new poems

I agree

My pick of all of todays poems would have to be by silken_dreammaid . I am not saying that it cannot be improved, but just that I like its potential the best of all the new poems posted today. :) :rose: :)

Regards,                       Rybka
Hello All,
Hope you don't mind if I just jump in here, This seems to be the best place to start.
I really enjoyed Dying stage, by Silken_dreammaid.

Mute scenery stands like sentinels
in tattered and neglected sighs,
frozen with age and rusted,
dust hiding their painted pride,
a grey memorial.

This was my favorite part, My only desire would be a larger contrast between what was, and is. Perhaps just a little more of a peek into what was to add to "their painted pride"

Re: New Poem Picks for 12/19 & 20

Angeline said:

Up Came the Group Sex by JUDO

First comes the stuffing
Of little Nell,
"Oh, dear Santa,
Fill me well!"
She shakes like a dolly
That laughs and cries.
Then comes dear Santa,
Right in her eyes.

Our pal JUDO is up to her usual no good in this hilarious parody of Up on a Rooftop. And if you think little Nell is having a hot Christmas, wait till you read about Will. I can’t wait for Jingle Boob's--er I mean JUDO's-- rendition of Here Comes Santa Claus.

Pbbt! What a good idea. Why didn't I think of it?

* * *

Here Cums Santa Claus!
--- an unapologetic parady ---

[Introductory Chorus]
We were dreaming and waiting
For sleighbells, we'd missed 'em.
Again, just like last year
We'd wait up to kiss him --

jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle…

Cock without a pause, here comes Santa Claus
Right up dormitory row!
Betty and Susan, the blonde cheerleaders
Are putting on quite a show.

Boobs are swinging, Santa's tingling
All is cherry and tight.
Spread your stockings and grab ahold,
'Cause Santa Claus cums tonight.

Bounce that cherry butt onto the next slut
Right up against the wall!
He's got a bag that's filled with toys
For the girls with girls to ball.

Hear them yelling, "Oh my God! It's
Such a beautiful sight!"
Jump in bed and give him some head,
'Cause Santa Claus cums tonight!
And he always does us right!

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Great Thoughts

This is a thread for review and discussion of new poems, but it's certainly not limited to that day's reviewer. In fact, I like the way this thread is opening up some discussion about the day's posts. So please everyone feel free to offer your two cents in a respectful way. :)
What a babe!

There are Homer and Lauren and _Land and OT
Eve and Cordelia, and Rybka, and me
But do you recall, the sexiest poet of all?

JUDO the surfer poet
has a very shapely arse
writes one amazing sonnet
not a line that she can't parse

All of the other poets
dick around with this and that
they know that hot bitch JUDO
writes a poem in seconds flat

Then when Christmas season comes
JUDO goes berserk
while we bake and shop and clean
she's a goddamn poem machine

Does she know we all love her?
and want to fondle her AVs?
Sweet Noel kisses baby
you're the board's delicious tease!
Aww... Thank you, sweetie. And to think you stopped baking cookies just to write that. Kind of makes me extra-buttery inside. lol. Well, Judolph's off to UPS for last minute shipping.

Happy Holidays!
- Judo
You're Welcome Judolph

and I haven't baked a single cookie. In fact I am, even as I write this, glancing guiltily at the 423,231 presents (mostly for my daughter, it appears) that I have yet to lift a finger to wrap.
Oooo... Can you say hand lotion and paper cuts? Good luck, Mama.

- Judo
12/21 Offerings

Filling in today for the lovely Ms. Lauren Hynde of the ailing computer, I found some terrific offerings in what I thought was overall a solid batch of new poems. Here are the ones that stood out for me.

Heated by Romeo Blue

“for each action
there is an equal
and opposite
though they last
only fractions
of moments
still do they
bite into our

Is Romeo Blue a newer poet? How could I have missed this guy? I like the simple subtly of this poem (and the others by him I perused). It illustrates that erotic poetry need not be graphic to be effectively affecting!

Here Cums Santa Claus by JUDO

“Boobs are swinging, Santa's tingling
All is cherry and tight.
Spread your stockings and grab ahold,
'Cause Santa Claus cums tonight.”

Anyone for neighborhood caroling tonight? Add this one to your set, lol.

Night at the Castle by femmepen

“Beasts great and small parade by
not even the gender of their clothes
gives way to what or who they are,
sometimes underneath can’t either.

Like boys of summer their only goal
for this evening is to get home
hopefully not alone or be tagged out
sight unseen.”

femmepen rolls out one strong sustained metaphor after another in this gender bender that captures the nighttime frenzy and morning after letdown of party night. Keep them coming femmepen: great read!

Noccalula Falls by WriterDom

“The Red-tailed Hawk
shares an acrobatic dance
with the Peregrine Falcon
high above the Rosebay Rhododendron
wet from the spray of Noccalula Falls”

I love poems with sensory images so vibrant that you can suspend your disbelief and be in the setting the writer creates. This is one, I think. Take a walk in the Blue Ridge with this poem--you’ll feel it.
Poems of 12/22/02

There were 13 new poems today. Here are three that I find the most interesting.

At the Stroke of Regret by Dirt Man.
Eggshell sky cracks and spills midnight over the city
as stars sprinkle my twilight like silent gawking graves.
Memories poured over the hot coals of remorse
distilled in a lifetime of occupation, and indecision
are little more than flickering fireflies
chased by a lost child.
I am not sure how well all the similes and metaphors blend, but Dirt Man gives us some vivid imagery in this new poem of his. Check it out.

almost understanding by smithpeter.
I understand finally
when a head shakes
side to side it does not always
mean "no"
smithpeter has quite a number of submissions today. In fact, more than half of them are his, And as usual they are all worth reading. However this is the one that "sings" to me the loudest.

night's Eden by Senna Jawa.
in Eden
gardeners sit under the walls
exotic flowers grow in the darkness
wind from the jukebox bends them
gardeners lean forward and sniff
Senna Jawa gives an interesting read as usual, and I like the flow of the words, but someone will have to explain the depth of the poem to me. :)

Regards,                       Rybka
Please, avoid confusion, do not mislead

Rybka, when you quote only a fraction of a poem then indicate that that's what you are doing. You made an impression of quoting the whole of "night's Eden", which was not the case.

For instance, do it as follows:


where "[...]" shows that there was more. (You have cut my poem in a harmful way).

Re: Please, avoid confusion, do not mislead

Senna Jawa said:

That's a good idea.
It would help if all the reviews mention that the poem segments posted are only excerpts. Some that are new to the board may not realize that there is more.
New - 12-23-02

So sorry that I'm late. I was gone almost all day. - Judo ;)
NOTE TO NEWBIES: To see the complete poems and not just these excerpts, click on the links.
Methinks Esha wants to meet the beast.

How many harbor the need within
Ass smacking?
Hair pulling?
Nipple clamping?
Neck biting?

As prose waxes poetic, so goes blue...

The wind, growing more heated, and more fragrant with every passing moment, encircled me,
wrapped itself around me and with a soft urging, lifted me from my rock to follow it along a
narrow path.

A Forested Place
Romeo Blue©
And all the doo-dah day, WD!

before the world stirs
imposing its demands
before the sun
rises over the pines
when most of the inputs
come from waking with you

A Good Morning Fuck
Yeah, well, it made me smile and sigh. Nice sentiment, splashing in the rain like a crazy man.

and my smile
grew bright as
the heavens

and my step

and my tears
flowed for all
to see


I love her

Romeo Blue©
Always intriguing, this thing called man.

you are so far away
a lot of miles under
my tires
it's a way men think

so far
Just a few that struck my eye. - J
Re: thanks judo

smithpeter said:
I hope all havanicehollyday.

I am biased,

a poem I like,
You're so nice, sp. But this still doesn't make up for all your naughtiness. You know you've been a bad boy. And you know what bad boys get, don't you?
Quite a few new poems over the past couple of days.
Think of this post as nag-note to remind you to poke the
new poems page, not just today, but every day.
Poems are better when read fresh, don't ya think?

Here's my notes on a few of them.

What Has Got Rot? by Rybka

The Grinch Lives!
Some good lines and images, and perhaps sadly many truths.
Of the poems I read today, I probably liked this one the best.

Ballad of the Aging Couple by R M Roxinger

A sweet story (I must be getting old, because I can almost relate).


Pain by DarkDreams

This line was just different enough to jump out at me.

"I need your straight to suppress
this beast in me"


cloak room by fingers_larue

So sue me -- I like limericks and fun rhymes.

This one could use some serious tightening but I applaud the effort.
(A few less forced rhymes and a bit more imagination in parts
and who knows, it could become a classic.)

Ecstasy by Malina

Buried in this one is one great line:

"Take your tongue between my legs
Make your time there drag"

All I want for Xmas is a quickie by silken_dreammaid

And finally, in the spirit of Christmas poems on a sex site...


The past few days seem to have been good ones for small poems. I wasn't looking for a pattern, but it struck me that each of these poems worked in a simple, quiet way.

Coffee Break by silken_dreammaid

Anticipation of the taste,
soft acridity the first sign,
smoothing out into pleasure,
the lingering flavour quite sublime.

I read this first thing in the morning and it had me running to the kitchen to brew. A nice short descriptive piece from silken_dreammaid.

song-gone by Senna Jawa

i would go and see you long-gone
with my eyelids closed
but i can't drive to you song-gone
with my eyelids closed

i would turn forget you dog-gone
if i only could
but with eyelids closed for so long
i can't help but see ...

Senna Jawa has a wonderful knack for making poems work subtly. A thin sing-song rhythm and the juxtaposition of seeing with the eye and with the understanding make this poem (shown here in its entirety) effective in a simple, understated way.

Triangle by Sultry Siren

I do not ask you to give her up--
You, who thrill to the touch of her presence,
Drawn by the magnet of her very essence.

Only one thing I would ask you to do:
Love her less than I love you.

This little poem conveys a world of vulnerability quietly and honestly.
Hi, My name is O.T. and I'm a recovering Alpha-Holic.

Yes, I have a thing for Alphabet Thingies.

Unbeknownst to many, Alphabet Thingies predate sonnets and 4 out of 5 dentists surveyed preferred them over Odes.

This one rhymes and is even a pretty good poem.
Deliberation by Angeline
December 28th

Hello, everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. Thank you for filling in for me last week, Angie. :rose:

I don't know how things have been here lately, but there's a shitload of new poems today! That's so great...

Some that caught my eye, from the New Poetry page:

A Woodland Dream
by SleepingBear ©

At night he hears a questing voice in his dreams

A harbinger of disquiet amongst his storm-tossed dreamscape

Quiet questing green eyes are all he discerns

An eye of calm to his troubled soul

He's hunted all the land for those green eyes of his dreams

SleepingBear's a first time poster and, even if there is a lot to improve in this piece (I hope he decides to drop by sometime and post the poem in the critique thread) it introduces some possibilities. An interesting start.

My Bike
by Lovegrrl ©

My brains stretches
I envelope the Universe and talk to the Animals.
My immune system mutates into a monster and
I am impervious.
My skin shines
I never get sick
I kick ass
I swap spit.

Another first timer, Lovegrrl comes up with a strong and surprising piece here. Certainly worth the mention.

by Lovegrrl ©

Someone is trying to talk to me about Nuclear Waste and
Yucca Mountain
It's a serious issue, but overwhelming
So instead of paying attention to that
I'll give give in to the tug.
It's easier.

Lovegrrl yet again--she posted quite a few poems today--arguably her best.
Clara's Stone
by smithpeter ©

they grow
they plant flowers
wherever there is dirt

poems flow
they float and drift
like smoke

This poem may flow and float, but it isn't made of smoke. Very concrete images, wonderfully delievered. Smithpeter.
Now I am thinking about your freckles
by fleetaft ©

Now I am thinking about your freckles
And your head resting on my chest
Can some disconnect sex from love?
Just go with the flow, so to speak....
It can be a totally satisfying experience though
But not for one like me or YOU

Another new voice. The title alone would be worth the read--karmadog'll have a field day--, but the whole poem's full of nice details and different layers of thought. Very good.

by WriterDom ©

Every poem
carries tone
or not
a toneless teapot
tilted to the left
on a crooked eye
of a faded green oven

WriterDom will probably find it ironic that this poem got mentioned here, but it is so witty and well written, I couldn't help myself... Anything in the world can give place to great poetry.

by WriterDom ©

memories fade
like ripples from a rock
tossed into Harper’s pond
Loves are lost
for whatever reason
and fade into the silent graveyard
of memories better left alone

Doesn't have an E to begin the title, but Laurel thought it deserved one beside it. Congrats, WD :D

Send feedback, vote if you like, but do read. ;)
Re: December 28th

Lauren.Hynde said:
Now I am thinking about your freckles
by fleetaft ©

Now I am thinking about your freckles
And your head resting on my chest
Can some disconnect sex from love?
Just go with the flow, so to speak....
It can be a totally satisfying experience though
But not for one like me or YOU

Another new voice. The title alone would be worth the read--karmadog'll have a field day--, but the whole poem's full of nice details and different layers of thought. Very good.

Okay, this poem really got me. Not for it's torrid case of sentimentaility or the author's eloquent terms of expression, but in the midst of all of this romantic imagery, he referred to the object of his affection as 'my darlin.'

Ah, to be in the arms of a cowboy poet when they finally speak.

- Judo
Another worth reading

I kinda hate to give it a "thumbs up", :D but I thought Ode To Sylvia by Imagica shows a lot of potential for a new (I think) poster. It is very unusual for an "erotic" poem in that it is not hackneyed and full of worn-out phrases, and also in that I liked it. :)
Sylvia once wrote so eloquently,
"My Thumb instead of an onion
Red Coats marching one by one..."
Her severed appendage hanging by a thin
Sheen of skin, served as a reminder

Regards,                       Rybka
Yeah, Rybka. I like that too. It's uneven, but interesting the whole way through.
Thanks, K dog!

I love to go down to the schoolyard and watch all the little children jump up and down and running around yelling and screaming...
They don't knowing I'm only using blanks.
Emo Philips

Little children scream
only they don't know
I'm just using blanks

Regards,                       Rybka
New Poems of 12/29/02

Out of the 25 new poems today, there are many that will give karmadog bones with much meat for his "titles" thread, and both smithpeter and Senna Jawa give us several new works.

Among Sunday's offerings, here are the ones that caught my attention.

who are you? by Senna Jawa.
red eyes
like a newspaper
at the door of a neighbor
will greet
a new day
in the morning
Of the several that SJ gives us today, I bring this one forward because I like the image I quoted. :)

Seasons echo in your eyes by silken_dreammaid.
Autumn falls across your eyes,
a rich depth of years passing.
Mellow silences in which I see,
memories of rain and sun;
the seasons echo in your eyes.
This is an engaging little example of the "seasons" metaphor. Nothing profound, but worth a read.

The betrayal of cybersex by woody54.
I once was a man with a happy life
That was crushed one day by a cybering wife.
She said it was merely fantasy and games
as she fucked these guys with very strange names.
I mention this one primarily because of all the effort that went into writing such a mass of couplets, :) but the theme is interesting also.

room 69 by rosewall.
I do not quote from this one, only offer congratulations and note that it was awarded an "E". I do not know why. "De gustibus non disputandum." :rose:

Regards,                       Rybka
Did the Grinch steal the new poems this morning? I see stories, but no poems.

Ah, there they are. A short list today.
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