and Cinnamon poems were among your favorites of the ones I submitted. Fox Hunt actually won an award, but it had no personal meaning for me like the other two, and Intimacy of Poetry was featured on very nice site, but I never felt a connection with either poem. I believe most poets do their best when they write what they know.
Re: Monday, Monday...

jthserra said:
and a Monday after a weekend trip to Dallas (that's 6 hours by bus) with the band. . . .

In another shining poem OT kisses us with Spring. Read, vote and comment on this one.


Hey, thanks kind mention. Mentions amongst such good company is always a good thing,
(and as an aside, maybe you need a wireless connection so you can review while *ON* the bus :D )