new poems

I see the new poems are now posted, so I'll be back later with a review.

upfront: when nuns fly.
Angeline said:
I :heart: you too. Lord knows we've been through the wars together, eh?


Yes, Ange... we have! But the important part- and what makes me respect you the most- is what we learned together. And if not for another thing, I thank My Goddess I am still able to learn!

*following my MerryPranksterMuses out the door...

:nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana:

Kool Aid, anyone???

I've just started reading the new poems, and I want to mention this one immediately before I read more:

Falling Stars
by champagne1982 ©

It's a terzanelle, and I'm so excited. :) I was wondering if anyone else around here, besides me, was ever going to give this form the time of day. lol

As diaphanous silk drifts in the breeze
I catch a movement in the corner of my eye
And your scent sets my soul at ease
another new poem for May 6

I just read annaswirls' Daddy's Blackbird and I'm wondering if it can get any better. Go read this now and leave comments. This is not a suggestion, people. Go.

was it you who took me down
past the mountain of overturned topsoil
to the hood of my fathers 1950 Plymouth Special Deluxe,
the sliver moon dipping the sky like salsa, hot

Yes, I just might do this whole review one poem at a time. I'll be back with more. :)
un-bending desires

Wrap't in My cloth
of leather,
raining down
staccato flurries,

Isn't that great? RazzRajen consistently writes good poetry. There is talk of writing styles on another thread. Razz has an easily recognizable and pleasing style.

Un-bending Desires
more annaswirls

These lines alone should be enough to persuade you to read Shoulders of Strangers

Within white puffs of prayers
I imagined a mother’s hands
dropping her infant son
into the dirt with this old stranger

eyes closed, I crept inside the coffin
and whispered my apology
to the last of a generation,
Re: more annaswirls

WickedEve said:
These lines alone should be enough to persuade you to read Shoulders of Strangers

Within white puffs of prayers
I imagined a mother’s hands
dropping her infant son
into the dirt with this old stranger

eyes closed, I crept inside the coffin
and whispered my apology
to the last of a generation,

take a fuckin breath will ya??
more good poetry:
With Trees Still Bare
by poetboy824 ©

She stood and wobbled
Through the fecund forest
While the feathered throng
Sang expectant songs

some good lines:
by My Erotic Tail ©

A Samurai is never lord,
It is his calling.
His destiny to serve the sword,
and to watch the falling.


more poetry with some good lines:
Is there still time...
by Xesevoli ©

I spot a name and simple words... a note
Then study the photo and words so fair
I ponder hard and then... later I wrote
Are you lion, gazelle, rabbit or bear

The answer was soon and quite long
A life lonely... and apartment... not lair
Life started pleasant dreams went wrong
It sounded familiar and I gasped... for air

And there are more poems. Please read and leave feedback.
Re: more annaswirls

WickedEve said:
These lines alone should be enough to persuade you to read Shoulders of Strangers

Within white puffs of prayers
I imagined a mother’s hands
dropping her infant son
into the dirt with this old stranger

eyes closed, I crept inside the coffin
and whispered my apology
to the last of a generation,

this one just sent shivers up and down all of me, even the roots of my hair! :heart:
WickedEve said:
I've just started reading the new poems, and I want to mention this one immediately before I read more:

Falling Stars
by champagne1982 ©

It's a terzanelle, and I'm so excited. :) I was wondering if anyone else around here, besides me, was ever going to give this form the time of day. lol

As diaphanous silk drifts in the breeze
I catch a movement in the corner of my eye
And your scent sets my soul at ease

and this was so beautiful it makes me ponder, wanting to try a terzanelle, or other styles now us all!
Re: un-bending desires

WickedEve said:
Wrap't in My cloth
of leather,
raining down
staccato flurries,

Isn't that great? RazzRajen consistently writes good poetry. There is talk of writing styles on another thread. Razz has an easily recognizable and pleasing style.

Un-bending Desires

Thanks for the mention w.e., though My style leans towards a predeliction more than anything else and those with an affinity to that will find more meaning than others might or will or acknowledge.

I simply write what comes to mind when I get in thrall of My muse.

Thanks for reading and reviewing the new poems

WickedEve said:
I've just started reading the new poems, and I want to mention this one immediately before I read more:

Falling Stars
by champagne1982 ©

It's a terzanelle, and I'm so excited. :) I was wondering if anyone else around here, besides me, was ever going to give this form the time of day. lol [...]
Eve! That worked better than I could have hoped, to have the goddess of terzanelles actually reviewing my attempt. I actually had a different version of that poem but my IE crashed before I could save it to disc. I do like the flow of this one better. Thanks for the mention and your time spent on the reviews.
echoes_s said:
and this was so beautiful it makes me ponder, wanting to try a terzanelle, or other styles now us all!
Oh echoes_s! You should try form poems they give your muse some discipline, and apparently discipline is just what naughty little echoes needs. Now, go fetch Mistress Carrie a switch and we'll see how much poetry I'll recite while I'm working up a sweat.

How lovely is the echoes moon
So fair and smooth of cheek,
One to which sonnets I'll croon,
And whose smold'ring passions tweak.

A willow switch as slender,
As her ankle slim and fair
Her rosy mounds so tender
Neath the cascade of her hair.

A whoosh of movement as it's switched
Her ass is prime and choice
How beautifully her muscles twitch
As her pleasure she gives voice.

Ah, girl you make me sigh and swoon
Your butt, a song! Sweet "Claire de Lune".
BooMerengue said:
me too, me too
Heheheh, Lady Boo. Can you say, "Please, Mistress Carrie, may I have another?"

And to all who voted and left comment on Falling Stars, Thank you very much.
champagne1982 said:
Oh echoes_s! You should try form poems they give your muse some discipline, and apparently discipline is just what naughty little echoes needs. Now, go fetch Mistress Carrie a switch and we'll see how much poetry I'll recite while I'm working up a sweat.

How lovely is the echoes moon
So fair and smooth of cheek,
One to which sonnets I'll croon,
And whose smold'ring passions tweak.

A willow switch as slender,
As her ankle slim and fair
Her rosy mounds so tender
Neath the cascade of her hair.

A whoosh of movement as it's switched
Her ass is prime and choice
How beautifully her muscles twitch
As her pleasure she gives voice.

Ah, girl you make me sigh and swoon
Your butt, a song! Sweet "Claire de Lune".

oh my! lol, I cracked up at this, but I love it!
posted one on the passion thread, not good, but a first step :D :heart: :kiss: :rose:
Well well well...

The poem stream has been a little sporadic the last few days. Today no difference. No friday poems for me to dog into. Oh well....
Re: Well well well...

Liar said:
The poem stream has been a little sporadic the last few days. Today no difference. No friday poems for me to dog into. Oh well....

not much of a stream at all
more of a sputter here and there

maybe you can help me out when 124 of them come flushing out when the damn breaks on Mother's Day
