new poems


13 new poens today. I didn't have time to read through them all, but here are two from the top that I enjoyed :

Please Push Pound by denis hale
Denis have given us the blackest of blues and the warmest of observations before. Here he takes a crack at a little piece of dark, dirty, quirky humor, without losing a beat. Not his top five effort, but still anything from the pen of hale is well worth reading.

"Ohhhh," she goes
you're a machine baby
a fucking machine you make me so-"

"-No you insipid little snipe
I said black olives and pineapple,
with Cinna Stix and a liter
of Mountain Dew!!..."

(I'll quote no more,or I'll totally spoil the fun.)

Casey and his Bat by Seattle Zack
A bizarre little tounge in cheek-epos over some unknown local legend better left forgotten. Gave me a good laugh.

The gents cheered Casey on; each thrust, they chanted as a man,
(Well, only seven got to cheer - Richard was in the can)
"Fuck her! Fuck her! Fuck her! Fuck her!" urging him to pound her,
Twenty minutes passed, then Casey's pace began to flounder.

This is the 2000:th New Poems post.

That calls for a :nana:

Well done, all of you who were here way before I came along.
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Angeline said:
Very seasonal AV, icing--it's scaring me. :)
Didn't do the Halloween thing where I grew up, so I never really got with the spirit.

Oh, and that's one sassy lil witch pic.
Well thank you for the plug, Ice, I don't really consider it poetry though -- more like something I came up with under the influence of too many Red Hooks down at the local watering hole.

It's meant to be a parody of Casey at the Bat, a turn-of-the century poem by Thayer about a local baseball legend. I tried to submit it to the Humor and Satire category, but it got rejected, so I re-submitted it to Poetry.

Much too clumsy to be called a poem, in my opinion, but I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Sorry Rybka

Rybka said:
Nothing is a "must read", but thank you for the thought.
Being mentioned in the same sentence with Maria by both you and Neonurotic pleases me greatly. Thank you.

Regards, Rybka

My apologies, fishy friend.

Both you and Maria got short shrift. My only excuse is that I was late, and it's a damn poor excuse.

So allow me a belated review of Piper at the Edge of Dawn. Normally I find Rybka's exotic edge justification a distraction, but my eyes must be getting used to the effect, because for the first time it seems to work. Add the fact that it's a real poem and it got my "must read" accolade. I can't claim to understand it all, but I've read it several times now and it improves with each reading. There is a nice understated melancholy that suits the season and my mood.

Maria's little glass bird is (if I may mix metaphors), a horse of a different colour. Perfectly deadpan delivery hides a sweetly twisted little slice of the seasons. Hats off.

So if you didn't read or vote for both of these poems because you thought I was damning with faint praise, shame on you! Go vote. Vote now!


Evening folks

new poems to check out
Please Push Pound by the divine Denis Hale

constant passion by ffreak

Payday brought to us by icingsugar

I like the three poems des mentioned; all are really good. And denis buddy, that nightmare-inducing meal Ms. Phone Sex orders is imo brilliantly funny foreshadowing of her faltering realization at the end that she ain't so smart after all (hale, no :p ).

I also eventually liked Seattle Zack's send-up of the mighty Casey--liked it alot. I say "eventually" because I skimmed it at first and thought, "harummph, anyone can do this, and it got an E? And I was mildly annoyed (though god knows why, lol). I went back later and read it more carefully and realized it's so well constructed. The transformation of baseball to sexfest detail is meticulously carried out--you have to have a deep understanding of a poem to do that. Zack just made it look easy. Read it.

I'm a fan of RazzRajen's poetry, so it may be no surprise then that I like Spirals and recommend it. :)

And finally, I'm really liking the poems tis_mina posts. Today's offering, The Mark, is a little gem--one that may need a little polishing, but she has a voice that reaches me.
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Thank you both for the kind mention.

Congratulations to Seattle Zack for the 'E' on his poem - it deserves the pick.

-FF (I think I'm learning more about poetry in general by reading the poems at this site)
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Re: The Mark, by tis_mina

I really liked this poem immensely. It made me smile, it described a state of mind, a state of being with such elan..

