new poems

I also want to mention Angeline's hermitage ave, a snapshot from a life that is far from mine, but still makes me feel like i, almost, am there.

Thanks for the mention, Ice. It's a real place--or was--and all the people in it were/are real. It was not the kind of place you'd expect to be a haven, but it was--and a good place to learn that reality is often quite different from expectation. :)
new poems 10/16/03

Hello word-lovers!

Just a few new poems I feel are worth mentioning.


The first is

Translations, of being by RazzRajen

A fine poem with great imagery. One of his better efforts. I really enjoyed reading this poem... except for the odd capitalizations. I can almost grasp the capitalizing of first person pronouns (though I think it detracts from the poem), but occasionally there's a capitalized word (like "Be") that makes little to no sense. But that's just a personal confusion. Maybe one day someone will explain it...


Icingsugar has two poems posted. Both are wonderful, but I really enjoyed

Cup of Silly

There are some great images, and startlingly wonderful lines. This one caused me to grin:

Ice-T on the radio.
Ice tea in her glass.
Eyes teasing me
from over the frosted rim.

A wonderful snapshot of the modern coffee shop. Go read it!


As always, these are just my suggestions. We always welcome other opinions and suggestions.

Read, give feedback....blah blah blah

Re: Cup Of Sugar, by Icingsugar

I can't say much more than ..i liked it, a lot..smiles..
October 17

It's another quiet Friday, with few new poem submissions. From today's group I most liked Linbido's quietly sweet Travellers. There are also two new postings from steve porter, both imbued with resignation and the one I preferred, saying goodbye to you, a bittersweet whiff of regret, as well.

After several excruciating spinner spins trying to find previously posted (sounds like "pre-owned," eh) poems to recommend, I give up. Oh there are some great ones out there, I know, but I wasn't finding them so read this poem from a great and (at least here in the USA) mostly unknown poet, instead. It's erotic in a vague indirect way, and appropriately pre-Halloween creepy.

To See Him Again
by Gabriela Mistral

And shall it never be again, never ? Not on nights filled
with trembling of stars, or by the pure light
of virginal dawns, or on afternoons of immolation?

Never, at the edge of any pale pathway
that borders the field, or beside any
tremulous fountain white under the moon?

Never, beneath the entangled tresses of the forest
where, calling out to him, night descended on me?
Nor in the cavern that returns my echoing outcry?

Oh, no! Just to see him again, no matter where--
in little patches of sky or in the seething vortex,
beneath placid moons or in a livid

And, together with him, to be all springtimes
and all winters, entwined in one anguished knot
around his blood-stained neck!

Read, Vote, and Feed--it's the poets' equivalent of Stop, Drop, and Roll (or maybe Shake, Rattle, and Roll--who knows--just do it).

Have a great weekend, everyone~
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Cordelia, ssilversong, thanks alot. Actually the easiest poen I have written so far. Maybe I shouldn't think too damn much, and just jot things down?

And Lin, 'Travellers' is beautiful. If you ever start pondering why I love you, I'm gonna print it out and slap you silly with it. I'll lean back whenever you want me to.
Re: new poems 10/16/03

Cordelia said:
Hello word-lovers!

Just a few new poems I feel are worth mentioning.


The first is

Translations, of being by RazzRajen

A fine poem with great imagery. One of his better efforts. I really enjoyed reading this poem... except for the odd capitalizations.~~~~~~~

Read, give feedback....blah blah blah


Thanks Cordelia for thoise words..they mean a lot coming from you. And as always they are appreciated ...
Those caps come from spending way too much time at other firums. and they have a tendency to sneak in if I am not paying attention. spell check doesn't pick them up....Tho sometimes I use them for a reason....< but not the B in this one>

Razz :D
18th October 2003

A rather insipid day at the new poetry list, and without many new submissions.

I should mentions a few poems, still:

Sweet Agony (roundeau redoubled)
by jthserra ©

...makes an interesting read, at least for the technical merit. A rondeau redoubled it is not, but it's still a good poem. ;)

Time ends
by RazzRajen ©

This one is a bit too vague for my personal taste, but RazzRajen's poems always have impressive control over the words and imagery.

Re: 18th October 2003

Lauren.Hynde said:
A rather insipid day at the new poetry list, and without many new submissions.

I should mentions a few poems, still:

Sweet Agony (roundeau redoubled)
by jthserra ©

...makes an interesting read, at least for the technical merit. A rondeau redoubled it is not, but it's still a good poem. ;)

Time ends
by RazzRajen ©

This one is a bit too vague for my personal taste, but RazzRajen's poems always have impressive control over the words and imagery.


I didn't see anything either... Lauren? The Lusitania? Thats a very interesting read... are you a ghost?
One that caught my eye was Grey Rock by Jasm49. It could use some tightening, but I don't find the metaphor greatly overused.
A small seed
fell into a crevice
of the grey rock
and sprouted,
forcing hair-thin roots into the depths,
reaching for sustenance.

I'd lived so long
sheltered by the grey rock,
cradled in its confusion,
learning to survive on deprivation,
I almost didn't hear
the thin disturbing sound
that pierced the dreary walls
of desolation.

Regards, Rybka
Re: Re: 18th October 2003

BooMerengue said:
I didn't see anything either... Lauren? The Lusitania? Thats a very interesting read... are you a ghost?
Lusitania is the name of the ancient region and Roman province where now stands Portugal. It's over 2000 years old, but not dead yet. ;)
Re: Re: Re: 18th October 2003

Lauren.Hynde said:
Lusitania is the name of the ancient region and Roman province where now stands Portugal. It's over 2000 years old, but not dead yet. ;)

I didn't know that. Now I know what the H.M.R. Lusitania was named for. Live and learn! Thanks, Lauren!
new poems on 10/19/03

Today we have 15 new submissions and one “spinner”. Here is the "golden oldie" that I found for this Sunday. (It took one spin to find this poem.)

