new poems

re: The attraction is extremely strong

Smiles.. started out thinking ..yuck a sports poem..and ended up feeling the power that infatuation and love holds over us...the poem placed the image in my mind so clearly..

ssilversong, I'm glad you enjoyed both of them, too. It was a delight to read them this morning.
Re: 8-12

WickedEve said:
First, we have a porny poem by nasty neonurotic.
by neonurotic ©

find nether places
leavin' me
cool quarters
for some of my
special recipe
slip and slide

I'll probably read this again tonight before I go to bed.
:p I'll have to write a few non erotics to lose the nic—blame it on the porn prose I've been putting out on the story side ;)

Any ways, I thank you kindly Eve, for the mention and the read.

who thinks
short lines
are cool
I'll have to write a few non erotics to lose the nic—blame it on the porn prose I've been putting out on the story side

Forget about the nic--I wanna know what's doin with that AV, lol. It's frightening. :p
Re: 8-12

WickedEve said:
I didn't really see anything from a "new" poet that grabbed me. the face remains the same by msnomer68 has a nice enough idea behind it. I'd like to see it reach its full potential, though. Give it a read and see what you think. Maybe you'll have some suggestions for the poet.

The remaining poems I'll mention are by the board denizens.

Thanks for the mention Eve....always good to see you are still around here and spending time too

Razz :D
Angeline said:
Forget about the nic--I wanna know what's doin with that AV, lol. It's frightening. :p
:D Frightening? I thought it was funny. The gator wearing people shoes.

neonurotic said:
:D Frightening? I thought it was funny. The gator wearing people shoes.

Oh, so that's what it was doing. I was feeling the same way as ange. I thought something sinister was going on with that gator.
Frightening? I thought it was funny. The gator wearing people shoes.

I know, I'm a Yankee. I gotta work on my Cajun humor! And now you have his girlfriend's pic up. How sweet. :D

Hey, she took Eve's apple! :p


If I don't stop, she be wearin' *my* shoes, lol.
Angeline said:
I know, I'm a Yankee. I gotta work on my Cajun humor! And now you have his girlfriend's pic up. How sweet. :D

Hey, she took Eve's apple! :p


If I don't stop, she be wearin' *my* shoes, lol.
I noticed. The scaly bitch!
gator shoes?

WickedEve said:
Oh, so that's what it was doing. I was feeling the same way as ange. I thought something sinister was going on with that gator.

I thought it was symbolic for something much much deeper....a metamorphosis from reptile to human perhaps? or regressing to something not quite human...

"class, your assignment for today, take neo's last AV and write a 50 word essay on what you think it means...;)
Re: gator shoes?

Maria2394 said:
I thought it was symbolic for something much much deeper....a metamorphosis from reptile to human perhaps? or regressing to something not quite human...

"class, your assignment for today, take neo's last AV and write a 50 word essay on what you think it means...;)

"Tiring of our cold scaliness,
we taught our blood to warm,
our covering to smoothen,
our brains to grow.
Filled the empty cells with modernity.
Finding an un civil state
we relearned the art
of returning to the water
chilling and scaling over
to cover ourselves.

At least some did." 50
Re: Re: gator shoes?

BooMerengue said:
"Tiring of our cold scaliness,
we taught our blood to warm,
our covering to smoothen,
our brains to grow.
Filled the empty cells with modernity.
Finding an un civil state
we relearned the art
of returning to the water
chilling and scaling over
to cover ourselves.

At least some did." 50

thats really cool, Boo :) and if you apply it to life, its realy deep too... thank you :rose:
Re: Re: Re: gator shoes?

Maria2394 said:
thats really cool, Boo :) and if you apply it to life, its realy deep too... thank you :rose:

LOL TY Maria! It's evolution... and I was mostly thinking of the male of the species!

"She said all men were snakes
so he shed his scales
and warmed his blood.

He slithered close to her
(warm bloods do that too)
and whispered "I love you"

She spread to share his love
he whispered once again
"tell me- who's your daddy?"

She shrieked! He freaked!
I thought it was symbolic for something much much deeper....a metamorphosis from reptile to human perhaps? or regressing to something not quite human...

Neo's a very nice man (with uh interesting taste in shoes), but I'm too dayum burned out from poems to write any essays! Besides I went to school for so long, my friends were starting to sneer and call me a lifer. From now on, it's the school of hard knocks for me (like it wasn't already).

And Boo babes...good poem. Very erm symbolic. :D :rose:
i am in such arrears with my gratitude lately all i can do is apologize and catch up so please indulge me for a moment...thank you angeline for your support and commentary on "road to ruidoso" know how much i value your opinion...and thanxxx lauren for mentioning "slithering panties" (although i should have used 'aroused' instead of 'awakened' twice, my bad) and "isnt it funny"...and to wicked eve for "apples and oranges", and her sharp eyes and encouraging comments on "extremely strong attraction" (botched the title didnt i), and for everything else too...and maria im sure i owe you a debt of gratitude in there somewhere so thank you too......i admire and enjoy reading all of your own verse, and the feedback i receive from all of you is taken to heart...and thank you too ssilversong for taking the time to let me know what you think...i hope i didnt miss anyone...steve.
Happy Wednesday

Mostly and average day in Lit-Land. :) I found: Stuffed Bears, A Sad So long, Fickle Muse, 60's music zen, Morning WooHoo, Belated Happy New Year, First time Threesome, Inquisitive Lusting, Failure to Communicate, Snuggling, Feeling, and a Wondering Writer.

There's only a dozen, so go see for yourself what they say and who says it best.
I don't know if ruidoso is a real place or if he is describing the next generation of care bears.
Some names and descriptions were fun to say aloud, like: "a pensive pipesmoking vincent van g'oso"
Review the entire product line in there are bears in ruidoso by steve porter

Most who write should relate to
when the pen runs dry by WriterDom
(Too short to quote, and actually, I think it could be a bit shorter/tighter.)

For the hippies in the crowd, try
those really were by BooMerengue

I had nothing but all the answers
And my four-hose water pipe
Now I have anything I want
'those were the days, my friend
we thought they'd never end'
Mary was right."

I liked this stanza from
Goodbye Old Friend by champagne1982
One last romp through fields,
Drifting through the
Berry patches as they
Fade dying.
Angeline said:
I know, I'm a Yankee. I gotta work on my Cajun humor! And now you have his girlfriend's pic up. How sweet. :D

Hey, she took Eve's apple! :p


If I don't stop, she be wearin' *my* shoes, lol.
Y'all are really, very silly :p thanks made me laugh on a less than wonderful day.

who still thinks
short lines
are cool
I am always amazed anew when a simple phrase grabs me

"My doggy will be sorely missed."

That choked me up!

TY Steve! I had fun writing that and could have gone on much longer- so many events- so many great tunes! Actually, I think I will... but I'll keep it to myself!! I love y'all's encouragement!

uhhh... How do I find that road to Ruidoso? Sounds like an adventure I missed somewhere along the way!

The Passing of a Best Friend

champagne1982 said:
Thankyou, OT. I wanted something beautiful to send my friend off with. My doggy will be sorely missed.
May I offer a few more poetic thoughts.
Old Dogs Do Not Die, Author unknown

We have a secret, you and I,
That no one else shall know,
For who, but I can see you lie,
Each night, in fireglow?
And who but I can reach my hand
Before we go to bed,
And feel the living warmth of you
And touch your silken head?
And only I walk woodland paths,
And see, ahead of me,
Your small form racing with the wind,
So young again, and free.
And only I can see you swim
In every brook I pass.
And, when I call, no one but I
Can see the bending grass.

By Alexander Pope

When wise Ulysses, from his native coast
Long kept by wars, and long by tempests toss'd,
Arrived at last, poor, old, disguised, alone,
To all his friends, and ev'n his Queen unknown,
Changed as he was, with age, and toils, and cares,
Furrow'd his rev'rend face, and white his hairs,
In his own palace forc'd to ask his bread,
Scorn'd by those slaves his former bounty fed,
Forgot of all his own domestic crew,
The faithful Dog alone his rightful master knew!

Unfed, unhous'd, neglected, on the clay
Like an old servant now cashier'd, he lay;
Touch'd with resentment of ungrateful man,
And longing to behold his ancient lord again.
Him when he saw he rose, and crawl'd to meet,
('Twas all he could) and fawn'd and kiss'd his feet,
Seiz'd with dumb joy; then falling by his side,
Own'd his returning lord, look'd up, and died!

Young and Old
from The Water Babies
WHEN all the world is young, lad,
And all the trees are green;
And every goose a swan, lad,
And every lass a queen;
Then hey for boot and horse, lad,
And round the world away;
Young blood must have its course, lad,
And every dog his day.

When all the world is old, lad,
And all the trees are brown;
And all the sport is stale, lad,
And all the wheels run down:
Creep home and take your place there,
The spent and maimed among:
God grant you find one face there,
You loved when all was young.
Charles Kingsley
bears of ruidoso

To OT, Boo, and anyone else who's interested...the bears are quite real (carved and painted but not stuffed) as is the town of ruidoso which is in the sacramento mountains of south central New Mexico...the decorated bears is a public art project of the Ruidoso Arts Commission which will culminate with an auction on October 4, so you can take one home if you really want to...if you want to see them just go to ...or go to ruidoso like i did...have fun...steve.
new poems 8/14/03

Only eleven new poems today, with a few worth mentioning, so I shall.

By far, my favorite poem of the day was

Tasty Licks by denis hale ©

He took an overused metaphor and just curled it around my libido. Wow. I won't excerpt, because I want you all to read all of it! I am gonna have to take a cold shower...

For some reason, I am not taken with all of RazzRajen's poetry. The few I like, I really really like, but I feel he could use someone else looking at his stuff and helping him tighten it up, because there are gems in every single poem.

For example, today's poem Struggles, has some lines in it that are inspired. But then, some left me cold. I nearly stopped reading when I read the first line:

Mornings are fun

but the next two lines are wonderful

light blue taking over the deeper shades of the night
as it regurgitates the day

And it's merely an opinion, but I think some polishing could bring out some of those sparkles...

(And by the way, I love that you actually used a word I had to look up! "Couturier" really is a word! And a good one!)
And one more poem I felt had potential was

messenger by eagleyez ©

Something about it made me read it a few times. But go and read and judge for yourselves.

As always, post any you felt I missed or any opinions that differ. But definitely read, and give feedback!


And here are my spinner picks today.

The Non-erotic poems took 6 spins to re-discover this gem from Xtaabay:

Night of the Koalas

Eucalyptus eulogies
Whisper through leaves
For those who have climbed
Through branches
to Menthol Sky.

Fuzzy chain gangs
Force fed seltzer and cow juice
Until cheesecake compacted itself
With clumps of fur.

Shackled paws shake with woe.



Surprisingly, the Erotic poem only took 3 spins to find this by RisiaSkye.

iron orchid

*for a friend*

A hothouse flower
of the wildest variety,
cymbidia blooms
under unlikely conditions.
No ordinary Rose
no garden's daisy,
her petals drip honey
of sweet poetry and soft kisses.
Thorn pierced,
her silken heart bleeds
sweet nectar
in a ceaseless stream.
A steamy exotic creation,
she will not be crushed underfoot;
her power aches inside,
painfully breeding new growth
to unfurl with the spring.
She is a breed unto herself,
matchless in beauty
waiting to be possessed
by one worthy of her grace.


I love rediscovering poems....

Re: new poems 8/14/03

Cordelia said:
Only eleven new poems today, with a few worth mentioning, so I shall.

By far, my favorite poem of the day was

Tasty Licks by denis hale ©

He took an overused metaphor and just curled it around my libido. Wow. I won't excerpt, because I want you all to read all of it! I am gonna have to take a cold shower...

A woman with excellent taste....Damn, the meanings I can apply to that statement, especially after reading this one.

Angeline, you better make this one a must. A nice cold drink of water will make a fine chaser to heated intoxication of this lyric.

Re: Re: new poems 8/14/03

The_Fool said:
A woman with excellent taste....Damn, the meanings I can apply to that statement, especially after reading this one.

Angeline, you better make this one a must. A nice cold drink of water will make a fine chaser to heated intoxication of this lyric.


Agreed. Angeline would love denis's poem.

And I feel I must mention I disliked the title until I read the poem. Now I think it's perfect!
