new poems

quantum lavalamps

Cb9 said:
"BTW, speaking of lumens, does Bell's Theorem turn you on? Wow!"

Sure, but there's a long hike from possible to is.
I'm still trying to spell metaphor correctly.

There is nothing sweeter than a tip of the hat from Angeline.


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There is nothing sweeter than a tip of the hat from Angeline.

I must agree...thanks for the mention. :)
Thank you

as well freehawk and twas my pleasure.

I'm starting to feel a bit sickeningly sweet though. Really, I'm not *that* nice, trust me. lol

Re: Thank you

Angeline said:
Really, I'm not *that* nice, trust me. lol


Oh yes you are, Angeline. You are that nice.

I know.


Oh yes you are, Angeline. You are that nice.

I know.



as you know, the feeling is entirely mutual... :rose:

now I have to go write an un-nice poem. disposa girl doesn't like me too sweet. :)
Lauren knows the real me. lol. :devil:

and you have no room to talk about AVs, woman!
Re: March 28, 2003

Angeline said:
There are a few terrific poems today, all of which were blown out of the water--IMHO--by a masterpiece from one of Literotica's most gifted poets, Risia Skye. Read them all, but maybe wait a while after taking in Risia's poem, so they can be appreciated without the nebula of American Autobiography overshadowing them. :)

Risia Skye is a powerful writer. I read her poem In memory of Naomi months ago and realized she is a most gifted poet. This new poem may be her best posted here to date, with its skillful blend of ascerbic disappointment and plastic pop culture imagery to illustrate her point. No matter what your politics, this poem deserves your careful consideration. I'd give it a 10 if I could.

Thank you so much, Angeline, for what is without a doubt the kindest review I've ever gotten. This one hurt to write, which is why I thought it mattered. If that makes sense. :rose:

Be well, all.
March 29th, 2003

Of today's New Poetry list, the only real reading recommendation I can make is

by Rybka ©

I'm not going to quote any of it, because of special formating, but you should follow the link and read Rybka's offering. It's a two-poem set: 'Cataract' and 'Cataracts' and it's very interesting to compare these two twin poems, so similar in structure but completely oposites re: theme.

I could also mention a few more poems, like RazzRajen's In the Grasses, Charlus's 20 Marines to the Gallon or DarlingNikki's Love Poem For a Country, but...
Thank you Lauren for the kind review. This poem is just another example of the truism “Write what you know.” ;)
I was amazed at how much brighter the world became. (Of course spring’s arrival counts also.) I had forgotten what I was missing. The dullness sneaks upon you slowly, and saps your will as it drains your eyes.

Regards,                       Rybka
new poems on 3/30/03

Today brings us 11 new poems and, surprise, surprise, none by... uh, what’s that guy’s name? You know the one I mean, he gets mentioned every day... but I guess “Out of sight. Out of mind.” - Hey you don’t suppose that’s why he writes so much? :D
Also as a surprise, no duplicate offerings. Rather 11 poems from 11 different authors.

Let me start with one poet we all know. OT presents, unsettled sad. An interesting little piece with a nice sprinkling of internal rhymes that add to the read. If like me, you like hetrographic homonyms, potential double entendres and word play. You can get several levels of meaning and enjoyment out of this poem. This poem is short enough that I won’t quote from it. Just go read it. :)

Now onto the other 10 who for the most part are not well known to me.
Some how, Scriptitius managed to sneak a story onto the poem board, so I guess there are only 10 poems in toto. :(
OK,OK!! So if you read all the submissions there aren’t even 10 that deserve to be called poems, and none of them are worth reviewing or maybe even reading (IMHO). The one possible exception is, The Show by Fabmax. The image created is interesting. I quote it in entirety.
I saw the colors of Cuba
And the light thru textures
Of Black on White
To share my lovers vision
With an intimate
Very telling invite.

An emotional window
Held open
into his world
Left me breathless
Full of wonder
Filtered thru his
Sheer, so pure
Alluring light.

for the magic Jer
29 mar 2003

So now go read OT’s poem and then go back to working on your challenge poem.

Regards,                       Rybka
That Guy

Today brings us 11 new poems and, surprise, surprise, none by... uh, what’s that guy’s name? You know the one I mean, he gets mentioned every day... but I guess “Out of sight. Out of mind.” - Hey you don’t suppose that’s why he writes so much?

Well you know I love the Mystery Poet's poems. I could stick a few of my favorites here in the thread, so we get our daily RDA. :D

Hey Mystery Poet? Come back Shane. . .
Scriptitius' Poem

I hope you don't mind--I pulled it out of the story so everyone could read it.

{The spell}

"Man unknowing
A heart calls forth
'Cross time, 'cross earth
O Man.

Need and want
Have both their haunt
O Man,
Betwixt two parted legs for thee,
A moan of waiting urgently,
Calling thy lusts from bestial hair
Into the rod 'twixt flesh and air,
Demanding place, demanding time,
Demanding rhythm, thrust, and prime
To flex the powers of forceful male
Into the prize of woman's pail.
Again, again, to warm thy brand
Deep in the fire of holy land,
Again and again to draw it bare
And temper its steel in empty air,
Again and again to thrust it deep
And loose the secrets thou dost keep,
Pitting them bold and deep and low,
Deep as the needs of woman go,
O Man."

Thank you for the read. I'm not a fantasy fiction fan :)eek: ) and this felt very Tolkien to me, but it is very well written and a sign of this writer's skill with language.

I have just a few nits:

1. "waiting urgently" sounds a contradiction in terms to me--maybe "hungrily" or "feverishly" or some such

2. "woman's pail" doesn't work for me (it makes me think of Jack and Jill, and I *know* you don't mean that, lol)--I like veil better

3. "thou" indroduces the second person pov into the poem near its end, which I think you should avoid--I would stick with third person and use "she doth keep" instead (unless I'm missing something from a plot twist).


Re: new poems on 3/30/03

Rybka said:
OK,OK!! So if you read all the submissions there aren’t even 10 that deserve to be called poems,

Very motivating!!!!!
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poems 3/31/03

Okay, poets. You guys need to start writing!

There were 18 new poems, and very very few of them were worth reading more than once. Some weren't even worth finishing.

Here are the two that I felt were worth re-reading:

Hail by silken_dreammaid ©

Bee Story by jazm49 ©


Okay. That's it. Go read.

And for god's sake, go write!


By the way, I just got home from work (it's month-end and I am an accountant), so that is why this is late. If anyone wants to take over Thursdays or Mondays, please do so. Thanks!


Since Eve is currently immersing herself in a postmodernism workshop at another site, where she's attempting an existentialist and anti-hero poem, I'll be doing the poems today.

Only 9 new ones, including an editor's choice:
three feathers
by silken_dreammaid ©

Little handprints painted black
scrape a furrow in the sand,
along the river, behind a hill
three feathers lay there still.

Strong imagery. Is this a ritual of some sort, dreammaid?


On the Other Hand
by JUDO ©
--- a cheating sonnet ---

On nights alone, my perfume flows behind
While eyes betray they're bent from wolfish stare.
Two hips confide the jewel which seeks the air
To grasp the hearts of carefree boys so kind.

Judo, you are one week early. :) Early or not, it's always a good time for a Judo sonnet.
Re: 4/1

Elda Furry said:

On the Other Hand
by JUDO ©
--- a cheating sonnet ---

On nights alone, my perfume flows behind
While eyes betray they're bent from wolfish stare.
Two hips confide the jewel which seeks the air
To grasp the hearts of carefree boys so kind.

Judo, you are one week early. :) Early or not, it's always a good time for a Judo sonnet.

A week early? How is that possible? Hasn't the darn challenge been up for a week already? What, do you expect a girl to wait forever? I got living to do here. Geez.

- Judo
Re: Re: 4/1

JUDO said:
A week early? How is that possible? Hasn't the darn challenge been up for a week already? What, do you expect a girl to wait forever? I got living to do here. Geez.

- Judo

Blame it on The New Girl.......nobody objected at the time. :confused:

If it's any consollation your poem is a winner. (not really sucking-up)

Posting a week early

JUDO said:
A week early? How is that possible? Hasn't the darn challenge been up for a week already? What, do you expect a girl to wait forever? I got living to do here. Geez.

- Judo
Don't feel like a bank officer! I almost did the same thing. However I rechecked the date before posting, since I once posted early on a previous challange.

Regards,                       Rybka