new poems

Re: New Poems Monday 28 July

darkmaas said:
Last but certainly not least are a pair of poems that, when you read them, you will agree are like metaphoric bookends. They both take fairly common metaphors but each manages a poem that escapes the horrible fate of being cliché.

Conch-like Behavior by Maria2394 is sad but soooo detached you almost want to scream.

darkmaas [/B]

Did you scream darkmaas? or was that just the echo of the ocean's roar inside the shell your cousin brought from the beach :)

I'm just trying to fill a space that I am not so sure exists, but its very comforting to know that my spiritual sister bookend ( I love that image) is Angeline :rose:

I also want to say that I loved Boo's poems today, especially Idyll

and steve porters All The Ones is just absolutely beautiful and haunting and hits so close to home (Eleanor ( wink) and I thank you Steve, for the beautiful letter)

Thanks for the mention darkmaas :kiss:

till later, Maria
darkmaas Van Gogh?

Originally posted by darkmaas

Last but certainly not least are a pair of poems that, when you read them, you will agree are like metaphoric bookends. They both take fairly common metaphors but each manages a poem that escapes the horrible fate of being cliché.

Conch-like Behavior by Maria2394 is sad but soooo detached you almost want to scream.


Did you scream darkmaas? or was that just the echo of the ocean's roar inside the shell your cousin brought from the beach

I'm just trying to fill a space that I am not so sure exists, but its very comforting to know that my spiritual sister bookend ( I love that image) is Angeline

Well I don't know if I can keep up with all this shifting imagery. Just last night I went through four stages of growth (the Angeline life-cycle) and was ready to fly, only to be reduced today to a bookend (although I very much like the spiritual sisters with Maria part :rose: ) that is paired with another bookend that is really a conch shell.

And darkmaas, why ever are you screaming? (You told me how much you *loved* both those poems, lol.) Did your ear fall off? Long day? Here sweetie. Have a nice post-prandial, and just be glad you didn't have to do reviews--like I did--the day over 90 poems were posted. I still twitch when I think about it.


P.S. And ditto btw on those terrific poems by Boo and by Steve Porter, all of which I really liked, too.
a noble assignment

I wouldnt mind actually being a bookend
just dont have me holding up some screamin Stephen King
or Emily morbid Dickinson ( I fear I might have her disease)

I prefer a rousing historical NON fiction, ( if there is such a thing)
or a faded copy of anything Steinbeck, Hurston, or Poe,
and pertaining to the positioning of those said metaphoric bookends
on which end would each of us GO?

( no Julie, the middle is NOT an end...LOL)

being a bookend is a noble thing Angeline, just a good book end owner should always be considerate and do some rotaing on occasion, thats the only down side I could think of, and oh, the, um...dust!! achoo!! :)

**I break for butterflies, turtles and bookends!**
Re: New Poems Monday 28 July

darkmaas said:
Third week and by far the most stimulating.

Lets start with RazzRajan. I didn’t like Could or Would after the first reading but I keep coming back. This is the sign of good writing (or an inept reviewer). Read it more than once before you vote.


Thank you , darkmaas , for taking the time and making the effort.
and you are never inept. Not from what I see of you....*S*

Razz :D
On Being a Bookend

You have a point Maria--Lord knows I've held up many a book in my day. And there are certainly worse jobs (many of which I've had). But I ain't holding up that book by Melville--you know the whale one (see if I said I ain't holding it up and the title, well it would sound very bad cause it's Literotica and well...never mind, you get my point) because I hate that book. I know it's supposed to be great literature, but gimme a break, hundreds of pages of Ahab going insane and depressing descriptions and the harpoons and the this and the that and I'm getting a headache already. So not that one.

Maybe some Virgina Woolf, Zora Neale absolutely, and Yeats any day. Joyce though he babbles and what's 'is name Sh're from uh St'd-on-Av'n. You know. But no Melville except maybe Bartleby the Scriviner. :D

Booking outta here,

P.S. And as far as which end is which, lol, let's nor go there. I'm having this image in my head of the two-people costumes and it's simply too weird and besides The_Fool will come back here and call me demented again and I can't have that. :p
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moby whoooo?

100% in agreement with the no-moby-you know what book ;) hehe we can stick melville somewhere in the middle....

sweet dreams, ya'll...maria

oh, Angeline, did you ever read The Storm, by Kate Chopin? Isnt she great?
Re: New Poems Monday 28 July

darkmaas said:
Third week and by far the most stimulating

off the cuff by BooMerengue should have left me cold. It is full of private references that would be incomprehensible to anyone other than the poet.
However the poem stuck to me on first reading and I still like it. I can’t say I understand all of it, but the flow of words and images dragged me in.

An Idyll Chat by the same author is much more approachable. Read it and enjoy.



Thank you, Darkmaas

Yes- the first was written for cb9... who has been very kind about all my work, and is a flippant response. I really don't take my poetry seriously and am thoroughly amazed when anyone else does!

