new poems

Rybka, you were absolutely right about denis hale's new poem
Tear Stains and Pecker Tracks

...should have also gotten a "P" for perfection in form and feeling...I loved the way he wrote it, the breaks and pauses allow for so much feeling of interpretation...I totally loved it, ( and the title ? well, It is what it feels like, right Denis? ;)

Why by steve porter is an excellent piece of work...steve, you display your feelings so wonderfully..I am sitting here wondering why I never knew there were so many sensitive men in this world before guys were all hiding on the Lit poetry board for HOW long?
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Is it fair to ask who reviews new poems on what days? I suppose I could read back and back and further back, but maybe there's a schedule somewhere? ...just curious...
BooMerengue said:
Is it fair to ask who reviews new poems on what days? I suppose I could read back and back and further back, but maybe there's a schedule somewhere? ...just curious...

here's the "official" list:
Sun: Rybka
Mon: darkmaas
Tue: WickedEve
Wed: destinie21
Thu: Cordelia
Fri: Angeline
Sat: Lauren.Hynde

Here's a good place to remind my fellow lurkers that *everyone* is welcome to post their picks-of-the-day here. The list originated a few months back when interest in the poetry side of the site seemed to be at an all time low. A few brave and dedicated souls signed up to take turns poking in order to breathe some life back into the site.

So if you like something, chime in! More importantly if you like a post that was not mentioned, by all means boldly jump in and share what you liked about it.
OT said:
here's the "official" list:
Sun: Rybka
Mon: darkmaas
Tue: WickedEve
Wed: destinie21
Thu: Cordelia
Fri: Angeline
Sat: Lauren.Hynde

Here's a good place to remind my fellow lurkers that *everyone* is welcome to post their picks-of-the-day here. The list originated a few months back when interest in the poetry side of the site seemed to be at an all time low. A few brave and dedicated souls signed up to take turns poking in order to breathe some life back into the site.

So if you like something, chime in! More importantly if you like a post that was not mentioned, by all means boldly jump in and share what you liked about it.

TY, OT! That's good to know! I'm not a lurker... I had unsubscribed. But since then I have written a few more. I just don't take my poetry seriously, and find it hard to fathom why anyone else would. But I did write to/for/at a buddy and want to see if she agrees w/ me... lol
New Poems, September 8th

"If the poem can be improved by its author's explanations, it never should have been published." - Archibald MacLeish

With the above in mind, it was with some trepidation that I approached AmericanWench's offering, which begins with a disclaimer. Is "Just Do It" epic peotry? Well, probably not, but it sure was fun and behind the parody is a deft hand. So, darkmaas suggests saving this poem until later in the evening. Perhaps a bottle of nice chardonnay, turn down the lights (or better still, perhaps some scented candles), maybe a bit of Celine Dion crooning softly in the background, and then read this poem softly to your lover.

Disclaimer: Following the advice of darkmaas in matters of the heart, could inalterably change your love life.

As promised above, BooMerengue has submitted a poem. The first line of "look deeper";
children are holy when awake,
was so alien to my existance, (having just survived an impromptu sleep-over on the weekend), I had to read it. You should too.

Usually I forget to do a spinner, but today is unusual in so many ways. Anyway, on the sixth spin... "Seraphim" by daisie. If this is too dark a theme, then might I suggest, "Mystery Lost". In fact read all six of her poems. You'll wish there was a seventh.

Have a nice week,

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Re: New Poems, September 8th

darkmaas said:
With the above in mind, it was with some trepidation that I approached AmericanWench's offering, which begins with a disclaimer. Is "Just Do It" epic peotry? Well, probably not, but it sure was fun and behind the parody is a deft hand. So, darkmaas suggests saving this poem until later in the evening. Perhaps a bottle of nice chardonnay, turn down the lights (or better still, perhaps some scented candles), maybe a bit of Celine Dion crooning softly in the background, and then read this poem softly to your lover.

Disclaimer: Following the advice of darkmaas in matters of the heart, could inalterably change your love life.

As promised above, BooMerengue has submitted a poem. The first line of "look deeper"; was so alien to my existance, (having just survived an impromptu sleep-over on the weekend), I had to read it. You should too.

Usually I forget to do a spinner, but today is unusual in so many ways. Anyway, on the sixth spin... "Seraphim" by daisie. If this is too dark a theme, then might I suggest, "Mystery Lost". In fact read all six of her poems. You'll wish there was a seventh.

Have a nice week,


I couldn't find my lil laffin smiley... but you did make me laugh, dark! TY for the mention... I average 8 kids a day, from 6am til 1am, so you do the math... I'm beginning to DESPISE children! But... how often has a little one come to us and in their own special way put everything in perspective... I am humbled on a daily basis. Tho Ange? I have to say...(wish I could show them here) my fav thing is my digi camera used at night slinking around adjusting blankies and pillows and snapping sweaty hair and rosy cheeks and parted heart shaped angel lips- I know from whence you speak, also!

There's a reason for everything...
Two Comments

First, to darkmaas:

Perhaps a bottle of nice chardonnay, turn down the lights (or better still, perhaps some scented candles), maybe a bit of Celine Dion crooning softly in the background, and then read this poem softly to your lover.

Disclaimer: Following the advice of darkmaas in matters of the heart, could inalterably change your love life.

Celine Dion? Puh-leeze! You never heard of Billie Holiday? Meshell Ndegeocello (I love proving I can spell that, lol). I know Celine is from your neck of the words, but really, her crooning in my background would inalterably change things for the worse. :p

Second, to Boo:

Tho Ange? I have to say...(wish I could show them here) my fav thing is my digi camera used at night slinking around adjusting blankies and pillows and snapping sweaty hair and rosy cheeks and parted heart shaped angel lips- I know from whence you speak, also!

Well, my dear friend I can barely remember those sweet days. The scene now is more like this morning:

Daughter (wearing tshirt that says "Not Your Mother's Punk Rock," an insult, I suspect, to my vanilla punk taste in the Ramones and Talking Heads)-- "He [insert eye-rolling sarcasm] finished the milk. Again."

Son (who also mocks my pedestrian tastes in, well, everything--in spite of the fact that *he* is wearing a Grand Funk Railroad tshirt [insert eye-rolling sarcasm--I dunno where she gets it])--"Oh? Mom buys the milk for you alone? Mom? Are you gonna give me a driving lesson this weekend?"

Driving lesson? Eeeek! (Eve--this is your future, lol.)

And at night? Forget it! He snores so loud that I can hear it through two closed door (and I thought his father was bad), and she complains bitterly that 10 pm is too early a school-night bedtime for an 11-year old.

Poetry is my only escape. :D
Re: Two Comments

Angeline said:
First, to darkmaas:

Celine Dion? Puh-leeze! You never heard of Billie Holiday? Meshell Ndegeocello (I love proving I can spell that, lol). I know Celine is from your neck of the words, but really, her crooning in my background would inalterably change things for the worse. :p

Second, to Boo:

Well, my dear friend I can barely remember those sweet days. The scene now is more like this morning:

Daughter (wearing tshirt that says "Not Your Mother's Punk Rock," an insult, I suspect, to my vanilla punk taste in the Ramones and Talking Heads)-- "He [insert eye-rolling sarcasm] finished the milk. Again."

Son (who also mocks my pedestrian tastes in, well, everything--in spite of the fact that *he* is wearing a Grand Funk Railroad tshirt [insert eye-rolling sarcasm--I dunno where she gets it])--"Oh? Mom buys the milk for you alone? Mom? Are you gonna give me a driving lesson this weekend?"

Driving lesson? Eeeek! (Eve--this is your future, lol.)

And at night? Forget it! He snores so loud that I can hear it through two closed door (and I thought his father was bad), and she complains bitterly that 10 pm is too early a school-night bedtime for an 11-year old.

Poetry is my only escape. :D

Daughter (wearing tshirt that says "Not Your Mother's Punk Rock," an insult, I suspect, to my vanilla punk taste in the Ramones and Talking Heads)-- "He [insert eye-rolling sarcasm] finished the milk. Again."

Your daughter told you she is a woman being born with her own tastes and perfecting her 100% acceptable scorn for the other gender.<inserting my OWN eye rolling and a little snicker...>

Son (who also mocks my pedestrian tastes in, well, everything--in spite of the fact that *he* is wearing a Grand Funk Railroad tshirt [insert eye-rolling sarcasm--I dunno where she gets it])--"Oh? Mom buys the milk for you alone? Mom? Are you gonna give me a driving lesson this weekend?"

He is showing you he has better taste...(Grand Funk vs. Ramones??? Come onnnn, everyone, chime in! back me up! lol), has already developed an adult use of the language via 'the cutting remark' and has his mind focused on the really important things in life!

Pay attention, Ange- it'll be over w/ before you know it, hon... and you will sit with your coffee of a morning and only hear the echoes... and in the meantime? They will be fine!

Pssttt...Dark?? Go ahead- turn on Celine- it is perfectly fine to not be 'musically literate' if the tune matches the mood. I croon Strange Fruit to my babies so it will be ingrained in them just how ignorant their ancestors were, and Summertime when we're sad, but I do love to hear Celine belting out her love songs and walking me down memory lane!

P.S. Are there any Halloween writing contests going on? And I need ideas for prizes... I want a thread where certain poetry and or essays are written according to specific guidelines... I need judges and prizes...can anyone help?
Rybka Review of "Tear Stains"...etc.

Thanks Rybka, for the very kind words.

I'm really glad you liked the poem.

I'm blown away that it would get an "E", though I'm not really sure what an "E" means.

Anyway, thanks again.

Re: Rybka Review of "Tear Stains"...etc.

denis hale said:
Thanks Rybka, for the very kind words.

I'm really glad you liked the poem.

I'm blown away that it would get an "E", though I'm not really sure what an "E" means.

Anyway, thanks again.

Yeah! What he said! Can we also get a list of the 'letters' and what they mean? And are they the same for stories as they are for poems? I got 2 'H' I Hid

and I have a story to share...

