new poems


I realise this may not be the right place but I'd just like to thank all the poets/readers who were kind enough to vote and leave Public Messages and send feedback on my last poem: Missing. (link in the sig)

You're very generous.


Edited to add: Thankyou very much for the mention Neo (I've only just seen it.) I am constantly amazed how readers can see what I write.
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Re: Missing

gauchecritic said:
I realise this may not be the right place but I'd just like to thank all the poets/readers who were kind enough to vote and leave Public Messages and send feedback on my last poem: Missing. (link in the sig)

You're very generous.


This is the right place to be for the New Poems list. I'm sorry I left your Missing off my review yesterday by mistake, but I've corrected my post so if you peek at the page before this one you will see it. Again sorry as your Missing was one of my favorite picks of the day.

- neo
Thank you Neon...

for the kind words about Sycophant. I wrote it back in September of 2002 after reading W.H. Auden's poem "September 1st, 1939".

If anyone out there has not read Auden's poem... it is worth a look. I heard about it and read it on the anniversary of 911, the poem seemed almost a haunting prediction. Incredible stuff.

thanks again,

jim : )
It's Monday again...

and the skies are clear, so I can't allude to the Capenter's song yet... Today there was 31 new poems, less than half of what Neonurotic got swamped with yesterday. I think he did an excellent job yesterday and I hope everyone has had a chance to throw a little thank you his way.

Before I begin, I want to offer another poem by 2rivers... how I will miss these poems;

no wake

blouse up
pants remain
pass hand
down flat
find smooth sailing
into calm bay
on mellow
musky night

no resistance


Monday brought some wonderful poems today and I will begin talking about the last three I read. I have continued to be amazed at Annaswirls' poetry, she writes with a gentle voice and incredible use of images that simply astounds me. How I wish I could write like that. Yesterday I was fortunate to read her wonderful Conversation # 1, well she continues today with Conversation #2 one -way with some beautiful river edge images, Conversation # 3 featuring some beautiful floral images and Conversation # 4 where she takes us to Macoby Meadow. Take a peek:

"This is yellow-
do you remember yellow?

buttercup shine
the chin never lies

I must welcome everything
especially brown black ants
that repeat their crawl
up leg after careless brush"

Each of these stunning poems earned well deserved "E"s. Read them and enjoy.

Smithpeter is still with us as is evidenced in twelveoone's wonderful Refrain . It is a touching tribute from one poet to one who has left us.

"I should refrain

I am limited here,
Yet, I know two,
Whose poetry I love,
Must be desolate -
Such was the presence of him"

Indeed: "Such was the presence of him.

Vixenshe takes us into the Incoherent Ramblings of a Student. A very odd poetic journey.

Dreamsweet takes a look back on a journey in a relationship, lamenting What I Wouldn't Do.

"What I wouldn't do
for the howling wind
to take me up high
and float me
over the trees,
over the water,
into that room
and brighten with a smile"

Read the rest of the poem, comment and vote.

I continue to be impressed with JCSTREET's poetry. Today he tells a tale of a Hunchback in the Park in his wonderful poetic style.

And now for something entirely different: Uncle Pervey sings us some more songs that I don't think you'll be hearing on the radio very soon... One's a bit of a perverse Christmas Carole: Santa Claus Is Cumming In Town.

Boxlicker101 takes a dip in meter with Double Dactyl #3 in a short historical poem.

RazzRajen takes a look at the slow fading of Beauty, brains. Take a peek:

"Bereft of all reason
Alone and stumbling,
                 Once proud and vain
Now alone and old
the fate of beauty

A sonnet is such a beautiful thing in the hands of an extraordinary poet. Angeline proves that point with her Sheltering Storm . Read these lines:

"while Mozart's Divertimento sings soft,
hums through evening new as lullabies
to dark shapes of books and your face aloft
murmurs mouth whispers to lips, lashes, eyes"

postobitum brought us a number of poems today, my favorite was Afterglow, a short but sensual poem.

And now, last but not least, my favorite of the day. In another look into the dark underside of humanity, tarablackwood22 introduces us to The Essex . In verse that cuts deep we look at the dark and dank:

"The sour air
tastes like diseased wine,
a rusty blade.
It has teeth,
bites tongues,
threatens flesh."

Read it in all it's rusty, fleshy detail...

And those are the poems that grabbed me from today's New Poems. Read them all and find a few more that may grab you.

Have a nice Monday... and now poets, let's be poetic out there.

jim : )
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jim Re monday

Thanks for doing double duty Yesterday and today its always appreciated.

and for mentioning My maudlin take on physical and mental attributes

Razz :p


originally posted by jthserra

And now, last but not least, my favorite of the day. In another look into the dark underside of humanity, tarablackwood22 introduces us to The Essex . In verse that cuts deep we look at the dark and dank.


Kind thanks for the mention and praise, Jim.....and thanks to you and Neo for the great work on Sunday and Monday's reviews.

Re: No sleeping in on Sunday

neonurotic said:
id=144027]What More[/URL]

~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~

maria2394 has a double froggy submission with Frog King Emerges and Frog King ( as observer) The latter is the flipside of the lilly pad from the Frog King's perspective. Reading Maria's work always leaves me open-mouthed and catching flies ;) (pun intended)

~he gets the big meat~

Frog King, His Majesty
~Imminent Culler of Protein~
sticky tongue zapping juicy bumbles
smearing flecks of pollen thick
across his smirking Frog King lips

~ ~ ~

- thank you for the mention Neo, it is much appreciated :rose:

also, they were supposed to come out one at a time, aid plans and all that..

frog king emerges was #1
observer #2 etc :)

thanks again, youre a darlin' ;)

you certainly work hard at those reviews j/serra

I don't know where you find the time but I'm sure your affirmations provide significant encouragement to many here


to Jim and those who commented and sent word or those who didn't but read--

I am humble, grateful, thankful and finally taking my camera and notebook wherever I go. I even bought a PURSE two weeks ago to carry them!! My first purse since Jr. High when I started to want to be a woman.

This time after being convinced that I am.

Re: conversations

annaswirls said:
to Jim and those who commented and sent word or those who didn't but read--

I am humble, grateful, thankful and finally taking my camera and notebook wherever I go. I even bought a PURSE two weeks ago to carry them!! My first purse since Jr. High when I started to want to be a woman.

This time after being convinced that I am.


Why didn't ya just ask me...I'd have told you you were a women.
; )
Re: conversations

annaswirls said:
to Jim and those who commented and sent word or those who didn't but read--

I am humble, grateful, thankful and finally taking my camera and notebook wherever I go. I even bought a PURSE two weeks ago to carry them!! My first purse since Jr. High when I started to want to be a woman.

This time after being convinced that I am.


Damn Woman, you sold out!!! a PURSE??? I still dont own one and never will and Im quite sure I am a woman , wait, lemme check..ohhh, yess, ysss!! female, no purse filled with the trappings of a society bent on forcing a woman to TOTE her crap around with her ;)

really though anna, great poems, wish I had your talent...

lose the friggn purse, get a small back pack, anything but a purse :(
Re: It's Monday again...

jthserra said:
A sonnet is such a beautiful thing in the hands of an extraordinary poet. Angeline proves that point with her Sheltering Storm . Read these lines:

"while Mozart's Divertimento sings soft,
hums through evening new as lullabies
to dark shapes of books and your face aloft
murmurs mouth whispers to lips, lashes, eyes"


Thank you Jim (and everyone who commented), as always, for your comments and for mentioning my sonnet. I got wonderful feedback on this one, but really sonnet writing is pretty easy if you read a bunch of them--the rhythm and meter, the rhyme scheme get stuck in your head like a song that won't stop playing. I just take the tune and put new words in. On the other hand, you can ignore most of the rules like Billy Collins did and write a fantastic sonnet--

Billy Collins

All we need is fourteen lines, well, thirteen now,
and after this one just a dozen
to launch a little ship on love's storm-tossed seas,
then only ten more left like rows of beans.
How easily it goes unless you get Elizabethan
and insist the iambic bongos must be played
and rhymes positioned at the ends of lines,
one for every station of the cross.
But hang on here wile we make the turn
into the final six where all will be resolved,
where longing and heartache will find an end,
where Laura will tell Petrarch to put down his pen,
take off those crazy medieval tights,
blow out the lights, and come at last to bed.

Re: Re: conversations

Maria2394 said:
Damn Woman, you sold out!!! a PURSE??? I still dont own one and never will and Im quite sure I am a woman , wait, lemme check..ohhh, yess, ysss!! female, no purse filled with the trappings of a society bent on forcing a woman to TOTE her crap around with her ;)

really though anna, great poems, wish I had your talent...

lose the friggn purse, get a small back pack, anything but a purse :(

I own a purse, too... but it's in storage. Haven't seen it in 2 years. I also have a leather backpack (via a zillion Marlboro Miles! *cough cough) that I love! But it's very heavy... it'll be an heirloom! I used to have an army duffel bag- if it didn't fit in when it came time to move, I gave it away. Oh life was so simple then!
Re: Re: It's Monday again...

Angeline said:
... but really sonnet writing is pretty easy if you read a bunch of them--the rhythm and meter, the rhyme scheme get stuck in your head like a song that won't stop playing....

