new poems

Re: Monday, 1st of September.

darkmaas said:
Damn! A new month and my cup runneth over. A nice crop (20, I think) and none that made me weep.

Maria2394 weighs in with two poems. The first got itself a well deserved E, but ever the contrairian, darkmaas much prefered the second. Oh, So Tempting offers us a cure for that most feminine of maladies. Don't read it on an empty stomach.

Maria's poem, hourglass gives us one of the more interesting metaphors for time passing, time wasted, time waiting.

Maria and air2o get my vote for today's best, but as I said at the beginning, it was a good day for new poems. Read them all and perhaps even disagree with me. But not before you vote!

Respectfully darkmaas.

Thank you much, Darkmaas, for the mention..and I kinda thought you'd like hour glass better..I am trying to balance my happy with my sad? ..thanks again, maria :rose:
and thank you Rybka for the kind words as well,...even with the tag line ;)
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02-September-2003 (Yesterday)

Seems like Eve didn't have a chance to review yesterday's new poems, so I'll just step in quickly to direct your attention to some poems I enjoyed:

please, be real
by air2o ©

big and broad
with lengths of denim
dragged up
slung over shoulders
draping lettered
t-shirts in language
Portuguese foot balling


little projects
by air2o ©

like phoning my lover
wishing I had a lover
to phone

screwing the two hooks into the lumber
holding the roof over my porch
to hang a little white kerosene lantern
leaves one hook empty
next to africa’s only goat bell


by RazzRajen ©

Happiness is not in worlds outside,
but in ourselves
Not what we see
like a butterfly or feel,
like the burn from a fire
Happiness is what we are


Ravish me
by AmericanWench ©

Ravish me
My warrior bold
Conquer me
mind, body and soul

Take me
force my secrets from me
bringing sweat and truth to surface


Sgt. Calvin Stride
by Tristesse ©

The wind is hot and dry,
Sculpting the drifts of dust,
Nosing the tumbleweed
Into wrestling heaps.

The cottonwood stand,
Left parched,
Fidgets restlessly.

And, somewhere,
A dog howls,
Yearning for mud.


by Tristesse ©

His mouth.

Tasting of the morning brush,
Minty fresh,
Sweetly clean.

As he bends to kiss
I lick
Where remnants of Colgate remain.


Pussy Never Lies
by WriterDom ©

she is prone
lying still over lap
her voice silenced
by the simple gesture
of finger across lips

her fingers dug deep into fabric
her breath registered by heave
of breast cupped in His hand


If I have time, I'll come back to add some comments. In the mean time read them, if you haven't already. ;)
for whatever it is worth, i really liked all the poems listed today, but especially

Ravish Me and Minnows

Thanks, Lauren. I actually had the review almost completed when some problems here at home developed. I never made it back to finish.
New Poems 9/3/03

Only a Few new poems today
This one really piqued my interest with the title and the poem itself turned out to be good too :D

take a right at the elephant by Tangerine Sex Dream
through eyes of bewildered
it often seems
our freedoms are contorted
and twisted and maimed

amended to express truth
in all forms
my truth, your truth
his and hers and theirs

tiers upon layers
embedded,immoral strata
exaggerated momentums
dictate policy and law

perpetual dichotomy
my God! even snowballs
rolling down hills rest...

protect us from the protectors
condoms for all
because, just because
our minds
are pure with lust

distrust is a moldy by-product
of policies enforced
for good of all
and separate good
for those in charge
who are much to quick
to redesign
when fairness seems like flaws

whose idea was it?
end all wars
free healthcare for all
legalized pot, what have we got?
fewer prisons filled
less drug related crime
I can see where that’s a bad idea

and who says sex
in the oral office is bad?
a horny president is better
than a childish marionette
wiggling at the whims
of his father

apathy should be repealed
there oughtta be a law
ignore injustice and hipocrisy
don’t bother to be indignant
they don’t have California

For the Romantics or Those who pine for love American Wench has blessed us with a verse


Closing my eyes
reaching into the depth of my longing
I envision you standing before me

Words typed, now
Your fingers replace
my own

I build a place
in my mind
where you live
no one can reach that place
but you, and I.

Your voice entrances me
Your presence encompasses me
Your fingers touch my very soul.

Your lips on mine
bodies entwined
Desires met and

Once barren
sun beaten

My spirits soar
you bring life to
long abandoned passions

Strength gained
in hope
One day I will open my eyes
and you will be there.

words typed
now spoken
Your fingers replacing my own...

Another poem that caught my interest was Dichotomy by irishcatsmeow

You lead me to the garden
But, I dare not enter.
Forbidden is the pleasure found there.

You take me to the edge
And, do not allow me to move freely.
No more is the precipice without danger.

You ask me to tell you my innermost thoughts
Yet, do not reveal your own.
No longer is the relationship reciprocal.

You want me to see you for who you are
But, do not bare your soul.
Unable to show your true self.

You expect me to give and give and give
While you take and take and take.
Offering nothing in return.

You act as if you are an island
But, provide no passage to your shores.
Remaining isolated and barren.

You desire the truth above all else
Yet, do not analyze your own deceit.
Unable to recognize your own frailty.

These were the ones that I fancied the most but by all means please go to the new poets page and experience all of those posted for yourself. Each writer brings something different to the table. Also please show your appreciation w/feedback and votes

New Poetry :D

ps: To all who do not see their poem on the above list don't worry you haven't been overlooked. I have read all the poems posted for 9/3/03 and will be sending you feedback via the Lit. feedback system
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Re: 02-September-2003 (Yesterday)

Lauren.Hynde said:
Seems like Eve didn't have a chance to review yesterday's new poems, so I'll just step in quickly to direct your attention to some poems I enjoyed:

If I have time, I'll come back to add some comments. In the mean time read them, if you haven't already. ;)

Thanks Lauren for the mention .


Razz :D
Re: 02-September-2003 (Yesterday)

Lauren.Hynde said:

Sgt. Calvin Stride
by Tristesse ©

The wind is hot and dry,
Sculpting the drifts of dust,
Nosing the tumbleweed
Into wrestling heaps.

The cottonwood stand,
Left parched,
Fidgets restlessly.

And, somewhere,
A dog howls,
Yearning for mud.


by Tristesse ©

His mouth.

Tasting of the morning brush,
Minty fresh,
Sweetly clean.

As he bends to kiss
I lick
Where remnants of Colgate remain.

Thanks for the mention Ms. Hynde
New poems 9/4/03

Hello fellow readers.

Pardon the lateness of this review, but the power has only recently returned to my outlets.

I didn't think there weren't too many to rave about in today's new poems, but as usual, go and read and decide for yourselves.

The ones I found worth reading were:

Katrina by AmericanWench

An interesting poem, but not up to the quality of other poems by this poet. However, the subject matter is approached with a nice tenderness. I was touched.
Clinging by princejonny

A disturbing poem, but it contains some vivid and effective imagery. I enjoyed it despite the typo... :)
Pipal Leaves by RazzRajen

A nicely imaged poem. Not my favorite of this poet's, but worth a read.

I may have missed some, so let us all know if there was one I missed!

Read, give feedback, and vote if the spirit moves you.

Thank you

An interesting poem, but not up to the quality of other poems by this poet. However, the subject matter is approached with a nice tenderness. I was touched.

Thank you sincerely, for the mention
Friday, September 5

It's slim pickins today and, were it not for my buddy Maria2394, it would be almost no pickins. She came through though with two most interesting, slice-of-life type poems that together offer criminal justice snapshots (you will understand this only if you read them both). They're both good enough for me to be hard pressed to pick a favorite, too.

gotta ticket anyway is just flat out funny. The following stanza made me laugh out loud.

Cause nothing feels as good
as my hands on your just shaved head
threaten me with a good time
we really don't need a bed

Personally, Maria, I always liked tight jeans and a black t-shirt, but I guess a buzz cut and boots is uh ok, too, lol..

Then there's the rapist: ink blot session 1, which is narrative, illustrated, and creepy/disturbing/funny.

they look like breasts to me
are they? tell me
everything looks like breasts to me
but they are
they are what?
ink blots, silly, not actual breasts

Of course the bonus with this poem is you get to decide what *you* see in Maria's ink-blot illustration. Personally, I see a little voodoo guy from an old Twilight Zone episode, but as you already know, I'm kinda odd. :D

The only other poem that grabbed me was Paradise Lost 1 by Tiger_n_NJ. It reads like a great battle, but would be stronger, IMHO, with a good edit and some introduction to explain why the personified paradise and the storm are going at it in the first place (otherwise it's just a description of a storm). Still the images of a storm attacking the beach are detailed and vividly clear--and to my mind's eye (having grown up near the Jersey shore) really spot on.

Stormy Weather takes a turn for the worse
Debris emerging from great depths
Pounding on the surface
While erosion attacks from below

Read em all poets, then vote and give feedback. Happy weekend everybody. :)
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Re: Friday, September 5

Angeline said:
It's slim pickins today and, were it not for my buddy Maria2394, it would be almost no pickins. She came through though with two most interesting, slice-of-life type poems that together offer criminal justice snapshots (you will understand this only if you read them both). They're both good enough for me to be hard pressed to pick a favorite, too.

gotta ticket anyway is just flat out funny. The following stanza made me laugh out loud.

Cause nothing feels as good
as my hands on your just shaved head
threaten me with a good time
we really don't need a bed

Personally, Maria, I always liked tight jeans and a black t-shirt, but I guess a buzz cut and boots is uh ok, too, lol..

Then there's the rapist: ink blot session 1, which is narrative, illustrated, and creepy/disturbing/funny.

they look like breasts to me
are they? tell me
everything looks like breasts to me
but they are
they are what?
ink blots, silly, not actual breasts

Of course the bonus with this poem is you get to decide what *you* see in Maria's ink-blot illustration. Personally, I see a little voodoo guy from an old Twilight Zone episode, but as you already know, I'm kinda odd. :D

The only other poem that grabbed me was Paradise Lost 1 by Tiger_n_NJ. It reads like a great battle, but would be stronger, IMHO, with a good edit and some introduction to explain why the personified paradise and the storm are going at it in the first place (otherwise it's just a description of a storm). Still the images of a storm attacking the beach are detailed and vividly clear--and to my mind's eye (having grown up near the Jersey shore) really spot on.

Stormy Weather takes a turn for the worse
Debris emerging from great depths
Pounding on the surface
While erosion attacks from below

Read em all poets, then vote and give feedback. Happy weekend everybody. :)

thank you Angeline :)

I guess you can tell, I have a serious cop-muscle fetish going on here...and the tight jeans black t shirt??OMG!!! yeah, niiice...but... butt? hehe..I didnt get any sleep last night..and you really saw a voodoo man?

thats cute, I did too after i made the pic, and I also saw the devil, which I dont even believe in :devil:

I laughed my ass off writing the cop thing, glad you enjoyed it!!

have a great weekend, maria :)

dont speed!!! what ever ya do, they arent all that nice <EG>
Re: New poems 9/4/03

Cordelia said:
Hello fellow readers.

Pardon the lateness of this review, but the power has only recently returned to my outlets.

Pipal Leaves by RazzRajen

A nicely imaged poem. Not my favorite of this poet's, but worth a read.

Read, give feedback, and vote if the spirit moves you.


Thanks for the mention Cordelia, Its appreciated.

Razz :D
I'm afraid I won't be able to review today's poems just yet, but I'll get back and do it as soon as I can. Probably not before monday, though...

A Substitute Lauren

Sort of. I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep, so I'll step in for La Hynde and review the poems posted on September 6. Overall, it's a terrific group of poems, with some great strong posts from new folks. Read, vote, and send them feedback.

The peach orchard by lilgrasshoppah

She smiles at the look of pleasure lighting my eyes
My mouth is full of the fruit
She tended with her own hands
And yet I manage a fat-cheeked grin for reply
All because I don’t want to swallow

My pick of the day is a first post from lilgrasshoppah, and it about knocked me out. Just my opinion, but it's easily one of the better poems I've seen at lit. Yes, it has a few editorial flaws (mainly inconsistent punctuation), but it's narrative and poetic and innocent and tres erotic all at once. Read it, read it, read it!

When The Earth Fell In Love by Isabell

And here's a first post from another new-to-Literotica poet. I have to admit that I like the sweetly inviting title as much as the poem, which is quite short, so just go read it and enjoy this quirky, clever little prose piece.

The Hunt by DarkDreamerwithHope

Small secret smile
Hinting of
Only she knows
Plays about her lips

A calm presence
Amid chaos
Shielded by dreams
Deep within

Protected by the knowledge
That her Lord
For her return

Never truly alone
While she is

This is one of a group of poems posted by this writer. They are all in what I'll call the D/s genre--one which generates many poems here and few, IMHO anyway, very well written. DarkDreamerwithHope's are an exception. They're carefully constructed and edited, presenting the genre and its world with logic and, for me, conveying how this, too, is love.

Cock Hungry Eyes by WriterDom

So is this poem, from one of Lit's gifted and prolific regulars, love, too? It's lust and love, and provides an interesting earthy balance to the previous poet's more ethereal compositions. Again, this is a short poem: click and go read. :)

Song of Passion by AmericanWench

soft and low
the humming

as the orchestra begins

led by the music
inspired by the melody

She begins her song

AmericanWench posted this lovely extended metaphor that I think is very well written.

Breasts by Keep_the_name

my lover likes my breasts best.
he imagines that they are
small, unpolluted planets,
and his tongue
is the explorer sent to map them.

Here's my favorite of three poems posted by yet another new poet. Isn't that just a great metaphor?

Illusions by RazzRajen

I'll not post an excerpt from Razz's delicious poem because it should be read with his intended format, I think. Suffice it to say that it's beautiful and bittersweet and well worth your time. Read it.

Ok, now it's *really* getting late for me. Goodnight sweet poets. :)
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Re: A Substitute Lauren

Song of Passion by AmericanWench

soft and low
the humming

as the orchestra begins

led by the music
inspired by the melody

She begins her song

AmericanWench posted this lovely extended metaphor that I think is very well written.

:)Many thanks for the mention, Angeline. :)
uh oh...

Angeline must have been tired indeed!
Keep_the_name's poem link actually goes to a story by Jenny C! lol, it confused me for a moment...but I am tired as soon as I can find your story, Keep_the_name, I will have a look.

:rose: :eek:
Angeline must have been tired indeed!
Keep_the_name's poem link actually goes to a story by Jenny C! lol, it confused me for a moment...but I am tired as soon as I can find your story, Keep_the_name, I will have a look.

darn link thingy was being highly uncooperative--after three tries I gave up and just linked to her page. :D
Re: A Substitute Lauren

Angeline said:
Sort of. I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep, so I'll step in for La Hynde and review the poems

Illusions by RazzRajen

I'll not post an excerpt from Razz's delicious poem because it should be read with his intended format, I think. Suffice it to say that it's beautiful and bittersweet and well worth your time. Read it.

Ok, now it's *really* getting late for me. Goodnight sweet poets. :)

Thanks for the time and effort Angeline and the mention as always...

Razz :D
new poems on 9/07/03

Today we have 14 new submissions and, of course, one “spinner”. Here is the "goldie" that I found for this Sunday. (It took 12 spins to find this poem.)

Senna Jawa wrote this before he even was. :)

'round the bed and under the walls
        the kisses circled thru the night
        like anonymous birds
        one kiss
        was sweet
        but only once
        passed by my lips
        and i felt
        and i wish
        i left
        before the morning light

The first poem in the list today received an "E". I must say that the title put me off, and that upon reading I found some of the imagery a bit harsh for my taste. The theme is also a well used one. So you might think that I did not like this poem by denis hale. WRONG!! Go read Tear Stains and Pecker Tracks. It is one of the best I have read in quite some time. The Editor's Choice was correctly awarded. Well done denis! :rose:
in that respite rush of instants I forget
that my heart

is a quartered and skewered thing
on razor-sharp
trout creel stick flopping,

stirring swirls of ash in a dead
coal bed.

Maybe denis hale spoiled me for the morning. Nothing else seemed anything but pale in comparison. I know there are other’s worth mentioning, but you will have to choose them yourself. Check out the offerings by steve porter, AmericanWench, and Glabrous for example. Just do yourself a favor; save denis hale’s poem for last! ;)

As usual, you are strongly advised to go read today's New Poetry, make up and voice your own mind. I know that I have missed some poems that you may really like.

Regards,                                 Rybka