When I was about 7 or 8 I went to a pvt school that placed a good bit of emphasis on art projects. Well, I colored all outside the lines! Not because of my later-to-be-developed wildchild personality, but cuz I didn't know how to color! (Which is REALLY the reason most of us DO color outside the lines- we never learned how to color IN them... it is NOT an act of derring do!)

Anyway- Lydia Kowalski- "Dorothy" pig tails and all was the BEST colorer in the room! And she had the funkiest box of crayons you ever saw! They were broken, peeled, dull! Well, I was not one to be out done so I proceeded to ruin my own brand new box. I broke them; I smashed one end on some; I peeled them. I picked some at random and threw them away! There! NOW I would win a prize!

I won all right. My pictures still looked like the Rohrschach on acid, and the nuns were shaking their heads at me more pathetically than ever. My Mom cried (I think she was fakin it...) and my Dad spanked me and refused to buy me a new box.

The moral here? I have read ALL of Denis' stuff... and I still write like shit! But Denis?? TY! TY! TY! You are a joy to read!!

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Boo dearest...

Pssttt...Dark?? Go ahead- turn on Celine- it is perfectly fine to not be 'musically literate' if the tune matches the mood.

I'm terribly sorry but you must have me confused with someone else. My choice of Celine for back-up vocals to a romantic interlude was an act of malice. For the record, I prefer red wine, scented candles make me sneeze and mercifully Ms. Dion, having escaped the Titanic, now resides a half continent away in Las Vegas.

That popping sound is a cork. Care to join us? I'm told that Ndegeocello is providing the mood.

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Re: Boo dearest...

darkmaas said:
I'm terribly sorry but you must have me confused with someone else. My choice of Celine for back-up vocals to a romantic interlude was an act of malice. For the record, I prefer red wine, scented candles make me sneeze and mercifully Ms. Dion, having escaped the Titanic, now resides a half continent away in Las Vegas.

That popping sound is a cork. Care to join us? I'm told that Ndegeocello is providing the mood.


"Foul" she cried! "I'm trying to learn something here and y'all are messin w/ my head?? And you know what? If this ol' country girl can't say it, she wouldn't know how to go about listening to it! (And I'll bet you a pint of home made Ange copied it- she can't say it either!)
Boo yelled:
(And I'll bet you a pint of home made Ange copied it- she can't say it either!)

You would be right about that. <Passing a pint>


darkmaas said:
Boo yelled:

You would be right about that. <Passing a pint>



Hey, Duh'- I do not yell...well...I didn't back there, anyway!
Re: Sorry

darkmaas said:
My hearing aid was turned up too high.:D

Reminds me of my last phone sex convo "Can you hear me now? Now? How 'bout now? You can? Oh, cool! Where were we? What? What? Are you moving around? Hold still- you're all staticy... Hello? Can you hear me? Hello? Oh, there you are- ouch! Not so loud! Oh yeahhhhhhhh oh baby... oh oh...What? Be still! Quit turning your head...OMG! It's cu Hello?? HELLOOOO??? WELL SHITFIRE! click
Now look what you've done!

Angeline's feelings are hurt and she's gone to another thread and written a woowoo poem all about Celine.
Hurt Feelings?

Oh they are not, lol--as you well know because we were both laughing. Admit it. And get your hearing aid fixed for heaven's sake, pops. like you even have have one...

And Boo, I never lurk. Ok, maybe sometimes...maybe um more than sometimes. :D
k ya'll, I am lurking and not ashamed to admit it. I totally get off sometimes on the antics and feigned malice on this board..YOu guys and gals are comedic relief so often..

and Ange? My 14 year old daughter has replaced Eminem with a steady suicidal wave of intolerable country music, which makes me wanna gag..I miss Marshall, aint that funny...hehe and my 20 year old daughter listens to people like Oghr and Legendary Pink Dots, and Type O neg and who knows what else, I cant understand most of it, and how DARE she ? I raised her on a steady diet of the Beatles, Jefferson Airplane and Madonna and all that good stuff from the oldies station my mama used to listen to, like Aretha, Otis Redding, ( God, I love him! The mom was an over the top motown lover... ( wondering where I failed...whine, whine) ;)

kisses to all and to all a good night :) maria
Actually Maria, I complain but they're not bad--both kids are pretty eclectic about music. Earlier I was listening to Vince Guaraldi--jazz piano--and my daughter was rolling her eyes and making "mom and jazz" comments. It was the perfect opportunity, lol, cause he wrote all that great piano music for the Charlie Brown tv specials, so I played some of that and she had a revelation. "That's jazz?" Hehehe. I love being subversive.

And one of my parental commandments is Thou Shalt Not Dis Aretha. :)
9-9 New Poems

I'm reviewing very early in the morning, so I'm hoping all the new poems are posted. If I miss something good, then let me know.

I really didn't see anything that excited me in today's group. There were a couple that were okay.

by RazzRajen ©

Shivers undulate the forms,
ripples in the water
spreading from that
thrown away so carelessly

I've read Razz poems that I've enjoyed more but even an average Razz poem is better than many of the poems posted at lit.

Okay, that's it. Now I have to get my kids ready for school and then I get dental surgery. Yippee. If I didn't mention your poem, then just picture me at the dentist's office and you'll feel better.