new poems

Thank You Eve

In Memorium
by Angeline ©

"The shame of Minos
was collected in a cup
and put to the lips of a
clever man.

Drink Daedalus."

Another excerpt:
"The maze that wheels
on the open sky
flings ambition
at the stars.

Oh Icarus."

Beautifully and intelligently written. A must read!

As soon as I heard about the disaster, that image of Icarus came to me. There was no other way for me to write it.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Redeye

Rybka said:
I was just describing the similesfor lavalamps, :p Puke in beer is an apt description!

Regards,                       Rybka

Eh, you're just jealous :p Hm.. I wonder what a fish inside a lavalamp would look like? hm.... :D

LavaLamp errata

I just couldn't resist. My SO works for LavaWorld international and her boss has a fish in a LavaLamp on a budweiser base....odd...but true...

The Answer:42
Re: LavaLamp errata

DR_Bowden said:
I just couldn't resist. My SO works for LavaWorld international and her boss has a fish in a LavaLamp on a budweiser base....odd...but true...

The Answer:42

Your SO? Hm... "Something Old"? "Student Operator?" "Silly Otter"?
Hm... well I guess it's all been done before :p Darn... and here I thought I had a new idea! Be careful though, because Rybka might try to steal this marvelous lavalamp. Deep down inside, the Fish has a weakness for such lamps.

SO = Significant Other

And is there something going on between Rybka and Xtaabay? It just seems too (and I apologize for using this word)....cute.

Just Wondering,


Cordelia said:
SO = Significant Other

And is there something going on between Rybka and Xtaabay? It just seems too (and I apologize for using this word)....cute.

Just Wondering,

That's exactly what I've been thinking! She has a hook in that fish and she's reeling him in. And I don't think he's fighting it either. :D
:heart: :heart: :heart:
How delicious

And just in time for Valentine's day. The peotic opportunity ... a romance at the Poet's corner.

But hang on. Maybe she's only a Foaf (friend of a fish). I guess it's too early for posters?

No way!!!! Just because I like to tease The Fish doesn't mean I have a thing for him/her/it. It's just that The Fish is so darned easy to tease :D I mean first, he/she/it is a fish... which is funny in itself. Second, it's a silly fish! Third, it makes such silly comments, leaving itself wide open for smart remarks :p

Me thinks the lady protests too much.

:wink, wink, nudge, nudge:

Lauren.Hynde said:
I think the whole thing is very sweet. And just look how cute: she's in denial... :D
She actually said "EWWWWW." Remember when boys were eww icky? Well, now she's at the "ewww fish are icky" stage. It's just precious. :D

WickedEve said:
She actually said "EWWWWW." Remember when boys were eww icky? Well, now she's at the "ewww fish are icky" stage. It's just precious. :D

Darnit! Don't make me come after you guys with my machete and glass phallus! :p

hm... wait...

WickedEve said:
You tease.

Oops. Maybe that sounded more sexy than it did threatening :confused: Oh well. Whatever bakes your cake :heart: :D :p

If I'd have known you were baking a cake, I'd have been coming.
Thursday, 2/6/03

There are 14 new poems on the list today and quite a few of them are note-worthy.

First are two fine poems by Cloudbrst9 Cara de Los Cielos and Lumbre

Poems in spanish! And acrostics! Lumbre includes the lovely phrase, "Enemiga de mi aliento"

The translations are included, but things always sound better in spanish...

A note to Cloudburst9: I speak spanish fluently, and you have a few typos. (It is Ojos, not ohos... and revolución, not revolution... well, you get the picture.)

Lovely poems, however...

There are three poetic offerings by 03sp, all of them startlingly refreshing (how do you do that?), but I found myself smiling at an amusing visit.

"I was not allowed to know there was a harsh train at noon and midnight, "

Such a word artist...

Fellow poets can empathize with Typo by Magnolia13 ©

A fascinating observation that had me nodding in agreement at every line.

An excerpt:

You see your life
in somebody else’s interpretation.
And you can’t blame
them for their
unconscious editing

Next is another delight by silken_dreammaid, to Life. Don't let the simple title fool you. This is a gem for word-worshipers (like me!). I highly recommend reading it aloud.

