new poems

I usually try to play down any praise that I am fortunate to receive.
your mention this morning made me pause, then smile, then swear under my weak breath.
you took the wind out of me.
Thank you, Lauren.
Will keep trying.
pray for peace,
Can I just point upwards and say what he says goes ditto for me.
Appreciation like that is like receiving a gift.

Thank you..

new poems of 3/23/03

Today brings us 22 new poems. As often 03sp leads the way with five gifts from his profligate pen (I don't know its color). A brand new writer is second. JacksBaby1 presents a series of four bluntly descriptive third person honorifics For her “Master” Jack. Unfortunately, if it’s poetry, it’s not for me. :)
However, JB1 need not feel alone. I find no poems by new/infrequent writers to be worthy of mentioning nor reading. :(
That only leaves silken_dreammaid, Ancient117331 , and you know who (SIGH!). :D

The new authors should take note. If you are going to write erotic poetry, see if you can write as well as Silken always does.
Book learning by silken_dreammaid.

The uneven breathing,
the glowing looks we share,
promises in etched illustrations
and old script found to be true

Chris, Ancient117331 , doesn’t post often enough for me, and today he writes of an experience I also am undergoing at the moment, the pending arrival of spring. His poem is: Tears Of Spring....

The tears of spring
softly rain -
welling from flowing thoughts
condensing cross the seeing eyes
til gathering fall.
They drizzle down -
subtly weathering cheeks
that freshly glisten
reflecting the dark...
pooling as tears so often do -
within a bleeding heart.

OK, OK!!! Here is your daily dose of mandatory 03sp, you Damn junkies! Take your choice of fixes and get on with it! :D

(my choice – though I never before thought of underarms as poetic fodder.)
a sequel of liz

pre amenity

NaCl legumes

sad old little poem

remember that real time?

Do you feel better now? ;)

One final thought, recently a new Canadian poet, RazzRajen, has posted over 30 poems, although none today. Most are well worth reading for Razz’s gift of imagery and turn of phrase. Unfortunately he tends to rely too heavily on archaic words and poetic structure. And, IMHO, he should definitely loose all of the ellipses and most of the articles and pronouns. Nevertheless, stay tuned, this writer has promise. :rose:

Regards,                       Rybka
Thank you, Rybka

Your words are kind and affectionate.

how do you read a poem?
is it loud or whisper?
filled with monotone
sand, bright sunny
beaches kicked?
for eyes only
for mind only
for better sleep
and less questions

Liz really is a sequel.

pray for peace,
silken_dreammaid said:
Thank you, Rybka
Always enjoys reading your reviews with chips on the side.

I prefer my silkworms alive and dipped in shrimpes sauce! :)

Regards,                       Rybka
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poems 3/24/03

It looks as though I have taken it upon myself to do the new poems Thursdays and Mondays. If no one has posted anything by the this time, I assume no one will.

Okay. I'll do it. But if anyone wants to take one of the days...

Okay, then, on to today's new poems. There weren't very many worth comment. But the ones that were....well, go check these out.

WickedEve has several wonderful poems, but she brought a lump to my throat with the poignant Bronze Vase. A bittersweet vignette. Touching.

03sp, again, has a fine selection of poems, but I thought the best of today's was a blue moment loss for plural words.

And I must mention silken_dreammaid's simple poem Memory Token. And I mean "simple" in the sense that it is not complex...pure. I smiled when I read it.

And I have to admit I also smiled when I read Blue Dolphin's early Amenity. Read it now, or wait to read it with tomorrow's offerings. It will give you a wicked grin.


Thanks for the poems. As always, go and read and send feedback.


Re: poems 3/24/03

Cordelia said:

And I have to admit I also smiled when I read Blue Dolphin's early Amenity. Read it now, or wait to read it with tomorrow's offerings. It will give you a wicked grin.


Thanks for the poems. As always, go and read and send feedback.



