new poems

You are most welcome 03

I enjoyed reading it and the others you posted. Welcome to Lit. ;)

Who is supposed to do today? There are some poems worthy of note, and even more if you overlook spelling and other errors (which I do not). - {Why can't people at least use their spell-checker? Is everybody typing their poems directly into the submittal window? Doesn't anyone know how to "cut and paste" a Word file?} :(

I will do tomorrow (1/05/03) as promised, but beware, I am not in a good mood! :)

Regards,                       Rybka
Keeping the Poetry Pilot Light lit, at Lit

Rybka said:
Who is supposed to do today? There are some poems worthy of note,

Caution, general rant ahead, prompted by Rybka's comment,
but not directed at him :)

Just for the record, when we cooked up the idea of a few people taking turns to be the "official reviewer" of the day, the intent was to make sure that at least *someone* posted here on a regular basis. It was not the intent to discourage any old body from just jumping in.

Anyone and everyone is welcome and encouraged to poke in with a pick or two. There is no obligation to do a comprehensive list -- if something floats your boat, a brief post here would be a good thing to do.

While I'm here on my soapbox; A reviewer is just one person, and not making the list should not discourage anyone. Being mentioned here is always cool, but remember that the reviewer is just fellow poet.

To go along with all of the new poems being posted in the past few days, there are probably new readers and new fans as well. Anyone who reads is qualified to jump in here and point out a poem or a piece of poem that struck a chord. I've learned a lot by hearing what others have to say about poems. I don't always agree, but thinking about why I don't agree helps me to grow as a writer (and a reader).

I'll go now.
Re: Keeping the Poetry Pilot Light lit, at Lit

OT said:
Just for the record, when we cooked up the idea of a few people taking turns to be the "official reviewer" of the day, the intent was to make sure that at least *someone* posted here on a regular basis. It was not the intent to discourage any old body from just jumping in.

While I'm here on my soapbox; A reviewer is just one person, and not making the list should not discourage anyone. Being mentioned here is always cool, but remember that the reviewer is just fellow poet.

I'll go now.
OT, weren't you officially approved as a reviewer like the rest of us? We have the stamp of approval. I had mine stamped on my ass. :D
cat's out of the bag

WickedEve said:
OT, weren't you officially approved as a reviewer like the rest of us? We have the stamp of approval. I had mine stamped on my ass. :D

I thought we agreed to keep our kinky little tatoos secret?
Now everyone is going to want one, those who don't want one are at least going to demand a peek :)
January 4th, 2003

OT, of course, is absolutely right. This idea of taking turns commenting was never meant to detract anyone from issuing their opinion at any time. I think it's much more interesting to have different views of the same list. Often some good poems will be overlooked, and de gustibus et coloribus non disputandum.

The ones that caught my attention today:

Life is a Trench
by silken_dreammaid ©

The path of frail planks
that shift and squelch,
define the thin line
of comforting sanity.

A strong poem, with a raw quality that is very appealing and very good word choices. The final stanza is the high note of silken_dreammaid's piece.

perusing a poem
by WriterDom ©

perusing a poem
wading along the verse
looking to see what it will give
or I can take
or whether we even
belong together

An interesting piece that should appeal to every writer. Well worth the read.

by Lana Lae ©

I'm not going to quote any portion of Lana Lae's poem, (partially because I wouldn't know what to quote) but I thought it should be mentioned for the interesting concept. The delivery is a little frail at times, but it's still a good poem.

humility being soup
by 03sp ©

you warmed me with day old soup.
it was chunky and home made
but you live in a factory

a soup factory
that always smells like tomatoes,
celery and leather strapping

Very few times has Laurel's 'E' been so well awarded. 03sp's poem is clearly (at least for me) the best of the day. It also made me think of a quotation that could well apply to the author, except for the gender: "Even though we've never met, she looks eerily familiar, as if we've known her forever."

New Poems of 1/05/03

new poems

There are 23 new poems today with several multiple posts by some newer active poets. At least half of them are worth your time to seek out and read, and the majority actually appear to have been edited! Surprise Surprise!
Here are four of my choices for the day:

A Philosophical Fucking Answer by Imagica ©
Pundits have held posts between
The Wedge of hierarchial profundity.
Diving deeper into the prior Trendy
Phallacious Spewer of Divinity;
This is my pick of the day. The author has some interesting ideas and I do enjoy his choice of words. Today's offering, his second, reminds me in style and content of a coffeehouse reading of some Beat poets and brings back memories. His promulgation of an X version of the Philosophical school of Epicurius (341-270) seems apropos for this venue. :)

Delusions in a high... flying by silken_dreammaid ©
I have wings, you know,
wings of angelic proportions;
see them glow.
silken dreamaid gives us an unusual insight into the mind of... Well, read it and decide. :)

pissing out a kidney stone poem by WriterDom ©
My Muse entertains me
it is easier to type her whispers
than to go digging in the graveyard
for my own dead words ...
Anyone who has ever written and strained for a word should understand this poem. - I only question the next to last line. :)

As Old As by tmt ©
It’s early January
Early Morning
My feet are cold on the bathroom tile
And that’s not my face
Staring at me from the mirror ...
One of tmt's several submissions. - Re the poem: Welcome to the club! ;)

Regards,                       Rybka
This is a great time for this board

Suddenly, we are innundated with wonderful writing from new poets. We have threads appearing where new folks want to discuss poets and ideas about the genre. I think this is very exciting!

Here's a poem from today that I really liked.

Early Morning watching Channel 56 by tmt

I am Abednego
Risen from the flames
Come back from insane
Joshua and job
Had no tougher time than me
On the tv inside this
Tiny room Jesus and
His seventh dimensional mind
Has me prancing like a puppet
Strombolosized by all his wise
And Omni-potent ways
Do all the angels wonder
I hear them whisper just
Behind the tv light
Sometimes they
Call my name

I’m really liking this poet’s work. His writing seems clever and adept to me no matter what form he chooses, and I love the way he plays images across his ideas.
Re: Yes, I can relate here!

MyOpinion said:
pissing out a kidney stone poem
by WriterDom ©
My Muse entertains me
it is easier to type her whispers
than to go digging in the graveyard
for my own dead words
and faster too
typing by direction
rather than facing the dreaded blink
of the curser winking, mocking,
laughing at my blank trance
as I chisel in stone
my sophomoric babble
pissing out a kidney stone poem

Rybka, I took the "my sophomoric babble" to mean the poet's second attempt to write.
I think he meant "juvenile thoughts" etc., but my objection was to its relation to the last line. I'm not saying that something like "sophomoric bladder" works any better, but you see what I mean. The final two lines could be made to mesh better and strengthen the entire poem, as well as increase the relevance of the title.

Regards,                       Rybka
Re: I thought this a good start...

MyOpinion said:
by WriterDom ©

warm thoughts
of spring’s renewal
of the sun’s warmth
calling for new growth
and the spectacle of color
the return of the robins
where green is Queen
and all the chambermaids
bloom in vibrant hues
an end to short gray days
and cold dreary nights

= = = =
where's the rest of it?

I take paypal.
hi's & thank you's

Hi All!

New and incompetent with message boards...smiling...

Just wanted to say thanks Angeline and Rybka for you wonderful comments re:

To have my silly little ravings and long winded rants so warmly recieved by two such fine poet's really made my night (and perhaps my week but we'll have to wait and see on that)

Anyway, la, la, la, please excuse any ignorance or lack of message board etiquette I have shown.

key to the highway

hi folks , i am new to the thread and i just wanted to say Hi and leave one of my own. I f you want please let me know what you think. all repies will be answered.

"We love because it's the only true adventure."/Nikki Giovanni

Within this Slence I once heard hearts break

Do I love this girl. I don’t know why I ask
Ignore the word love it s too slow a show
Just call for an ambulance I feel so damn low
Feeling like a pebble crushed in an old shoe
Lost amongst the funhouse magic illusion blue
She has stirred me and ransomed my mind from me too
What is my dark freewheeling girl seriously assumed?
Why does the cold chill not bother me so much now?

I sit here screaming at this dull peeling-wailing wall
Sad with my frequent birthday drowned museum brain
At a time of innocence a GI Joe retro grade slow burn
Audacious thoughts, climbing ivy beleaguer refrains
We all know it's a circus mirror thing twisted serrated
Sooner or latter one of us breaks down and falls off
It’s all smoke and curtains and not much harm
I'll be there as I promised, if you want. Someday

There is a time if the watchman whistles to jump
Lampposts queuing up and down in rainy sky dreams
The train bells separated by more fair visions unattained
Strained the grayness no longer funny, but soulful blockades
And injured barriers, bleeding into the salt urgent
And on the top of cliff footprints show of light below
There are nests and shelters everywhere room to land
I see no point and peace by being by myself mama

Humming repetitiveness a lamenting chord of uselessness
There is the door, opened but another seems to reveal
Its not hard to see it’s just a two am bloated misdemeanor
No, no one is here awake as nowhere and us self medicated
Love is that a new pair of shoes or a shinny lacquered glaze
Thought I fell into love but it must have been a cold
Lately I think making love is just an unattainable response
Pavlov was right I am just a barking dog waiting to eat
Who is scheduled for Monday? If I don't see something posted soon, I'm going for it. (yes, that's a threat. lol)
Not a Wicked Threat!

Anything but that! I think today is JUDO's day, Eve, though I may be wrong. I hope she's ok--haven't seen her about today. She has done her entry fairly late before though--maybe give her a little more time.

Well, while she's riding a wave I have to mention this one and I'm sure Judo will want to also.

The Stylization of Self
by Lauren.Hynde ©

This is a winning poem in more ways than one. It's the winning poem for the Sexlacious Cold/White contest. I'll be posting that at sexlacious soon. Incredible poem, Lauren!
I'll second that Eve

I had the pleasure of seeing Lauren's poem, The Stylization of Self, shortly before she submitted it, and knew immediately she had the winning entry, not to mention an incredible piece of work. Her appocolyptic vision of technosex in the postmodern world is absolutely stunning. It is chilling and white (in the sense of empty and devoid) in a way that (I think) is both totally unexpected for someone writing about "cold" and "white" and very much against type for her--compared (again IMHO) to her other poems I've seen. (And Lauren writes some pretty amazing stuff when she is in "type.") In this last sense, too--going against the way one typically writes--it is a great model for the rest of us in that it shows the spectacular results to be gained from pushing oneself in another direction.

Lauren, babes? I've embarrassed myself with gushing...but you know I love it!

Last edited:
I agree A. This poem is spectacular! I read it and knew immediately it was an amazing work of art.

Okay, I'm not kissing Lauren's ass anymore... well, no more tonight. :D
One more thing!

Why in the hell isn't there an E beside this poem? It could easily be the best poem on this site. What gives, Laurel?
Wicked and Angie, I'm doing it now. Yes, I'm late. Let's just say I was... Eh, distracted.

- Judo
JUDO said:
Wicked and Angie, I'm doing it now. Yes, I'm late. Let's just say I was... Eh, distracted.

- Judo
NO! Don't tell me you were getting some instead of reading poetry! You're really sick, Judo. (Or am I sick for thinking you were getting some? :eek: )
Oh, thank you so much for the kind words, Wicked and Ange (Umm... I'd never noticed this...). You both made me do it. The Wicked for forcing me out of the stupor and write poetry again after over one month, with her captivating challenge (the best part of writing this was thinking on how to approach Cold and White from an unexpected angle). Ange did much more than just seeing The Stylization of Self shortly before I submitted it. She helped me mold the idea into shape and without her help, the poem would have been quite different. She helped me focus. Like always.

Yes, that's right. I didn't get er... distracted... *sigh* sadly... :eek: