new poems

Re: February 24, 2003

Angeline said:

Time [of assassins] by Lauren.Hynde

That darn Lauren.Hynde sure is eloquent in her convictions, and this poem is no exception. I find it interesting to read right after Senna Jawa’s poem because though the language in this is abstract and the scope broad (war) as opposed to direct language and narrow scope (relationship) in SJ’s poem, the two have the same hollow detached tone that underscores the content.


Words (III) by Lauren.Hynde

This is my favorite of the three Word poems Lauren posted today. It has a conumdrum-like quality that I really liked and ends on a lovely personal note.


Syntax by Lauren.Hynde

According to Lauren, she lifted this poem, like a tattoo, from someone’s skin (bet I know whose). The images are lovely and she really makes the semantics language work to pull the poem together.
Thank you for the mentions and compliments, Ange; but I feel it was all sp's fault. Really. :eek:
February 24th, 2003

Angeline must have had some sort of episode and forgot to mention some of the best poems (and she knows it):

Science in Satin
by Angeline ©

Positive that
negativity wanes,
I'm on the upswing
of polarity,
having directed my fingers,
toes, and all that other
ephemera you don't know
to the sunny side of the street.


Well, you just couldn't help it, could you? Even in a poem loaded with references to physics, you had to weasel jazz into it and line it with satin swing.

by Angeline ©

I'm all dreamy dizzy
from your voice all jazzy
unregretting choice I made
or more likely drifting unafraid
to bliss and kiss


And again. This time with a sexy accent and juvenile abandonment.

(of course that you should have listened to me on that last line, but noooo... oh well, that's why the 'edit' function exists. ;)

Flying Home
by Angeline ©


Not another turn.
I yearn to be away,
I watch the blue of sky
and run and leap and vault



A poem featuring a group of underaged girls and the words 'obscene', 'orgy' and 'naughty', as well as 'leather' and 'vault'. Does that sound kinky enough? Not quite. It's actually a lovely piece with amazing images and an attention for detail. Probably my favourite, together with KillerMuffin's When Geeks Send Mash Notes

My link,LOL

Well I obviously don't know what I am doing as far as adding a link to my signing a post,LOL.
Oh well gives me another chance to say " I have really enjoyed reading a lot of the poetry on Literotica. I enjoyed many mentioned in this thread so I find it hard to single any out. There are many that I really found both entertaining and interesting. Great job all!

Oh ya! time to go remove my attempt at adding my link,LOL
Please try to not laugh to hard at this newbie,LMAO@ me

<a href="">My writing and who I am</a>

Ah, I see what the problem is. You have an extra s.

<a href="">My writing and who I am</a>
<a href="">My writing and who I am</a>

Lauren; LOL, I copied and pasted it from exactly what you wrote. Either I follow directions really well or I'm lazy,LOL. I'll never admit which,LOL. I went back and copied it from my bio page so lets see if it works now. You have no idea how much I appreciate you taking the time to help. THANK YOU VERY MUCH

Not yet. Now you have:

<a href=">">The brave do not live forever,
The cautious don't live at all.

But I think that what you need is:

<a href="">The brave do not live forever,
The cautious don't live at all.
Well one more time

I'm not sure why it completely dissapeared,LOL. Maybe this time I hope. I haven't felt this helpless in a long time,LOL. Thanks again Lauren.
My buddy

I take it you looked at what came up using the link.Did you see the pic? Like my best friend in his sunglasses? He wears them all the time when we go out. As soon as I pick the sunglasses up he comes running over all excited,LOL. He just now in the last few months has started coming over and sticking his face right in mine if his glasses get cockeyed so that I will fix them. he learned that from everytime I would notice they were cockeyed I would say to him"Sierra, come here let me fix your glasses" he's very smart. He's a Jindo (Asian wolf) Anyway thanks again, I very much appreciate you helping me.
Lauren! Angeline! You geeks!


Thank you!


I must be maudlin, I'm smilie-ing all over the place.
Re: February 24, 2003

Angeline said:
There must have been something in the air last night--we were all writing like crazy, and there’s a real wealth of great poems posted in today’s new poems list. The following list is only a sampling! Lots of good stuff out there today folks.


The Burning Bush by Blue Dolphin

And another wonderful poem, this one from Blue Dolphin, who turns his attentions from love to give us this wonderfully acerbic antiwar piece. Honey, you gotta get mad more often--this is a terrific poem.


Thank you dear friend
you have more faith than I lovely one
Thank you dear friend
you have more faith than I lovely one

Friends stick together, BD--and I know you can write.


Hey all,

I'm crashing the thread again (or would if Lauren didn't have to tell me how to work this computer thingy), but I got carried away today and read a lot of the new poems. I look forward to reading the "official" reviews, but here are a few that caught my wandering eye (and left it wondering!) Plus, this gives me an opportunity to ask a question, which I’ll do at the end.


Bubba's Angels by sweetsubsarahh – It’s funny because it’s true!


Look Skyward by tradervicx – A koan, a joke, or both? Whatever; this one made me think.


I lost the words today. by silken_dreammaid – Boy, I sure know how this feels. The perils of the process of writing poetry for someone.


This Attraction by linger – Well, I gotta mention at least one erotic poem, on this erotic website. It’s like, the law or something. This poem has style and rhythm, and those last lines are just plain cool.


Mists by wildsweetone – Yo, yo, yo; you gotta give mad propz the ‘ku, bro. Haikizzle is the shizzle, in my humble opinion.


That’s about it, although there are plenty of good poems today that I didn’t mention here. Go see for yourself! Keep ‘em versin’!

And now, here’s my question: How can you notify all the people that you review on this thread through the feedback and not be considered a spammer? It happened to me last time, and I did not do it this time for that very same reason. Any advice?
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Re: Crash!

Star At Sunrise said:
Hey all,
And now, here’s my question: How can you notify all the people that you review on this thread through the feedback and not be considered a spammer? It happened to me last time, and I did not do it this time for that very same reason. Any advice?

I've posted feedback to several people in a row without problem.
(read, feedback, read, feedback, etc.) Maybe I'm a slower reader and the program-bot didn't notice me? Or do you mean you tried to send one big PM to a whole list?

There are some pretty odd progams "protecting" this site.
I was once classified as a Lit criminal but managed a pardon with the help of a friend :rose: who knows powerful (powerful) people.

The last thing we need is an excuse for folks to not send feedback. Did you just get a warning message, or what?
I was once classified as a Lit criminal but managed a pardon with the help of a friend who knows powerful (powerful) people.

(Adopting Vito Corleone voice)

Someday OT, I may ask you for a favor. That day may never come. But if it does, eh, I'll make you an offer you can't refuse.


(oh and Star--I now send the feedbacks after I select each poem, so they're not one right after another. I've never had a problem that way.)
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I see S at S has done new poems. Good! I forgot about my tuesday gig. :eek: But I will mention some that SaS didn't mention.

Picking Men Apart
by honeysucklerose ©

Parts is Parts
And I want the best
That ear
that listens so well
to whines
and whimpers
and wails

Read it and you may find it devilishly gruesome but I think honeysucklerose handles this mayhem well!

There would i walk with thee
by rainbows end ©

Your hand finds its rest
In curved base of my back
The other gathers up locks
A fist filled with autumn
Gentle gesture, smiling eyes
Fell me to my knees

Naked face, neck, shoulders
Engage with wet, fragrant, earth
My hair left to tumble down
Clasping my dew sodden hem
Whisk it up high over my buttocks
Naked and exposed I kneel

I like this. A fist filled with autumn - good line. And I love the image of the wet hem being whisked up over a naked ass.


against you, growing
by 03sp ©

skirting your ankles
hemming my bets

More hems. This is short and nice poem. Read the rest.


Orange Crushed
by honeysucklerose ©

orange crushed
neroli in nares
sneezed away
by irritated and angry
soft tissue
once welcomed scent
now rejected

I really love the title and it has a very good poem to go with it.


Peace Breaks Out!
by Star At Sunrise ©

Laying it on the table
Reading the headline



BAGHDAD (Reuters) – A massive allied force 250,000 U.S. led troops did not enter Baghdad today as the U.S. led war on Iraq did not begin.

The attack did not come from Kuwait in the south, officials say, with other troops not approaching from the Kurdish region of northern Iraq.

Well, since SatS isn't commenting on this one then I'll bring attention to it. :)


by Rybka ©

When Neigh is Moo
Come to the sea with she
For then
as the grunion run
The pale Ogre dotes on symbiotes
and lysied in love are we

I don't get it but it's neat to read.
I have to second the mention of Rybka's Grunion, which I found delightful with its sly twists and turns and echoes of Lewis Carroll. You should write a book of these fishie--an ichthyobet for children!
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Thank you, Eve

a hawk mother hover
strong knuckled,
a never ending grip
Angeline said:
I have to second the mention of Rybka's Grunion, which I found delightful with its sly twists and turns and echoes of Lewis Carroll. You should write a book of these fishie--an ichthyobet for children!
Thanks for giving Rybka's wonderful little poem a better review. I was tired and rushed my comments out way too fast last night.
Thanks You Two

WickedEve said:
Thanks for giving Rybka's wonderful little poem a better review. I was tired and rushed my comments out way too fast last night.
Thank you WE and Angeline. I am glad you liked the poem (but now You have probably attracted the wrath of the "One Monster")! :(
However, I thought the poem was rather easy (not like S.J.'s or sp's), but since it has been called somewhat "Carrolian" (a great compliment), I will supply a translation as he did on occasion. :D
by Rybka ©

When Neigh is Moo ..........................When: no is yes; a horse, a cow - different/opposite from normal; unusual

Come to the sea with she ................Go to the seashore with your lover

For then

as the grunion run ............................Grunion spawn in the surf; usually on moonlit nights

The pale Ogre dotes on symbiotes .... pale Ogre = Moon; symbiotes = symbiotic beings

and lysied in love are we .................. lysied = dissolved; lost
Simple, no?

RE: How to notify poets you have mentioned in a review.

After writing and posting the review I click on each poem's hot link to make sure it works, and while at the poem's site I send a feedback stating:
Your poem has been mentioned in the "new poems" thread on the Lit. Poetry Forum board. (attach the URL for the review post here.)

Regards,                       Rybka
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