new poems

What she said.......

echoes_s said:
seriously Anna, you are doing great and an awesome job at that. Don't worry about dbl or quad postings...bleah, we all understand. Just the fact you are helping Jim says so much sweetie. Huge hugs :kiss: :heart:

I've been reading and commenting on poems for hours now. I finished with page 2 and working on page 1. There are some great poems.
I highly recommend: Unspoken by jthserra
WickedEve said:
I've been reading and commenting on poems for hours now. I finished with page 2 and working on page 1. There are some great poems.
I highly recommend: Unspoken by jthserra

it's bone chilled, creaking in shivers! :heart:
Ah, it's Monday... and I need to thank

Anna for picking up a bunch of the poems for me. She picked up page two and let me run with page one. I also want to thank Angeline who offered to read and review, but fortunately, I was able to get right into the poems and get them all read.

I want to thank Eve, Echoes_s, Anna and those others who commented kindly on my "Unspoken". I was inspired by Wislawa Szymborska's poem "Still" and a work of art I experienced at the Houston Museum of Modern Art. Anyway, thanks for the comments.

My new reviews will follow on the next post... but first, here's a teaser for you: Take a peek at RazzRajen's Motes: re-visited , this is a good one!

jim : )
Re: Ah, it's Monday... and I need to thank

jthserra said:
Anna for picking up a bunch of the poems for me. She picked up page two and let me run with page one. I also want to thank Angeline who offered to read and review, but fortunately, I was able to get right into the poems and get them all read.

I want to thank Eve, Echoes_s, Anna and those others who commented kindly on my "Unspoken". I was inspired by Wislawa Szymborska's poem "Still" and a work of art I experienced at the Houston Museum of Modern Art. Anyway, thanks for the comments.

My new reviews will follow on the next post... but first, here's a teaser for you: Take a peek at RazzRajen's Motes: re-visited , this is a good one!

jim : )

Jim! Glad to see you're still alive--I had this vision of you buried under a mountain of words, lol (uh maybe that's not so funny to you...). And I should have just jumped in and started reviewing but, exciting girl that I am, I fell asleep at 7 pm and just awoke now--yes, it's a wild life I'm leading. :rolleyes:

Go Anna!

Monday, Monday and a Momma Cass load of poetry...

I counted 74 poems on page one and I am not sure how many more Anna covered. Anyway, some of the poems that grabbed me from todays excellent collection of New Poems.

First I revisit our teaser: RazzRajen's Motes, re-visited

SeattleRain protected us with her Canopy in a short poem filled with beautiful images.

Tathagata brought us a number of excellent poems, my favorite was Totem , take a peek:

"signposts of wisdom
watermarks of failed dreams
turning points, heartbreak
all these included in mystic ink"

In a long awaited compilation arising from Tristesse's challenge, The Poets bring us the stars with
Sign Language
a wonderful collection of form and free form poems, all around a common subject. Read and enjoy this one. Please comment and vote, and then thank Tristesse for organizing the fun.

The poetry got a bit musical as Sibilaire's voice experienced an octave drop in a sensuous poem:

"We take turns breathing
and speaking praise
into each other’s mouths

While fingers and toes
twist and play"

Angeline follows with a bit of bee bop jazz with her Blue Muse Bop . Oh yeah.

Picture Syndra Lynn in a chastity belt... Well, this ain't gonna happen, at least Not in California , well perhaps metaphorically:

belt of chastitiy
cuts my chances
of getting lucky
with you"

Denis Hale contemplates deep sea diving in a tsunami in
Buddy Breathing
. The wave crashes and the passion steams.

In a wonderful poem Oxalis arranges several words in a row

and air2o follows with just food a poem that definately got my attention. His other two poems are also worth a peek kind petition for acceptance and above a list of ideas .

In a stunning erotic poem Steve Porter writes as I savor your evaporated salt , savor these words:

"see the shell that i found from the sea
this pink and polished cleft that spirals
into the damp shadow of her darkness

washed abandoned and now reclaimed
still dripping wet in essential waters and
glistening beneath the pubescent dawn

and now i hold you in my hands."
Read the rest and sigh.

2rivers brings us back to earth
right here

While Bluerains sprinkles us with fallen rains . There's something in the fallen branches here.

Echoes_s presented a number of wonderful poems. On the first, haiku she took a good haiku and then posted a PC with an even, in my opinion, better haiku.. Go read haiku, then look at the comments and read her haiku. She also brought us Anchorage and my favorite of her poems today: Have you ever tasted a rose? , she adds an elegance to the pain/pleasure of the thorn/blossom metaphor.

There were a few audio poems presented today including: Goose on the Loose which reminded me a bit of Ogden Nash by My Erotic Tale, bare by Elizabetht and Not One of Mine by deliciously_naughty. Take a listen to these and the other audio poems.

Okay... and, blame it on the night, the many, many poems, but I have two favorites for the first page of new poems today. I had previously mentioned a musical poem by Angeline, well the music didn't stop there... she flowed from bee bop to the soaring piano of Gershwin in her stunning Rhapsody in Muse , oh wow, it would be so blissful to run my fingers through her CD collection.

