new poems

Re: February 22nd, 2003

Lauren.Hynde said:

Wild Winter Wind
by Rybka ©

Wild winter wind
whips up the hill
howls and growls
looking for the kill.


A short one, but very focused. I like it, interesting metaphor.

I told you I had an eye operation :) (I get the other one done in March). And besides, It is COLD up here!

Thanks for the mention. :rose:

Regards,                       Rybka
My E Acceptance Speech

I got an E.
What about A B and C?
AA got an E
and a H!
I think Angeline
got Lauren's first L.
sp & 03sp
have Es galore.
And Angeline has
one or two or more?
And Elda just wants

So what does it all mean?
Is my E poem better than the rest?
Can I have a Q?
Letterless poets,
how about you?


Thanks for the mention Lauren! And for the nod on that other poem, through the years lover. I did that one for a lotus challenge. It's about lovers getting fat. lol
Re: My E Acceptance Speech

WickedEve said:
I got an E.
What about A B and C?
AA got an E
and a H!
I think Angeline
got Lauren's first L.
sp & 03sp
have Es galore.
And Angeline has
one or two or more?
And Elda just wants

So what does it all mean?
Is my E poem better than the rest?
Can I have a Q?
Letterless poets,
how about you?

I think Elda mentioned that she sorta wanted the F too :D

I'm just wondering what the heck we are going to write with once all the letters have been given away ...
Re: Re: My E Acceptance Speech

OT said:
I'm just wondering what the heck we are going to write with once all the letters have been given away ...

I'll give out numbers. I have an infinite amount of them.

some, however,
are irrational.

I'll wait
and give you


Congrats, Eve. Wonderful poem.


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Re: Re: Re: My E Acceptance Speech

Cordelia said:
I'll give out numbers. I have an infinite amount of them.

some, however,
are irrational.

and don't forget the oh so special "2's Compliment"
(for the non-math/computer folks in the crowd ... nevermind :) )
Through The Years Lover

Through The Years Lovers by Wicked Eve rolls lusciously off the tongue, round the mouth and teasingly, romantically across brain waves for me.

I wanted the lines longer to mirror the natural breath and breaks in which I spoke them aloud, but the images and meanings are wonderful. There is something to be said for longevity, for mature love/sex. For me, this is a couple past 20, past haste and frenzy. Their fires are as intense as any junior, but stronger. They know more, want it more than they did when they were 20.

Thanks for the read, Eve.


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I have through the years lover in planting seeds and I revised it. I'm going to edit it here also. It does read better with longer lines. I also slightly edited I was fantasy after getting some comments on it at lotus. I need to stop submitting poems too quickly before all revisions are finished. I'm sooo impatient! lol
Eve, you wicked exhibitionist--Elda is taking over your AV! I had to join Daughter, Lauren, Laurel, and--shit--a cast of thousands in telling you how wonderful your poems are.

Through the Years Lovers is so simple and beautiful--please don't change it too much. I love the sand image, which conjures beachscape for me--and the curving dunes could be body curves, too--but sand also suggests time and sand in an hourglass. Were you aware of that as you wrote it? Such an evocative, intelligent way of impressing the theme on the reader. Really wonderful!

I Was Fantasy reminds me of my After I Loved You in a way--similar theme. Your poem--again-- is just beautiful.

I was river
up there
where dreams are.

Now I'll flow
to the sea...

Those lines, especially, are just lovely. You go where you needed to go all along, girlfriend. As the poem suggests, that's inevitable and right. :)

Ok, so Laurel gave you an E, Lauren an L. If Daughter will give you a D and I give you an A, lol lookie here:


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new poems on 2/23/03

Today brings us 34 new poems. I have agreed to give my take on each Sunday's crop, but everyone should feel free to add their own recommendations. With so many new works, I could very easily miss something that you really like. Most of the new poems (imho) were "run of the mill" for Lit., or at least for the poets with whose work I am familiar. :) :rose: :)
Here are a few I recommend if you cannot read them all. They brightened an otherwise dreary, sleety day. :)

The Wicked one gives us Pillow. Very nicely written WE, even the tone is pillow soft. :rose:
I catch a hint of you -
press softness to my face,
suffocate thoughts that numb.

silken_dreammaid is becoming an often mentioned poet in this thread, and deservedly so. I usually don't find much merit in "erotic" poetry. but I like this one. :)
Desire's delight
To mingle under lust's cover
wound close around the lover,
one who uses deft touch
sparking the needy heated blush.

