new poems

Thank you for your kind words about my poems of 2 days ago. I have been falling behind. I have great respect for what you do and look forward to reading more.

something familiar like wind
hits my cheek
a smack of dandelion seed
is seasoning
Mythos50 said:
I have to admit I am on Angeline's side of this ledger. Which side of ledger were you on, Cordelia?;)


I am cha cha cha-ing
on ledger's edge.


Thanks for the kind mention, Angie. What's next? (eager to write more).

- Judo
March 1st, 2003

Today, there are only about 15 new poems. You're all welcomed to read them, but there aren't any gems. The exceptions are, in my opinion:

Seeking Sex Scandals in Suburbia
by American Woman ©

Wearing robe and bunny slippers
to the mail box
I waved at Mr. Neighbor.

That's how it all started.


Now, I know this isn't a new poem--it was already posted yesterday, it must be a glitch--but it is a really fun read and deserved to be praised. It's witty and with very real images.

Reason Left Town today
by Blue Dolphin ©

Reason has gone into hiding
and buried its head in the sand,
slipped deep into an abyss
with Liberty at its right hand.


A powerful message. The style is a little too direct and preachy for my personal taste, but it's certainly worth a read.

Copacetic Persuasion
by Blue Dolphin ©


Erogenous eyes quadruple

A belated Copacetic Persuasion with intersting sexual contours.

Copacetic Persuasion
by stargirl32 ©


riveted inside a bubble of glass.
 transfixed by the swirling
colors in your mind.
twisting my ideals to a marbled
existence of satisfaction.

According to the list, this was posted yesterday, but I don't remember seeing it there. Probably the other side of the glitch. A cool Copacetic poem, too. Welcome back, stargirl.

Unfortunatelly, no little Ls today...

Re: March 1st, 2003

Lauren.Hynde said:
Today, there are only about 15 new poems. You're all welcomed to read them, but there aren't any gems. The exceptions are, in my opinion:

Reason Left Town today
by Blue Dolphin ©

Reason has gone into hiding
and buried its head in the sand,
slipped deep into an abyss
with Liberty at its right hand.


A powerful message. The style is a little too direct and preachy for my personal taste, but it's certainly worth a read.

Thank you Lauren, yes it is direct, I was mad, am mad at what is happening, but i do not take exception to your comments, thank you again.BD


Copacetic Persuasion
by Blue Dolphin ©


Erogenous eyes quadruple

A belated Copacetic Persuasion with intersting sexual contours.

Again thamk you for your woreds,
Not a Great Poem

March which was posted today, was not meant to be a "great" poem. But I am curious as to how many understod the poem, or even read it correctly? ;)

Regards,                       Rybka
Thank you, Ms. Hynde. Did you like it enough to vote? It has only one vote and that one is a 3. Some bunny slipper hating bastard gave my poem a 3. I am woman, hear me roar and feel my bunnies up your... oh I must stop. I'm starting to perspire.
Lying lion


beware the ides

sly Simba
winter's now on the lamb.

I think it has clever references to several "March" related things.

The month ."in like a lion, out like a lamb". Or is the other way round?
The Ides of March
Threatened war and deadlines....marching to war.

I like the minimalist approach. A tidy packet of a statement.

Nice Rybka, thanks.
American Woman said:
Thank you, Ms. Hynde. Did you like it enough to vote? It has only one vote and that one is a 3. Some bunny slipper hating bastard gave my poem a 3. I am woman, hear me roar and feel my bunnies up your... oh I must stop. I'm starting to perspire.

Like the poem American Woman
it now has another vote
Copacetic Persuasion
by stargirl32 ©


riveted inside a bubble of glass.
transfixed by the swirling
colors in your mind.
twisting my ideals to a marbled
existence of satisfaction.

According to the list, this was posted yesterday, but I don't remember seeing it there. Probably the other side of the glitch. A cool Copacetic poem, too. Welcome back, stargirl.

thanks for the welcome back ... ill try and fight off the life monster and keep track of whats happening here ,,
i had great fun writing this poem , but my favorite C.P poem was wicked eves , lol persuasion at the end of a barrel ....
new poems of 3/02/03

Today brings us 21 new poems. Very few are above "average" for the board or for the poet. I thought for quite awhile, as I read down the list, that I would just have to say, "Go read the regulars, but don't get your hopes up." But eventually I found three new poems worth recommending. :)

parking (penta)meter by Cordelia ©
I sing a song to parking meter tick.
Talk all you want, but gasp when I insist.
Reverse the rhythm, let the meter stick.
Insert the quarter slow, should you resist.
Your breath becomes so real, the touch is stone.
Quotation marks appear each measured click.
Soapstone sliced soliloquy, you drone.
Carve the words in chiseled granite brick.
A tally of the times I touch your kiss
in tick and tock of timed arithmetic.
Precise enticing bites of frosted bliss,
measured out in mouthfuls, lick by lick.
Anxious in each passing metal mark,
Tracing out the lines, obliged to park.
Not a work of exceptional depth, but I really like the metre and rhyme scheme. :rose:

Every time I read this one I like it even more. :) :rose:
Angels End by silken_dreammaid ©
In the foamy wash on the shore,
lapping in wavelets at your feet
you can picture the tattered
robes that once held an angel.

Sometimes 03sp gets one just right, as he did with this poem. My only question, what does "compulations" mean? Is it supposed to be "compilations"or "computations" or copulations, or is 03sp playing with words as he sometimes does? :):confused:
the serenade by 03sp ©
“fantasies adopt the odor
of permission”

The Serenade

gentle sharpening
of charcoal white
in melting afternoon

it’s amazing how we
flit together
fingers, sandal prints
into damp sand

we came looking for the stereotype
they are nowhere
else, someplace else

in compulations
in trajectory
in each others ears and mouths

we sketched the surface
you in pants uncommon
me in forgetfulness, common

it is smile,
accept my name as purpose,
Drifty, the butterflies only
come to say bye-bye

Regards,                       Rybka

thank you for mention,
your guess is correct. Now figure out which one.

with lint
may I live in your pocket
from time to time?
it gets so lonely without
the chafe of a lively walk

;) recent
Thank you for mentioning my sonnet, Rybka.

It was light fun and I wrote it in record time (for me, anyhow... I tend to be rather slow).

And just how much depth can one obtain from a parking meter? It was enough of a challenge getting erotic with the curb, the ashpalt, the stone and those lines painted to tell you how to place your car. Good thing that meter tick is so sexy.

Thanks, Rybka, and to those who sent me feedback.

Inserting another coin,

March 3rd, 2003 -- the minimal approach

Reading the new poems list, just now, this poem came to mind:

     Some say the world will end in fire,
     Some say in ice.
     From what I've tasted of desire
     I hold with those who favor fire.
     But if it had to perish twice,
     I think I know enough of hate
     To say that for destruction ice
     Is also great
     And would suffice.

The Places We Went
by WickedEve ©

by guilty pleasure ©

don't ...
by Senna Jawa ©

little cottage
by 03sp ©


Follow the links and find out why.
Re: March 3rd, 2003 -- the minimal approach

Hyndeline said:
Reading the new poems list, just now, this poem came to mind:

     Some say the world will end in fire,
     Some say in ice.


The Places We Went
by WickedEve ©

by guilty pleasure ©

don't ...
by Senna Jawa ©

little cottage
by 03sp ©


Follow the links and find out why.
Thank you for mentioning my poem. But "why?" -- any connection between the Frost's poem and mine eludes me.

Fire and Ice

I have always liked this poem of Frost's. - But like S.J., I don't see any connection with the other poems.
Also, I don't think of the poem as "minimalist", particularly from a compound person. :)

Regards,                       Rybka
Re: Re: March 3rd, 2003 -- the minimal approach

Senna Jawa said:
Thank you for mentioning my poem. But "why?" -- any connection between the Frost's poem and mine eludes me.


I'm intrigued too and thanks from me also, Hyndeline.

I never said there were similarities, just that they reminded me of it. Don't try to get inside my compound head. :p

anyway, it got you to read them all, didn't it.

Hyndeline said:

I never said there were similarities, just that they reminded me of it. Don't try to get inside my compound head. :p

anyway, it got you to read them all, didn't it.

Yes, it did, evil creature. lol
I know what I forgot to do yesteday. I'll be back soon with new poems for 3/4. :)
Some good ones to check out for 3/4

by silken_dreammaid ©

the concepts
and time unfurls.


Villanelle 3
by Angeline ©

Snow’s heavy silence crushing ground
Beyond the pane her eyes inspect
The empty landscape falling down


For Peom
by 03sp ©

I wander in your dream
for spilled feelings
I pour over your face
a gentle feel and kiss


a glimpse
by always_curious ©

a glimpse,
a hint of ethereal shape
so keen, so sublime, my
breath leaves
and I am kneeling.
