new poems

There are too many good poems today to let them pass without notice so I'll toss a few out there. Forgive my ramblings...;)

First up on my list is the first poem on the new poems page: RazzRajen's Straining Sounds. I had some trouble following because it's hard for me to read when the lines are formatted that way (a personal failing ;) ), but the images painted were beautiful.

Ancient117331 made me smile "With Eyes Softly Closed..."

With eyes softly closed
a single tear flows
the indescribable emotion
released from within
as the eyes silently open
and find yours
looking in.

Go read the rest of it.

Continuing the theme of eyes, neonurotic's I saw nothing is one of the best poems of the day, in my extraordinarily humble opinion.

EveHasFallen brings us a bittersweet Welcome

No, you came to me to find a light
amidst your darkness...
Came to someone as lost as you.

As difficult as it was for me to read (due to the subject matter, not the form), fawnie 's Into Tomorrow also moved me deeply today. :rose:

damppanties's illustrated Dark Destiny had a comment that the illustration was too dark to be legible. That's really too bad because I thought it added a great deal to the poem. Hopefully YDD can find another monitor to check it out again.

Last, but not least, is one I considered leaving out since I am an unabashed Liar-groupie. a poem on touch was too good to ignore, though. Even for Liar. ;)

There were very few poems today, but a number of good ones still out there that I haven't mentioned. So go, read, and vote! And thanks for letting me play.;)

- Mindy, poet-groupie
YIKES--EVE wrote me about this

she wanted to know where i got her poem to comment on it

I had the impression that a kattpurr (sp?) post had alerted me to it and now i see it also from the peripatetic and ever omniscient Angeline (whom boomerengeue figures will eventually track me down)

so now i see it under angeline's sobriquet so Eve--I'm getting it from all over the place

and this is my feel

and this is what blew me away--because i have spent the last 10 years (online in 87--browser by 94) reading crap poetry on the Net--the eternal whinings and rants of the decerebrate and now suddenly i come on couplets like this

In the swamp's distance,
the flesh house leaned

the phrase "the flesh house" works for me


I feel this also for paintings and music

This is so hard to engage a high school or young college class with

what is poetry--what is its value-why the fuck do we need it

because--simply--poetry and these other arts can suddenly jolt and shock the mind such that it shifts laterally--as the body does in an earthquake and for a moment or a more extended period go into dreams or deja vu or recollection or introspection

that's what these arts do to the sensitive--they shift their minds--often with a shocking jolt into rare spaces and recall or remind or help us dream and drift in new ways or old ways but not right now ways

am I rambling--doubtless-

my weakness is that i confuse the poem with the poet - when I read lines of raw power I need to know the person

one of the weaknesses of cyber (i don't mean c/sex - we\ve most all done that and it palls)

is that we don't know a last name or have a snailmail

so we can't officialy enter our cyber pals into our address books because -anally--what letter do we put them under

so we scribble them down on vague pieces of paper and can't always find them when we wish to reach out to these friends and lovers again

but MORE - sometimes the need to write a long, considered snailmail is so plangent it sears the heart

I had a woman who loved me

she became so shook up that she wanted to leave her husband (NORMALLY A BAD IDEA)

but not necessarily for me--I had brought her closer to the brink of her disaffection

she was in her 40s

beautiful witty smart congenial sexually engaging - much honey much spurting

six kids--youngest would not be mature for 10 years so

in fact - no escape for her

who would expect a woman to abandon her kids--how gross would that be--

and gradually she became so uncomfortable that she gradually blocked her yahoo her email--sequentially over the weeks

but always was positive in our accidental encounters

and i could feel the tension and didn't need her if it were going to break her life


all i wanted to do was write her a long, kind snailmail letter--affirming her--telling her that i needed nothing from her--that we had been an experience--that I was here for here whenever and that all was OK

but we normally can't do that in cyber

we normally have no fallback after the white heat - the effusion of the long night when love flows like wine

I think we get far more hurt on the Net than we do in real and I know there ar eobvious exceptions

is this off-topic--I hardly think so because this is stuff that spawns part or all of our poetry

yearning, longing--can we ever be satisfied--will it ever settle down???

and should it

are we condemned as poets (those of us for whom it is a lust that cannot be satisfied) to be wild and uncontained and dissatisfied


I came online in 87 but didn't discover newsgroups till 98 or chatrooms till__I think__2002 - this has been the most unusual and fulfilling group i've encountered but very frustrating because it is not anywhere near realtime

I think the hardest thing we do as poets is to maintain a metaphor through 20/30 lines--you get this huge impulsion in the night--the mood is strong--you have to write it down--but it becomes successively weaker as the lines unfold--your impulse only covered the first verse and now the difficulties are piling up

it runs down--it runs out--do ppl experience that as I do?


(who used to revel in his virginity--but now is experienced--dayam)


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Thanks - Mindy the poet-groupie

minsue said:
There are too many good poems today to let them pass without notice so I'll toss a few out there. Forgive my ramblings...;)

Continuing the theme of eyes, neonurotic's I saw nothing is one of the best poems of the day, in my extraordinarily humble opinion.

There were very few poems today, but a number of good ones still out there that I haven't mentioned. So go, read, and vote! And thanks for letting me play.;)

- Mindy, poet-groupie

Thanks for your read, mention, and most of all, your time—it is always appreciated. ;)

- neo
"i see it also from the peripatetic and ever omniscient Angeline (whom boomerengeue figures will eventually track me down)"

What???? All I said was that she joked hard... and by that I meant she is clever and witty... never mean.

I like that place- may I please have a seat facing the water?
you're being endearing again boomerengue--STOPPIT!

uh--OK -- I only said that Angeline was mysterious and unobtainable and would never get involved with an aging irish-canadian who had a preternatural ring to his poetic voice

that she would be out there as a siren--totally beyond my reach

her mysterious monochrome pic more haunting than the Syclla & Chrabdis that is the metaphor for all desire

Yikes--I'd love it if ppl wrote that shit about me lol

and I'm only kidding even if there's a slight subtext here of interest.


but Boo--you're mischievous aren't you
My fetish

Tall, skinny - hair in a bun--white silk blouse with chemkise udnerneath--small breasts with a slight decollateage visible and one drop of perfume wafting up

long skirt--possibly black--possibly blue pinstripe - gasrter belt and stockings underneath--hard to define the panties but white french knickers would not disappoint

a woman like this used to beat me when I was 8 or 9 and i couldnt' figure out why I yearned for her

I have never been submissive--I mean I can be submissive for a scene for half an hour (though I haven't really every done it) but for her I would be--cuz she's unobtainable--I will never meet her

there's a saying in officer raining that one cannot lead until one has learned to follow.

My Australian dominatrix (whom I have only known as a sub but whom has sugested that I cene submissively with her) echoes the same comment--one cannot be a DOM without learning to be submissive - this all seems logical--ying and yang are not theories--they are the tapestries of our lives

but what does Tara Blackwood say to all this--I sense she is somewhat private yet seething


you once commented on my poem Dark Love _ i think you may also have Pm-ed me on a routine matter which I answered--but that's not Gospel.

Tonight I re-read your commet on dark love and sent you a response--but it said "cannot communciate with Wickedeve"

are you dead?

I know exactly why Boo

and it doesn't have to be this way

"why do I feel it's a doomy, gloomy deja vu all over again??"
(Boo's post above)

dayam you girl

it's a fuxxing syndrome

you see the lilt in the line and siddenly that person is an angel--you have to own and contain them--or have them own and contain you

I feel that way about several ppl in this group--kind of marginally-- but I'm not buying first class air tickets to their bosoms-- i see their lilt--and their fetishes--and their art--and I feel like playing with them a little

it's just a syndrome

and when you get obsessive about it the same old same old happens--disappointment--loss--pain--self immolation--regret--whatever

everyone in here suffers and has suffered--I'm the newest in here so I've suffered the least


can that really he true:)


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I think you misunderstood, JC. All I meant is that I believe we have heard this voice, these sentiments before on this thread... under a different nic, of course.
Re: you're being endearing again boomerengue--STOPPIT!

uh--OK -- I only said that Angeline was mysterious and unobtainable and would never get involved with an aging irish-canadian who had a preternatural ring to his poetic voice

that she would be out there as a siren--totally beyond my reach

her mysterious monochrome pic more haunting than the Syclla & Chrabdis that is the metaphor for all desire

Yikes--I'd love it if ppl wrote that shit about me lol

and I'm only kidding even if there's a slight subtext here of interest.


but Boo--you're mischievous aren't you


Most kidding aside, cyber friendships can be powerful. I'm already involved with an aging Irish-American who I met here in this very forum, and now--well he's sitting next to me reading the morning paper and schlurping up my coffee, so I know it happens.

And I'm woefully unmysterious--hell, I'm from New Joisey; how mysterious is that? I'm just a nice fairly eccentric person who is obsessed with words and poetry. I like it here. I've made friends in the few years I've been hanging around. Now I can't seem to tear myself away.

And I am remiss in welcoming you to this forum, which I should have done when I saw your first post here. No I'm not the hostess, but I am one of the board moderators (the other two are Wicked Eve and Lauren Hynde), and I'm chronically polite, so welcome. If you have any questions about the forum, let me know.

Re: Re: you're being endearing again boomerengue--STOPPIT!

Angeline said:

Most kidding aside, cyber friendships can be powerful. I'm already involved with an aging Irish-American who I met here in this very forum, and now--well he's sitting next to me reading the morning paper and schlurping up my coffee, so I know it happens.

And I'm woefully unmysterious--hell, I'm from New Joisey; how mysterious is that? I'm just a nice fairly eccentric person who is obsessed with words and poetry. I like it here. I've made friends in the few years I've been hanging around. Now I can't seem to tear myself away.

And I am remiss in welcoming you to this forum, which I should have done when I saw your first post here. No I'm not the hostess, but I am one of the board moderators (the other two are Wicked Eve and Lauren Hynde), and I'm chronically polite, so welcome. If you have any questions about the forum, let me know.


I guess a shag's out of the question then!


Good morning Miss Ange :kiss:
Re: Re: Re: you're being endearing again boomerengue--STOPPIT!

upfront said:
I guess a shag's out of the question then!


Good morning Miss Ange :kiss:

Not even a fluff, buddy.


Hi cutie.

Where's your AV????
minsue said:
damppanties's illustrated Dark Destiny had a comment that the illustration was too dark to be legible. That's really too bad because I thought it added a great deal to the poem. Hopefully YDD can find another monitor to check it out again.

Thanks for the mention goosey. :rose:

My first illustrated stuff and I had a hell of a time with the illustration. :)

you once commented on my poem Dark Love _ i think you may also have Pm-ed me on a routine matter which I answered--but that's not Gospel.

Tonight I re-read your commet on dark love and sent you a response--but it said "cannot communciate with Wickedeve"

are you dead?

I get this all the time! You can PM me here. Or send email to or I know I commented on dark love and I think I said something about too much darkness. lol
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: It's Monday again...

Angeline said:
Honey, if you can write a pure porn sonnet when you're 80 more power to ya. :p

Hey, I do dirty old man quite well....:D
BooMerengue said:
The Fool is 80????? And I was soooooo hot for him!!!!! Alas and alack!!!

Ange... I can say Sestina all day and still I am no threat. I have not written a complete one yet!! Nor do I think I ever shall....

Nor will I EVER write another Bob!! gawwwwddd!!!

JC?? Watch out- Ange jokes hard... LOL


More, anyone?? I feel another binge comin' on!!!

What matters age
To lip’s softness
When kissing indiscreetly
Tasting passion of the moment
In the shadows
Bodies pressed together
Sharing heated passion
In a cold subdued melancholy world

Offer me your lips
Take from me my passion
Ageless and innocent
Timeless and forever
A touch
Not to count the years
But to count the blessings
Of time spent together


I’m only 79.....and a half

Foooool for love
Foooool for passion
Foooool for Boo

The_Fool said:
What matters age
To lip’s softness
When kissing indiscreetly
Tasting passion of the moment
In the shadows
Bodies pressed together
Sharing heated passion
In a cold subdued melancholy world

Offer me your lips
Take from me my passion
Ageless and innocent
Timeless and forever
A touch
Not to count the years
But to count the blessings
Of time spent together


I’m only 79.....and a half

Foooool for love
Foooool for passion
Foooool for Boo


Oh! Your poem so called for this response. And look, honey, it's a suh-suh-sonnet

Sonnet 138
William Shakespeare

When my love swears that she is made of truth
I do believe her, though I know she lies,
That she might think me some untutor'd youth,
Unlearned in the world's false subtleties.
Thus vainly thinking that she thinks me young,
Although she knows my days are past the best,
Simply I credit her false-speaking tongue:
On both sides thus is simple truth suppress'd.
But wherefore says she not she is unjust?
And wherefore say not I that I am old?
O, love's best habit is in seeming trust,
And age in love loves not to have years told:

Therefore I lie with her and she with me,
And in our faults by lies we flatter'd be.



originally posted by JCSTREET

Tall, skinny - hair in a bun--white silk blouse with chemkise udnerneath--small breasts with a slight decollateage visible and one drop of perfume wafting up

long skirt--possibly black--possibly blue pinstripe - gasrter belt and stockings underneath--hard to define the panties but white french knickers would not disappoint

a woman like this used to beat me when I was 8 or 9 and i couldnt' figure out why I yearned for her

I have never been submissive--I mean I can be submissive for a scene for half an hour (though I haven't really every done it) but for her I would be--cuz she's unobtainable--I will never meet her

there's a saying in officer raining that one cannot lead until one has learned to follow.

My Australian dominatrix (whom I have only known as a sub but whom has sugested that I cene submissively with her) echoes the same comment--one cannot be a DOM without learning to be submissive - this all seems logical--ying and yang are not theories--they are the tapestries of our lives

but what does Tara Blackwood say to all this--I sense she is somewhat private yet seething


JC -- this is all too transcendentally naughty for a demure girl like me......I'm off now to my afternoon prayers. :D
The_Fool said:
What matters age
To lip’s softness
When kissing indiscreetly
Tasting passion of the moment
In the shadows
Bodies pressed together
Sharing heated passion
In a cold subdued melancholy world

Offer me your lips
Take from me my passion
Ageless and innocent
Timeless and forever
A touch
Not to count the years
But to count the blessings
Of time spent together


I’m only 79.....and a half

Foooool for love
Foooool for passion
Foooool for Boo


Awww DearFool! Here- I went to Dragonettes and got you something...


You don't mind if we sip together, do you?
BooMerengue said:
Awww DearFool! Here- I went to Dragonettes and got you something...


You don't mind if we sip together, do you?

Ok, Fool, Boo,
You both have me way turned on. I want you both.

Synfully delicious :devil:
minsue said:
Last, but not least, is one I considered leaving out since I am an unabashed Liar-groupie. a poem on touch was too good to ignore, though. Even for Liar. ;)

There were very few poems today, but a number of good ones still out there that I haven't mentioned. So go, read, and vote! And thanks for letting me play.;)

- Mindy, poet-groupie
No, thank you for taking the time and effort. You give good review. PLease take a stab at it again whenever you feel like it.

And big thanks for the mention of my smut-in-disguise poem. You're a splendid groupie. Or is that gropee? Just too bad you have such low esteem about your own inner poet. But I'll spank that out of you one of these days. :)

Long involved scening with

moderately articulate women - doesn't usu make me which redolate of subtextsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

may occasionally invoke the almost-impossible;)

is <redolate a verb>

JC -- this is all too transcendentally naughty for a demure girl like me......I'm off now to my afternoon prayers

oh Tara darling _ I see your pretty convent uniform
Re: YIKES--EVE wrote me about this

she wanted to know where i got her poem to comment on it

I had the impression that a kattpurr (sp?) post had alerted me to it and now i see it also from the peripatetic and ever omniscient Angeline (whom boomerengeue figures will eventually track me down)

so now i see it under angeline's sobriquet so Eve--I'm getting it from all over the place

and this is my feel

and this is what blew me away--because i have spent the last 10 years (online in 87--browser by 94) reading crap poetry on the Net--the eternal whinings and rants of the decerebrate and now suddenly i come on couplets like this

In the swamp's distance,
the flesh house leaned

the phrase "the flesh house" works for me


I feel this also for paintings and music

This is so hard to engage a high school or young college class with

what is poetry--what is its value-why the fuck do we need it

because--simply--poetry and these other arts can suddenly jolt and shock the mind such that it shifts laterally--as the body does in an earthquake and for a moment or a more extended period go into dreams or deja vu or recollection or introspection

that's what these arts do to the sensitive--they shift their minds--often with a shocking jolt into rare spaces and recall or remind or help us dream and drift in new ways or old ways but not right now ways

am I rambling--doubtless-

my weakness is that i confuse the poem with the poet - when I read lines of raw power I need to know the person

one of the weaknesses of cyber (i don't mean c/sex - we\ve most all done that and it palls)

is that we don't know a last name or have a snailmail

so we can't officialy enter our cyber pals into our address books because -anally--what letter do we put them under

so we scribble them down on vague pieces of paper and can't always find them when we wish to reach out to these friends and lovers again

but MORE - sometimes the need to write a long, considered snailmail is so plangent it sears the heart

I had a woman who loved me

she became so shook up that she wanted to leave her husband (NORMALLY A BAD IDEA)

but not necessarily for me--I had brought her closer to the brink of her disaffection

she was in her 40s

beautiful witty smart congenial sexually engaging - much honey much spurting

six kids--youngest would not be mature for 10 years so

in fact - no escape for her

who would expect a woman to abandon her kids--how gross would that be--

and gradually she became so uncomfortable that she gradually blocked her yahoo her email--sequentially over the weeks

but always was positive in our accidental encounters

and i could feel the tension and didn't need her if it were going to break her life


all i wanted to do was write her a long, kind snailmail letter--affirming her--telling her that i needed nothing from her--that we had been an experience--that I was here for here whenever and that all was OK

but we normally can't do that in cyber

we normally have no fallback after the white heat - the effusion of the long night when love flows like wine

I think we get far more hurt on the Net than we do in real and I know there ar eobvious exceptions

is this off-topic--I hardly think so because this is stuff that spawns part or all of our poetry

yearning, longing--can we ever be satisfied--will it ever settle down???

and should it

are we condemned as poets (those of us for whom it is a lust that cannot be satisfied) to be wild and uncontained and dissatisfied


I came online in 87 but didn't discover newsgroups till 98 or chatrooms till__I think__2002 - this has been the most unusual and fulfilling group i've encountered but very frustrating because it is not anywhere near realtime

I think the hardest thing we do as poets is to maintain a metaphor through 20/30 lines--you get this huge impulsion in the night--the mood is strong--you have to write it down--but it becomes successively weaker as the lines unfold--your impulse only covered the first verse and now the difficulties are piling up

it runs down--it runs out--do ppl experience that as I do?


(who used to revel in his virginity--but now is experienced--dayam)
uh huh... well, you're just dang fascinating.