A new writer has appeared on the scene today. The_Fool provides us with four variations on a theme: Responsible man 1, Responsible Man 2, Responsible Man 3, and Responsible Man 4. All are worth reading and voting on, but I will tease you with just the opening stanzas from Responsible Man 2, © by The_Fool :)

With exhausted eyes and tie askew.
He enters his church, and finds his pew.
Painted smiles greet him at the door,
Frequent Flier Miles are how he keeps score.

Breath smelling of a freshening spray,
to hide the smell of the first drink of the day.
A booming laugh and humorless eyes
hide a heartless soul behind a father-figure disguise.

Back Slapping, hand shaking, a good ole boy deluxe.
His only thought, when he sees a woman is to wonder if she fucks.
Rich food and stress have given him an aching gut.
But shattered dreams and endless rejection make every woman a slut.

Regards,                       Rybka
Angeline said:
Eve, you wicked exhibitionist--Elda is taking over your AV! I had to join Daughter, Lauren, Laurel, and--shit--a cast of thousands in telling you how wonderful your poems are.

Through the Years Lovers is so simple and beautiful--please don't change it too much. I love the sand image, which conjures beachscape for me--and the curving dunes could be body curves, too--but sand also suggests time and sand in an hourglass. Were you aware of that as you wrote it? Such an evocative, intelligent way of impressing the theme on the reader. Really wonderful!

I Was Fantasy reminds me of my After I Loved You in a way--similar theme. Your poem--again-- is just beautiful.

I was river
up there
where dreams are.

Now I'll flow
to the sea...

Those lines, especially, are just lovely. You go where you needed to go all along, girlfriend. As the poem suggests, that's inevitable and right. :)

Ok, so Laurel gave you an E, Lauren an L. If Daughter will give you a D and I give you an A, lol lookie here:


Thanks for all the praise. Now stop it. ;)

I have been waiting for my first illustrated poem to post for most of a week. :( For some reason it is not uploadable, so I will post it here. It should be center justified.

Coup-Ku (An homage to Xtaabay)

                      The cuckoo cooze
        eating couscous, dreaming coups
                      Xtaabay at home


Regards,                       Rybka :p :rose: :p
Re: new poems on 2/23/03

Rybka said:
silken_dreammaid is becoming an often mentioned poet in this thread, and deservedly so. I usually don't find much merit in "erotic" poetry. but I like this one. :)
Desire's delight

Thank you for the kind review.. I'll try not to get mentioned so

Re: Coup-Ku

Rybka said:
I have been waiting for my first illustrated poem to post for most of a week. :( For some reason it is not uploadable, so I will post it here. It should be center justified.

                      The cuckoo cooze
        eating couscous, dreaming coups
                      Xtaabay at home


Regards,                       Rybka :p :rose: :p

Geez, I take a few days' vacation from this place to get some work done and come back to find THIS! I can tell that you miss me :p Really, you shouldn't be so obvious! :D But I'm afraid your picture couldn't possibly be more inaccurate. :rolleyes:

Re: Re: February 22nd, 2003

Rybka said:
I told you I had an eye operation :) (I get the other one done in March). And besides, It is COLD up here!

Thanks for the mention. :rose:

Regards,                       Rybka

I told you that you had a giant red tumor and only one eye, didn't I? Changing your avatar can't fix that :p Glad to see you finally realized that it would take some serious surgery :D While you're at it, you might want to fix those pointy teeth, flaking scales, and that bad case of ick that you still have :p
for Rybka

I think Rybka's been sighted! Someone made a sketch:

and wrote the following of the terrifying encounter:
"It was a hideous fish,
built for devouring;
pot-bellied, ungainly,
rather squishy."

Another unfortunate victim of the sighting wrote:
"The pointy teeth renewed my fear of vampires."

A third, less competent witness, said:
"...may contain traces of nuts.

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Jeez! That does look a little like my second cousin Fred. :)
But I don't have "ick". I just go "EEEEK!" whenever I think of you. :p :rose: :p

Regards,                       Rybka

Rybka said:
Jeez! That does look a little like my second cousin Fred. :)
But I don't have "ick". I just go "EEEEK!" whenever I think of you. :p :rose: :p

Regards,                       Rybka

I bet you do :D
This is better than a soap opera. Hmmm... How the Fish Turns? Guiding Lava Lamp? One Fish to Live?
February 24, 2003

There must have been something in the air last night--we were all writing like crazy, and there’s a real wealth of great poems posted in today’s new poems list. The following list is only a sampling! Lots of good stuff out there today folks.

four who by 03sp

03sp, I feel I should be singing “We All Live in a Yellow Submarine” after reading this. I’m not sure you meant it this way, but the notion of a boatful of poets conjured for me an image of us all (circling happily-- directionless no doubt), that I found absolutely hilarious.

My Lover’s Gift by Singsong

This poem made me say “ooooh” when I read it. I think it’s really really good, and for me it’s all because of that last line. I wasn’t quite sure where Singsong--a new Literotica poet--was going, though I loved the metrical music of the stanzas. Then I hit that last line. Ooooh. Read it.


Their Story by Senna Jawa

While others’ poems zig, Senna Jawa’s unerringly zag, which I love because it makes me think against the grain, which is a very good thing, IMHO. How does he do that? This poem has such a direct, literal feel to it: the voice is strictly informational and yet the content is such that it’s also wry, and ironic, and sad.


Time of [assassins] by Lauren.Hynde

That darn Lauren.Hynde sure is eloquent in her convictions, and this poem is no exception. I find it interesting to read right after Senna Jawa’s poem because though the language in this is abstract and the scope broad (war) as opposed to direct language and narrow scope (relationship) in SJ’s poem, the two have the same hollow detached tone that underscores the content.


Dream Girl by Wild Child 1969

There is a simple poignancy about this poem that appeals to me. Who hasn’t felt what it expresses?


When Geeks Send Mash Notes by KillerMuffin

When I was in grad school I was a TA (teaching assistant ) in a course to teach grad students a programming language for social science research. Trust me, I’m no programmer and I damn near gave myself ulcers trying to stay ahead of the class. But apparently, it was not all for um naught because the nightmarish experience gives me a greater appreciation for this incredible poem by Killer Muffin. This thing is so clever--mirroring the (dare I say it) ins and outs of sexual encounters in the form of a program with all its loopy symbolic logic--and funny it should win an award. I thought it one of the best poems I’ve ever read here.


The Burning Bush by Blue Dolphin

And another wonderful poem, this one from Blue Dolphin, who turns his attentions from love to give us this wonderfully acerbic antiwar piece. Honey, you gotta get mad more often--this is a terrific poem.


Fantasy Journey by DreamCatcherPoet

At first I thought this poem was going to be like that movie Fantastic Voyage where an eeenie weenie (yeah right) Raquel Welch gets injected into some dude’s blood stream (!),but um no. Dream Catcher Poet comes up with some great images in his poems, and he does it again here. An enjoyable read.


Love Died Today by Silken_Dreammaid

A beautifully constructed albeit sad poem from Silken_Dreammaid. We’ve all been here too, I think.

Words (III) by Lauren.Hynde

This is my favorite of the three Word poems Lauren posted today. It has a conumdrum-like quality that I really liked and ends on a lovely personal note.


An Organized Tangle by 03sp

Ok, this poem may be in my opinion, the funniest one 03sp (in all his sp incarnations) has written. And he writes some pretty funny stuff sometimes. All I know is that this poem feels like the story of my life: acquire food and shelter, start a religion, them (damnit) have to convince everyone that Carl’s not god! Hahahaha.


Syntax by Lauren.Hynde

According to Lauren, she lifted this poem, like a tattoo, from someone’s skin (bet I know whose). The images are lovely and she really makes the semantics language work to pull the poem together.
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Re: new poems on 2/23/03

Rybka said:
A new writer has appeared on the scene today. The_Fool provides us with four variations on a theme: Responsible man 1, Responsible Man 2, Responsible Man 3, and Responsible Man 4. All are worth reading and voting on, but I will tease you with just the opening stanzas from Responsible Man 2, © by The_Fool :)

To borrow a phrase for Eeyore --- Thanks for noticin' me....:D

Seriously, thanks for the kind comments....

Thank you so very much for your kind words about my poetry. If you liked FANTASY JOURNEY please read JOURNEY OF THE MIND as it starts the same way but takes you even farther into my strange imagination. I do right about all kinds of subjects though, from children's poems to erotic ones. I am now compiling my 4th book of poetry titled "FOR AND ABOUT CHILDREN" As well as posting some erotic stories here also on Literotica. Well anyway I just really wanted to thank you for your so very kind review of FANTASY JOURNEY. Like I said in my bio "If the readers of my writing find pleasure in them then I have succeeded in reaching the people I wish to please, including myself. As that is my main reason for writing.

Nothing as strong as gentleness,
Nothing as gentle as strength.