new poems

Oh, performance. Sure! :D

I hope you realize I was kidding. Remembered when I talked about this in the sonnets thread? lol
February 11st, 2003 (YESTERDAY)

Well, looks like someone forgot to do something yesterday, so I'll just mention one poem in particular that shouldn't go unnoticed, and another two that also caught my attention...

A Middleboro Tale
by 03sp ©

A bad memory
A theft of past
and future,
Sex before murder


Murder and sex and bunnies. A great combination. In fact, this reminds me of something I've been meaning to do for the longest time (I'll start a new thread once I can figure out the best approach). Anyway, this is an illustrated poem as they all should be: the images are just as important as the words. Follow the link.

One Last Kiss Before We Part
by sidney328 ©

Let's have one last kiss before we part
One last kiss to ease this pain in my heart
Hold me tightly in your arms one last night
Close to your heart til morning light
And though I won't want the night to end
I hold fast to the thought that I still have my friend

It needs some work, but I still thought I should mention this self-healing piece.

Using her Slave Toy
by Scarlet_Pen ©

I own you now, my little boy;
Your mind, your heart, your soul.
A possession, a plaything, a little sex toy,
But perfectly built for the role.


Fun, fun, fun.


Only five new poems today.
You'll find Dying, Death, Sadness, Drowning and a nap before bed.

Go read them all.
New Poetry Page

If you like one, send feedback or poke the vote button.

For those that shy away from voting, try a kinder gentler algorithm:

If you sort of shrug, then let it be,
Go ahead and poke the three.

If it gives you pause, or offers more
Then why not poke the number four.

If it quickens your pulse or feels alive
Boldly vote a big fat five.
Re: February 11st, 2003 (YESTERDAY)

Lauren.Hynde said:
Well, looks like someone forgot to do something yesterday
OH DARN IT! I knew I forgot something. Tuesday is my day, right?
My pick

for today is

Posthumous bones by Lauren.Hynde

Posthumous bones will be these
plain words
inscribed in the desert

Posthumous bones if posthumous are
bones when
weapons rip words apart

Or sterile weapons with no battle
when words
are but bones of words

Lauren produces some longish poems that are beautifully complex but this one, like her wonderful Still Born Soldiers, is simple and moving. You are eloquent on this subject, dear Lauren.
Thank you, Ange. Must be because of my type-A personality. I just posted a new one in the Poets Against War thread, probably just to prove you wrong on that eloquence thingy. :D

And yes, Eve. You're Tuesdays. is my review of today's new poems.

There are 13 poems, with several delights from familiar poets and a lot of typos from some newer poets.

A House Divided by guilty pleasure

A bittersweet poem. I'm sure it hits home with a lot of folks...

The best parts of the poem are the specifics. Makes it so much more personal and heart-wrenching.

An excerpt:

A china dog,
The Fowler's gift.
They watched as we unwrapped.
Our eyes had met and fled apart.

This passage, in the context of the poem, brought a lump to my throat. Read it...
And maybe it's my mood, but one rental car by 03sp also painted my mood slightly blue.

A fine poem. (also, go read his helicopter views)

Maybe I am just wistful today...
Go read this excellent statement of war by Lauren.Hynde. Titled, enigmatically, 'd&-b&l-(")yü.

You guys aren't going to let me smile today, are you?
And another anti-war offering from JUDO, titled Your Children's Children's Future.

Strikes a chord.

And here I am, slowly sinking into a lovely blue funk.
Sigh. Another lovely poem by silken_dreammaid. broken

It is sadly sweet and offers the sentiment:

When words pause...
the heart fails.

I think you poets are out to dampen my mood, however.
And (thank you!) two delightful haiku.

Wagtail by Rybka

Pine Tree Hiss by darkmaas

Thanks for lightening things. :)
And some prose/poem offerings by brand new poets.

Road trip memories by BRINDIMASTER

SweetDreams by excalubrate

There is potential there. Go read and give constructive feedback to these new poets.

I would suggest a lot of editing by excalubrate. The typos really detracted from the read..

That's it! Go enjoy the reads.

Thanks for the sad tinge to my day, guys.


February 14, 2003


My heart day picks.

dreams spin by silken_dreammaid

wandering by
plays cat's cradle
in the cotton twine,
rattling beaded feathers.

linger upon
the neglected web
and spins softly
creating new hope in dust.

So. Another day, another lovely poem from silken_dreammaid. I love the juxtaposition of these two images--dream catcher and spider web--to suggest that dreams, like nightmares, are found in unexpected places. Really nice integration of poetic devices and theme, I thought. I have to say though SD that I took one look at that neglected spider web and thought: Is that the deserted web of the spider you recently smooshed on your Coke can?


Valentine by AznxxxRose

Valiant and dear
Auspicious from the very start
Laughing together
Ever quiet and observant
Nonchalant and charming
Totally enamored
Intrigue and mystery
Notes and roses, poems and candies
Endearing day of love…

Hey everybody, it’s Valentine’s Day (like you didn’t know). I got a valentine first thing in the morning, too. From my baby--the best daughter in the world. Sniff. My son, the beast, did nothing, but he’s 15--I’m lucky if he grunts at me once a day.

Oh, yeah poems.

This poem by AznxxxRose was my favorite of the three valentine-themed poems she submitted. Sounds good to me AznxxxRose--has he got any brothers?


Frrrbit Whispers by Angeline

Arms open for legs
to tango in tangled warmth
and finger kiss laughter
when words near miss,

and after
walks to book-filled rooms,
lavender-scented and soft

as sighs can sift
and quiet
as moans can murmur
over silk knees,

Now here’s a wonderful poem. Look how it’s quirky and sexy all at once, not to mention alliterative and sensual. And it ends in French, and you know what that did to Gomez when Morticia spoke French and and…Ohhh…I wrote it? It’s my poem? Oh. Well um. . .

never mind

what the hell is a frrrbit?

Absorbing Invisibility by Cordelia

Hush the lute, and stow the lyre,
dampen strings on violins.
I’ll listen, and conceal desire.

I’ll paint with words that you inspire
disguised in shrouds of discipline
and faded, as your needs require.

Awaiting signals, I retire,
patient in the blues I’ve thinned.
I wait in camouflaged desire
a paler red than you require.

Have I ever mentioned that I love everything Cordelia writes? (Well poems, her grocery list is probably fairly mundane.) I love her artist’s eye and the way she integrates color, music, and texture into her poems--you almost feel as if can touch those vibrant images. She puts a wonderful twist on that technique in this piece about an artifice of reserve that hides a depth of passion. She achieves this by putting all the color and sound in place, but in half tones that say “I’m faded. Nothing much here.” Boy, that’s smart.


Window on the Third Floor by Senna Jawa

i look down
the words from behind
push me push
i turn and leave through the door

i look up
from the sidewalk
and still higher
a bird silhouette
glides under bright clouds

Somewhere between the first and second floors, SJ had an out-of-body experience in which he was both bird and guy watching bird. No that’s not it. . . Ok, somewhere between the first and second floors SJ passed himself at which point time went backwards and then. . . (I think I saw that on the Twilight Zone once). Well whatever happened this perfectly balanced poem is spare and quietly effective for the reasons SJ explains in his posts on poetry. I like the way the character is both in and outside of the action in the poem (which is supported by two phrases, I think: “push me push” and “bird silhouette.”). It’s another way the poem is balanced.


Horseshoe Creek by Magnolia 13

The river of my
youthful memory
smoothed rocks
gravel bottom
agates flashing in sun
warmed water
The current rushes past my
ankles like velvet
animated by some
earthy water muse

A lovely visually appealing piece from Magnolia13, who continues to produce tightly constructed poems with powerful imagery.


poem from alone by 03sp

toeing stones
smooth rounded
beside water warm

the two small dimples
low on back remain the
platform for oval stones

Somewhere between the first and second. . . No wait that was the other poem. Why does this poem by 03sp seem to have been born from the previous two poems? Oh well. There’s something reassuringly quiet and intimate about this poem. I hear water running and small sounds of a body shifting.

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
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Re: February 14, 2003

Angeline said:


Absorbing Invisibility by Cordelia

Hush the lute, and stow the lyre,
dampen strings on violins.
I’ll listen, and conceal desire.

I’ll paint with words that you inspire
disguised in shrouds of discipline
and faded, as your needs require.

Awaiting signals, I retire,
patient in the blues I’ve thinned.
I wait in camouflaged desire
a paler red than you require.

Have I ever mentioned that I love everything Cordelia writes? (Well poems, her grocery list is probably fairly mundane.) I love her artist’s eye and the way she integrates color, music, and texture into her poems--you almost feel as if can touch those vibrant images. She puts a wonderful twist on that technique in this piece about an artifice of reserve that hides a depth of passion. She achieves this by putting all the color and sound in place, but in half tones that say “I’m faded. Nothing much here.” Boy, that’s smart.


Thank you, Ang! I was particularly proud of this poem. Did you notice it's a villanelle?

I got the title from JUDO's ponderings for the next title challenge. The poem flowed quickly once I knew what I was going to write about.


Thank you, Ang! I was particularly proud of this poem. Did you notice it's a villanelle?

I got the title from JUDO's ponderings for the next title challenge. The poem flowed quickly once I knew what I was going to write about.


I did not, Cordie--I'm terrible at recognizing many of the traditional forms because I so rarely write in them, so I'm glad you pointed it out. :)

I was just reading about the villanelle form last night, and discovered that Dylan Thomas' famous poem, "Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night," is one. Duh! Lol--I never even noticed, but I'll be more aware of the form now--maybe try to write one, even.:eek:
Excerpts from some of today's new poems: 2/15

I'm filling in for Princess Lauren today because she has a hangover or something. No, that's not it. Oh, I know. She said her brother is visiting. (I still think it's a hangover.)

There are 7 new poems today. One poem for each of my toes. I'm sure I had 10 when I went to sleep, though I did have this odd dream. I was dangling my feet in the water and Rybka was swimming around, nipping at my toes. I don't think it was sexual either...

Speaking of Rybka, he does NOT have a new poem today but another poetry board regular does. 03sp, sp, sp03, you know who.

how many fingers?
by 03sp ©

you guessed
I asked
you said 3

was it the feel,
the stretch,
the graduation?

I would have said 7.
03sp always creates the most interesting images.

"in our convention
words flow, stumble
sometimes grip pavement"

Imagine words gripping pavement! I love that image.


Artifical Pleasure
by E-Nymph ©

silk corset-ed insecurity

concealed behind a fleshy mask

using manipulation

to fulfill the things you lack

little vinyl fetish doll

I find myself drawn to this poem because of the neat phrases E-nymph has come with: "vinyl fetish doll" and "corset-ed insecurity." This isn't a very long poem but it does contain some good stuff! (nymph, you may want to correct the typo in your title.;))


The next poem has a few phrases that may be a little cliché but this is still a nice poem.

She Is Love
by Star At Sunrise ©

She is in the
shards of sunlight
drifting from the rafters


a pale pie plate
hanging it
from a pinpoint of light


by silken_dreammaid ©

Sand dances
in winding spirals
of dust dervishes.
Cracked earth
into sharded glass
the sun polishes.

Bleached bones
shrouded in
thin leather,
cattle appear
a single column
in hunger's tether.

More good stuff from silken_dreammaid.
This stanza is fantastic:

"Distant shadows
against the sky
no longer attract.
Until the rain
actually falls
no bets are backed."


There are more new poems to read!
Thank you Wicked Eve. :)

Recently I've been spending time around the gothic community and used the things I've seen as ways to explain the facades women are hiding behind.
I am glad it caught your interest.

Re: no new poem: 2/15

WickedEve said:
There are 7 new poems today. One poem for each of my toes. I'm sure I had 10 when I went to sleep, though I did have this odd dream. I was dangling my feet in the water and Rybka was swimming around, nipping at my toes. I don't think it was sexual either...

Speaking of Rybka, he does NOT have a new poem today

I was just a little bit(e) hungry!:rose: :rose:
And I do have a poem for tomorrow. It is entitled "Acerbic Acid".

Regards,                       Rybka
Thanks for the mention, Eve..(and for the swift kick notification

And also for the last couple of days as well to Cordelia and Ange..(and no, Ange,it wasn't the late tiny spider's web, I think it was an older and much bigger brother..I can't really say for certain as he was lugging a can behind him as he left)

Re: Excerpts from some of today's new poems: 2/15

WickedEve said:
I'm filling in for Princess Lauren today because she has a hangover or something. No, that's not it. Oh, I know. She said her brother is visiting. (I still think it's a hangover.)
Thank you for filling in for me, Wick. :D

Damn... I can never fool her

edited for stupidity
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Re: Re: Excerpts from some of today's new poems: 2/15

Lauren.Hynde said:
Damn... I can never fool her
Well, just look at that bloodshot eyeball av of yours!
Definitely a hangover.
Thank you, Eve

lay back and let me play outside your box,
where the big boys toy
where sun seldom shines
on the underside of wickedness

look at my hands
all disappeared by magic
through the rim
per your whim

Thanks for the mention, Eve! There are some amazing poems up there, some of them are so good it makes you want to run out and write a poem.

And then there are some that are SO good, they make you never want to write another poem again!
Re: Thank you, Eve

03sp said:
lay back and let me play outside your box,
where the big boys toy
where sun seldom shines
on the underside of wickedness

look at my hands
all disappeared by magic
through the rim
per your whim
Re: thanks

Star At Sunrise said:
Thanks for the mention, Eve! There are some amazing poems up there, some of them are so good it makes you want to run out and write a poem.

And then there are some that are SO good, they make you never want to write another poem again!

Keep writing, Star!

I like your work.

new poems on 2/26/03

There are 25 new poems today. Including multiple entries by several poets. Here are some that are certainly worth reading.

Of Judo's four works, all worth reading, I feel I must mention Bitter Sweet Affections. Go read it and you will know why.
The time for parting is drawing ever near,
So, I ponder friends who've brought me wonder,
The mighty cliffs that I'll leap from tomorrow
And all the love that's brought me here.

War by guilty pleasure is a must read at this point in world affairs.
The poppies in the fields of France
Bloom every year to tell
Reminding us, imploring us.
"Remember ~ War is Hell ."

I think that of the new poems posted today my favorite is by silken_dreammaid. She gives us some interesting imagery and a thoughtful metaphor in snow-globe.
Upon the window sill it sits.

Glass embolism upon
plasticated rockey.
Stasis encapsulated
in tacky mockery.

Rainbows stream when sunlit.

Of 03sp's five for the day, my choice is Vociferous Obfuscation, but this does not mean that you should skip any of his other efforts! I just like "cirrus and serious". :)
this night is not moon lit
this night is moon lit magnificent
with shadowed clouds and gray spaces
behind cumulous and cirrus and serious
drops from eyes

The winner for the most submissions today is DreamCatcherPoet with eight submissions. A new poet here at Lit, DCP writes simple verse, almost suited best for young readers. His efforts could benefit from some editing, but if he keeps writing I am sure he will improve as we all do. Here is a passage from his variation of a Frost poem. The title has a typographic error within it. Two path crossed

I came to a place
Where two paths had crossed,
And then at first
I thought I was lost.

But then I thought
Of what I might find,
As around the mountain
Both paths did climb.

Regards,                       Rybka