Smiling back at you love
thank you
Thanks Cordelia sweetie. :)

I just took a peek at the new poems but I don't have time to review them right now. But I will be back later in the day to do my thing... whatever my thing is. lol

BD, I'll check out your amenity when I read the other ones. I look forward to it.

sp, are you feeling okay? I didn't see 35 new poems posted by your today. :D
March 25: The Amenity Poems

I worry at times that we aren't pornographic enough on this board. I mean it is an adult site and I think our poetry should occasionally reflect that. Well, thank goodness for Angeline offering us her Amenity Pussy! Thanks for the pussy, Angeline. :catgrin:

Amenity Pussy
by Angeline ©

while Bobby dips his head
Cole Porter says goodnight

the city is a velvet sweep of jazz
lights blinking flatted fifths
the limo cradles her

back in the office
six-pack Sam turns music on
lights candles pours her drink
sets Baccarat precisely to the left

Okay, you won't get any porn with this poem but you will get a delightful read and some mighty fine writing.


I love wearing panties! (Not!) Oops, I meant to say:
Amenity (not!)
by guilty pleasure ©

To lace a shoe, secure a sail,
Recall a lover's vow.
To close a sack or braided tail,
To make us safe somehow.

G.P. says "So now it is submission day And I give up the fight." I'm glad you didn't give up the fight before writing that first stanza. :)


by Mythos50 ©

Does dissension need conviction of amore
An opposing ideology of hope to deplore;
What hole does cat wish to chase mouse in
Or should amenity just ‘take it on the chin’?

Mythos, who gave us the Amenity title, also gives as a quite nice rhyme. Thank you. :)


by Rybka ©

I won't offer an excerpt of this poem. Rybka takes a minimalist approach, so I'll let you click on the link and read it for yourself -- and vote while you're there. ;)


Next, silken_dreammaid uses the topic of war for her Amenity poem.
by silken_dreammaid ©

Now an hour every day, a brief update,
a few interviews and exploding lights.
This seems a very convienient war,
delivered to my door each night.


by darkmaas ©

I really enjoyed reading this one. Lots of vivid images and very original.

Time for Wanda’s second set
The metered click of six inch spikes
Snicker 'cross the stage.
She gives the evil eye
To hapless Dunc
Head slobbered to the table.


Amenity Man
by OT ©

I love this last stanza! :D

he's your tireless wireless puppet
he's safe -- your heart won't be scratched
because "Amenity Man" is a hero
and comes with no strings attached


Amenity Afterwards
by WickedEve ©


And from the 24th:
by Blue Dolphin ©

and roped
in sexual hope

You ain't had good lovin' till you've been groped and roped! :D

Amenity Man
by OT ©

I love this last stanza!

he's your tireless wireless puppet
he's safe -- your heart won't be scratched
because "Amenity Man" is a hero
and comes with no strings attached

And he has spanking paddles instead of hands!
March 25: The Non Amenity Poems

Here's some crap by 03sp. Yes, crap. The man's had his ass licked on this board so much lately that he has to wipe the wetness off continuously!

But you've really got to read this one. It's really good! *lick, lick, lick!* :p

in one breath
by 03sp ©

peered at and whispered
sparking poems
and home spun tales
below candles for centuries
before light comes from the river
light from a river


serenity (not resented)
by Cordelia ©

so I became the indigo ice
in your cosmic cocktail

and dreamt of draping

"and dreamt of draping" Lovely line. :)


Poet's Lullabye
by Angeline ©

Hush dear poet.
Close your eyes.
Breathe evenly.
The world's disguise
is sometimes torn away,
a mask that falls
revealing truths we dare not speak
on fragile days when we pretend
the darkling plain is but a meadow.

Perhaps a lullabye for a particular poet, perhaps not. Either way, I'm sure poets will appreciate this poem.
Re: March 25: The Amenity Poems

WickedEve said:

And from the 24th:
by Blue Dolphin ©

and roped
in sexual hope

You ain't had good lovin' till you've been groped and roped! :D


Sending Eve an airline ticket to England

hugs Eve
and thak you love
:rose: :rose:
Re: Re: March 25: The Amenity Poems

Blue Dolphin said:
Sending Eve an airline ticket to England

hugs Eve
and thak you love
:rose: :rose:
Should I bring the rope? ;)
32 new poems today. Most of them too wordy for my skimming-busy mood, so make sure you go check them out for yourself. Here's a few I noticed:

RazzRajen submitted 10 today. If you are into the longer stuff, you ought to look. Here's an interesting snippet from: Slowly slipping sliding by RazzRajen
Surfeited hungers, appetites appeased
and slowed down ,
marks taken Marks given
notes made on flesh
claiming areas and claiming, just claiming
What was Mine is now again
and will be forever.

dreamer by catastrophe
if for no other reason than the first two lines of this stanza:
stuck on stupid
so say I’m stuck on dreamer
if you must
but I’m charged for change
manufacturing those dreams
for your reality.

