new poems

Re: Hello again...

jthserra said:
There were almost 50 poems today, so I offered to help Anna out a bit, giving her a few moments of extra Mother's Day cheer. I grabbed about a dozen and a half of the poems and found a number of gems...

With a gentle sadness Annaswirls presents us an potentially uncomfortable if not volatile situation. Her language takes us on some wary footsteps as two women begin to heal from a Rumor that turned out to be true.

Anna will cover the rest of the New Poems today. In reading some of them, I mentioned those that grabbed me. There are other excellent poems out there I may have missed. Read them over and find some gems of your own.

And yes poets, please, whatever you do, let's be poetic out there.

jim : )

Thank you Jim for taking some of the wonderful poems into your tender care...I will do the same for you tomorrow, just ask.

And thank you for the mention of Rumor--

there is a bond between women who love the same man like no other....

if jealousy can be overcome, there is the potential for such intensity.:heart: :( :eek: :) :heart: :confused:

this stemmed from a dream I had several years ago, main characters, my first true love, who left for Germany a long time ago, and his wife (who I adored when I met her during a visit)

but enough about me!

I gotta go do the review!

It is 2:30

the baby sitter was supposed to be here at 2 to watch the boys while I did the review.

Dang! She is still not here... I was hoping she would get here while I typed this out.....

The Fabulous Mr. Charido by Tathagata ©

This poem takes me from "Cheers" a familiar friendly afternoon

blue cigarette smokes curls
as we take our wisdom in shots

but turns into something else entirely. Abrupt change, just like life. Well done, T.

Another gem from the Passion Thread, this one calling for a show of god's hand. T, you would like my "church"

Belief by Tathagata ©


My Sweetest Sin by Dustystar ©

Okay sometimes rhyme just annoys me, but this one I liked

Plainly seen
Our body sheen
Vents our satisfaction

Closer sighs
In your eyes
Enjoying the refraction


Wow! This one actually made it on the day it was intended! A beautiful tribute to his wife on Mother's Day-- looking at her from all angles in admiration.
Angel... by SavgeWolf ©


This is going to take all day. They are ALL good!

I am posting now and going to play with the boy a little bit-- be right back

Annatickles and wrestles 5 year old
The problem with you...
by Man Ray ©

brings us another love poem filled with color as a day passes. I loved many lines, this one caught me
……to view a sunset with you would be a sensual promise
of the night to come, otherwise it’s just the end of a day.

I am always happy when a new poet makes an apprearance on my review day, this is no exception.
by pink_tulip ©

Of course we read poetry through the eyes of our own experience, no matter how we try to put ourselves into the artist's perspective, but something made me feel this poem, I think, through myself and through pink_tulip's heart.


Another new name at literotica's poetry boards, Raindear816 brings a powerful poem and an outstretched hand. Many poets have demons that haunt us, thank god we have poetry.

Trials Toward Peace
by Raindear816 ©


I read this one quickly, then read YDD's comment, then read it again, and then again. Each time I loved it more, and my heart felt this love. There is nothing like the love letters written not only with love, but with talent and honesty.

If you have not read this one, please go read it. It is one of my favorites I have read here. I want to live inside of this poem for a while. I will be back.

:heart: :heart: Anna's pick
Love Letters
by Wynter Bliss ©

Last edited:
Angeline said:
Syn, if you're getting into form poetry (I was like you--never wrote it till the other poets here influenced me to try), I can highly recommend The Book of Forms by Lewis Turco. It's comprehensive and full of good examples. :)

I just bought this a month ago and recommend it highly.

Night In Tunisia
by dsoul ©

When I grow up I want to be this poem.
Loving eyes rest in splendor
In April's mist
We smile in langour:
Was it you hiding
Behind the fountain bell
Searching for a lost love
You cannot fortell?

Damp Dreams
by fabmax ©

Another sad poem, I seem to be loving them today

I feel quiet but your memory
breaks the monotony
Of a day spent selfishly

Sibilaire, it seems is making use of a loved one's ashes as decoration...I think metaphorically... I hope...eek.
thumb and forefinger
roll sharp bone chips and
embers, cold, both suited for
necklace beads, earring spokes
Aviation Ghosts by Sibilaire


I hereby declare myself finished. (oh my goodness I would have been here til suppertime without Jim's help)

I will go back and comment on those not mentioned here tonight after bed, and no the babysitter never showed up... my husband, who was supposed to be working, took the boy, ahh so many mothers day presents in one day!

Thank you for the privelage of reading and reviewing your poems. I look forward to this day, and enjoy the variety of emotions, images, painted pictures, personalities, you name it, I love it.

Please go vote, hug and love the poets out there, we gotta stick together, you know.

Your humble reviewer,
Thanks Lauren for the mention and to everyone else who pc'ed or sent feedback.

I can't wait to read all the poems from the challenge slowly. They look amazing at first glance.:rose:
What's happening??

Hi Ageline and the rest. I've got several notifications from literotica in my email notifying me a a post response for me, but whenever I click on the link, it takes me to nothing I can see connected with me. Is this normal? Glad to get an email response directly to my box. Happy Mother's Day to all you Mothers, grin! I sincerely mean it! I love Mothers! All Mothers! Uncle Pervey!
That is normal Uncle P. . It is literotica telling you that someone else has posted on a thread that you have posted on previously. It doesn't mean the posts concern you. They might since you have been there before, but they might not too.

If you don't want to be notified, click on your user cp (upper left corner) then click on unsubcribe to stop getting the notifications.

I hope that helps.

Tristesse said:
I just bought this a month ago and recommend it highly.


