new poems

Re: It's Tuesday already?!?

minsue said:
I just made a quick check of the New Poems page. A nice small number for today, especially considering there are 2 of us for Tuesdays. :D

I won't have time to read them until after work, but I had to check out the newest E-worthy poem. WickedEve's Scream. You should, too. Those Editors know what they're talking about.

Thanks, minsue!
should i say...thanks for doing me first?/
Thank you very much
I didn't realize I had 5
I gotta slow down a bit

and thanks to wicked Eve's big hat
Tathagata said:
well who wants to read 5 poems by the same person??

Who? Ummm....

Oh, yeah! Me
is this not normal?

Tathagata said:
well who wants to read 5 poems by the same person??

i have a hard time stopping with just 1 ..uhm hope i'm not being intrusive but i have about 50 more post to post in 2 days b4 i unplug my pc for the move to florida
so been waiting for somebody to wake up around here
eve you had your coffee yet? lol:D
good morningggg!
Re: is this not normal?

fawnie said:
i have a hard time stopping with just 1 ..uhm hope i'm not being intrusive but i have about 50 more post to post in 2 days b4 i unplug my pc for the move to florida
so been waiting for somebody to wake up around here
eve you had your coffee yet? lol:D
good morningggg!
well damn, i guess i could start talking to myself in here..answer my own notes..i'd look about as crazy as any of you!:rolleyes:
Tathagata said:
should i say...thanks for doing me first?/
Thank you very much
I didn't realize I had 5
I gotta slow down a bit

and thanks to wicked Eve's big hat
Halleluiah and praise the hat.
I try to never submit more than 2 poems in one day, occasionally 3. I don't like to read too much in one day's time from the same author, but I did enjoy all your work that was posted that day.
WickedEve said:
Halleluiah and praise the hat.
I try to never submit more than 2 poems in one day, occasionally 3. I don't like to read too much in one day's time from the same author, but I did enjoy all your work that was posted that day.

Thank you Eve
I'll try and keep it down
(the poem count I mean)
to 2 at a time

now That's a striking AV...
Re: Re: is this not normal?

fawnie said:
well damn, i guess i could start talking to myself in here..answer my own notes..i'd look about as crazy as any of you!:rolleyes:

good morning fawnie
Re: Re: is this not normal?

fawnie said:
well damn, i guess i could start talking to myself in here..answer my own notes..i'd look about as crazy as any of you!:rolleyes:
I didn't notice you over here talking to yourself, because it seems perfectly normal.
Moving to FL? Where are you now? Oh, wait, I'm on the new poems thread, right? No chit chat. Answer me over on your thread. ;)
Re: Re: Re: is this not normal?

WickedEve said:
I didn't notice you over here talking to yourself, because it seems perfectly normal.
Moving to FL? Where are you now? Oh, wait, I'm on the new poems thread, right? No chit chat. Answer me over on your thread. ;)
damn..i should read the rule book i guess..i'll leave my chit chat elsewhere..:p
Re: Re: Re: Re: is this not normal?

fawnie said:
damn..i should read the rule book i guess..i'll leave my chit chat elsewhere..:p
Be sure to put your name on your chit chat if you leave it lying around. :)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: is this not normal?

WickedEve said:
Be sure to put your name on your chit chat if you leave it lying around. :)
fawnie, fawnie, fawnie, fawnie:rolleyes:
i cant seem to find the rule book!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: is this not normal?

fawnie said:
fawnie, fawnie, fawnie, fawnie:rolleyes:
i cant seem to find the rule book!
Oh, that book. Check out the first two threads that are stickied...stickyed...(the sticky threads) to the top of the board. I'm sure there are rules there somewhere, if not I'll slap a new rule thread up there: Eve's Rules. This is where you tremble with fear. :D
This thread is dedicated to new poems and not chit chat. It's always been that way, long before God lit the sun. Though, we all break that rule from time to time. But it makes it easier for others to find the reviews when the thread isn't junked up with too much chatter--a little chatter is okay, though.
And now I end my chitting and chatting.
Wet-n-Wyld Wednesday Reviews!

Ok! 38 New Poems today. Here are the ones that caught my eye:

tarablackwood22 looks at death in a Sullivan St. alley. Really nice work, as usual, maybe more so. Here's a taste:
a silence
not of loss,
but of apathy,
of annoyance
at one more obstacle
to step over.
Lovely read, Tara. Thank you.
cerulean_ink brings us cry freedom This is required reading for today, class.
and the land of the brave
has gone to ask Oz for courage
and for some sense of justice
tungtied2u made me cry with Memories of You. It's a perfectly wonderful read and my favorite poem today.
champagne1982 questions suicide? Powerful images end with an important question-
don't you see that
a life not loved
is a love not lived?
LaughingWolf says Kiss Me and though I found the italics distracting, I enjoyed the words and emotions imparted.
Tathagata makes me wet with Succubus. This was a hot little treat first thing in the morning. Slightly vampiric and extremely erotic!
fawnie takes a powerful look at the unspeakable in Hidden Shame Difficult to read, but you must!
One of our newest poets, iamslainfwomp painted some really fresh images in Landscaping with God and a hilarious look at Feminine Solutions. You can NOT red this without smiling.
A picture is worth 1,000 words. Writers would say 1,000 words is worth a picture. OT painted a beautiful scene with just under 90! He has gone fish'n today.
Tristesse wrote lovely Summer's Songs. A nature lover's delight.
and last, but certainly NOT least is the lovely WickedEve who looks at the Fall of Love. A wonderfully painted picture, Evey.

That's it from me today. If you loved one I missed, by all means post your opinions! After all, that's why this thread is here.

Now, go read, vote and comment. But most importantly WRITE!;)

Syn :kiss:
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Re: Re: Wet-n-Wyld Wednesday Reviews!

Tristesse said:
Thank you for the mention, Syn.

Thank you for letting us look at your ass. I mean AV!

All your words are poetry.

Syn :kiss:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: is this not normal?

WickedEve said:
Oh, that book. Check out the first two threads that are stickied...stickyed...(the sticky threads) to the top of the board. I'm sure there are rules there somewhere, if not I'll slap a new rule thread up there: Eve's Rules. This is where you tremble with fear. :D
This thread is dedicated to new poems and not chit chat. It's always been that way, long before God lit the sun. Though, we all break that rule from time to time. But it makes it easier for others to find the reviews when the thread isn't junked up with too much chatter--a little chatter is okay, though.
And now I end my chitting and chatting.
i know eve..i just had to see if you had to have the last word..:D
i will be respectful no worries!
as for the mention..ty syn..your right..a tough read, but poetry isn't always romantic dazzles and fairytale dreams!
thanks again, :kiss: :kiss: :)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: is this not normal?

fawnie said:
i know eve..i just had to see if you had to have the last word..:D
i will be respectful no worries!
as for the mention..ty syn..your right..a tough read, but poetry isn't always romantic dazzles and fairytale dreams!
thanks again, :kiss: :kiss: :)

ps...neither is real
Re: Wet-n-Wyld Wednesday Reviews!

Syndra Lynn said:
and last, but certainly NOT least is the lovely WickedEve who looks at the Fall of Love. A wonderfully painted picture, Evey.
Thank you, Syn. Last is fine as long as it's not least. ;)
Re: Wet-n-Wyld Wednesday Reviews!

Syndra Lynn said:
Tathagata makes me wet with Succubus. This was a hot little treat first thing in the morning. Slightly vampiric and extremely erotic!


I got a hot little treat for ya.........

( go ahead....i'll wait for the " little " remarks)

thanks for the mention sweetie
I know it's good if it gets you hot
; )