new poems

Re: Re: Re: Re: the big P

The_Fool said:
I thought it was the big O that captured your attention....:devil:
Yes, I need a big O beside my next poem, or I could just have a big O over my next poem. Shoot, I'm going to go have one now.
re: Mama's Monday and Papa's Poems

Thanks for your comments about A Remarkable Anniversary. It was inspired, as you know, by the events of 25 years ago, the surrender of South Vietnam. I was outraged by the lack of remark on the news. It was quietly shoved under the rug and hammered flat by other Mayday news.

And as far as my choice of the sestina form, well that's where ignorance is bliss! I didn't know (or care) that sestinas are usually quiet little vehicles of moonlight and meadows. These words demanded that you read them over and over -- years, soldiers, war, ransom, blood, death -- particularly with the folly of the past being repeated, over and over and over...

Thankyou, Jim, for taking the time to comment and review.
Re: I wanted to quote the Carpenter's today...

jthserra said:
Don Delillo once said, if I may paraphrase, that terrorists were the last true artists because they are the only ones who can truly surprise us. Lauren Hynde brings us the terror inside the poet in To Write a Poem.

"But there are bullets, scenes, signs!
to kill and to die without verse

He knows to write is to wrap his soul
in a body of explosives, Al Qaeda-style"
Some days it feels like a war, doesn't it? ;)

Thank you for the comment and recommendation, Jim.
Re: Re: I wanted to quote the Carpenter's today...

Lauren Hynde said:
Some days it feels like a war, doesn't it? ;)

Sometimes we write, sometimes we bleed.

jim : )
Thanks, Jim for being kind to my mediocre poem. There's a pit bull in the neighborhood. We've never had pit bulls. Just old ladies with loud, little dogs.

stands outside the circle yelling in...

Just curious but whats the red (H)
beside the poem mean...I thought
it was for hot...but there not erotic
hehehehehehehe then I thought
getting over 10 votes did it but several
poems are way over 10 and my two new
ones too and no (H) ???...curious !!

My stories almost all are (H)..but my
poems aren't I'm lop
hell I knew that...snicker...
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Art -

The H is the same for poems as it is for stories, I believe: 10+ votes averaging 4.5 +

- Mindy
Re: Re: the big P

jthserra said:
Oh my, who would have thought Neruda was a member here at Lit. And I thought he died.

Wow, you would think they might choose something a little more obscure. And to think it didn't get an "E".

jim : )

omg Jim
you just made me almost pee my pants, Nobel Prize winner, Poet Laureat no E oh my funny stuff.

I should have waited a little longer before reporting it to see what YDD etc said about our Pablo--

I am sure all good things

I am just glad I gave it a compliment before it disappeared. Pablo would have giggled I think getting a little poetry advice from goof ball anna.

or maybe given me a good smack.
snicker snicker

minsue said:
Art -

The H is the same for poems as it is for stories, I believe: 10+ votes averaging 4.5 +

- Mindy

Oh ok...well I got over ten but
somebody went thru giving all ones...
which I expected..snicker snicker..hehehe

thats what happens when you go......
STEPPIN' ON TOE' one should
write a poem about that...wait...I did...hehehehe

well that also explained the (H)'s I got before
I did the toe stomping

hey thanks min...
Re: Re: the big P

jthserra said:
Oh my, who would have thought Neruda was a member here at Lit. And I thought he died.

Wow, you would think they might choose something a little more obscure. And to think it didn't get an "E".

jim : )

yeah Jim, that is what I wrote on my PC before it was pulled-- shame Nerudo died in '73, it would be so nice to have him around literotica.

I think he actually would have liked it here.

Maybe so much that he never got around to actually working his poems....or publishing ever...just stuck in audios pressing play over and over again
thanks Jim

for the mention and for the double feedback
and should be " our"
Shows that spellcheck doesn't catch everything.
damn it

Your feedback is always appreciated and taken into account for the next poem
Re: I wanted to quote the Carpenter's today...

jthserra said:

Several weeks ago I got to travel with my daughter's band up to Dallas. We took a tour of neighboring Ft. Worth and got to visit the water gardens there. You may remember them from the end of the movie "Logan's Run" (oh my, have I dated myself there). Anyway, to avoid boring you any longer with this story, I was reminded of the water gardens with RazzRajen's Still Waters . Take a plunge:

"Rivers run deep
and slow in places,
Hiding their secrets,
carrying untold tales."

And, wait, wait... Now poets, lets be poetic out there.

jim : )

Thanks jim for the mention - Water has always had special meaning - I grew up beside the sea and love all that it has to offer.

Thanks for taking the time to do reviews for others who cannot go through all the new postings right away inspite of the brouhaha being dinned around these days.

Razz :p
Hello Everyone!!

I know it's been awhile but there's a reason for my madness, which I only just realized this week.

I used to try very hard- even w/ my limited time on the 'puter- to read the new poems. I figured that would be the best way to learn. How untrue I have found that to be!

Rather than learning, I have become more and more convinced- despite a LOT of very kind words to the contrary- that I suck as a poet. You guys are really great poets and authors! Lauren? You and Champ are only 21??? Fuuuuuck!!

So I've been reading outside... Neruda... Millay... Poe... Shakespeare (of course) and my favorite- Donne. And I'm trying to emulate them. And doin what DommeAnge said... (lol) writewritewrite!! and now I have to get my nerve back to post! So be patient w/ me. Please don't think I'm disdainful, or lazy, or petulant. It's none of those things. I fell... now I'm trying to get up and walk again. And then I can start reading again.

*tripping over my tongue and fallin off my soapbox...
BooMerengue said:
Hello Everyone!!

I know it's been awhile but there's a reason for my madness, which I only just realized this week.

I used to try very hard- even w/ my limited time on the 'puter- to read the new poems. I figured that would be the best way to learn. How untrue I have found that to be!

Rather than learning, I have become more and more convinced- despite a LOT of very kind words to the contrary- that I suck as a poet. You guys are really great poets and authors! Lauren? You and Champ are only 21??? Fuuuuuck!!

So I've been reading outside... Neruda... Millay... Poe... Shakespeare (of course) and my favorite- Donne. And I'm trying to emulate them. And doin what DommeAnge said... (lol) writewritewrite!! and now I have to get my nerve back to post! So be patient w/ me. Please don't think I'm disdainful, or lazy, or petulant. It's none of those things. I fell... now I'm trying to get up and walk again. And then I can start reading again.

*tripping over my tongue and fallin off my soapbox...
Don't be afraid to post. It's a way to receive feedback to see what's working and what's not. Not every poem I post is praised, and those are the ones I learn from.
BooMerengue said:
Hello Everyone!!

I know it's been awhile but there's a reason for my madness, which I only just realized this week.

I used to try very hard- even w/ my limited time on the 'puter- to read the new poems. I figured that would be the best way to learn. How untrue I have found that to be!

Rather than learning, I have become more and more convinced- despite a LOT of very kind words to the contrary- that I suck as a poet. You guys are really great poets and authors! Lauren? You and Champ are only 21??? Fuuuuuck!!

So I've been reading outside... Neruda... Millay... Poe... Shakespeare (of course) and my favorite- Donne. And I'm trying to emulate them. And doin what DommeAnge said... (lol) writewritewrite!! and now I have to get my nerve back to post! So be patient w/ me. Please don't think I'm disdainful, or lazy, or petulant. It's none of those things. I fell... now I'm trying to get up and walk again. And then I can start reading again.

*tripping over my tongue and fallin off my soapbox...

Sometimes, your work may be expressed just the way another poets wants to say but can't.
The way others resonate with the way you may resonate with others.
So...just be you
do your best
write the way you feel
and toss it out there
Not every poem is going to be a hit
not every poem is going to change someones life...etc
It Might
so post 'em all
; )
BooMerengue said:
Hello Everyone!!

I know it's been awhile but there's a reason for my madness, which I only just realized this week.

I used to try very hard- even w/ my limited time on the 'puter- to read the new poems. I figured that would be the best way to learn. How untrue I have found that to be!

Rather than learning, I have become more and more convinced- despite a LOT of very kind words to the contrary- that I suck as a poet. You guys are really great poets and authors! Lauren? You and Champ are only 21??? Fuuuuuck!!