Like you said, a friggin' song that's stuck in your head and won't stop playing....

du-dah du-dah du-dah du-dah du-dah

Love ya babe....But it's the principle of the thing....:D

And you do write good sonnets....

Re: Re: Re: It's Monday again...

The_Fool said:
Like you said, a friggin' song that's stuck in your head and won't stop playing....

du-dah du-dah du-dah du-dah du-dah

Love ya babe....But it's the principle of the thing....:D

And you do write good sonnets....



You're just a stubborn boy and we both know it...

just as we know you write wonderful form poetry, including sonnets. so there.

Re: Re: Re: Re: It's Monday again...

Angeline said:

You're just a stubborn boy and we both know it...

just as we know you write wonderful form poetry, including sonnets. so there.



At least you didn't talk about the other "S" word. That one is even worse...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: It's Monday again...

The_Fool said:

At least you didn't talk about the other "S" word. That one is even worse...

Hah! Not me. I ain't a-sayin it. Now Boo--she *likes* to say it. :D

P.S. Did you know *Catbabe* is forcing me to write a sonnet about giraffes? Isn't that mean?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: It's Monday again...

Angeline said:
Hah! Not me. I ain't a-sayin it. Now Boo--she *likes* to say it. :D

P.S. Did you know *Catbabe* is forcing me to write a sonnet about giraffes? Isn't that mean?

Okay, now you got me wandering down the lane trying to think of words that rhyme with giraffe. That is just evil...

IF, and that is a very large if, I ever write another sonnet, it will be pure porn. Like I told you before, only one every twenty years, and I am about forty years ahead of myself...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: It's Monday again...

The_Fool said:
Okay, now you got me wandering down the lane trying to think of words that rhyme with giraffe. That is just evil...

IF, and that is a very large if, I ever write another sonnet, it will be pure porn. Like I told you before, only one every twenty years, and I am about forty years ahead of myself...

Honey, if you can write a pure porn sonnet when you're 80 more power to ya. :p
it gets easier

Honey, if you can write a pure porn sonnet when you're 80 more power to ya

actually the penchant/ability to so do increases with age, Angeline--less performance more memory.

gaffe and gaff - one silly one pointed
naff (british for sort of unfashionable or kitschy I think)
caff (British for cafe [they are conflicted about the French]

daft (well a stretch mebbe lol)

faff (faffing around--wasting time--skylarking)

Re: it gets easier

Honey, if you can write a pure porn sonnet when you're 80 more power to ya

actually the penchant/ability to so do increases with age, Angeline--less performance more memory.

gaffe and gaff - one silly one pointed
naff (british for sort of unfashionable or kitschy I think)
caff (British for cafe [they are conflicted about the French]

daft (well a stretch mebbe lol)

faff (faffing around--wasting time--skylarking)


It was a joke. Just a joke. :D
The Fool is 80????? And I was soooooo hot for him!!!!! Alas and alack!!!

Ange... I can say Sestina all day and still I am no threat. I have not written a complete one yet!! Nor do I think I ever shall....

Nor will I EVER write another Bob!! gawwwwddd!!!

JC?? Watch out- Ange jokes hard... LOL


More, anyone?? I feel another binge comin' on!!!
Why do I not feel

a frisson of fear

at this well-meant (snicker) warning

JC?? Watch out- Ange jokes hard... LOL


(getting to an age when he can look out for himself)

but disappointed in losing his bulletin board virginity -- it really hurt - the first time is never the best
I'll try to write an erotic sonnet on the fly here

is it eight and six in rhyming couplets?


Here goes

oh yeah--iambic pentameter--shit lol

The light and shadow on your lovely flanks
invokes the tender feeling of a wank
your rising moans give birth to flailing limbs
I rise and cater to your lovely whims
the lovely curve of neck and limb delight
this light and shadow in the falling night
your thighs are languid, honeyed rich and warm
I hold and cosset lovely in my arms

and now the denouement begins again
the winding down from our delightful yen
the lovely Grace in falling light of dusk
the cloying lovely feeling of your musk
delights my heart and calms my soul to sleep
As love's touch becomes again more deep

is that how these poets do it?

(just a kid off the street tryin' to make a living)
Re: Re: conversations

Maria2394 said:
Damn Woman, you sold out!!! a PURSE??? I still dont own one and never will and Im quite sure I am a woman , wait, lemme check..ohhh, yess, ysss!! female, no purse filled with the trappings of a society bent on forcing a woman to TOTE her crap around with her ;)

really though anna, great poems, wish I had your talent...

lose the friggn purse, get a small back pack, anything but a purse :(

handbag black crochet exactly big enough
digital camera
little black notebook
broken cell phone

too much for pocket
too little for back pack
always hung on railing of stairs for quick grabbing

anna wishes she had her talent too
and yours too you frog queen rebel :cool:
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