new poems

Yeah, it seems to be the fad these days. Posting delayed poem reviews, I mean. So I thought I'd do the same thing.

Actually, I came home at midnight from the local pub and a birthday celebration (No not William's, nor mine.), tried to read a book and fell asleep on top of it. When I woke up, it was 9 AM and Saturday. :rolleyes:

Only 8 poems on the list. I guess Laurel had a friday night phar-thay to attend to or something, just like me. :)


WickedEve wants to sleep in peace and Skinless for a while. The artwork is very Eve, and the poem a strong wish put into stong words.


bluerains contributes with three poems, all worth a look. Some of the time, I can't quite penetrate the elaborate metaphores and dictionary-diving choice of words, but the bittersweet double-egded sword of passion and devotion that is forever yours had me going back for secords. Then check out her wonderful little senryu.


Xesevoli gets my last recommendation for the day. Danger in Youth is a rhymed, at times almost sung, story of budding life, attachment, and loss. A lesson for life? A snippet of life accurately portrayed? Or a huge metaphor for something else? I'll leave that up to you, just go read the thing.


'til next time...
Re: new poems 4/22/04

Cordelia said:
Sorry about the delay. I am going to save my stuff this time...

Okay, twenty-two new poems for Thursday, April 22.

Here are my recommendations:


Angeline blesses us with two poems today.

Your Two Faces is haunting and lovely.

But I must wildly recommend Coffee Clouds at Dawn.

I read this poem last night when I was very very sleepy, and barely comprehending. I read it again this afternoon when I got home from work. The fact that I saw two totally diferent poems saying the same thing was startling! I love this woman.


Sorry for the delay, folks. At least I made it this far.

NOTE: Today (April 23) is Shakespeare's 440th birthday. Please celebrate as is customary. That is all.


And I love you too, as you know. :heart:

Thank you for the recommendations, and thanks to those who commented and sent feedback. And for thee, dear Cordelia~

"Your monument shall be my gentle verse, which eyes not yet created shall o'er read"
Sonnet 81
24 April 04

Second Saturday in a row without any new poetry out there... Maybe a good opportunity to go write some. ;)
Thanks for the "skinless" mention, Liar. :)

Lauren, I think you arranged this some how so you wouldn't have to do reviews. Shame on you, but I did use my time to write, and now I have a brand new poem. Ah, there's nothing like a fresh poem in the morning.
:eek: I know people who know other people.

Oh, you said poem! Yes, nothing like a fresh one in the morning.

Schroedinger's Cat by annaswirls

This poem deserves the "E" it got. Just go read it. It will take you on a journey...

Oh... and she also gave us another wonderful poem in
York Road.

anna... next time post one poem at a time so a great poem like this doesn't pale next to your other poems!

Thank you Cordelia for the mention, and to all who left kind comments. I wrote the Cat poem about 5 years ago, not as a poem but as one of those self scoldings we poets go through for not knowing everything or being everything etc. It was like 4 pages long! All that quantum physics/relativity/uncertainty principal crap really just fries my brain.

When I got an email congratulating me for my first little green E I thought-- what? York Road? No way, it is just like everything else I write! Forgetting I had put the poemitized Cat poem up. I almost did not post it. I am a poor judge of my work I guess!

I think I will go take a nap windows open wide cool leaf scattered air blowing across newly shaved skin..... ahh house empty and quiet... I feel like the queen. Two hours. Bliss.


Well I was really excited to do that review today


There have been no new poems posted since the 23rd.

I am suddenly feeling bad for the person that does the review on monday... I think they are going to get bombed with them.
Elizabetht said:
Well I was really excited to do that review today


There have been no new poems posted since the 23rd.

I am suddenly feeling bad for the person that does the review on monday... I think they are going to get bombed with them.

I just wanted to say I really like your new AV
Re: new poems 4/22/04

Cordelia said:

Tathagata also gives us two poems. While I thought aware wasn't up to his usual standards, I must say I enjoyed Legs.

One comment? Lose the "carrot and stick" cliche!

Thank you for the mention....

( glad i didnt use the worm on a hook one I had contemplated)
as countless wisemen have said before me..
" They can't all be gems"

Elizabetht said:
Well I was really excited to do that review today


There have been no new poems posted since the 23rd.

I am suddenly feeling bad for the person that does the review on monday... I think they are going to get bombed with them.
Don't run away yet, Elizabetht. The poems showed up late last Sunday. I bet you'll get Saturday and Sunday's poems--probably 80-90 poems. :D

Hey! I did notice one thing. Stories were updated the last two days. Poetry is the poor stepchild around here.
Oh yippeeeeee

I am not running off.

I will be around today because I have about 16 stories to write for the survivor contest.... someone is kicking all our arses

LOVE my AV although I am really wanting one that says Lizzy the Lizard Licker.... would have had to been part of the Earth Day contest to understand that one.

*dances and twirls trying to think of peoms to do for audio that won't put people to sleep*
Tathagata said:
I just wanted to say I really like your new AV

uses her one dumb question a day to ask

Hey Tathagata...
I was wondering how do you get all those cute little gifs on the bottom of your posts....?
Elizabetht said:
uses her one dumb question a day to ask

Hey Tathagata...
I was wondering how do you get all those cute little gifs on the bottom of your posts....?

I'll try and explain this:

You find a gif or picture you like, you copy the url, you go to the control panel and hit " edit profile" and type : < img src=
then the url- then >
in the little box
and it Should add it to your sig

I just saw the list of the poems that have begun the monday list... someone today was right.... ohhhh does it suck to be them on monday reviewing.

Good Luck however it is.
Elizabetht said:
LOVE my AV although I am really wanting one that says Lizzy the Lizard Licker.... would have had to been part of the Earth Day contest to understand that one.
I'll make you a spiffy one, if you promise to fill in for me for the Friday reviews, when I'll be out in the spinach. :)

Liar said:
I'll make you a spiffy one, if you promise to fill in for me for the Friday reviews, when I'll be out in the spinach. :)


You gotta deal Liar.

Elizabetht said:
You gotta deal Liar.

Goody! AV coming up...

Btw, we've got a 80+ 2 pages list of new poems today. Since I AM here now, maybe I should give jthserra a hand. Shout if you're feeling crowded, Jim. :)


Hi, I talked to Jim -- I will be helping him out with the insane number of wonderful poems that are out there today.

I started at the bottom, and the 1/2 hour video is over, kids are hungry, so here is the last (in position on the list only) 15%

I sure hope this is not the status quo of the new poem output--

These are only my opinions and I am a little rushed, so please be forgiving and kind and know we all do the best we are able to do.

Love Came Later by flamingaugust ©
and still i will not give my pity to you
instead i will wrap my beautiful deceit around
your hazel eyes

Some nice lines in here, worth a look see in my opinion of course.

sending a strophe
by Liar ©

Clever. This poem wraps around itself and welcomes you inside. Check it out. Pity there are so damn many poems out there. I fear some will not get read.
on a straight line
through a curved world
neatly folded cargo
will arrive unharmed

and another one:erosion

by SavgeWolf ©

Sentimental stream of consciousness with something for everyone.

I Await
by drowyn ©

I believe a new poet here, I like her use of this poets solid lines that ground the poem among the images and elusive reflections.

The waters run deep here
This place hidden in my mind
Past the tumbling moments
Falling over the edge
A silent pool of memories
Collections of undercurrents
Surface tension released
Deep swirls letting go

and if you like that, check out the other one as well
Sea of Shattered Glass
by drowyn ©

by GoddessWithRedHair ©
Choices. She looks at many of the sides. Check it out:
A letter signed upon dotted line
Death sentence
In blue or black ink please.
Penned the document long ago,
(Will you take this man? I do. . . )

more after bedtime, if Jim doesn't go crazy and finish them before then!

part 2 of page 2 Monday review

Here I go....

by jthserra ©

Chilling. Intense. Hauntingly descriptive

If you read only one poem on the second page, I will bet it should be this one.

Silence falls in light flurries:
the cooling snowflakes of the dead
gray folded cutouts --
man, woman, the child, so many
shroud the oily, fetid sky.

Not my favorite of his work so far. I am almost led to feel some empathy for the character in this poem, but a little put off by what I felt to be the overuse of shock language...
here is a good part-
and as I rock and twist
on my piss-soaked haunches,
those are my bones you can hear
running their Jiffy Pop backtalk

Ballad Of A Broke Dick Dawg
by Calvin Hanes ©


Krenna Smart imagines some reactions John Lennon would be having to the political/social scene of today. Welcome!


I have never been on a blind date, but this highly descriptive poem date winds up with gifts and batteries in the restroom.... wonder what I missed during my dating days!

Hi, Honey
by oxalis ©


Okay that is it for Page2!

And I was right, Jim has it hands down, really, please read that one, it is wonderfully horrible and horribly wonderful.

Thank you for reading down to the bottom and for the pleasure of reviewing your work. I am sure I missed something, please go read and check them out for yourself!

Elizabetht said:
pssstttt anna

you sent this four times... i think your enter key is possessed

not my enter key
wish it were that easy

lit is suddenly a popluar place, guess everyone commenting on the YDD ode, which is a shame because there are a lot of really good poems out there that have no comments on them at all besides his.

First not responding, then too many people errrr and meanwhile it WAS responding, I even CHECKED back to see if it was posted so I would not have it doubled up


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if I had a boat
I would sail it on the ocean
and if I had a pony
I would ride it on my boat

(or something like that)
Lyle Lovett
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if I had a nickle I'd find a game
if I won a dollar I'd make it rain
if it rained an ocean I'd drink it dry
lay me down, dissatisfied.

Townes van Zandt
Last edited:
pssstttt anna

you sent this four times... i think your enter key is possessed
annaswirls said:
getting sick of this place

you know I submitted it, froze,
checked the board, it was not there
tried again
it was not there
then this! errrrr

seriously Anna, you are doing great and an awesome job at that. Don't worry about dbl or quad postings...bleah, we all understand. Just the fact you are helping Jim says so much sweetie. Huge hugs :kiss: :heart: