new poems

Thanks Jim, for the mention and for your incredibly generous help and pointers in your PC.

I really didn't want to call it "haiku" because I know I'm not there yet, but I didn't want to title it either and break another rule. I should have called it "haiku (maybe)" or "haiku (sorta)";)
Re: Monday, Monday...

jthserra said:
Now poets, let's be poetic out there...

jim : ) [/B]

I have been wanting to tell you, I LOVE THAT LINE!

Also wanted to say that I try every day
to read every new poem, every line
but I don't always have time.

So I read the ones Jim recommends
and APPRECIATE the time he spends
to humbly serve this community

He also provides a great body
of work to inspire, educate
those of us who came late

to this poetry sport (work, play, art)
he gently nudges us in new directions
it takes courage to speak from the heart


jthserra said:
In a creative burst Syndra Lynn talks of a Poem Waiting to Happen. She provides a look into the creation of art.

jim : ) [/B]

And my humble thanks for picking my budding poem out of the poetry garden today.

Thanks for everything, Jim. You're so cool! :cool:

Syn :kiss:
27 Poems

Kindred Strangers by syndralinguini is a series of 27 poems arranged into 3 scenes in a sort of "call and respond" format.

It's different, fun, and extremely erotic. Give it a read. PM your thoughts.

Syn :kiss:
Jim- Thank you for taking the time to review the million poems that flooded out after the thumb was removed from the dyke, I was luck with Sunday's pre-flood eh hem trickle.

Thanks for the mention of my poem, thanks for comments and email suggestions! Very much appreciated.

Anna basking in the sun......

YDD who asked--
it is about trees, angiosperm in general,
making sure the *first thing* they do is make flowers
(sex sex sex)

I never really thought of this until my son (2) pointed it out.
I always thought the leaves were there first.
They figure they gotta do what is most essential,
before all the other chores and routines of living

This observation of these horny little thornys gave me a definate
"Gather ye rose buds while ye may"
feeling except with experience instead of virginal
"shut up and fuck me"

I wrote this in the PC's but who goes back to look twice?
I will return!

I returned. Ok, so I’m not Douglas MacArthur and this ain’t no war, but the lovely Echoes is fighting germies and I’m stepping in to review today’s
new poem offerings for her. She’ll be around again asap. :)

Now I am a lucky reviewer to fill in today because there are some wonderful writes for you to read. Here are my faves--

Razz Rajan is a very thoughtful man. His philosophic meanderings are our gain because they result in some lovely searching poems, and his effort today
Minds Eyes, is it the Voice? is no exception. There’s a sort of measured anguish underlying the delicate questing going on here that lends a wonderful tension to this inner monologue.

Be not what the moons say,
whispered songs of faraway and
far again
Together, the mountains
awash in red
will bathe in the Light

Man Ray offers a tongue-in-cheek riddle of a write in
Nurse Candy Striper’s night shift. This is interactive stuff as you, reader, fill in one side of the conversation that forms the body of this poem and decide whether you’re um naughty or nice. Is it a poem? Who knows, but I enjoyed reading it, and--nice girl that I am--am sure it’s about a backrub, just a backrub. ;)
Poetry ain’t always purty folks, as annaswirls reminds us in
Forget what you heard about Spring. If you live in the Northeast, USA you know that it was verrry warm yesterday, and Ms. anna, who must have spent some time washing the winter’s muck from her walk, found some rather icky remnants of the season past as she worked. Only someone who writes with easy power, as she does, could take this subject, lay it out, and make poetry of it. Great read!

Monday afternoon garbage
non-refrigerated fermenting in
eighty degree heat

and the sum of all large buck tooth
naked tail rodents
(we chose not to speak their names)
who suffered winter death
now thaw, decompose
all at once

I could--and would--happily read anything Liar writes. He has great versatility as a poet and can be either wonderfully concrete or, as he is in today’s offering another kind of plunge, more metaphoric and introspective. I just love everything about this poem: its firm but delicately wrought rervelation about letting go and accepting and the quiet optimism that seems to underlie it. Beautifully stated! Read it.

goodbye I wave
to comprehension
farewell to focus
now when zeitgeist
sweet-talks the unweary
to just let go
step out

archon666 is a new poet to Lit; at least I haven’t read anything by him before, but I was really impressed with nadir of your hour, posted today. This poet is really strong on language and uses metaphor very effectively to describe reluctance lost to the power of seduction. I marvel at some of
the phrasing in this poem.

and then tying the binds
with short gestures
that surely stirred the waters -
pinching back the suggestions
that covered us with the moments
until i placed you against

the resistance of my summers:

Spring is on another poet’s mind. dreamsweet celebrates the arrival of warmth and bloom in Great Anticipation. which sent me scurrying to Google to define a term used thrughout the poem--Beltane. The term translated means “bright fire,” and refers to the start of summer, the crop, and pasturing season. Many poems use the bud/bloom flower metaphor to describe the start of Spring and this one does so especially well.

Greatest anticipation
as the crabapple buds
first appeared, then uncurled,
and showed us
a gorgeous, fragrant,
monochromatic pink

smithpeter is full of surprises. In Tent, he gives us what appears, at first, to be a straightforward (but poetically stated) description of an old tent in his yard, then shifts gears into personification and gives the it and the wind that moves it life in a frenzy of pure patented smithpeter whimsy. Never a dull moment around this guy--even if you’re a tent. :)

someday, it wishes, Wind will blow
polite to her, sleek dome screened in 2-man
tricked out, silver zipper, bronze stake
rip stop top shelf sleeper with fly,
ooh bliss

And finally, not one, not two, but three offerings from my buddy and power poet Wicked Eve, who I am so happy to see apparently feeling well and poeting prolifically. First, there’s Leggy Lola, a dance hall babe with a partner of dubious erm hair. Then she takes us on A Walk in the Cemetary and unearths a brief but compelling story about a couple, side by side. It’s vivid and sensual in that it conveys sight and sound (“arborous rustle”!). I was ready to call it my favorite today, until I saw that Eve has posted a poem I’ve read--many times before--with pleasure and wonder at her narrative poeticism: Backdoor Folk. I won’t descibe it here, but urge you to read it and marvel at the Wicked One’s incredible
storytelling poetry. It’s one of her best. :rose:

Papa did chores for Mista,
puddlin' dirt with sweat and dreams.
Durin' that last year of dry days,
I took Papa his medicine.
He'd drink long and deep, then belly laugh
for the sun to fetch him more heat.

There are other new poems today. Please read them all, and bear in mind these recommendations are simply one writer’s opinion--you may find others that strike your fancy. And don’t forget to vote, comment, and give feedback. We love it when you do!

Last edited:
YDD who asked--

I wrote this in the PC's but who goes back to look twice?

who goes back to look twice? I do, and maria, when in this rose garden, often feels like the only weed most of the time, she goes back to learn and discover if she actually "got" the poem, sometimes she doesnt, but mostly she enjoys the notes that others leave..I love this place, I really do :)

PS, thanks syn for the help on that thingie ;) I will fix it probably after thirteen o'clock, when all is quiet here:devil:
Thanks Angeline. I hope you'll check out Backdoor Folk: New Perspective. It should be up tomorrow. It's very close to the original, but I think improved by the different perspective and a little editing of writing that's from 2 years ago.
Thank you, Angeline, pleased to have sparked your interest. ;)

I love Beltane. Especially this one... Probably not much else going on in my head than this trip I'm about to go on. I'm very happy my little poem in anticipation of the trip went over well. :)
thank you much for your kind words about my poem and Tent.
Ya know it was one of those poems written while doing something else about the house and almost rejected as a waste of time. I was bored with it. Now it’s like a little group of words inside.
along with currents wet
unknown bends
friction of water
carrying grains, rolling pebbles
and scraping boulders
millions of years will have other things
to occupy them
Angeline, you make me blush.

Thank you, your positive energy makes me want to keep writing and to get better.

And there really was only one dead rat that I know of but it smelled like at least 10.

And no I do not live in the slums.

any old townhouse in the city will do...

A naughty mind....

A naughty mind is not compulsory here in Literotica...:D ...but its sure helps! Thank you Angeline for your mention of my `Nursy` riddle, poem or whatever we call it! :rose:

ps Get well soon sexy! I miss you! :heart:
Re: I will return!

Angeline, you are one of those who made me dare to write stuff the way I want to write stuff. I often don't know where I'm heading with my writing, what I do that works or not, or if I am ever going to actually mature and improve it. Your warm words are very encouraging to keep on trying. t.y. very much.


ps. Metaphoric my foot. It's my rock, my tree and my horizon. Drop by sometime, and you'll see. :)
New Poems And New Kickass Poet!

Ok, now. I'm just gonna barge in here and say this.

Since noone does Wednesdays on a regular basis (right?), I couldn't just sit quiet after reading today's new poems.

Well, there was a bunch of really good ones from Tristesse, Eve, and more. But I'll leave those for now, to cast some light on a new, very promising poet:

The name (or, you know, what goes for a name in this place), is Basilisk, and she gives us a total of six poems today, of which I loved every one of them to bits. She has a dancing, down to earth style that revels in the simplicity of itself, and bounces effortlessly from notion to notion. Take a look at those, and show a new talent your support:

I've seen many mediocre straight on "fuck poems" here on Lit. This is not one of them. This is something else. And good. Very good. The opening lines are smashing.

Short and true about, well, a hymen.

A hymn to the body. The male body. A very observant poem.

Strong. A sharp protest against the silent oppression of the uneven ones in the world.

September in a Small Town
A sensual snapshot.

Ok, I'm not even going to try to describe this. Just read dammit!

[color=8888ff]You smell of not quite flowers,
Like fine milled soap,
And taste-
God, but if I could remember.
So fast,
Timid, skittish kiss
A second’s warmth
And breath.
I could love you,
Lost in your hidden glances,
Your frightened eyes.
I could teach you passion,
Ease you through my lips
I could take you,
Force so gently,
Break as you have pled
And leave you only tastes
And an empty bed.[/color]

Now, who read this and didn't get at least a little bit randy? :)

Welcome to the zoo, Basilisk. Let's hope we get to read more soon from you. :rose:

Re : I will return

Angeline I for one am glad you have returned and back in your fine form as usual.

Thanks for the mention and the kind words about My poems...

It takes time and effort and you do do it so well.

in answer to your pc - No I have not thought about it and Yes you are right I probably have enough of them. by now.

I just write.

Thanks again

Razz :p

PS and Thanks YDD for your perspective too
Re: Re : I will return

RazzRajen said:
Angeline I for one am glad you have returned and back in your fine form as usual.

Thanks for the mention and the kind words about My poems...

It takes time and effort and you do do it so well.

in answer to your pc - No I have not thought about it and Yes you are right I probably have enough of them. by now.

I just write.

Thanks again

Razz :p

PS and Thanks YDD for your perspective too

I'd like to endorse what Razz says to Ange (good to see your reviews again) and YDD who so faithfully comments on established Lit poets and newer poets alike - always giving consructive, thoughtful comments. Thanks to both, seemingly, tireless Litizens.

P.S. I'd buy a volume of Your poems Razz. :D
Okay I am going to mess up these names forgive me--

Elizabetz and Minsue have both offered to do Sunday's reviews-- saying "If no one else offers...."

So could the two of you work it out? I know echo_s and I shared the first review we did one fateful Saturday morning.....

Whatever you two decide, go for it!

Thank you!

And thanks Liar for mentioning the new poet-- read her stuff it is cool. I have not been reading as much as I want to lately :( although hope to do more now that I have a fast internet connection! Whoo hooo! Life in the fast lane

annaswirls said:
Okay I am going to mess up these names forgive me--

Elizabetz and Minsue have both offered to do Sunday's reviews-- saying "If no one else offers...."

So could the two of you work it out? I know echo_s and I shared the first review we did one fateful Saturday morning.....

Whatever you two decide, go for it!

Thank you!

And thanks Liar for mentioning the new poet-- read her stuff it is cool. I have not been reading as much as I want to lately :( although hope to do more now that I have a fast internet connection! Whoo hooo! Life in the fast lane


LOL You were close, at least! :D

I'll get with Elizabetht & see what she wants to do. Do us proud, Anna. :rose:

- Mindy, wishing I could go dammit.
Re: Monday, Monday...

jthserra said:
Echoes_s presents a firm hand in counting strokes. She counted them and I loved every one. Hot stuff here.

A bit late, but thank you Jim very much for the mention and everyone's private pm's and pc's on the board. :heart:

Thank you also Ange for covering for me this Tuesday, you don't know how much I appreciate this. :kiss: :heart:
Re: Re: Monday, Monday...

echoes_s said:
A bit late, but thank you Jim very much for the mention and everyone's private pm's and pc's on the board. :heart:

Thank you also Ange for covering for me this Tuesday, you don't know how much I appreciate this. :kiss: :heart:

My pleasure dear lady--I rarely turn down a chance to throw my opinions around. :D
the review for Thursday will be delayed until tomorrow due to intense frustrations with the computer and lack of time to re-do.

glaring at my CPU,

new poems 4/22/04

Sorry about the delay. I am going to save my stuff this time...

Okay, twenty-two new poems for Thursday, April 22.

Here are my recommendations:
Schroedinger's Cat by annaswirls

This poem deserves the "E" it got. Just go read it. It will take you on a journey...

Oh... and she also gave us another wonderful poem in
York Road

anna... next time post one poem at a time so a great poem like this doesn't pale next to your other poems!
sweets by oxalis

Yummy. Very yummy.
There are two poems by new-ish poet Xesevoli , but I recommend Comparison... Him and...

Another yummy poem. Now I'm hungry.
Angeline blesses us with two poems today.

Your Two Faces is haunting and lovely.

But I must wildly recommend Coffee Clouds at Dawn.

I read this poem last night when I was very very sleepy, and barely comprehending. I read it again this afternoon when I got home from work. The fact that I saw two totally diferent poems saying the same thing was startling! I love this woman.
Tathagata also gives us two poems. While I thought aware wasn't up to his usual standards, I must say I enjoyed Legs.

One comment? Lose the "carrot and stick" cliche!
Be a Man by CremeBrule

I love this poem!!!
8 p.m. in Evanston by tarablackwood22

I don't know that the parenthetical comment at the beginning was necessary, as the poem stands out on its own. But the images are really good. A fine poem.
button says compose by svelte walker

Yow. Go read this for morsels like:

"-strangers tanging it up-"


Sorry for the delay, folks. At least I made it this far.

NOTE: Today (April 23) is Shakespeare's 440th birthday. Please celebrate as is customary. That is all.

Geez. I am so glad I saved that post. It took me 4 tries to post it.

Learning my lesson,
