new poems

Re: New Poems Friday 29th August

darkmaas said:
An extremely quiet day on the new poems desk. In fact the excitement on the fresh poetry front is in the threads not the "new poems". Destinie21 has blessed us Ephemeral by RazzRajan offers up a baroque medley of "The Birds", Mother Earth and dark melancholy. (The 5+++ at the beginning of the last stanza perplexed me, but the poem still works well without it. I'm hoping it's a typo.)

That's all folks. You know the drill. Read, vote and feed back.


darkmaas and all others,

Many apologies That is a typo Have no idea where that 5+++ came from. Will post teh corrections.

Thanks for the mention. you ahve a good way of letting others know what a poem is like.

Razz :D
Actually, no, not "all of us" know the drill.
I know it is probably old hat, to those of you who have 'lived here' a while, but I am new, and have posted a new poem. Unlike the stories section, I see the poems section is just sort of a jumble.
That is the link...I am also unfamiliar with how to use the gizmo's on this site...
So sorry, AmericanWench

The poetry sections are a jumble 'cause there are only two classes of poetry in the literotica universe. The "new poems" thread is one way to improve on that. Basically, volunteers read the daily new poems and offer a "review" of what caught their fancy. It's not true critique, since the author has not asked for it, and it is subjective.

The drill (read, vote and feed back) is simple. When you open a poem page, that gets logged as a "read" which is encouraging to the author. At the bottom of the page you have the option of voting. Another chance for feedback to the author. Voting is a mixed blessing though. The best thing is to take the time to send instant feedback to the author. That takes time and alas, few do.

Regarding the "gizmos", I might suggest a visit to Lauren.Hynde who knows everything.

So, once again, welcome and please post more poems and comments to the threads (and work off that pesky virginity).

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Sábado, 30 de Agosto de 2003

Today we have twenty-eight new poems, by sixteen authors and my first recommendation, if you have thirty/forty minutes to spare, would be to go and look at them all. I was really surprised by the readability of almost all of today's offerings.

4 homeless poems
by smithpeter ©


she dovetailed her hair
slicked it, just this once
for my whim

contained it cap bound hail
some baseball league minor
but oh so erotic the pitch
the score


Hurry and read before I grab and take 'em home with me. Welcome back, sp. :kiss:

A Hungry Lover
by 7thsonoferos ©

I need to nibble
On your ripe grapes,
To suck honey from
Your golden rich bowl;
I am hungry to eat
your beautiful rolls
With a spot of butter
In the center with jelly;

You all know how much I love this guy's p-poetry, but I have to admit this one was pretty good. She Showed Me Her Pussy doesn't suck ass either: it's a cool little story, tangible. A very nice change from his previous line of work.

I'm trying hard not to say anything about Pussy Eating Changed My Life and My Lover Won't Eat Me as to not to ruin the illusion...

there's poetry in that ass
by steve porter ©


there should be sexy ass odes and
anal elegies to that tantalizing tail
there should be sad ballads and
playful puns for those buns
soulful sonnets and haiku satoris
there should be tears and torment
and monuments of adoring words
and the creamy curvy cheeks
of that awesomely alliterative ass


C'mon, do I really need to comment to make you want to check it out? :D

Sensory Longing
by Camille Savage ©

The memory of a touch,
Lingers on my skin.
It’s not quite real
But yet, not imagined.
It haunts me oh so much.


This poem could use a little work; some of the rhymes seem a bit forced, the structure is only so-so; but still, I enjoyed reading it very much, and the concept is appealing. It was also Camille's first poetry submission, so I think we can expect good things from this author.

Untitled 1
untitled 2
Untitled 3
For K
Same Old Familiar
Hip Hop
Miss Understand
The Only One
by destinie21 ©

The things I’d write would be the seeds to fertilize the minds of those who don’t read the lines written in the Times
If it sparks the mind of just one who hears it
and it’s truth creates a stink
in this perfect rosy world that we have been
taught that in we exist
Then it was worth it

Darkmaas was right. Reading destinie's poems is a pleasure and I'm glad she decided to post them. They may not always be clean cut, but they have a definite energy, a rhythm, that is very worthy of attention. I wish she would submit some of these poem as audio. They would gain a lot.

