new poems

Re: Re: Official reviewers?

WickedEve said:
I have no idea who is doing which day.
Is OT Thursdays now?
I can do a week day.

nope. Would that I could but mostly too busy to commit. :(

Today I just happend to be whelmed by the submissions so
dropped in for an impromptu opine.
Since I lost my reviewing cherry earlier this week after no reviews were posted that day, I suppose I can volunteer to take a week day. I'll probably need reminding, though, as I'm a bit flighty. :rolleyes: pun not intended, but I'll leave it in there anyway :D
So the consensus seems to be that there is no reviewer for today, eh? On my way to go read today's so, if there are still no reviews when I'm done, I suppose I'll throw my two cents in again. So long as there are no objections, that is.
Many Thanks

Heartfelt thanks to all those who read, voted and commented on Wine and Poetry

Any consensus yet on who has what days? Didn't Cordelia do one day?

So far:


Minsue offered to take on Thursday if no one else has that day and no one objects.

I am off on Wednesdays and willing to offer my humble opinion, again, if I am not stepping on toes. I think we'd like a group conscience here.

Syn :kiss:
I can do Tuesdays or Thursdays or pretty much any day if one of the regulars wants to switch days.

Since I'm already here, I'll toss out a few from today.

The New Poems gets off to a very strong start today with another Editor's pick. Cordelia's Diminish begins

you bury yourself in words, hoping to become invisible

and it only gets better from there. :rose:

Maria2394's singularity (in a plural world) is another must-read today. I must admit, though: I really liked the poem, but I truly loved the title. Poetry in itself, Maria.

The good Anonymous left a PC on Alphabetical Cheating by tarablackwood22 that states it far better than I could:

All should write so well
as to inspire such words.

Agreed. And they were beautiful words, Tara.

Toward A Word fills us in on some Hobbies today. My favorite being:

I write little messages
that I wrap around bricks
and heave them through windows
someone else has to fix

I found Younger days a difficult and moving poem. I'm glad you came to Lit to stay, JCSTREET

I have a definite soft spot for illustrated poems and Tristesse's Storm Clouds and Elizabetht's Light and Dark didn't disappoint. I especially loved this from Liz:

He kissed her cheeks and walked into the bright sunlight
She watched him leave as her world was suddenly bathed in moonlight

Last, but not least, WickedEve brought us three great poems today. I'm sure it says something unflattering about me that my favorite of the trio, and one of my favorites of the day, was Oh, Mother!. :D I loved it, WE.

Phew! I had more to say than I thought I did. And there were a number of other great poems today, but I'm getting a bit sleepy. Go read. :D

Thanks for letting me play. ;)
I am home tuesdays through thursday if I can be of help with the reviews.

minsue... thank you

That poem... is hard for me to reread... it reminds me of Him... and I will never forget....

Always, E
minsue said:
The good Anonymous left a PC on Alphabetical Cheating by tarablackwood22 that states it far better than I could:

All should write so well
as to inspire such words.

Agreed. And they were beautiful words, Tara.

Thank you so much, minsue, for the recommendation of my poem, and for your kind words.

You did a wonderful job on the reviews!
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OK... I'm crossin threads here... but just for a sec...

Are we posting the Weave's on the 22nd or the 23rd? Is anyone else doin one? Is there anybody out there?? chuckling
BooMerengue said:
OK... I'm crossin threads here... but just for a sec...

Are we posting the Weave's on the 22nd or the 23rd? Is anyone else doin one? Is there anybody out there?? chuckling
It's your challenge. You decice. :)
BooMerengue said:
OK... I'm crossin threads here... but just for a sec...

Are we posting the Weave's on the 22nd or the 23rd? Is anyone else doin one? Is there anybody out there?? chuckling

I've got call the're the boss. ;)
tarablackwood22 said:
Mud?....Is that what that was...I thought it was......

never mind.;)

Well that explains why you were pissed when i didn't taste like chocolate

is the the new powms thread
sorry I'll go back to the other one
before Triss spanks me.....


I said
minsue said:
Last, but not least, WickedEve brought us three great poems today. I'm sure it says something unflattering about me that my favorite of the trio, and one of my favorites of the day, was Oh, Mother!. :D I loved it, WE.
It's hard to resist a poem that mentions both squirrels and vaginas. :)
Tristesse said:
Thanks for the mention, min. :kiss:

I'm off to look for Tath, he's got a spanking coming.

*cracks whip on leather thigh boot*

i'm hiding over here dammit
Hulloh poets. Here be reviews.

I'm glad I got this wekday on my hands. There was a total of 23 new poems today, and while other reviweres seems to get either flooded with poems, or left without any at all, Fridays seems to be quite manageable...

Today we start off with annaswirls who just won't shut up. Her Conversation series has now reached #8: river rock, #9: steel desk speak, and #10 : Sauna are all marvels of observation and contemplation.
I want my mercury rising
through capillary tube, existing
expanding, present,
not liquid crystal representation of
reality plugged in,
From: Conversation #9: steel desk speak

Then jthserra offers a poem that, with a title like Liars, I just can't stay away from. An insightful, and insanely well written look at the reasons why we poets do what we do.

Sometimes less is more. herecomestherain boils down what could had been a novel, to eight regular sized words in Mistimed.

RazzRajen goes randy. It is listed as non erotic, but in Thirsts, Hungers... he fills the page with erotic tension that threatens to melt my screen.

Of JCSTREET's numerous poems today, this is the one that really caught my eye. I Mourn The Death is a spot on lament of the loss of what's genuine. Very well formulated, and with a really nice flow when read out loud. For A Tall And Skinny Woman is another favorite for me, a really fun, sexy trip.

To say what I have to say about dreamsweet's Visual Stimulation, I'm just gonna quote a public comment from that whacky YDD bloke: "This poem titillates without the need to be graphic. It does what a good poem should do,"

Last, and least, you can all just go ahead and Bite Me! :p

read, vote, comment and flirt outrageously,
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no..i learned it at Harvard

is a nice line and what a change from the midwest

slim soft words are
magic tricks on a screen.

quivers the wires,
they bend
in tiny electronic climax,
bright metal spark.

is nice too
Jim shows his


we live and lie and die
with but a solitary hope
one truth may live
in our whispered words.
minsue said:

The New Poems gets off to a very strong start today with another Editor's pick. Cordelia's Diminish begins

you bury yourself in words, hoping to become invisible

and it only gets better from there. :rose:

Thank you, min.

I don't know that it deserved an "E"... especially on a day with so many amazing poems. But as I've never had an "E" before, I'll sit quietly and admire it.

Thanks for the mention.

I don't know what to make of this Cordelia

it is a heavy convo--not the light spare poesy that i need


and the sun drops behind it, that right-angle-shadowed wall
nearly suffocating in its thick and invisible

I know this man well and I have heard women say these things to that man whom I know

(the personal pronoun is dead--but that's another story)

the poem is thick and long and i read it like a short story--like prose

it has beauty and meaning but--again--not the light spare beauty that i crave--and yet each man and woman takes words the way they know--so my take is purely out there on the prairie--spare and simple and just one