Just ordered it from B&N. Thanks for the tip, guys!

Look for my first attempt at villanelle tomorrow.

I feel blessed to be involved with such a supportive group of friends!:)

Syn :kiss:
Tootsie Pop~

Thanks jim,~
the zen master of pen, very wise I'd say...
due to the sensitive nature of things...
please don't take this the wrong way. I am
bowing humble and able to explain...

The edited version...or lines removed are...

"Savor the flavor of every lick...
taunting and tasteing the elliptic!"

This would have been in the second to
last verse...smiles...before to many get upset
and take note that nine licks were good and
the one bite was for the afamed and I wanted
to keep the peace so removed it, but since the
wise one pointed it out I figured an explanation
would keep tempers down...and hopefully make
upside down
Re: What's happening??

Uncle Pervey said:
Hi Ageline and the rest. I've got several notifications from literotica in my email notifying me a a post response for me, but whenever I click on the link, it takes me to nothing I can see connected with me. Is this normal? Glad to get an email response directly to my box. Happy Mother's Day to all you Mothers, grin! I sincerely mean it! I love Mothers! All Mothers! Uncle Pervey!
I mailed you a note the other day saying that your poem had been reviewed in this thread. And in the last fewq days, two or three othat of your poms have been mentioned if I'm not mistaken. If you recieved those notes just recently, the post that I referred to might be quite a way up in the thread. Probably on the previous page.

Hey there everyone,

Thanks for your comments and responses to my Last Orders offering. There's much more that needs to be said about just and worthy battles and lessons of war that need to be retaught, I think. Hopefully, the teaching won't be as painful as it was in the past. Ahhh, pipe dreams I suppose.

I look forward to the reviews each day and I'm glad to be a part of this forum.

Happy Mother's Day!:heart: :rose: :heart: :rose: :heart: :rose:

jthserra said:

We go from line breaks to minimalism... Lostdriver1964 a poet I had not noticed here before trimmed all but the essence of meaning from his Just One Move. Just a few lines, a few words that say a lot.

well i came back to write after so much time...
same feelings always moved me to write and they came back lately...
i am glad the little piece i wrote worked to express what i wanted to say
annaswirls said:


I read this one quickly, then read YDD's comment, then read it again, and then again. Each time I loved it more, and my heart felt this love. There is nothing like the love letters written not only with love, but with talent and honesty.

If you have not read this one, please go read it. It is one of my favorites I have read here. I want to live inside of this poem for a while. I will be back.

:heart: :heart: Anna's pick
Love Letters
by Wynter Bliss ©


Thank you so much Anna for recognizing my poem, and for the beautiful things you've said here and on the public comments board. YDD as well. I appreciate your feedback! Thank you again!
annaswirls said:

Another new name at literotica's poetry boards, Raindear816 brings a powerful poem and an outstretched hand. Many poets have demons that haunt us, thank god we have poetry.

Trials Toward Peace
by Raindear816 ©


Dearest annaswirls~
Thank you so much for the welcome and the gracious feedback on the boards here. I was concerned bout submitting it, but you all have made me feel welcome here and I know my poetry needs improvement (in general).
I indeed am thankful for poetry,but also am thankful for the support from other writers, and readers.

*Again, thank you so very much.*:rose:
Ashleigh (Raindear816)
Re: Hello again...

jthserra said:

When I was very young, living in Okinawa, my dad had a Rambler convertable, and I immediately recalled the car when I read the title to this poem and started reading the poem. In my favorite of the poems I've reviewed today, Merrymaker takes us on a very erotic Sleepless Ramble. For those of you who've slid down on those naugahyde seats, you'll love this one.

Thank you muchly for your kind words, and helpful comments. :rose:

Happy Mom Day All
Summer Loves
by BooMerengue ©


my Mother the moon
lighting the cold water lake as
chilled goosebumpy flesh
warmed my hardened nipples
floating, teased by the motion of
untamed thrusts
as love eternal
was sworn between spurts
of blonde blue eyed orgasms


Wonder-ful imagery in a soft and emotive erotic poem, a perfectly well captured moment.

Thank you, Lauren! I had fun remembering as I wrote! And it's got an offshoot coming! :rose:

And many thanks to all who voted and left Public Comments... They mean probably more than they should...
Re: 8 May 2004 - the rest

I Know YDD
by jthserra ©

I know YDD, I shook his hand
I heard his voice from the basement stage
as he spoke of simile with a smile
and rhythm with a rhyme. This laureate
echoed from the well worn stage
as he read from “The Apple that Astonished Paris”


The best response to all the animosity we've been seeing lately. A wonderful tribute and perfect metaphor for what is the true spirit of poetry. A must read.

Of the Last Orders posted yesterday,
[*]Last Order by jthserra ©
Louder, sharper.

Thank you for the kind words Lauren. And thanks for your work on the Saturday reviews, and thanks for letting me help out...

jim : )
Well it's Monday...

And there is 1 new poem... an audio poem. Lady Christabel brings an interesting poem that is enhanced tenfold in audio. Take a look, and listen, it is a treat: A Simple Life, A Simple Love. Don't miss this jewel.

And, unless I get surprised like Liar did on the Friday poems that come out very early Saturday Morning, that's the new poems for Monday, May 10th.

Now poets, let's all be poetic out there.

jim : )
Re: Hello again...

Thank you Jim for the kind mention. The work was a challenge to write based upon the photo of a child sitting on a corner sidewalk in the sun outside some high-rise office building. I think about this poem when I am stuck in the late afternoon meetings that threaten to extend into the 5th plane of hell...

Thanks again!