T Time
by Maria2394 ©

tease me or don’t
I won’t take the time to care
you’ve been away too long now
gone too long, gone too far
too far gone for me to care


Another poem I enjoyed, about desillusion and lost love. The structure could do with a little tightening up, but it's all good. :)

She is so strong
by AmericanWench ©

"She is so Strong" they would whisper, as I walked into a room, after having bore and buried my son in a span of 11 days.....

Formally, it seems like something went wrong with this poem. The content is amazingly powerful, and even though I agree with what Eve said in another thread about the Master bit, I also understand where it came from. Just wish the transition would have been better... Still, a good poem.

The Doc in Self-Analysis
by neonurotic ©

I buried them both, but they aren't dead.
Never have and never will be.
It's hard to forget first loves and newborns.
I'm cryin' and dyin' a little each day.
Stained in sadness,
Can't forget just quite yet.
      "Other than that, I can fake happy."


This is, probably, my favourite poem of the day. It's got a certain edge and a dark humour I always like to see in a poem (or in anything else).

Near Now Nigh
by Rybka ©

I'm not going to quote Rybka's poem as not to ruin its layout. It's a very simple poem, and at the same time, also the more intricately woven. Read it and make up your mind.


I thank you.

what is a kiss between admirers?
much. And a privileged anointment
better sloppy but dropped in ocean
crossing and dipped in capping waves
dragged through the window of
curiosity to finally rest
covered in seaweed and flotsam
messing the table cloth
still worth kissing
my tulips emerge
Posted a couple of strange ones today. Not poems really. Sorry if they are out of place. Didn't know where else to post em. Just visions I needed to share......
Chieftan and Archangel are their names. IF they even approve em for posting, that is! lol
Re: Sábado, 30 de Agosto de 2003

Lauren.Hynde said:

Near Now Nigh
by Rybka ©

I'm not going to quote Rybka's poem as not to ruin its layout. It's a very simple poem, and at the same time, also the more intricately woven. Read it and make up your mind.

Thank you for the mention Lauren. :rose:
You are right, it is a simple poem. It developed because of a conversation I have been having with a certain anthropologist type person. :)

I have a question for those who read this string. Originally the last lines of my poem were:
"In times
                Of now not yet"

It was inadvertently changed in posting (my fault). The question is which ending do you prefer?

Lauren, seeing you had 28 to review today, I hope tomorrow will be light for me. :)

Regards,                                 Rybka.

ps: My favorite of the day was the middle of smithpeter's poem group.

almost every day
in Spring
I bring things
from far away garage
to house

then, in Fall
I pull them aside
until first snow, at
latter day thaw
I haul everything back
to far away garage
through drifting
snow filling my slippers

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Lauren.Hynde said:

The Doc in Self-Analysis
by neonurotic ©

I buried them both, but they aren't dead.
Never have and never will be.
It's hard to forget first loves and newborns.
I'm cryin' and dyin' a little each day.
Stained in sadness,
Can't forget just quite yet.
      "Other than that, I can fake happy."


This is, probably, my favourite poem of the day. It's got a certain edge and a dark humour I always like to see in a poem (or in anything else).

... and I thank you Lauren for the mention—it is much appreciated.

new poems on 8/31/03

Today we have 14 new submissions and one “spinner”..
Here is the "oldie" that I found for this Sunday. (It took an indefinite number of spins to find this poem.) I only wish HomerPindar had not broken down and explained it afterward. :)
Pi in Hades
Perhaps, lost wandering Hades,
the once famed mage Pythagoras
ponders between myth and what is,
"What fine line lies between the indefinite,"
but his thoughts are cut short, "Oh, sir,"
interrupts a small demon, "time for your comeuppance."

The poem first up for this last day of August is. . . well, actually there is no poem worth recommending today (IMHO), nothing above average for the board, nor for the familiar authors whom I look forward to reading. :(

ScottishChieftan presents two offerings of what I consider descriptive prose rather than poetry. If you like depictions of antique battles and gore, you may enjoy these. If not click on his name and go read some of his other work.

I really like RazzRajen and often he hits it dead on, but sometimes it seems that he needs to spend more time with a piece. I find this to be the latter, and rather weak for Razz. Certainly he has written far better. Perchance it is a result of too much quantity? Question: Razz, how long do you wait after finishing a poem before you submit it?

I may be wrong about air2o ‘s offering. I admit that I do not understand it, but like the other two authors I know that she has done better. Click on her name and see.

The rest of the works are mainly personal rants or prose, or both. There are some attempts at poetry, but most belong to the “you done me wrong” or the “cock & cunt, let’s fuck” schools of drivel so prevalent on this site.

As usual, you are strongly advised to go read today's New Poetry, make up and voice your own mind. I am sure I have missed some poems that you may really like.

Regards,                                 Rybka
thank you

we are happy just because of mention

poems come to us because of life and strife and joy.
we consider all as fodder for poetry

Rybka is animal
taking slice
he bites
he roles like a dog
in selfish best parts
the morsels most fragrant
as a dog we know rolls in fish
scent fragrant and wholesome

damn good stuff, when poets,
animals and concepts roll against
other each behind/beyond
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Re: Sábado, 30 de Agosto de 2003

Lauren.Hynde said:
[4 homeless poems

T Time
by Maria2394 ©

tease me or don’t
I won’t take the time to care
you’ve been away too long now
gone too long, gone too far
too far gone for me to care


Another poem I enjoyed, about desillusion and lost love. The structure could do with a little tightening up, but it's all good. :)

Thnak you for the mention Lauren :), and I will take a look at the structure. Sometimes, very often, in fact, I see something days later that should have been so obvious :) appreciate the time and encouragement, :rose:
Re: New Poems Friday 29th August

darkmaas said:
An extremely quiet day on the new poems desk. In fact the excitement on the fresh poetry front is in the threads not the "new poems". Destinie21 has blessed us with several poetic "rants". You can't miss them. I took the liberty (in lieu of a spinner) of looking in her archives. The first poem I read was Burnt Coffee and let's just say it made me smile and hit the early morning spot. Go read her stuff.


thank you.

I tend to rant so keep that in mind

Regards D21:rolleyes:

Do my eyes decieve?

As long as theres tests, there will be prayer in schools

Those words jumped out at me, as I've read them many many times.

I have to ask, to what degree are the writers/poets here held accountable?

I hate to sound judgemental...but I really do want to know. Being new here, I'd like to know to what extent, if any, is a writer allowed to plagerize someone else's words?

Perhaps, those words were meant to be in quotation marks, and had they been, I would not question, but they were not.

I really don't think that qualifies as plagiarism. When one writes a poem, it's not uncommon to use loose phrases from various other sources. What's important is to know if the final result of the poem is new and original--not each individual verse.

Sometimes you read a sentence that will move you to write a poem that will go on a totally different direction; you can write a poem entirely using verses of other poems, song titles, newspaper headlines, porn sites banners. The use of quotation marks or not is simply a layout decision, and most times they don't need to be there.

In this particular case, even the style of poetry destinie writes is prone to this sort of things: it's basically aural, improvised, fast paced, making extensive use of found verses. The first verse of that same poem is In god we trust. It's normal for this type of poetry to be triggered by and associate several of these common-sense or found phrases. It has nothing to do with plagiarism.

I've written a few poems where I've used this sort of thing. In Prodigal of Blue, for example, the last verse was written by Dante. In Fernando Pessoa, the third was written by Borges. The last verse in At Goethe's House isn't mine either. Does this mean these poems are less original and less mine?
I don't think that paying tribute to another writer in one's own work is plagiarism. If it were, everyone from James Joyce to T.S. Eliot (both of whom use lines from Shakespeare without citing him) and on and on would be guilty of it. I often use bits of lyrics or phrases to pay tribute or evoke a certain response from my reader. I see that as very different from intentionally trying to suggest that I wrote someone else's words--I want my readers to get the reference.
Do my eyes decieve?

As long as theres tests, there will be prayer in schools

Oh lord I wasn't going to respond at first as the thought seems midly asinine but since I recived an Anon. Email WIth almost the exact same pharse I"ll say this.

First off if you've heard the pharse many times , as stated. I'd like to know if it was always from the same person? if not were all the aforementioned parties guilty as well? also if you're going to use the plagerism that loosely then anyone who puts I love you in a poem letter or piece of literature has thereby plagerized. In anycase I'd like to say since plagerism is taking a pre existing idea or work and passing it off as new or your own then every poet/writer is a plagerizer, unless you can telll me of a new idea that is not already written or thought about.

Regards D21
Re: new poems on 8/31/03

Rybka said:
I really like RazzRajen and often he hits it dead on, but sometimes it seems that he needs to spend more time with a piece. I find this to be the latter, and rather weak for Razz. Certainly he has written far better. Perchance it is a result of too much quantity? Question: Razz, how long do you wait after finishing a poem before you submit it?

Regards,                                 Rybka

To answer your question, dear Rybka, Sometimes no time at all and sometimes a few days. Depends on the way I feel when I have written it. Most often its a tap that opened and I wrote ; then closed and it was done. Then I rarely look at it again.

Maybe I should but then I would months later to see if I still like the way I wrote it.

As I suspect many do, I just pour out the thoughts and put a little bit of Me into the work and the words.

Sometimes they work - sometimes they don't.

a diety of trash

that does it.
thank you very much
I hope all conversation of
Plagiarism is done
again, thank you very much
I have a dream.
not a night mare, not worth riding
but bareback on a Campbell’s soup can
Can Can
Plagerism (sic)?

destinie21 said:
Do my eyes decieve?
. . .

Regards D21
Give me ambiguity or give me something else.

Snowmen fall from Heaven unassembled

Plagiarism??? (and misspellings too?)
Do my eyes deceive? ;)


Regards,                                 Rybka
lol that was a quote from AW I just copied and pasted instead of using the quote button

but I admit I also make spelling errors

imperfect D21

Offending question

Apparently, my question has offended some. As I stated, I am new here, and only wished to clarify what what deems plagiarism ( I looked it up this time...) and what does not.
It probably was wrong, in afterthought to use one author's work as an example, but as I said, for one reason or another, it just jumped out at me.
I cannot apologize for asking a question. Being new to a site, can be difficult, and one is often misunderstood..I also realize having been long standing in other sites, it is difficult for some to remember that they were new once as well.
I will not, however, be pulled into a cat fight, over a's absurd.
My question has been answered, and I thank all of you thoughtfully clarified that for me.
I wasn't offened at all AW.
sorry if I came off as brash it's just my way.
Also though I wasn't offended you may want to watch how you word things. The original post seemed like it was meant to cause affront.

pS: I don't do cat fights
I'm more of a bitch

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Re: Offending question

AmericanWench said:
Apparently, my question has offended some. As I stated, I am new here, and only wished to clarify what what deems plagiarism ( I looked it up this time...) and what does not.
It probably was wrong, in afterthought to use one author's work as an example, but as I said, for one reason or another, it just jumped out at me.
I cannot apologize for asking a question. Being new to a site, can be difficult, and one is often misunderstood..I also realize having been long standing in other sites, it is difficult for some to remember that they were new once as well.
I will not, however, be pulled into a cat fight, over a's absurd.
My question has been answered, and I thank all of you thoughtfully clarified that for me.
Most everyone who frequents this forum is friendly and tolerant, but may I suggest that until you become used to the differing personalities here; you use as many emoticons as you can in order to indicate your intentions? (smiley)

i.e. Would you interpret the above statement differently if I were to replace the "(smiley)" with :mad: vs. :) vs. :rose: ?
FYI, I meant a :rose: or at least a ;) . So there! :p

Please continue to join in the conversations on this forum. We do not all try to draw blood on first encounter. :) :rose: :)

Regards,                                 Rybka

ps: You used an extra "what" in your post. ;)
Monday, 1st of September.

Damn! A new month and my cup runneth over. A nice crop (20, I think) and none that made me weep.

Three poems by air2o. I loved pounce and at the knack. Both poems were lean, spare and nicely ambiguous. The third poem, no truth here, pales a bit next to it's sisters, but is certainly worth a read.

Maria2394 weighs in with two poems. The first got itself a well deserved E, but ever the contrairian, darkmaas much prefered the second. Oh, So Tempting offers us a cure for that most feminine of maladies. Don't read it on an empty stomach.

Maria's poem, hourglass gives us one of the more interesting metaphors for time passing, time wasted, time waiting.
Waterford crystal
measures lost hours
one drop
at a time

Maria and air2o get my vote for today's best, but as I said at the beginning, it was a good day for new poems. Read them all and perhaps even disagree with me. But not before you vote!

Respectfully darkmaas.
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