The second, too, was written in the middle of a private chat with 2 other women, who, but for one thing, I have nothing much in common with.(and I faded a copy of Rafael's 'Three Graces' and stacked the poem on it, and laminated it- for a book mark!

But know- all of you- my gratitude is not pretend. I really appreciate what all of you have to say. I used to feel if I could just make one character in a novel as memorable as Stephen King does in one paragraph, I could die happy. Now y'all have me wishing also that I could write just one stanza as beautifully as Edna did in my signature!

Maria... I know I know...shaking my head and smiling! and Ange?? Anytime...!!!
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Kate Chopin and Stuff

I've only read The Awakening--which I loved, so now I'll have to read The Storm. But first I have to try my hand at some editing I offered a few friends. ;) But...I just finished a poem and I feel emotionally drained so I think I'll get some sleep first. :D

You know what? Let's start a "Let's Thrash Boo's Stuff" thread. I have very tough skin, and an acid tongue when it's penetrated. But this is my idea, and I like it, so if anyone really wants to help me w/ the poetry thing let me know, and you can come in... bring a poem, and tell me what I might have done. The most I can do either way is agree or disagree... so what the hell?
Re: On Being a Bookend

Angeline said:

P.S. And as far as which end is which, lol, let's nor go there. I'm having this image in my head of the two-people costumes and it's simply too weird and besides The_Fool will come back here and call me demented again and I can't have that. :p

Demented --- no. I just find it ironic that you of all people would be discussing the two-headed beast....:devil:
More thoughts on bookends

Certainly the wrong place for this, maybe someone will start another spontaneous poetry thread and put me out of their misery...or something like that...:p

Curvaceous bookends
Works of art
Similar, But unique

Steady in their task
Unabtrusive in a way
Yet still delight the eyes

Volumes past and future
Say much
About nothing

The bookends
Say nothing
But speak volumes

humming eggs
by oxalis ©

when you make him your night horse
a ride in heels pitch black over
bumpy road, stifled prisoner
gasps below your muscled thighs

Good erotic poem that gives the reader suggestive imagery: night horse, a ride in heels pitch black, stifled prisoner. Read oxalis' poem, then try one of lit's many "Suck my clit, lick my slit" poems and see which one stimulates you.


Last of the Tribe
by Angeline ©

Their voices echo from nowhere,
Daddy laughing at her care packages:
not just homemade Mandel Brot,
but a silly double-ended knife,
so I won’t get jelly in the peanut butter.


Now I lift linens from drawers
and set them in boxes.
I finger sachets and cufflinks.
Fifty-odd years have crumbled,
scattered about me in a rubble,
demanding decisions.

I try to avoid more sadness than necessary, but Angeline's poem is beyond mere sadness -- it's life, with all its tears and laughter.


Words, Simple
by RazzRajen ©

Before the wart-hogs grunt
in Unison and make merry

I haven't read a good wart hog poem in months. :D Seriously, go read!


Wind In My Hair
by BooMerengue ©

It must be the wind in my hair
that so affects me
this time of year
a Simon and Garfunkel time.

Good poem. A few spots that could possibly be improved by a little revision. Just a tad. :)

Besides the above poems, there were a couple more that were worth a read, but you need to go discover them. You may find a gem that I overlooked.
Last of the Tribe
by Angeline ©

Their voices echo from nowhere,
Daddy laughing at her care packages:
not just homemade Mandel Brot,
but a silly double-ended knife,
so I won’t get jelly in the peanut butter.


Now I lift linens from drawers
and set them in boxes.
I finger sachets and cufflinks.
Fifty-odd years have crumbled,
scattered about me in a rubble,
demanding decisions.

I try to avoid more sadness than necessary, but Angeline's poem is beyond mere sadness -- it's life, with all its tears and laughter.

Thanks for the kind words. I considered not posting this because I know it's a sad poem; it's a sad thing to have to face even when one's not--like me--the last one. But it's also a celebration of the people it's about. I'm really glad you saw that and mentioned it. :)

Little things like the sound of my dad stirring his coffee at dawn, which I heard virtually every weekday morning of my childhood, came to signify safety to me, in the sense that it started another normal day. I like remembering that. I imagine everyone has such memories--they're universal and good to share in a poem.

Thanks again Eve and thanks all who sent such lovely feedback. :rose:
Curvaceous bookends
Works of art
Similar, But unique

Steady in their task
Unabtrusive in a way
Yet still delight the eyes

Volumes past and future
Say much
About nothing

The bookends
Say nothing
But speak volumes

:rose: :) (Who says this guy's a fool?)
Thank you, Eve,
I will heed your suggestion.:rose:
tough enough
no chain without rust
shiny buckle was buffed
not spit polished

these scars are cosmetic
hand print crayon
blushed pain
Re: 7-29

WickedEve said:
Words, Simple
I haven't read a good wart hog poem in months. :D Seriously, go read!


Thanks Eve......I could do a few more choice scavenger type poems too, if you are so inclined.....:devil:

Seriously., tho' many thanks for taking the time.

Razz :D
I liked several of today's offerings enough that I wished that they were better ( if that makes any sense). I'll offer a few snippets and comments intended to whet your wonder about Wednesday's words, and perhaps prod you into reading and deciding for yourself what you like, how much you like it, and why. A quiet vote or bit-o feedback is always a nice gesture. Go read!

Address Correction Requested by denis hale
starts with this great scene:

In the suddenly
overcast afternoon
succumbing to the numb
sheet of nap

I won't claim understanding, but there are some intriguing snippets of image in
exhale by oxalis

kitchen counter height
perfection, waxed
floor spilled
gender stains

bake a loaf and bump
me hard spatula
is flattened steel, long stemmed
stainless, flexible

I'm not sure if just like home by svelte walker
describes a dog's life or my next vacation. Either way, I'm sending away for the brochure.

the satisfying itch
between ear lobe and neck
a juicy spot attacked by
the right person
at the right time
with the desired technique

steve porter muses about the value and quality of life in
the popsicle man and
how would it be

As part of my doth-averse therapy, I'm going to mention
Formed for JUDO by Angeline

Try to say these lines from
Amok in the Muck by Maria2394
out loud without smiling:

They giggle as if guilty
at the squeaky squisssshhhhy
squickering sounds of eight feet escaping
slippery canvas bonds.

and then later

... those polydactyled delinquents
so elegantly running amok

I have a love/hate thing for sad poems...
Almost Too Late by Maria2394

As part of my doth-averse therapy, I'm going to mention
Formed for JUDO by Angeline

Oh dear. I forgot about a certain agreement I made with a certain fellow poet here at Lit regarding Doth usage. This poem puts me seriously over the quota, dothn't it? :p

Thank you for the mention, OT. And um you seem to have forgotten a poem, so I'll recommend it:

bell curve secrets by OT

she and they wait in the car
until he returns
with a brown bag
to drive them away

The trick to this poem is knowing that a bell curve is a graph of a "normal" statistical distribution (which, when plotted on a graph, looks like the curving shape of a bell). But what may appear "normal" or "average" is often deceptive, isn't it? The family in the poem seems so normal, but this poet wonders what's in that bag.

I enjoyed reading it, OT. :rose:

Still feeling the effects of my grad school stats class,
I read this forum, digesting each word that is said.
It took me awhile, but I finally posted this thread.

If you like vampyres and their blood"thirsty" ways.
Then check out this poem I posted today.

I wish that I may, I wish that I might.
Have half of the talent I have found on this site.

Ok, I have yet to learn some of the finer points.
I drink too much beer and smoke to many joints.

I am stumbling along trying to make my own way.
Few find interesting, the boring things that I say.

Enjoy this poem of a Vampyre's Lament.
The count is pathetic and the rhythm is spent.

I have yet to learn how to make those cool links.
I'll copy and paste, till I learn this procedure, methinks
Hail, Chieftain! (Do they say hail in Scotland?) It's nice to meet you. I read your entry- very nice... but as one struggling poet to another, I have a burning question... I want you to ponder this one, cuz I need the truth, ok?

How can you smoke too many joints?

I try and I try, but I've never been able to do it...

LOL! Yayyyyyyyy!! Now I don't feel like a newbie!!

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thank you, ot

there is brimming in my tea, a bag
floats and hugs the corners
that they be
of cup rounded like smiles
or frowns awry

snippets are endangered
they savor ankle nipping
replacing mosquito bite scratching
with gentle petting and whacking
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OT said:
Try to say these lines from
Amok in the Muck by Maria2394
out loud without smiling:

They giggle as if guilty
at the squeaky squisssshhhhy
squickering sounds of eight feet escaping
slippery canvas bonds.

and then later

... those polydactyled delinquents
so elegantly running amok

I have a love/hate thing for sad poems...
Almost Too Late by Maria2394 [/B]

Thanks for the mention OT :) I promise you guys ( OT and Darkmaas I will not post anymore sad stuff for a while..its just been a strange few days. Thanks again for the mention ...I appreciate the time you take to do this and always the great feedback!:rose: Maria

oh yeah, I was wondering about what was in that bag. (In your poem Bell Curve Secrets.) I love puzzles and the first thing that popped in my head was whiskey and chinese food...weird, huh ;) whats in OT's bag?
Thank you, Angeline and Maria

The secrets behind the 2nd stanza may be more intriguing. :)
Howdy Boo!
I inhaled your question and held it deeply in my mind. It sparked an ember that got the munchies and burned its way into my dreams.

How can one smoke too much? You are RIGHT! Try as I might, it just can not be!

Oh, and as to your question about "Hail." Here in Texas we say "Howdy" ;)

I was going to write more and try for some really witty repartee, but got distracted by the picture Icon in your info window. Then I got the munchies and wandered off to find something to nibble on.
