new poems

Thanks for the mention Syndra-- I am so glad that you have picked up the long neglected Wed.

I do think the Conversation series has ended.
Poetry has not.

All poetry is a conversation with something or someone I do not yet understand,
trying to make sense of what I cannot know.
(or a celebration of what I do know
which is not much)

So why call it a conversation, it is redundant, no? :rolleyes:

Might as well call it Poem.


I do think the Conversation series has ended.

and no, my lovely anon. not because you told me to stop talking to myself :p
annaswirls said:
Thanks for the mention Syndra-- I am so glad that you have picked up the long neglected Wed.

I do think the Conversation series has ended.
Poetry has not.

All poetry is a conversation with something or someone I do not yet understand,
trying to make sense of what I cannot know.
(or a celebration of what I do know
which is not much)

So why call it a conversation, it is redundant, no? :rolleyes:

Might as well call it Poem.


I just wanna tickle you
till you holler
Stop Stop
; )

that is all
carry on

I do think the Conversation series has ended.

and no, my lovely anon. not because you told me to stop talking to myself :p
Liar said:
No, thank you for taking the time and effort. You give good review. PLease take a stab at it again whenever you feel like it.

And big thanks for the mention of my smut-in-disguise poem. You're a splendid groupie. Or is that gropee? Just too bad you have such low esteem about your own inner poet. But I'll spank that out of you one of these days. :)


LOL You can keep trying, Liar, but I doubt it'll do much good. It's quite appreciated, though. :kiss:
Thank you Syndra for the kind words. This was written about a young girl who was murd

i wasn't going to ask--since I didn't know how personal this was--it is a terrifying poem -

also kudos to Boo and Eve

lots of death around today


OK Tatha--you're a guy--muy bien already lol

PS - who is Tara Blackwood and why is she trying to tickle me
Re: Thank you Syndra for the kind words. This was written about a young girl who was murd

i wasn't going to ask--since I didn't know how personal this was--it is a terrifying poem -

also kudos to Boo and Eve

lots of death around today


OK Tatha--you're a guy--muy bien already lol

PS - who is Tara Blackwood and why is she trying to tickle me

I just dont get why people think i'm a chick
i'm getting paranoid

tara's trying to tickle you??
give in man
let her rule your body
never mind
Re: We now interupt your regularly scheduled playtime

Syndra Lynn said:
for a word about some poetry!

Please go right now and read ALL the New Poems

Here a few must sees:

annaswirls is still having conversations. I like the seventh of the series

Liar wrote my favorite today aspiring to dream

jthserra never writes a bad one. Today's is disturbing and profoundly moving. Go read two nights, two mornings and one afternoon

sappholovers brings us a GREAT poem from the shower: (illicit) Shower Thoughts I love a steamy shower scene and this one has twisted mind games wrapped around it!

Boomerengue brings us Wasteland to which I am sure we all relate

and I can only imagine by WickedEve caught my eye and made me catch my breath.

and if you want one just for fun, try The Complexities of Wine and Poetry by me

Bright blessings to all who write and read and vote!

Syn :kiss:

edited to say that I was writing this while Lauren was chastising the rest of the kids cause great minds think alike;)

Many thanks Synnie!! It was just a moments passing, but I'm proud you took the time! :rose: :rose:
Satiate is a back formation like orientate

the verb is to sate--the past tense sated

one who has a fixation is fixed on - not fixated, and

a straitjacket is not the shortest distance bewixt two points but
reeks of constraint, deals

are not brokered--they are broked - to broke-- otherwise a
stockbroker would become a stockbrokerer--can't
be having that, accommodate has
two m's although you rarely see that on home-made
billboards whether in England or Maine

the linchpin holds the axle on - it
does not constrict the esophagus, although

I used to think the linchpin was what
held the cannon at the chosen
elevation and
perhaps that is still true and

my dictionary lacks the quality of yore

this is not a poem--it is merely an essay with bad punctuation
annaswirls is still having conversations. I like the seventh of the series

I liked number 6 - have not got to number 7 yet - here is a woman whose spirit appears to emanate and embrace all living things.
Re: annaswirls is still having conversations. I like the seventh of the series

I liked number 6 - have not got to number 7 yet - here is a woman whose spirit appears to emanate and embrace all living things.

Hear hear! There's a reason for all those E's.
I feel so sad when I run out of posts

I find myself getting addicted to a thread and don't even want to check out other threads when this one runs out.

I have an idea
to circumvent Lauren and the other
censors (I say this jokingly) and that is to talk
about any topic which seems
relevant at the time but do it
in poetic form, which

ipso facto is
new poetry with the odd
res locutor and mutatis
mutandis thrown in, to
give it gravitas, I'm
convinced Tatha
gata is
a guy and that
Eve's ass is
perfectly formed



  • lakemtn1.jpg
    37.7 KB · Views: 2
I like that place- may I please have a seat facing the water?

That's The Metropole Hotel - in Bealieu-sur-Mer - two stops out of monte carlo enroute to Cannes (heading west) on the train

When I was
in Belfast I had to
go to Cannes every February for
a world conference but
actually stayed in Monte Carlo and
took the train (one hour) right
along the riviera--past Cap d.Antibes, Juan les Pins and
all that

Your seat--Boo--faces
Africa which is
just over the horizon and I would ask

the waiter to
bring you a bottle of Sancerre and
a copy of
Paris Match to get your
poetic (and other) juices

(still waiting for Boo to send him a "plese come home all is forgiven" letter)
the hidden sun will twist its light

for some reason I didn't see this poem of Tara's (highlighted by JH I believe a few pages back) - perhaps it is still in the new list and not in her regular list which I went through to some extent tonight

This poem seems more meticulous and exquisite than some of the others I've seen.
I said something about too much darkness. lol

yes you did Eve and I'm trying to fix the danged thing lol
Re: I feel so sad when I run out of posts


I have an idea
to circumvent Lauren and the other
censors (I say this jokingly) and that is to talk
about any topic which seems
relevant at the time but do it
in poetic form
JC, there is nothing to circumvent, and I didn't say what I did to play 'bad cop'. I was talking as a reader and as a part of this community, not as a moderator.

This thread was created specifically for recommendations of new poems from the new poetry list, so that we don't miss out on any jewels. There is always some space for comments and discussion about those same poems, but with moderation.

What this thread was not started for was posting new poems in it, and especially not to work as a slow-motion chat-room.

If everyone thinks that is direction we want this thread to go, fine, say it and I'll shut up and go start another thread for recommendations. If not, please use some moderation on off-topic posts and include links when you talk about poems.
Re: Re: I feel so sad when I run out of posts

Lauren Hynde said:
JC, there is nothing to circumvent, and I didn't say what I did to play 'bad cop'. I was talking as a reader and as a part of this community, not as a moderator.

This thread was created specifically for recommendations of new poems from the new poetry list, so that we don't miss out on any jewels. There is always some space for comments and discussion about those same poems, but with moderation.

What this thread was not started for was posting new poems in it, and especially not to work as a slow-motion chat-room.

If everyone thinks that is direction we want this thread to go, fine, say it and I'll shut up and go start another thread for recommendations. If not, please use some moderation on off-topic posts and include links when you talk about poems.

No Lauren... You are right. I was gonna say something; I said it in private instead. I want this place to stay just like it is. Comfy. Safe. Honest.

Thanks, hon. Well done. Well said. :rose: :rose: :rose:
I'll use being on lunch break as an excuse for not posting links and offering insightful crit or excerpts. But If you'd like a treat, just go read the new poems today! I'm not one to gush, but wow! (Cordelia, WickedEve, Maria, Tarablackwood, Anna, and TowardAWord are the first six poems on the list and every one of them excellent! )

The rest of today's posts may be just as good or better, but I hear my Sandwich calling.

Go. Go read the
New Poems
now! while they are fresh.
thanks to maria, jthserra and tristesse for commenting on my latest poem.

It was nice to hear from you.
Lauren--don't be a literalist-I wuz

merely jerking your chain in a light-hearted way _ i have as yet no attitude toward anyone in the group and I writ this a few mins ago to get things back on track--definitely a new poem not even shallacked yet--not even Bishop-kissed



that her name, her
is a placename, a
location name, the
seat of the High Kings
of Ireland
back then when
at the great Battle of Clontarf
Brian Boru was cruelly
all slain and fractured, a
bard wrote this:

“Blood bursts like snowflakes from his nose” and
I never forgot that, in

all my writing hence I
never forgot that, the

tension brilliant twixt the cold, stark white, and
the hot red flow, I
tasted the hot red flow in my mouth with it’s iron
tang, Tara

may not know this, may not
feel the hot
ululation belling from the camp that night, the

hot ululation from the women who worshipped
their High King, their
Brian Boru, their
Kingly host, their
Kingly wonder man, the

West of Ireland was alive that night, alive
with portents and wondrous
things, that
no man fathomed and more, no
wolf howled and more, the
women writhed and screamed and turned hither
and thither in sweat, their
breasts full
for his returning spirit, his
nursing lips, the

women writhed and turned
hither and thither
for Brian, their
need so plangent that their men
stood in a wonder
away from their straw beds and wassailed
with honeyed mead and need
for the younger
women of the tribe, all
was chaos rebuilding into frame, and

Tara does not know this,



because I briefly found a muse or perhaps not so briefly since a new metaphor now boils in my breast a new chain of being (though nothing to do with the Great Elizabethan Chain of Being--[EMW Tillyard--required reading for classical poets])
Official reviewers?

I realize that everyone is welcome to point out favorites and review the poetry daily. I have on occasion been driven to cry, "Wow! Look at this!"
But refresh my memory.

Who does the official reviews each day?

I know
Sunday is Anna
Monday is Jim


Friday is Liar (right?)
Saturday is Lauren

Can you guys fill in the blanks for me?

Synfully Delicious :kiss:
Re: Official reviewers?

Syndra Lynn said:
I realize that everyone is welcome to point out favorites and review the poetry daily. I have on occasion been driven to cry, "Wow! Look at this!"
But refresh my memory.

Who does the official reviews each day?

I know
Sunday is Anna
Monday is Jim


Friday is Liar (right?)
Saturday is Lauren

Can you guys fill in the blanks for me?

Synfully Delicious :kiss:
I have no idea who is doing which day.
Is OT Thursdays now?
I can do a week day.
I know that

Neonurotic took over for Anna on Sunday. I think Lauren has Saturday, we just haven't seen her because they have skipped saturdays over the last few weeks...

jim : )