new poems

Re: One More

Angeline said:
I also enjoyed the following poem by our pal neonurotic. It's brief and simple, but well stated (though I'd lose the ellipsis points) and sometimes that's just right. :)

Negative Slide
I wish I could shut it all down,
give up, turn it off,
just to stop... my negative slide.

Note taken about the ellipsis because I agree. ;) It's much better without them and it will give me the chance to reformat the poem as some how the spaces turned out differently on my end then the finished post.

Thanks for the mention Angeline
& Wicked Eve ;)

I appreciate it very much.

not exactly sure where to say hey, but i'm a newbie to the poetry section, although i've written a few, and would like to read your guys' work. like what i've seen so far lol

hey everyone.
what the crap shoto *smirks* you expect me to go no where but stay in my vast, yes which makes me happy, but non-poetic thread? well bite me *smirks* didn't know ytou went on ehre. of course.... i only know lauren went on here....

don't worry shoto though, most of my poems are dark lol so evil has not been disturbed.
Uh...on the contrary, mine are dark as well...and I don't enjoy writing poems but got myself here anywoo... :p
yes well.... i donno, i've read the past couple pages, one person, seven poems a day? crazy.

i mean, i write one once a week maybe.... as long as inspiration strikes that often....
May 29th, 2003 - YESTERDAY

Since OT hasn't been here much and didn't review yesterday's poems, I went to take a quick peek at the new poetry list to see what's worth reading. Lost among the now daily dosage of pussy worship poetry, I found a few that deserve a special mention:

naked me
by Maria2394 ©

naked me, yon leafless tree
twisted roots grab deep
winter comes now, time to sleep
birch stands stark yet true

solemn splinters pierce my heart
solstice bourne alone
ancient forest all but gone
grieves it's loss of hue


This poem is inspired by GP's Old Growth. It's interesting to read both pieces together.

Cannon Beach Turnaround
by denis hale ©


doves and cormorants square dancing
out by the milky breakers, sand
in my hair, on my lips, on cheek
and chin like chocolate mescaline
soaking through beard stubble
charging each inhale with palpable
hallucinatory current.


Fun at the beach. Could use some work, but it's not bad. It's only this author's third poetry posting.

The Sons of Onan
by DurtGurl ©

A long time ago in days of Old,
A man named Onan had the randiest pole,
God said, "Son this is a great occasion,
I want you to beget me a numerous nation."

Onan said "Oh, God, I can hardly wait,
This means that I'll get to fornicate!"
Onan thanked God, and his thanks were heart sent,
But God was backlogged in the babe department


Go check what our fellow authors from the board next door are up to. It's a fun read. :D
yesterdays new poems

thank you Lauren for taking a "peek" :) and mentioning my little poem..I thought for sure I would get a groan for using a word like "yon" though, I was trying to make everything fit...

also I have a there some reason why a poem about necrophelia wouldnt be posted?? Its kinda funny, but maybe it's just a sensitive subject :) but if anyone wants to read it, let me know
As long as it's an 18 year-old cadaver, I don't think there's anything specifically against it in Lit's guidelines, but I guess it depends on the editor's mood. It's a private site, and they can do as they please. Either way, if a poem is rejected, it should say so in the submission's page ( of your control panel, together with some sort of explanation.
18 Year Old Cadaver?

Lauren.Hynde said:
As long as it's an 18 year-old cadaver, I don't think there's anything specifically against it in Lit's guidelines, but I guess it depends on the editor's mood. It's a private site, and they can do as they please. Either way, if a poem is rejected, it should say so in the submission's page ( of your control panel, together with some sort of explanation.
18 year-old corpse... EEEUEW! Are you keeping it in a freezer at least???:confused: ;) :confused:

Regards, Rybka
the cadaver is of legal age :)

Rybka, Lauren, thank you for your replies. It hasn't been officially rejected yet..just hanging in pending limbo :)
new poems 5/29/03

Yikes! So many words and so little poetry!

The only poem that brought a smile to my face today was Maria2394's poem mentioned above.

Go read necrophelial delight for a chuckle.

A light verse, good for a smile.


This dearth of poetry is making me think I should stop being scared, and write again.

If my life gives me time, I will try.

Until then... read and give feedback!

Thank You Cordelia

nothing better in the world than making someone smile :) cool to know it worked. thanks again for the mention:rose:
Lauren's Sneak Preview (New Poems)

Hey Lauren,

Thanks for the ink!


If you scratched out any "crib notes" on "Cannon Beach", I'd love to go over them with you. At your leisure. E mail or PM.

I took another look at the work, and am in agreement w/ you; could be cleaned up in places.

The messes never show up in the heat of night.
The nearsighted passion.


Discuss, amongst yourselves. I'm getting veclempt, now.


May 30

New Poems

There are none. Not that I'm recommending. If you want to read endlessly about "Pussyology," knock yourself out, but you ain't getting the link from me. Instead I shall now extemporize my own goddamn May 30 new poem, which I recommend you read immediately.

Angeline's Reaction Poem

What the hell kind of "ology" is this?
I'll tell you: it's one I dismiss.
Go read Lauren or Blake
or some Yeats for chrissake
What if I wrote 400 poems about piss?

I now return you to your regularly scheduled, sweet and helpful Angeline.

Last edited:
Re: May 30

Angeline said:
New Poems

There are none. Not that I'm recommending. If you want to read endlessly about "Pussyology," knock yourself out, but you ain't getting the link from me. Instead I shall now extemporize my own goddamn May 30 new poem, which I recommend you read immediately.

Angeline's Reaction Poem

What the hell kind of "ology" is this?
I'll tell you: it's one I dismiss.
Go read Lauren or Blake
or some Yeats for chrissake
What if I wrote 400 poems about piss?

I now return you to your regularly scheduled, sweet and helpful Angeline. :)
Angie, Angie, ANGIE! Please be careful! You may turn into an Angie Jawa! :D :p :D

Regards, Rybka
I'm Full of Surprises

New Poems

There are none. Not that I'm recommending. If you want to read endlessly about "Pussyology," knock yourself out, but you ain't getting the link from me. Instead I shall now extemporize my own goddamn May 30 new poem, which I recommend you read immediately.

Angeline's Reaction Poem

What the hell kind of "ology" is this?
I'll tell you: it's one I dismiss.
Go read Lauren or Blake
or some Yeats for chrissake
What if I wrote 400 poems about piss?

I now return you to your regularly scheduled, sweet and helpful Angeline.

Even sweet girls have their limits. :p
Re: I'm Full of Surprises

Angeline said:
New Poems

There are none. Not that I'm recommending. If you want to read endlessly about "Pussyology," knock yourself out, but you ain't getting the link from me. Instead I shall now extemporize my own goddamn May 30 new poem, which I recommend you read immediately.

Angeline's Reaction Poem

What the hell kind of "ology" is this?
I'll tell you: it's one I dismiss.
Go read Lauren or Blake
or some Yeats for chrissake
What if I wrote 400 poems about piss?

I now return you to your regularly scheduled, sweet and helpful Angeline.

Even sweet girls have their limits. :p
Did your halo fall into the onion dip again? Just let fishy or someone lick it off so you can put it back on. The new poems can't be that bad. I'll go read them now. :)
Where in the hell did all those pussy poems come from? What's a velvet cucumber? What about the magic dick? Hey, poems for tomorrow are going up now. Did you see the one about ms. cunt meets mr. cock?

Where in the hell did all those pussy poems come from? What's a velvet cucumber? What about the magic dick? Hey, poems for tomorrow are going up now. Did you see the one about ms. cunt meets mr. cock?

Now you understand why my halo fell in the dip. :D
the one I threw away... :)

considering everything, I have to thank ya'll for what you said about my silly poem... and I am SO thankful now that i tossed gold digger sucked too :) well, not literally:p

maybe the good stuff is being saved for the start of the new month?:confused: