new poems

Lauren.Hynde said:
Very slow day at the New Poetry list, but with a couple of poems worthy of your attention:

Red Moon Rising
by neonurotic ©

This is not only a well accomplished poem, it is also visually very appealing. An excellent combination of poetry and graphic art. Follow the link and check it out for yourselves-



Thank you for the mention and the comment Lauren. I wish that I could say that the illustrated submission of this poem went as smoothly as the last one I did when you sent me a walk through last month. :D

Oh well, it's up and if ever anyone has Q's on illustrated poem submissions I can now answer them too.

"artfully messily" yours,
Re: August 20, 2003

Angeline said:
Lots of new stuff today, but only a few appealed. Read for yourself, vote, and give feedback.

Holding, one by RazzRajen is almost more muse than poem but is, as always, beautifully stated.

Thanks Angeline, as ever for the time you take to read and comment.
Its always noticed and appreciated. *S*

Razz :D
posted by Lauren.Hynde

Lauren.Hynde said:
Very slow day at the New Poetry list, but with a couple of poems worthy of your attention:

Seasonal Changes
by RazzRajen ©

At the end of the day, I sit on the verandah

No need to comment. A slightly different approach, this time, slower paced, but as compelling as ever.


Thanks LH....I enjoyed writing that one...See myself there sometimes....rocking the years away.

Razz :D
Re: August 20, 2003

Angeline said:
Then there's unwrapped by Tangerine Sex Dream. I think this is my pick of the day--a poem that is clearly written with a universal message. Who hasn't felt this at one time or another?

how quick we are to forget
the last pain, most recent pain
when new love happens by
I wish I could strangle
this rebellious heart of mine
and leave it alone to wither and die

thank you for mentioning my little piece Angeline. It means a lot, especially from someone who writes so beautifully :)
thank you for mentioning my little piece Angeline. It means a lot, especially from someone who writes so beautifully

My pleasure--I thought it was a beautiful poem. :)
Friday, August 22

My picks for the day~

Beguiling frangrances by RazzRajen.

Razz takes us on a walk that is an olfactory tour. A few of those scents are somewhat less than beguiling, but hey the boy can write so I’ll forgive him. :)

who is that, what is that, where is that,
those flowers
and beckon
nodding glances and sweet allure
an escape to a
Happy time

private press by darkmaas

What a yummy little poem from my dear friend darkmaas, who seems beguiled by the heady smell of printer‘s ink. Photo my gravure and damp press me some bembo, baby.

or maybe palatino
ink black and press
into moist hand laid
like tattoo into flesh
then bound
in thai silk

Fly by tmt

I’m not sure where tmt was going with this one, but I very much liked reading it.

Sitting lone not lonely
Does your brain become a little dog
Chasing its’ tail round and round
Sometimes I talk out loud
I used to fly in some odd past life
Maybe we all did

salt weave by svelte walker

Just some wonderful word play here. Love that last line.

sugar is queen
like wasp, as
wicket nasty

paste by air2o.

This is an odd little poem that I enjoyed.

white patty cake
powder dust
finger press
small back
little pain

Café au lait Casanova by neonurotic

Well, I’ll let y’all read mr. neo’s poem in toto as posted, lest I screw up his formatting, but suffice it to say that when his writing is inspired (as it generally is of late), we now uh know where he’s been. :D

Have a wonderful weekend, dear poets.
Re: Friday, August 22

Angeline said:
My picks for the day~

Beguiling frangrances by RazzRajen.

Razz takes us on a walk that is an olfactory tour. A few of those scents are somewhat less than beguiling, but hey the boy can write so I’ll forgive him. :)

Lovely words from a lovely person....
Many thanks Angeline Tho' at My age it feels quaint to be called a boy Laughing and chuckling at that image.....

Razz :D

< spelling errors corrected>
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Lovely words from a lovely person....
Many thanks Angeline Tho' at My age it feels quaint to be called a boy Laughing and chuckling at that image.....


My dear Razz, my mother always said take a compliment like that and run with it, lol.

:) :rose:

Angeline said:
My dear Razz, my mother always said take a compliment like that and run with it, lol.

:) :rose:

What direction would she have meant...
Towards or away

Sometimes when One sits
and only Watches
trifles pass by, who would
look and why

Sometimes When One sits
and only Listens
diatribes float away
who would listen
and why

often tho', when One sits
and pays attention
One hears the warblings
on becalmed air
tugging at strings that
Pull push and bind

Razz :p
Re: Friday, August 22

Angeline said:
My picks for the day~

Café au lait Casanova by neonurotic

Well, I’ll let y’all read mr. neo’s poem in toto as posted, lest I screw up his formatting, but suffice it to say that when his writing is inspired (as it generally is of late), we now uh know where he’s been. :D
Have a wonderful weekend, dear poets.
:p Thanks for the mention Angeline

Thank-you Angeline

Photo my gravure and damp press me some bembo, baby.

Ooooooh. The review is better than the poem. She ain't no blonde bembo.

Respectfully ink spotted.

is all there is
no life of bliss
is getting bigger
has nearly overcome me
there is nothing more than
So now I even the score
is now wasting away
is now quiet
is the end.
Saturday, August 23, 2003

There are fifteen New Poems today, but regrettably, not much to note.

Roamingsubbie seems to be having a lot of fun with four-line poems. I think they would make a better single piece than to have them broken into disjointed thoughts as they are. This is just my opinion of course.

There's a sweet work by MelanieK that's worth reading.

Ode to Sally
I know the sighs within you
Say I’m yours, and you are mine.

There's an even sweeter one by RazzRajen you should take a moment to sink your teeth into.

Clouds and Mangoes
succulent, ripe
That aroma unmistakable
slice it and the juices flow, tantalising and sweet
Bite and they flood the mouth,
dribble down the chin,
and Pool on My chest matting Me hairs

My spinner choice comes from Illustrated Poetry and is a pretty pussy story titled Four Walls by Chicklet that's too short to sample here and has a wonderful photo attached making it worth your while to visit and read.

Don't forget to vote!
Here's to you, Carrie! A toast with well--what else--a little Roderer Cristal, I think (only the best for me and my pals--especially when it's virtual, lol). The reviews are excellent. Thanks for pitching in. You're a doll!

(furtively adds your name to "people to beg for help" list) :D
Re: Saturday, August 23, 2003

champagne1982 said:
There are fifteen New Poems today, but regrettably, not much to note.
. . .
Don't forget to vote!
I agree with your statement and your choices, Bruit. ;) I think I would add one more to the ones worth reading today. I also liked bio by air2o.
she insists on wearing gloves for pointing
”these are my pointing gloves”
then kicking dirt

she would grab stalks
of thin lady legs
and wrap them where she wanted
she said it was a crown of crowns,
”that’s my crown of crowns”
she proclaimed

it became fashionable to proclaim

on her list of things to ponder
other people, their mortality, her view
straight down her own naked body
standing too near an active volcano
while companions shouted her name
drowned in lava crisping, their concern

the night she dies
is beautiful

as was
the twelve noon
she squirted into
Betsy the midwife
gloved hands
considering her surroundings

her father drove a white snub nosed Isuzu away,
good bye daddy

she did not buy
but earned
the respect
of gun runners
and grocers

mother liked kicking dirt

Regards, Rybka
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Angeline said:
Here's to you, Carrie! A toast with well--what else--a little Roderer Cristal, I think (only the best for me and my pals--especially when it's virtual, lol). The reviews are excellent. Thanks for pitching in. You're a doll!

(furtively adds your name to "people to beg for help" list) :D

MMM Champagne and crystal ... Can we have berries and chocolate too?
Re: Re: Saturday, August 23, 2003

Rybka said:
I agree with your statement and your choices, Bruit. ;) I think I would add one more to the ones worth reading today. I also liked bio by air2o.

Regards, Rybka

Rybka: on third reading I was finally struck with the impact of this poem. So to all poetry lovers, give this one the time it needs to strike you.

air2o: my fervent apologies you didn't make it through the first cut. I excercise my ancient perogative and change my mind.
new poems on 8/24/03

Today we have 13 new works and one “spinner”. Here is the "oldie" that I found for this Sunday. (It took two days to find this poem.)

I finally settled on this poem by SweetT because I couldn’t spin-up anything better. Dreamless
my soul flickering
with winter sun reflecting
as hope fades away
recurring nightmare
trapped between moonset and dawn
in time stars are gone
branches motionless
crisp wind stirs as birds rehearse
earth refreshed again

Let us start today's new poems with hue by Maria2394. Very nice as usual, but I would tighten it up just a little bit.
I'm not complaining
just relaying
my thoughts and feelings
to you
yesterday is like saltwater taffy
stuck to my teeth
it's sweet
but hurts my fillings
although it never meant to
Next in line with chimed, I'm sure is smithpeter. Worthwhile reading as usual.

Three and four are rain by air2o and champagne1982 ‘s August both writing on the same dry subject.

I usually don’t like what passes for “erotic” poetry on Lit., but today I am attracted to born of flesh chromed by wespeak.
full fleshed paraphernalia
with a name and everything
capable of walking across rooms
eye balling,
whistling and whizzing

now tucked beneath dusty springs
because she's back to basics
tired of strings and things
but hide away fingers,
his other attachments
deeply attract her need
for a warm apparatus
Finally there is a slice of life from steve porter. the colonel always comes in late has at least a kernel of truth to it for those almost old enough to hide their own Easter eggs. :)
the colonel always comes in late
after the crush of the noontime rush…
crowds and noise make him nervous…
hes a pleasant enough white-haired man
repeating the routines he remembers

As usual, you are strongly advised to go read today's New Poetry, make up and voice your own mind. I am sure I have missed some poems that you may really like.

Regards,                                 Rybka
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again you say nice things.
It makes one feel as though it's all worth while.
Re: new poems on 8/24/03

Rybka said:
Let us start today's new poems with hue by Maria2394. Very nice as usual, but I would tighten it up just a little bit. Next in line with chimed, I'm sure is smithpeter. Worthwhile reading as usual.

Rybka [/B]

:rose:Yes Rybka, you do say nice things, even about sticky, sappy, lost in self pity love poems :) Thanks for the kind words and I would be happy to look at any suggestions you have for the tightening ;) maria