My sylvan lover
in our bowered bed.
The prolific Silken is doing something in the woods today... go take a peek at it here:My sylvan lover by silken_dreammaid

Thanks WE. I had to send something in. This challenge was the hardest one so far for me - my muse just walked out on me, I'm still combing the neighbourhood.
new poems 3/27/03

There were only 10 poems posted today, with none that stood out as extraordinary. But there were some worth reading...

Here are ones you should check out:
Ignorance by Cloudbrst9 ©

(And Cloudbrst... it reads better with out the explanation/apology introduction. Let your poems speak for themselves.)
To "Anonymous" by Chicklet ©

It's something we've all wanted to say.
Man on Canvas by marah ©

A sweet tribute to the male form by a new poet. Go give feedback!
soul wings by silken_dreammaid ©

A bit on the cliche side for our usually startlingly original silken, but a nice read, nevertheless.

Read and give feedback!


The links for Chicklet's and Cloudbrst's poems appear to have an error. Seems it shows the number string "6 5 3" as asterisks(without the spaces... it shows them as asterisks even in text). Any help here?
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Cordelia is right. You underestimate the readers. The poem stands well with or without the biblical quote. The explanation should go.

And let me go on record that there is no need to apologize for splashing a little dark matter about. There's far too many lumens floating about.

Who unplugged my lavalamp?
March 28, 2003

There are a few terrific poems today, all of which were blown out of the water--IMHO--by a masterpiece from one of Literotica's most gifted poets, Risia Skye. Read them all, but maybe wait a while after taking in Risia's poem, so they can be appreciated without the nebula of American Autobiography overshadowing them. :)

American Autobiography by Risia Skye

Ideals are quaint, like antique clowns;
we search for reasons that can't be found--
both Generation X
and "Generation Next"
haunted by the feeling we've been let down.

Perfection's dictated by a Barbie doll;
Nostalgia subs-in for accurate recall--
hey, truth is pointless
and leaves you coinless
so kneel at the altar of "having it all."

Risia Skye is a powerful writer. I read her poem In memory of Naomi months ago and realized she is a most gifted poet. This new poem may be her best posted here to date, with its skillful blend of ascerbic disappointment and plastic pop culture imagery to illustrate her point. No matter what your politics, this poem deserves your careful consideration. I'd give it a 10 if I could.

Stiletto by darkmaas

Under Canaletto skies
I take the vaporetto
'cross the lagoon
To meet my Magdalena.

"Your brother's wife,
She called me clever slut and
Painted tart.
I don't like slut,
And why am I a pastry?"

"They're only words.
They cannot hurt you"

Our friend darkmaas has taken us to Venice--or somewhere Italian--to introduce us to Magdalena, a bittersweet Magdalene with a few things yet to learn about words. The kind surety of the narrator's voice is haunting and intriguing. This is a very good poem.
Cure for headache by silken_dreammaid

The iced water running from the pack
down my heated aching face,
melting, cooling as I arch my back.

My head, with all these feelings surging,
is floating on this wave forgotten,
while I rock and lift to your urgings.

Moaning with a convulsive heave
as tensions shatter and melt,
whimpering as your fingers leave.

How's your head, your voice whisper-sly
What headache, I grin and catch
a flicker of disappointment in your eye.

She does it again. I should only have such a headache. Or better yet, "Hey SD, he maybe has brothers?" This poem reminds me of a line from the great Sholem Aleichem: "We already have the disease; just bring us the cure." :)
When the Builder Leaves by WickedEve

When he left
foundation shifted -
surface cracked,
forms crumbled.

I stand once more
though not these walls.

Sometimes it's better if the walls fall down, Eve. You still own the lot, but you can't build anew until that old stuff is knocked down and carted off. This is a beautifully expressed sentiment that I understand.
Liquid Fire by Freehawk

An amazing explosion of glorious color
Seeing your ecstacy makes me wonder
What passion you feel
When you go down under

Some really nice turns of phrase in this poem from freehawk. I just love this stanza, and I think freehawk if you read silken_dreammaid's poem, you may approximate an answer, lol.
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