new poems


I thank you Angeline for the mention. I appreciate it greatly. ;)

Re: Re: new poems 8/7/03

neonurotic said:
Nyup—spoke too soon. I sees a bunch ;)
and a few good ones too.


Look again....there were none marked 8/7/03.

9th . Aug . 2003

Hi, people. 11 new poems by 10 different poets, including a lot of familiar names. Alas, I'm feeling a little on the bitchy side, so you go take a look at the list (it's not that long) and see what I let slip.

This first RazzRajen's poem isn't up to his usual standard, I felt, but it's close enough to be very enjoyable. Even in such a short poem, he manages to include some great images

by RazzRajen ©

  Senses attuned
to each and the Other
whispers of tendril
shooting into the fertile ground


A sweet jewel. Thank you.

a miss
by smithpeter ©

as you sleep
there are remains
numbers fly by
digits wave
eyes wet
dust appoints
a target


Broken expectations...

Literotica is a Walt Disney film
by oxalis ©


predictable ends
straight up fronts
not all happy
some pets perish


Erotica with a bite!

she slithers from her panties
by steve porter ©

she slithers from her panties
and awakens the king cobra
who is crawling down his thigh


A few other poems I feel you should take a closer look are IF by Rybka, isnt it funny by steve porter, and an eye blink love by BooMerengue.
Re: August 8th, 2003

Angeline said:
Phew! There are 17 new poems posted
Read all the new poems, add to the list in your own post if you like, and please give feedback. We love to know what you think! Have a great weekend everyone.

P.S. Go here.

High praise indeed Angeline...
As ever, to know I have been read is compensation enough , To know I have been liked is soul gratifying indeed.

Thank you again for the mention and the words you use.

Razz :D
Re: 9th . Aug . 2003

Lauren.Hynde said:
Hi, people. 11 new poems by 10 different poets, including a lot of familiar names. Alas, I'm feeling a little on the bitchy side, so you go take a look at the list (it's not that long) and see what I let slip.

LH Thanks for the mention....

I can only try harder ....

Razz :D
Thank you, Lauren.Hynde

I will have things on my mind while away.
Recent future,
you will tuck in there, tidily folded
new poems on 8/10/03

Today we have only 11 new works and one “spinner”. Here is the "oldie" that I found for Sunday. (It took only 4 spins to find this unusual, but excellent poem.)
This is an anti-hunting work that is striking. Read They Knew by Smaugfire, and then go vote and send feedback.
(By the way, I used to hunt, but only game that I would eat.)
bottling the will to live
death over dead grass
watching that coyote twitch
wrist thick cuts of flesh
put another round in – stop that
Of the 11 new submissions, 5 are by smithpeter. I know you will read them, so that only leaves me 6 to comment on and almost all of them are average at best. I downgrade oxalis' align to fashion because of one word. So that leaves Tunes, Chordant by RazzRajen as the only one I bring to you this Sunday.
What flies across the world, is a Thought
Light , airy, dry and insinuating,
Minds dissimilar are better than not,
and When neighbours meet, those same minds sing
meld and soar to the heavens,
Riding those eddies again,

As usual, you are strongly advised to go read today's New Poetry, make up and voice your own mind. It won't take long today.

Regards,                                 Rybka
NotForHire: you read and voted and pulled them down which is ok but doesn't match your feedback
Cloudbrst9: can't fight that. don't think I did any such thing.
NotForHire: I saw the feedback saw the votes

Jasus, CB!! Why so melodramatic? There is nothing wrong w/ Lit's voting process...

Class... This is part of a private discussion re: 'why I get such flowery high-flung feedback from someone who doesn't vote what he says. Thats all it is. I have made it clear that the feedback means more to me than the voting. But something didn't gee-haw so I asked him about it.( I never said anything about 1's or 2's...his feedback intimated I should get a 10!) And he hemmed and hawed and circled the wagons, but it's pretty obvious to me when I get a feedback before the poem barely hit the press and theres 2 votes- one by the editor (sometimes) and one by cb9 who just sent the feedback- thats what I meant by 'I saw the votes'.

I apologize for this drivel being placed here.

cb- don't ever again use me to bolster whatever your agenda is.

Re: new poems on 8/10/03

Rybka said:
Today we have only 11 new works and one “spinner”. Of the 11 new submissions,

As usual, you are strongly advised to go read today's New Poetry, make up and voice your own mind. It won't take long today.

Regards,                                 Rybka

Thanks Rybka for the mention ...:D

Razz :D
Monday, 11 August

It's August...humid, hot and oh so lethargic.

First off, "away away", our daily gargle with oxalis. This was by far the best of the day. It deserved the E so graciously bestowed by the Lit. gnomes.
any man
whom you affectionate
causes disturb
A nice bit of ambiguous line breakage to whet our collective wit, but then, further along, one of the nicest bits of imagery:
purring coolly like menthol
they accept the tiny tugs and primp
I suspect that the rabbit's last word is an in joke of some kind that whistled over my head, but it didn't annoy. Go read the whole poem.

Rounding out the day are another cool dissection by Maria, and a warm bit of introspection by Razz

My glass is empty. More later...

Daily Erotic Spinner

First spin.

You know how sometimes you are presented with a thought so intellectually limp, so banal, so.... that you just have to share? Well this is just such a moment. But alas I am too well brought up to actually post today's spinner steamy.

However I can be bought.

Re: Monday, 11 August

darkmaas said:
It's August...humid, hot and oh so lethargic.

....and a warm bit of introspection by Razz

My glass is empty. More later...


Thank you darkmaas, for reading and noticing.

Razz :D
Re: Monday, 11 August

darkmaas said:
It's August...humid, hot and oh so lethargic.

Rounding out the day are another cool dissection by Maria,

My glass is empty. More later...


Thank you Darkmaas for the mention:rose: and thanks for taking the time to share a peek into what is sometime my own mind ;) And if you ever find yourself down south I will be glad to refill your glass, ok?
until later, Maria
Re: 9th . Aug . 2003

A few other poems I feel you should take a closer look are IF by Rybka, isnt it funny by steve porter, and an eye blink love by BooMerengue. [/B][/QUOTE]

Sorry I'm so late Lauren- TY for the mention... and I was gonna say in pvt but TY for Mobius Strip... I go back and back and back...

I didn't really see anything from a "new" poet that grabbed me. the face remains the same by msnomer68 has a nice enough idea behind it. I'd like to see it reach its full potential, though. Give it a read and see what you think. Maybe you'll have some suggestions for the poet.

The remaining poems I'll mention are by the board denizens.
Enjoy the following excerpts:

First, we have a porny poem by nasty neonurotic.
by neonurotic ©

find nether places
leavin' me
cool quarters
for some of my
special recipe
slip and slide

I'll probably read this again tonight before I go to bed.


isotropic directions
by Senna Jawa ©

I'll just let SJ choose the excerpt that he wishes to have displayed. I may choose one that doesn't properly reflect the tone of his work.
But please do read and vote.


loop boop
by oxalis ©

a boop poop
so summer fire
cracker wet and sunder,
toward the moon
where I split again

Oxalis, this may be a real fishy comment, but if you get rid of that one word, then you have a wonderful stanza.

Elda wants to know who Naomi is.


Stones, Carved
by RazzRajen ©

I need to be gone and think of where I will end
Those burning ghats of yore
smoke from the pure rising in the morning sun,
Just as when daybreak heralded My entry,
so will those climes and times hark the end

RazzRajen almost always gives us a good read, so give his newest a moment of your time.


My two favorites for the day are by steve porter and Denis Hale.

the attraction is ext(r)emely strong
by steve porter ©

(click) the rangers are well on their way
to blowing another game but (click)
the mavericks are about to win again when
I wander down the sidewalk and flutter like a moth
I can feel the pull of gravity…lover

I adore the metamorphosis of a channel surfing caterpillar into the butterfly of love.

And then we have Angle On by denis hale Miss this poem and you'll be kicking whatever body part of yours you can still reach.

whoever she's talking to is just as real
as you and sweet thing humping

the broken center line right at
the vanishing point of a menstrual sunset
wall-canvas of mutual masturbation

like a couple of Edvard Munch
fuck puppets riding red
surf breakers right into shore
with windmilling stick limbs
all akimbo...

This poem does zero to sixty in 3 seconds. So get caught up in the vortex of denis' vain brain (borrowed a few of your words, denis).

Thank you for mentioning my poetry, and I apologize for not thanking you on the date you posted. I hadn't realized anyone would actually notice, came to my attention through feedback.
Re: angle on..

Reading this poem made me feel as if i was in another dimension where things were oh so clear and yet shaped differently.. I loved it!
