new poems

The secrets behind the 2nd stanza may be more intriguing.

Well that does it! I'm going to reread it now and imagine all kinds of cool stuff. :D

Maria? Chinese food and whiskey? Where's the tea?
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Angeline said:
Well that does it! I'm going to reread it now and imagine all kinds of cool stuff. :D

Maria? Chinese food and whiskey? Where's the tea?

I did re read it... is it

bleu cheese?
rat poison?
new poems 7/31/03

Ack! Thursday just had to fall on the last day of the month! Okay... I am just back from work and I perused all the new poems for the day. Maybe I am getting more selective in my tastes. Maybe I'm just tired from the day. But I found only two to recommend.

The Girl Who Travels Fast by Rybka ©

she lurked in their abodes of play
the moving others
are they back from her flight through the future
few sad alone of joy


This one has to be my favorite for the day. Heck, it's my favorite for the week. I think it may become one of my all-time favorites. The more I read it, the more I wanted to read more. I even had to agonize over excerpting it.

Go read this amazing poem from one of our best poets. You won't be disappointed.

plum out of night by smithpeter ©

It's a short poem, so I won't excerpt it. I'll just say it brought a grin to my face.

I wasn't as taken with the rest of today's offerings, but you go read them yourself and judge for your own tastes. And go vote. Especially for Rybka's gem!

And please please please give feedback.


Thank you for mention

when nothing private comes between
there is film and prattle,
sprocket chatter
lives that exist and no connection
twixt car windows, the contained
the cellular
single zone or another
Uh oh... I may have messed up.
I just got an email accusing me of copying others ideas. Well... I'm guilty, I guess. But I wanted to point out that if I have a poem that might give someone cause to say "Hey, that's just like mine!" (or hers or whoever's) it's because I liked theirs so much. Don't we learn to write sonnets by reading and copying Shakespeare? Hope thats enough said... no offense or piracy intended.

This has been a trying day...

PS Chieftain... you are a smart man! LOL

August 1, 2003

Happy Friday and happy August everybody! I don't know about you, but having spent most of the past two months listening to conversation of the following ilk:

Conversant 1: You ate the last fudgicle
Conversant 2: Yeah, because you had four and I only had two.
Conversant 1: I didn't have four!
Conversant 2: Oh yes you did!
Conversant 1: Not!
Conversant 2: Did!
Conversant 1: Not, and you smell weird.
Conversant 2: Well you smell like garlic. ....Every day.
Both: Mommmmmmmm!!!!

I am really glad it's the last month of summer, and that my personal holy grail--the first day of school--is an event I can actually begin to envision.

But enough of my sorrowful daily routine. Let's talk about the sorrowful daily routine of the new poems list. I felt a bit like Coleridge's Ancient Mariner today (as in Water, water everywhere, nor any drop to drink). There was pulsing, aching, throbbing, and, well, pussies, pussies everywhere, but barely an ounce of poetic interest. I know my tastes in sensual poems are too low key for many, but really, read Neruda’s Love Sonnet or Anais Nin's erotica or even woowoo poetry or something, and tell me that isn't more exciting than a coupla pussies having a platitudinous coffee-klatch type conversation, Good grief, lol.

Still, there were a few good poems.

Words, echo'd by RazzRajen was my favorite today. There's a haunting quality that drifts like a mist through many of Razz' poems--which one of these day I'll be able to pinpoint--that I really like. I felt it in today's offering, too. :)

Empty shells hold
the entire sea
or merely the sound of
What will the decrepit bones
of a disgruntled One do?
rattle and shake as he waffles

Two other short and somewhat enigmatic poems, Test Poem by denis hale and Exercise 1a by BooMerengue also caught my eye.

Then there is The Last Princess by Rrrosyn, a rather silly/sweet parody of a ballad that I like both for its simple dream of true love and its fairy tale connection (and possibly because it reminds me of the following lyric, which never fails to make me giggle, from the old Broadway show Once Upon a Mattress).

Snow White was so pretty they tell us
That the queen was insulted and jealous
When the mirror declared that Snow White was the fairest of all
She was dumped on the border
But was saved by some men who adored her
Oh I grant you they were small
But there were 7 of them practically a regiment

Read em and vote. Do the feedback thing, too. Have a cool weekend. :)

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Re: new poems 7/31/03

Cordelia said:
The Girl Who Travels Fast by Rybka ©

she lurked in their abodes of play
the moving others
are they back from her flight through the future
few sad alone of joy


This one has to be my favorite for the day. Heck, it's my favorite for the week. I think it may become one of my all-time favorites. The more I read it, the more I wanted to read more. I even had to agonize over excerpting it.

Go read this amazing poem from one of our best poets. You won't be disappointed.
Thank you for your very kind words. This poem has been simmering on the back of my poetry stove for quite some time. Occasionally I would give it a stir or throw in another carrot, Finally I was able to skim most of the fat off the top, leaving just the meat and vegetable soup. (It still may need a little more seasoning.) :)

Also thanks to the others for their feedback and votes. :rose:

Regards, Rybka
Re: August 1, 2003

Angeline said:
Then there is The Last Princess by Rrrosyn, a rather silly/sweet parody of a ballad that I like both for its simple dream of true love and its fairy tale connection (and possibly because it reminds me of the following lyric, which never fails to make me giggle, from the old Broadway show Once Upon a Mattress).

Snow White was so pretty they tell us
That the queen was insulted and jealous
When the mirror declared that Snow White was the fairest of all
She was dumped on the border
But was saved by some men who adored her
Oh I grant you they were small
But there were 7 of them practically a regiment

I was just up at 4am. Was wondering where my Knight was. Personally, I expect him to show up with a garbage can lid tied to his chest and a goat. :p

Thanks for the mention!
Re: August 1, 2003

Angeline said:
Happy Friday and happy August everybody!

Still, there were a few good poems.

Words, echo'd by RazzRajen was my favorite today. There's a haunting quality that drifts like a mist through many of Razz' poems--which one of these day I'll be able to pinpoint--that I really like. I felt it in today's offering, too. :)

Empty shells hold
the entire sea
or merely the sound of
What will the decrepit bones
of a disgruntled One do?
rattle and shake as he waffles

Two other short and somewhat enigmatic poems, Test Poem by denis hale and Exercise 1a by BooMerengue also caught my eye.

Read em and vote. Do the feedback thing, too. Have a cool weekend. :)


Thanks Angeline for the words...they mean a lot.

when you do figure out what it is , Tell me too. Each one has their own take on it.....

Razz :D
when you do figure out what it is , Tell me too. Each one has their own take on it.....

Yes, but mine will be penetratingly insightful and correct. :p

lol. sorry. couldn't resist!

It's been a while since I've done this! :D

Today we have seventeen new poems by ten different authors and there isn't a bad one amongst them. Most are just average Lit poems, but there are two or three very good ones.

Two very um interesting ones were champagne1982's woowoo poems:

The Oil Change
by champagne1982 ©


He crawled beneath her,
Giving her chassis,
A twelve point
Her rack and pinion,
Steering nearly drove him,
Off the hoist,
When he heard,
The gears mesh,
Inside her transmission.


Why Mormons don't dance.
by champagne1982 ©


With his wooden drumsticks
He pounds a staccato
Jazz beat out.
My cymbals quiver as they await
His brush.


My favourite today, though, was another of RazzRajen's. It's full of that mist Angeline will one day insightfully penetrate. :eek:

Words, canted
by RazzRajen ©

Dank ideas
saved by the proffered stick
nay a cane
who shall it be
to brave the hearth
that glowing fire and the cheery bubblin' pot
Turning somersaults onto leafed boughs
verdant shores     a handpicked idyll
Waits for Me

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re Words, echo'd....

I read this and saw/heard the mists of time moving past...shrugs..i know that sounds silly but....

Angeline said:
Yes, but mine will be penetratingly insightful and correct. :p

lol. sorry. couldn't resist!

But of course,..

That was only expected, naturellement......:p

Nice take - not resisting.....

Razz :D
Re: 02-Aug-2003

Lauren.Hynde said:
It's been a while since I've done this! :D

My favourite today, though, was another of RazzRajen's. It's full of that mist Angeline will one day insightfully penetrate. :eek:

Words, canted
by RazzRajen ©


Thank you Lauren for taking the time once again and for making it all worthwhile...

Razz :D
ssilversong said:
re Words, echo'd....

I read this and saw/heard the mists of time moving past...shrugs..i know that sounds silly but....


Thanks ssilversong for the sentiments and the sense My words evoked. Its one perspective and that works too

Razz :D
new poems on 8/3/03

Today we have 14 new works and one “spinner”. Here is the "golden oldie" that I found for the day. It took 12 spins to find this one.

Sunset On Another Century by MyOpinion may not be quite up to "The Darkling Thrush", but then, that was written at the end of the nineteenth century. :)
\Wisdom came where I was seated
By the boards of reed and sand;
His talk was long and when completed
Walked he steady towards the land.

I gathered up the rod, the reel
Fetched the fly, closed the box,
A shift of breeze I did feel
While laboring ‘way from the docks.

I walked past Young, with his bride,
Whose nod of head I denied
O picture me not full of woe -
You think I leave; instead, I go.

By Opi submitted 1/28/03 written to commemorate the close of the 21st Century. The last stanza has a shift in line ending rhyme - This shift is done purposely :)

= = = = =
m m n i
Of this Sunday's new Poems:

don't forget by Tangerine Sex Dream is an offering from a new poet and has an interesting twist to it. :D Go read it and give encouragement to the author.
messages in the aisles
cereal snacks bread granola
don't forget the beer he said
"do I ever?"
my thoughts raced for the door
Dirty Slut presents Orgasm Multiplied. This little poem is a fair example of erotic writing without resorting to vulgarity. Would that others would learn the knack. - I would change the last line however. :)
It washed over me
like quicksilver dipped in lightening
my pulse a quickening thunder
clapping, slapping, sapping my strength
over and over again until at last
a spidery web overwhelmed me.
Again the excruciating stabbing pain
thrilled me, sent me climbing sheets
of mountainous linen with raking fingers
toes curled like a monkey clinging
to a tree branch upside down
giving me a multidimensional view
of orgasm; the little death of life.
smithpeter is militant today. As often I can't say that I completely understand how the entire work fits to gether, but as almost always SP displays a great sense of word choice and phrase organization
a light rain falls
billions of miniature candles
spill pulled by grave attractions
hot wax
cool cubes
everything I want
not a stitch of smoke anywhere
thank you very much
not the smell of sense-and
smell of my love
would be
clogged by odor of sativa
The last one I found for today, RazzRajen's Quietude reminds me in some places of a poem I have recently read, so I have to like it! :)
Colors change
reds greens browns         whites and blacks
Melded together in the
rainbow of My mind.

As usual, you are strongly advised to go read today's
New Poetry, make up and voice your own mind.

Regards,                                 Rybka
Re: new poems on 8/3/03

Rybka said:
Today we have 14 new works and one “spinner”. Here is the "golden oldie" that I found for the day. It took 12 spins to find this one.

Sunset On Another Century by MyOpinion may not be quite up to "The Darkling Thrush", but then, that was written at the end of the nineteenth century. :)

Of this Sunday's new Poems:

don't forget by Tangerine Sex Dream is an offering from a new poet and has an interesting twist to it. :D Go read it and give encouragement to the author.

Dirty Slut presents Orgasm Multiplied. This little poem is a fair example of erotic writing without resorting to vulgarity. Would that others would learn the knack. - I would change the last line however. :)
smithpeter is militant today. As often I can't say that I completely understand how the entire work fits to gether, but as almost always SP displays a great sense of word choice and phrase organization
The last one I found for today, RazzRajen's Quietude reminds me in some places of a poem I have recently read, so I have to like it! :)

As usual, you are strongly advised to go read today's
New Poetry, make up and voice your own mind.

Regards,                                 Rybka

thank you for reading my poem. I was not sure if anyone actually read them or not :) Tanja
Re: new poems on 8/3/03

Rybka said:
The last one I found for today, RazzRajen's Quietude reminds me in some places of a poem I have recently read, so I have to like it! :)


Thanks Rybka as ever for you taking teh time to read and comment on teh ones we all put out for others to read,....

Glad you Had to like it anyway.....

Razz :D
Fatal Errors

The reviews of Monday's poems will be delayed a bit longer. Every time I hit a Title I get a fatal error.

Never has a reviewer died so many deaths for poetry.

Good thing someone shipped me a case of fortified wine! Now where did I put the glass.
Re: Fatal Errors

darkmaas said:
The reviews of Monday's poems will be delayed a bit longer. Every time I hit a Title I get a fatal error.

Never has a reviewer died so many deaths for poetry.

Good thing someone shipped me a case of fortified wine! Now where did I put the glass.

Darkmaas, you aren't alone, I keep getting the same message.:rolleyes: Tanja
New Poems Monday 4th August.

Well let me say, today has been a bad day all around. Seems poor manu had his hands full as well.

Not many poetic offerings today. I count two official woowoo poems.

Angeline, with the brilliance of a thousand stars, meets all the woowoo criteria and makes us roll with laughter as well. The erotic use of ewoks however is maybe a bit over the top and may result in some offense to one of the maiden aunts.

Elda Furry in a brilliant bit of one-upmanship actually involves the maiden aunts in the poem. As mentioned before, this is a subtler exploration of the genre.

Palau takes the sheet theme and runs with it demonstrating, if nothing else, syncronicity. I don't think this is a woowoo poem and I'm sure its not about dentistry. My guess is that the clue is in the date line at the bottom.

Then there's a pair of postcards from Lauren. I am fond of Goethe. Pity about the attic. And what to do In-flight but,
...flip through the gloss
I have spent too much time in airplanes, so maybe I'm over-interpreting, but the banal tone of the poem with just a hint of un-ease fits the the topic of air travel perfectly.

Lastly, for all you Razz addicts, go somnolently through Night's Slough

It's late. If I missed a gem, I'll catch it on the flip side.

Read, Vote, then offer feedback.


thank you, mr. maas

no woo woo nor yoohoo.
thank you for mention
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Re: New Poems Monday 4th August.

darkmaas said:
Then there's a pair of postcards from Lauren. I am fond of Goethe. Pity about the attic. And what to do In-flight but,
...flip through the gloss
I have spent too much time in airplanes, so maybe I'm over-interpreting, but the banal tone of the poem with just a hint of un-ease fits the the topic of air travel perfectly.


Thank you for the mention, o dark one. It was indeed a shame about the attic. I'm sure it would have been the highlight.

Also to all the people that sent feedback. It's much appreciated. To one of them: to see the invisible, hear the inaudible, touch the intangible, do the impossible. How else do you define art?


The Girl Who Travels Fast....

Night's Slough

The Last Princess


In Flight

Don't Forget

I loved them all, each and every one..smiles..such a fortunate thing to be able to see such a diverse collection of styles and thoughts in one place...