The "spinner" for this Sunday is Senna Jawa's
[in the park].
in the park
under the Sun
a fakir swallows shards of glass

in the park
under the Sun
the passing children
and couples in love
trees and birds and clouds
can be seen
in the fakir's broken glass

the fakir swallows the shards

wlodzimierz holsztynski ©
I am not sure why I keep spinning up Senna, has he figured a way to gimmick the system? :)
However I am happy to hit good stuff with so few spins. :)

Of our regular contributors, only darkmaas and RazzRajen make an appearance. Darkmaas presents
Souls come in many colours which seems to be about the age of souls, not their Canuckian color. :) It is well worth a read.
Razz offers
Zebra Squashes. Razz gets into colors too, quite nicely in fact. I am not sure I completely comprehend this poem, but it intrigues me and is also worth reading.

Of the "not so well known" and unknown authors, while today's titles would make an interesting exercise for KarmaDog, there is little to recommend. If I must, I suppose I would give the nod to Jasmine30 and her Sometime in the Night if only for the first two lines:
Sometime in the night, the doubt slipped in through the window,
Stealthily creeping in to rob me of every last sane thought.

As usual, you are advised to go read today's New Poetry, and make up and voice your own mind. I may have missed some poems that you may really enjoy.

Regards,                                 Rybka
Re: Souls Come in Many Colours, by darkmaas

This piece resonated in this older soul...and I voted it a five..smiles..

Re: 18th October 2003

Lauren.Hynde said:
Time ends
by RazzRajen ©

This one is a bit too vague for my personal taste, but RazzRajen's poems always have impressive control over the words and imagery.


Thanks LH for the always thanks for taking the time ...

Re: new poems on 10/19/03

Rybka said:

Of our regular contributors, only darkmaas and RazzRajen make an appearance. .

Regards,                                 Rybka

Thanks Rybka for noticing and reading and taking the time.

Appreciated as always

dont stone me, but I saw this guys name and had to read this poem, and I rather liked it even though it brings some darker images to my mind :) but I like some dark images now and then...

Midnight, by Chainsaw Larry
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Re: Don't Stone Me, by Chainsaw Larry

If they stone you, Maria, they'll have to stone me tooo..i liked it.. quite well enough to say so..smiles..

Thanks Rybka for the review and ssilversong for the vote and the public acclaim.


New Poems, Monday 20 October.

Today's reviewing theme will be the use of vegetables as aids in literotic poetry. This is not exactly my idea; thanks must go to a thread next door about homemade sex-toys, in which objects from the vegetable kingdom figure large.

<cue Frank Zappa's Duke of Prunes.>

First up is jthserra with
Potato Peeler
...he held the blade at a precise angle
as he peeled, watching the skin
spiral in an expanding helix,
the subtle variations in curve,
shallow and hollow
never slowed his fingers.
Gave me goose bumps.

Next go and read Razz's floral offering. Purists might argue that saffron is hardly a vegetable in the Zappanesque concept of the metaphor. However, I disagree and it's my review. Read Stamens, nodding. Colour and a spice... you won't regret it.

Leaving our theme of the day, there were other poems worth savouring. Try Blonde_with_brain's Broken glass lover and air2o's run.

Enjoy and vote.


I've read the new poems and I've attempted to mention a few but I have a child throwing up, so...
Anyway, you may like steve porter's sonnet, or Tristesse's hurtin' words may be more to your liking. There aren't many new poems, so check them out.
I've never done this, but I'll give it a shot. (I've got my sick babies in the bed- all my sympathies Eve!) I'll probably never be allowed to do it again!

First, let me say, so I don't step on any toes. What I know about poetry you could write inside a ping pong ball... I just go with what I feel...

With two poems I 'almost' felt a rock song... Heaven's Gate by The_Sweeper and Them's Hurtin' Words by Tristesse. Almost...

Shining Armor by Lego_Army_Man really made me smile! And steve porter's Julie's Sonnet took me right straight to the coast!

There was just one thing in common with all these works... they left me wanting more!!

I read all the poems. Shame on me, but erotic poetry is very hard for me to read, especially my own! And what was left was confusing. Words would grab me, and carry me... but then let me drop before the end with a puzzled look on my face.

Anyway... go read for yourself, New Poems and decide for yourselves.
Sorry to hear you both have invalids to care for - better days ahead, I hope.

Thanks for the mention - almost....... :D
Hey here I am ready to read whatevers been dished out.
My favorites were Express Lane Wisdom by Maria2394
Grinding Corn by jthserra
and Expectations, of change? by RazzRajen

I also liked some of BlissfulZimZum666's lines in sugar girl but didn't care for the whole piece. That's just my two cents though.

here's a bit of it

My Sugar Girl you are so sweet
I want to see you on your feet
Run away far from here
I wish to save you now
They’ll never speak they are too dumb
To say you’re incredible
My Sugar Girl I miss you now
I really do, I really do
You grew up strange to them
Forgotten and so beautiful
I’d like to keep you here with me
And tell you that you’re beautiful
You take a pill, eternal sleep
And dream that you’re unstoppable
Horrific dreams you lie awake
Wish it weren’t so palpable…