And my other favorite of the night was a wonderful terzanelle composed by WickedEve titled: Did You Wash Behind Your Ears? . Eve is just so good with these forms.

Well, those are the poems that grabbed my attention in the first page of the new poems today Monday, April 26th. There were so many poems that I am sure I missed more than just a few gems, so please read all the New Poems.

Now poets, let's be poetic out there.

jim : )
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Bows Humble~

Wow thanks jim for the invitation and the comment:

I'll place this thread on my list for when I make
my rounds. Very nice...Thank you...Art
Wow Jim!

Thanks for slogging through all those poems for us. You are truly a wonder and we love you. And thanks to the lovely annaswirls for her wonderful assistance.

Jim, I'm not sure which I appreciate more, you mentioning my little poem, or you noticing that the belt would never fit. LOL


Syn :kiss: :kiss:
to anna

honestly hun

i was just teasing ya
i have been the victim of the stuck page many times
Re: *evil grin* Anna's challenge

echoes_s said:
write a poem about it :heart: :devil: :rose: :kiss: :D

oh my what was my challenge :confused:

I could use something to write about...hmmm the quad post syndrome? lol

and Eliziabetht-- my errr damn etc were not directed at you :)
Re: Monday, Monday and a Momma Cass load of poetry...

jthserra said:
I counted 74 poems on page one and I am not sure how many more Anna covered. Anyway, some of the poems that grabbed me from todays excellent collection of New Poems.


Angeline follows with a bit of bee bop jazz with her Blue Muse Bop . Oh yeah.


Okay... and, blame it on the night, the many, many poems, but I have two favorites for the first page of new poems today. I had previously mentioned a musical poem by Angeline, well the music didn't stop there... she flowed from bee bop to the soaring piano of Gershwin in her stunning Rhapsody in Muse , oh wow, it would be so blissful to run my fingers through her CD collection.


Well, those are the poems that grabbed my attention in the first page of the new poems today Monday, April 26th. There were so many poems that I am sure I missed more than just a few gems, so please read all the New Poems.

Now poets, let's be poetic out there.

jim : )

Thank you Jim, both for your yeoman's review work and your comments on my poems. I didn't plan to submit two music poems together, but circumstances rolled them out that way. :)

I was blessed to grow up in a home that was usually full of good music. My dad--a solid New Yawker--adored Gershwin and Rhapsody in Blue was his favorite, so I heard it early and often. I suspect it is Gershwin's music that planted the jazz-loving seeds in me. The piece is also meaningful to me because it was the last music we listened to together in hospital the day before he died--a tape of a piano roll version of Gershwin himself playing it. The poem is as much a hommage to my father as to Gershwin.

Thanks all to those who commented and fed back. And Jim I am humbled that you would single out (along with Eve's amazing terzanelle) my piece in such a stellar group of submissions.

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Jim, anna, I bow on awe over the behemoth of reviews you turned in. And thank you anna for finding the grace to mention my poetry poem among all the wonderful poems yesterday. I was a little afraid that we on page 2 wouldn't get read at all, but no such misfortune. :)

Sorry I have so little time right now, niether offering feedback nor having the courtsey to thank all the people who takes the time and effort.

Will get better...
Thanks Jim and Angeline. It means a lot that at least a couple of people noticed the poem. And you two must have been the two that voted. lol I put a lot of work into this one. The form is good exercise for my brain, and I think I came up with a few good lines. Thanks again.
WickedEve said:
Thanks Jim and Angeline. It means a lot that at least a couple of people noticed the poem. And you two must have been the two that voted. lol I put a lot of work into this one. The form is good exercise for my brain, and I think I came up with a few good lines. Thanks again.

Well!! Dangit, Woman, I voted!! I loved it,even left a comment :p you are a Mistress of Form, I worship at your beautiful feet...ohh, feet :eek: I like feet and form poems... have a beautiful day eve
Oh, you must have been ms. anonymous!
Uh... I didn't know about your foot fetish. lol
Re: Monday, Monday and a Momma Cass load of poetry...

jthserra said:
I counted 74 poems on page one and I am not sure how many more Anna covered. Anyway, some of the poems that grabbed me from todays excellent collection of New Poems.

First I revisit our teaser: RazzRajen's Motes, re-visited

Now poets, let's be poetic out there.

jim : )

Thanks jim for the time and effort and in this case agony too of having to read and review so many excellent poems.

Kudos to a job well finished and thank you for mentioning my poem in the thread

Thank you Jim for your great undertaking and for mentioning my poem. It is a Mother's day present for my mom. I hope she likes poem flowers as much as the real ones because the real ones are not in my budget right now.

think I will go passion on that for a bit

Liar said:
How about this?


howls laughing

Liar I love it....woohooo

Take your friday off you so deserve it

runs off to put up her new AV, giggling the whole way
Thank you for mentioning my poem in the midst of such a crowd of talent.

Thank you to everyone who left comments. This poem meant a lot to me, it is always surprising to me when other people have nice things to say about it too.

And thank you anon who had a reading recommendation for me--

Elizabetht said:
howls laughing

Liar I love it....woohooo

Take your friday off you so deserve it

runs off to put up her new AV, giggling the whole way

Nice lizard, Lizzie. He looks very happy!

Syn :kiss: