new poems

You're welcome.

I certainly know what you mean when you talk about rhyme. It's a commom difficulty when using forms originally meant for romance languages, but that's what makes it so challenging. ;)

And you're right, the poem does look better with the truncated refrain. To edit it, and as per the all-knowing F.A.Q., you simply need to submit the new version as you submitted the old one, only adding the word "EDITED" to the title (i.e. Sweet Agony (roundeau redoubled) - EDITED) and mentioning in the Notes box that you wish to replace the currently posted version of Sweet Agony for this one.
thank you angeline,

"Welcome back smithpeter. Always so nice to see you here."

unfortunatly, my sub-minions may begin to drop just in time for Halloween.
better than submarinar onions, I always say.

first to be hung, air2o
with greatest macabre,
your sp
better than submarinar onions, I always say.

I"ve never had any of those newfangled submariner onions. (Grown hydroponically, no doubt.) Sweet vidalia variety is about as exotic as I get. :)
New Poems on 10/26/03

There are 21 new submissions on this Sunday, and I bring one "spinner" as always.

I saw a "bubble lamp" yesterday. Some new entrepreneur's attempt to re-infiltrate society with the dreaded "lavalamp". Horrors!! The patent must have run out. :( It must be kismet because today's previously posted poem is by Xtaabay, the lavalamp queen.

Our anthropologist poetess gives us less than the normally required 1000 words, but doesn't need them all. She still confers full value to the picture with the word image she creates of a migrant farm worker, and she still has a phrase or two left over for social commentary. Well done! :rose:

In the Midst of Captured Image
Centered in two dimensional
glossy paper
forever staring,

Smudged sky, double evergreens rubbing.

Goldenrod feather fields.

Flexy plastic cylinder,
round and scuffed,
warmed by invisible sun.
Picking receptacle.

You sit there,
preserved on produce crate.

The wood is splintering,
just like my heart.

Burning brown hands
between aching legs.

Vile toxic tomato vines
creep around your feet,
serpents of toil
bearing fruit.

You're smiling shyly,
straw hat framing acceptance,
a harvester's halo,
substitute crown of thorns.

The devil's sign is not 666,
but six L's,
as stamped on the wooden boxes of agony
lining the flatbed truck
behind your back.

Rich brown furrows
flank field's edge.

And still,
forever framed, you are there
in the midst
of warm earth made toxic.

Of the day's posting the first to catch my attention is colors imprisoned by Maria2394.
the mind
can capture and imprison
a thought
a feeling
a fear
and wrap it tight within a color
stored away inside my head
deep within synapses and cells

which independently know nothing
clusters and groups and pockets
of wealth
and wonder
and whys in multitude
make me think of you

and the lemon scented strains
of your voice
making love to mine
no sound equals no joy
no words equal no life
please never stop
singing to me
with your feelings
you make me feel alive
I am not sure that I agree with Maria's explanation of neurophysiology, but I applaud her message.

The second of the day to impress me is Cordelia with
Hyaline Ghazal.
Untangle for me, the ocean; shore-combed by the tide in waves,
Until it mesmerizes, as your hair, undignified in waves.

We settle in like mortar, comfortable between sullen bricks.
Letting time contemplate restful minutes, unsatisfied in waves.

Pluck stems of fevered anxiety from your oft-bargained smile,
Quasi-contraband, and only briefly qualified in waves.

I needed reassurance, coated with temporary hope.
You needn’t have soaked it in the brine of lies, beautified in waves.

I marvel at your characteristic silence, phosphorescent,
Tide-stoked, plankton-bright, obvious; nothing personified by waves.

So I style elaborate tapestry, woven from reticence.
Let me be the seamstress who encloses us, side by side, in waves.
Third up is Nocturne (Triolet) by jthserra.
Midnight wanes on piano keys
The fading notes drift into night
And our eyes meet in secret pleas.
Midnight wanes on piano keys
My fingers part your soft chemise
Love in the stillness, we unite.
Midnight wanes on piano keys
The fading notes drift into night.
I love the metaphor.


Last comes destinie21 with four worth reading.
Love Tap
Strange Fruit

Which one is your favorite? My choice is Strange Fruit like several others in another thread. I didn't know about the lynching theme when I first read it, and knowing now it does diminish the poem a bit, but it is still my pick of the day. :rose: I do wonder if "woman" should be "women" and if "claming" should be "claiming".
3.)Strange fruit...
He was the strange and bitter fruit...
like the words from Nina Simone
he rang in my ears
The sour taste of him tingled and lingered on my tongue.

I told my mama what I thought to be true
Sour grapes make a damn fine wine.

I was wound around his finger
like a misshapen ring.

Open wide and
wide open
he was in my head

I could smell him
in my air and I had to inhale

His sickly sweet cloying scent
cheap birthday cologne
he was swimming in woman
he couldn't tell that they were ripping off his wings
claming my Gabriel as Lucifer

And still I knelt
to the melt
that we both felt

As smooth as butter
on brand new toast

flesh on flesh
in an age old rhythm
when I knew my drummer
had a different beat.

As always, please go and read the rest of today's new postings on the New Poems page. I may have
overlooked a poem that you will really like. Remember to vote and send feedback. Our poets need support.

Regards,                 Rybka
Re: New Poems on 10/26/03

Rybka said:
Of the day's posting the first to catch my attention is colors imprisoned by Maria2394. I am not sure that I agree with Maria's explanation of neurophysiology, but I applaud her message.

Thanks for the mention and encouragement, Rybka.
As for neurophysiology? If I were able, financially and blessed with infinite time, I would take every chem, physics, psych and bio class that our university offers. I'm lab rat at heart :) and nothing impresses and amazes me more than what mechanisms cause our brains to retain memories of words and colors , scents and feelings..its just wondrous to me.
thanks again, I truly appreciate it!! :rose: maria

oh yeah, my favorite of Destinie's four is strange fruit..its deelish ;)
Last edited:
Re: New Poems on 10/26/03

Rybka said:
The second of the day to impress me is Cordelia with
Hyaline Ghazal.

For more on what a Ghazal is, see the old thread I had regarding this interesting form. See Ghazals and maybe give this form a shot.

Thank you, Rybka. Your opinion means a lot.


Just a quick mention that today's new poems are so good. Between Strange Fruit, colors imprisoned, and Cordie's stunning ghazal (which wows me more every time I read it), I am in poem bliss. :)

Then there are Des' other poems, the tradional form entries from jthserra and two from svelte walker that have not yet been mentioned.

Of those, I especially loved saying goodbye early, which feels to me obliquely sad and lovely.

observe everything
all that all
all that is done
the behavior of others
ignore yourself
for soon yourself
will be all you are able
thanks to all for the mention and feedback. I posted my reply to the lynching theme of strange fruit in the quick thread.

Regard and such
New Poems: Monday 27 October.

Let’s start withe Maria, who has blessed us with what appears to my discerning eye to be a triolet. What had me scratching my head was that I was certain that the title contained one of her trademark word puzzles. Of course the Alpha why refers to A. Y. which is (I am certain) a reference to A. Y. Jackson the Canadian expressionist painter who was apt to paint autumnal scenes that share thhis poem's imagery. Even if I’m wrong about the title, it’s still a fine poem. Read and enjoy.

Next we have jthserra who gives us Piccolo and French Horn. Another couple dozen poems in this vein will give us a full orchestra and then the fun we’ll have...

Perhaps its the season or just bald coincidence but there were two poems on a hanging theme. It seems we are about to lose air2o if the title of palau’s hallowe’en musing is to be taken literally. Then there’s Passing by by Razz.
Silences create a monologue
all their own
Swollen and gaping
tongue protruding
that hangman's noose

Next I liked Svelt Walker’s notes to one selfish cat 1 (and not because I recently purchased a lovely sub woofer which seems to merely amuse the cat). Looking forward to notes 2,3...

If you share my love for the rhyming couplet, then read Bedazzled by Bedazzler.

Enough! My fingers are tired. Read, vote and send praise.

Re: New Poems: Monday 27 October.

darkmaas said:
Let’s start withe Maria, who has blessed us with what appears to my discerning eye to be a triolet. What had me scratching my head was that I was certain that the title contained one of her trademark word puzzles. Of course the Alpha why refers to A. Y. which is (I am certain) a reference to A. Y. Jackson the Canadian expressionist painter who was apt to paint autumnal scenes that share thhis poem's imagery. Even if I’m wrong about the title, it’s still a fine poem. Read and enjoy.

* * *

Thanks for the mention Darkmaas :) it is at leats an attempt[/] at a triolet, and by mistake i posted the incorrect version. I have already posted an edit which might show up tomorrow.

As for the name, well, there is a method to my madness there ;) we shall see. :rose:
Re: New Poems: Monday 27 October.

darkmaas said:

. Read, vote and send praise.


Thanks darkmaas for the mention.....and yes I was in a particularly dark mood when I wrote that....

New Poems 10-28

Okay, now that I've completed new poems for the 27th only to realize that it's the 28th... :rolleyes: Anyway, I started early before the poems for the 28th popped up, and now half the morning is gone while I keep getting distracted. But finally...

Today gives us cream pies and short skirts, boobfest, and hey, your dirty girl eyes jerk me off! You can tell this is a porn site. :D

What Wicked likes:

Yesterday, jthserra gave us the Piccolo and French Horn. Today we have Clarinet and Lightning is a Flute. I don't know much about flutes, but I suppose it wouldn't be so bad getting hit by a bolt of flute.

Notes flash in the night,
rain on piano keys
beneath the thunder drums.
Lightning is a flute,
darkness: fermata.

And clarinets are... umm... I have nothing amusing or intelligent to say about clarinets.
reed flux harmony
deep black


Next is Maria's To Water a Garden, Lewdly. I want to know why this doesn't have an E. Why?

I'm not going to give you a smidgeon of this poem. Just go read it. :)

And make sure you also check out Beta flow

And here's a thing about Yolanda!! yellow melon:
Ax In Oxtober Wiscoxin
by Palau ©


And don't forget Razz :)
by RazzRajen ©


There's more but I'm distracted again. What's that on my toe?!

There's more but I'm distracted again. What's that on my toe?!

A clarinet? (I can't say anything amusing about them either.)

I just wanted to second Eve's recommendation of Maria's To Water a Garden, Lewdly. I think it's one of her best and, in turn, clever, funny, and catch-your-breath observant. Shoulda got an E, yup.
Angeline said:
I just wanted to second Eve's recommendation of Maria's To Water a Garden, Lewdly. I think it's one of her best and, in turn, clever, funny, and catch-your-breath observant. Shoulda got an E, yup.

Coming in too late
to have anything
original to say.

with the praise.

to return
when my muse
is done

For now,
au revoir!
Re: New Poems 10-28

WickedEve said:
Okay, now that I've completed new poems for the 27th

And don't forget Razz :)
by RazzRajen ©


There's more but I'm distracted again. What's that on my toe?!


Thanks for the mention Eve

I would tell ya what that was on your toes But then you would have to .....WEG!!!
Re: New Poems 10-28

WickedEve said:
Okay, now that I've completed new poems for the 27th

And don't forget Razz :)
by RazzRajen ©


There's more but I'm distracted again. What's that on my toe?!


Thanks for the mention Eve

I would tell ya what that was on your toes But then you would have to .....WEG!!! :p

Re: Re: New Poems 10-28

RazzRajen said:
Thanks for the mention Eve

I would tell ya what that was on your toes But then you would have to .....WEG!!! :p

Odd that you said that! You'd be shocked at what I can do with my toes. I have talented toes. I don't just snap my fingers...
Dear Wicked One,
thank you for the praise and the mention, and just so ya know, a Wicked "E"ve rec is better than a little green e any day!.
All you guys who sent FB and then well, on here Angeline, Icing .. Eve, ya'll make me blush :rose:
Re: Re: Re: New Poems 10-28

WickedEve said:
Odd that you said that! You'd be shocked at what I can do with my toes. I have talented toes. I don't just snap my fingers...

just saw the "toe" post
and wondered
of condiments there
no jam, nor jelly
just a spot
of lint preserves
clinging the right big toe nail

when barefoot
on a hardwood floor
I can pick up a dime
with my toes

lint preserves on a toenail? ewwwwww (you've totally grossed me out, woman) :D

Well since you insist
on honesty here
I'll not be amiss Maria
my dear, but come out,
be pointed and admit
that I myself am triple-

Yes, that's true.
Not a lie. My fingers
bend back in a very
odd way. Don't know
why. Elbows, knees
too, and sometimes
hips slip, kersnap.

Think about that.
Re: Re: Re: New Poems 10-28

WickedEve said:
Odd that you said that! You'd be shocked at what I can do with my toes. I have talented toes. I don't just snap my fingers...

What's odd about that....toes, fingers, joints and limber....doubt that there is much in this world that would shock Me... Then again maybe I would , dependinmg on what you see I can do with fingers and palms and feet and such....Talons....ahem.....that is talented digits there are to My repertoire

Razz....EMWEG ! :p