So I've been reading outside... Neruda... Millay... Poe... Shakespeare (of course) and my favorite- Donne. And I'm trying to emulate them. And doin what DommeAnge said... (lol) writewritewrite!! and now I have to get my nerve back to post! So be patient w/ me. Please don't think I'm disdainful, or lazy, or petulant. It's none of those things. I fell... now I'm trying to get up and walk again. And then I can start reading again.

*tripping over my tongue and fallin off my soapbox...

Sheesh woman did you have to call me a domme,lol. I get enough shit about being bossy (well from one person) as it is. :D

And listen--one thing I am absolutely sure of is that we NEVER see how good our own stuff is when we write it. I write poems that I think are good but just ok, and people say wow and I'm grateful. But I see stuff others write--here and elsewhere--and want to hang up my keyboard.

And I think it is wonderful that you are reading the "greats," but for heavens sake Boo, if I started comparing myself to say Neruda or Elizabeth Bishop I'd be convinced I'm utter shite as a writer. The trick--I think--is to learn from what you read and use what you can adapt as a way of developing your own style. I love Neruda's sensuality, for example, so I read his poems and think how does he do that? What poetic devices does he use to acheive that, and I try to do the same. Maybe at first I sound like I'm copying him--that's ok because eventually I'll tweak it into my own thing.

I've been telling you from day one that you have a gift. You truly do. You write with great narrative power and your heart shows in your poetry. It's a beautiful combination. Don't you dare stop! And I agree with Eve--you should keep posting, here or elsewhere. You can always pm me or email me stuff if you want private feedback. But don't stop--you're too good.


(My god, I am dommey, aren't I?) ;)
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What Angeline said. (except the domme part) I just put you on my linklist for Lit's top 10 poets. So if you suck as a poet, think of how silly that would make me look. ;)
BooMerengue said:
I used to try very hard- even w/ my limited time on the 'puter- to read the new poems. I figured that would be the best way to learn. How untrue I have found that to be!

Rather than learning, I have become more and more convinced- despite a LOT of very kind words to the contrary- that I suck as a poet. You guys are really great poets and authors! Lauren? You and Champ are only 21??? Fuuuuuck!!
I'm glad there are incredible writers here and ones who are better poets than I am. I learn from them, and it makes me try harder to improve as a poet. So, Boo, even if you feel you can't measure up, keep participating. Many of the poets and poetry here are inspiring and it's a chance for us to grow. Just think, your poetry may be inspiring someone at this moment. Keep sharing your words.
Imagine if you will
striving all your days
to climb out of a cave,
acheiving that at long last
only to find you are still in
another cave.

I sit here on my rock with
my pack at my feet
elated and crushed
at the same time
not all of what and who
I am surfacing

but suddenly
echoing off the cave walls
the words of my friends
daring even
force me to my feet

bowing to them
and then to myself
I pick up my stave
bless myself with the tears
and carry on

"Onwards and upwards!"
in the words of the
immortal Aslan.
lol *sniff

I am soooooo fuckin sappy!! Sheeeeeeesh!!!

and you guys are all nuts but love you I do!

thank you
WickedEve said:
I'm glad there are incredible writers here and ones who are better poets than I am. I learn from them, and it makes me try harder to improve as a poet. So, Boo, even if you feel you can't measure up, keep participating. Many of the poets and poetry here are inspiring and it's a chance for us to grow. Just think, your poetry may be inspiring someone at this moment. Keep sharing your words.

looking at Eve's AV

BooMerengue said:
Imagine if you will
striving all your days
to climb out of a cave,
acheiving that at long last
only to find you are still in
another cave.

I sit here on my rock with
my pack at my feet
elated and crushed
at the same time
not all of what and who
I am surfacing

but suddenly
echoing off the cave walls
the words of my friends
daring even
force me to my feet

bowing to them
and then to myself
I pick up my stave
bless myself with the tears
and carry on

"Onwards and upwards!"
in the words of the
immortal Aslan.

I :heart: you too. Lord knows we've been through the wars together, eh?