I particularly liked the phrase:

coloured under
the rainbow reversed

But read the whole thing!

silken_dreammaid is fast becoming one of my favorite (or favourite, for you silken...) poets.

And finally, two howlers from JUDO, My Relative Duress and Prelude a Thermales Après Ski.

Go read them. I'm still wiping the tears from my eyes.

So many good poems!

Still grinning,


edited to correct embarrassing grammatical mistakes...
Re: Thursday, 2/6/03

Cordelia said:
And finally, two howlers from JUDO, My Relative Duress and Prelude a Thermales Après Ski.

Go read them. I'm still wiping the tears from my eyes.

Thanks, Cords. I was hoping they were funny. 'Thermales' - (don't you love the irony in that mot français?) started from the last line "Sitting in a puddle on my little, tight box."

The other came from Wicked's "Awkward Situations" thread, although, I don't know if I followed all of her 'rules.' (likely not).

But, you know, poetic crits are peculiar. You write something that contains emotions and/or situations others have experienced, and you get a flood of PMs and email. A situation like Thermales and Relative... Well, suddenly, I'm in a nightclub with no audience (Well, with the exception of the drunk at the back table, sipping on his sixth scotch).

Thanks for the mention. With any luck, some of the poets will actually vote on them. (Although, they almost never do.)

February 7, 2003

So here we are on Foafday, er Friday, and I'm snowbound. Yes, it has been snowing here since about 10 pm last night. We've walked in the snow, my dog sinking every step of the way (thank god she's black or she might be lost forever), we made a snowman, we had a snowball fight (my son cheats), we made peanut butter cookies, etc. Then I remembered--new poems!

Xtaabay pre-foafed--and a fine foaf it is--but I'm leaving it for comment with the others tomorrow. Here are some nonfoaf poem comments.

laughing upside-down by 03sp

positively sad
must be the gypsy violins

my hearing is pointed
the music is poignant

we avoid the last time
the future of our parting

A calm look into a future that fortells a past. As always, 03sp lays it out with eyes and heart open, with sensual awareness. Look at the phrase “positively sad” and think about resignation, acceptance, and hope for the future. When 03sp is on his game, he makes every word count.

Thanks by jerseyscot

Grimly striding where terror stalks,
yet unbowed the hero walks.
Still duty bound and soul unfettered
F.D.N.Y his back is lettered.

If you live anywhere near New York City, and I do, there’s a special place in your heart for those F.D.N.Y. folks. Of course, heroes are everywhere--on earth and even falling from the sky--but jerseyscot reminds us in this tersely effective poem that heroism isn’t about grand gestures. It can happen quietly any day as part of some person‘s job. Thanks to you for reminding us.

beyond the road by silken_dreammaid

Before the sun
my shadow wept.
The mountains
bent under snow.

There was this TV commercial here in the USA for a chain of donut stores, where this guy wakes up every morning, says “time to make the donuts,” and he does. He makes yummy donuts. So, I have this vision of silken_dreammaid waking up every morning, saying “time to write the poem,” and she does. And it’s always a good poem, too. How does she do that? Well, here’s another and just look at the lovely use of natural imagery to convey the pain of loss. (And her poems are better for you than donuts. ;))

Sanctuary by OT

You murmur "mm-k"
to my whispered "stay".

Skin on skin sticks and restricts
circulation in my arm tucked
around to surround your warm.

Breaths and beats mingle 'til I
can't feel the tingle in my hand
holding you asleep.

For a little wooden illustrator’s model, OT can be a lecherous thing. Oh, that darn AV--I always forget--he’s a person (slapping myself), a person. :D

But I love this sweet poem. “Sanctuary” captures a moment in time just beautifully: a woman asleep, a man awake and bemused because, holding her, the only part of him “asleep” is his arm that is slowly going numb. And yet, he wants the closeness and so doesn’t move. You conveyed this just perfectly. Who is whose sanctuary here? And look at the clever constructions: "k" and "stay," "surround your warm," "mingle" and "tingle." This piece is not quite as simply constructed as OT made it feel--that's part of its magic.

(And gosh, a guy who would do that, you can almost forgive a seat left up for that!)

And now, for God’s sake go foaf if you’ve not done so thus foaf, er, far.
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