Angeline poems

I'm a fan of RazzRajen's poetry, so it may be no surprise then that I like Spirals and recommend it. :)

And finally, I'm really liking the poems tis_mina posts. Today's offering, The Mark, is a little gem--one that may need a little polishing, but she has a voice that reaches me. [/B][/QUOTE]

Thanks for the mention, Angeline....
always a good feeling to know the words touch someone

Razz :D
And since I have absolutely nothing else constructive to do, I'll take a batch of the just recently uptated list of new poetry.
Here are two that spoke to me from today's short list.

Princess Anorexia by Maria2394 paints a sad, sad picture in a very convincing way. Having my own personal issues with anorexia, she hit a sharp, cold note with this reader at least.

little sisters laugh
behind what's left of her back
and turn the dial
on the bathroom scale
up five pounds
every other day
because they love
to hear her cry

It that's not a nauseating image, I don't know what is.

After that I needed something cheering me up. And I found it. Angeline's Bibliobliss proved to be the perfect cure. So warm and loving that it wiped the frown the Princess left on my brow right away.

...covers me
with poetry and then
with himself and a smiling

I recommend you read them in that order.

Thank you IcingS (one of these days I'm gonna figure out how to abbreviate that name :) ) for the recommendation.

I'll second you on Maria's sad and so powerful Princess Anorexia. The unflinching detail makes it a tough read (and Maria is a very cool person for have the moxie to post it), but man is it well written! I think it was Boo Merengue who recently made the point here that when you have a strong reaction to a poem--positive or no--it says alot about the skill of its author.
Icingsugar said:
And since I have absolutely nothing else constructive to do, I'll take a batch of the just recently uptated list of new poetry.
Here are two that spoke to me from today's short list.

Princess Anorexia by Maria2394 paints a sad, sad picture in a very convincing way. Having my own personal issues with anorexia, she hit a sharp, cold note with this reader at least.

little sisters laugh
behind what's left of her back
and turn the dial
on the bathroom scale
up five pounds
every other day
because they love
to hear her cry

It that's not a nauseating image, I don't know what is.

After that I needed something cheering me up. And I found it. Angeline's Bibliobliss proved to be the perfect cure. So warm and loving that it wiped the frown the Princess left on my brow right away.

...covers me
with poetry and then
with himself and a smiling

I recommend you read them in that order.


I second that recommendation, IcSugar ;) and hey, I didnt mean to make you sick, really, just trying to figure out a friend of mine and thats pretty close to her life. but it does distress me to know I made you frown... so, I owe ya a botox, sorry :wink:

Angeline, Dear Sister bookend, once again, we are on the opposite ends of nausea and bliss, last time though, you were a butterfly and I was waiting on a hermit crab to take over my shell, right?
So, I'm stuck with Melville and his creepy whale and there you are in the enchanted garden ( damn Moby Dick!! I'll get him if its the last thing i do, ( she said, with the spear gun pointed at her husband...just kidding:rolleyes:
thanks for noticing you guys :) have a perky day :devil: maria
Maria2394 said:
I didnt mean to make you sick, really, just trying to figure out a friend of mine and thats pretty close to her life. but it does distress me to know I made you frown... so, I owe ya a botox, sorry
Don't apologize, your poem did exacly what it should, gave a scary insight into how it might me to be that messed up. I mean, it's not supposed to be a pleasant little read, now is it?

I have been in your position too, watching a close friend of mine drive herself to more and more extreme measures to literally shrink away. And I can only say that you nailed it. To the letter. Brought back some bad memories, that's all. Not your fault. :rose:
<insert expletive here> Maria!!! You have knocked me down with that one. Instantly I thought.."That poor baby!" and that's what I like... SuckerPunchPoetry Wham!! Thank you.

Ange- yours did make me smile- and I like that too... I never liked to be read to... but I might now!! *weg*

Kudos, kids!
*hand on hip and finger wagging... Miss Angeline! I am very mad at you and I am going right now to write a poem and tell you why... have messed me up! (maniacal laughter echoing down the hall...) :devil:
New poems 10/09/03

Ahhhh.... I come slogging home late and cranky. Remembering it's Thursday, I gulp down dinner and dash to the new poems list. Only six new poems...whew!

But man! was it worth the reading!


I re-discovered the reasons I idolize Angeline and her writing.

My pick of the day is:

Bibliobliss by Angeline

I won't quote it, because it needs to be read. The last three lines hit me hard. I read them a dozen times, and loved them more each time. Makes me want to quit writing and write more at the same time.

Thank you, Angeline. I've truly missed reading your poetry.


Definitely check out

Princess Anorexia by Maria2394

It was mentioned earlier and is worth mentioning again. Disturbing, but very well written.


And finally, go read

Thoughts, from a porch by RazzRajen

Again, not one of his finest, but the second half of this nice little poem is wonderful! I love the image it created.


Read, give feedback and vote if you'd like.

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Thank You

I re-discovered the reasons I idolize Angeline and her writing.

My pick of the day is:

Bibliobliss by Angeline

I won't quote it, because it needs to be read. The last three lines hit me hard. I read them a dozen times, and loved them more each time. Makes me want to quit writing and write more at the same time.

Thank you, Angeline. I've truly missed reading your poetry.


Cordie, dear friend--

"...And your large speeches
may your deeds approve,
That good effects may spring from words of love.”

--King Lear, Act 1, Scene 1, Lines 209-211

:rose: :heart:
Re: New poems 10/09/03

Cordelia said:
Definitely check out

Princess Anorexia by Maria2394

It was mentioned earlier and is worth mentioning again. Disturbing, but very well written.

Cordelia [/B]

Thanks for the mention Cordelia. Yes, it is disturbing, and for those of you who know someone in that condition, yes , its even worse that you might think.
What is saddest though is how society tells people we all must be Hollywood thin and perfect to be loved, which of course, is not true...

re feedback: some of the most interesting descriptions I have ever received in feedback!! thanks everyone
Re: New poems 10/09/03

Cordelia said:
Ahhhh.... I come slogging home late and cranky. Remembering it's Thursday, I gulp down dinner and dash to the new poems list. Only six new poems...whew!

But man! was it worth the reading!


And finally, go read

Thoughts, from a porch by RazzRajen



Thanks ever so much for the time you give to the boards and the mention you gave My work. Always appreciated ....*S*

Re: Bibliobliss, by Angeline

I too loved this poem. Oh-so-sweet visions of the characters' relationship drifted into mind. It made me smile..


A Poem I Liked Today

Linbido is back with her second gift to Literotica poetry. Last time she promised not to disappoint with her next offering. I believe she has kept her promise with Neon Nights.
You stupid girl
this is your song
Your frilly flimsy
neon nights
have got to stop
you're much too young
to venture through
those blinding lights

For some reason this simple poem reminds me a bit of a modern day child of
A.E. Housman's
A Shropshire Lad - LXI
'Terance, this is stupid stuff:
You eat your victuals fast enough;
Well done Linbido! :rose:

regards, Rybka
thanks for the recommendation, Rybka, I didnt get into the new stuff yet and this one IS great. This is my favorite part...

[Q]...With every load
you turn to rust
a race into
your heart's decay...[/Q]

this poem does have a powerful message. I truly enjoyed it too
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First off, thank you ssong! I had fun writing Bibliobliss, trying to slowly reveal what was happening in the poem. (And I didn't say in the poem but the book was um The Captain's Verses by Pablo Neruda. You'd pant, too, lol.)

On to today's posts.

Today's posts were few, but I found two poems I really like. First off, I concur with Rybka. Linbido's Neon Nights is a great lyrical caveat against the follies of youth and a reminder of the value of innocence. It really works well, and has a strong musical refrain.

My fave today though is Cut & Dried, or Was It? by RazzRajen. I think it's one of his best. It's his usual carefully built poem of contrasting images and implicit questions, but placed today in a particularly meaningful context, I thought. And I love the last two lines.

And while you're here, read the threads--there's lots of good poetry around these days. I've been singing, darkmaas is buying rounds for everyone, Maria et all are passionate, Tristresse et al are light hearted. By gosh, we even got the incomparably poetical JUDO back here, and she wrote a poem for me!

Have a great weekend. Happy poeting!
Ange :rose:
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