new poems

Re: 1st November 2003

Lauren.Hynde said:
(second try... grrr)

Good morning, poetry lovers. I hope you all survived last night's unspeakable feast of horrors and are not sporting a too big hangover. Today on The List we only have eight new poems, so scurry on over there and read them all. There are some very good ones.

Strings, musings on - 1 --mind-blowing imagery (typical Razz)
by RazzRajen ©


Thank you Lauren for the words and the views on works you impart to the readers all of the days offerings were wonderful ....

Razz :p
Damn, we are going to get a complete orchestra!

jthserra wrote:
To slide
the brass breath
of a long, slow note.
Reaching, stretching
to touch
that perfect sound
a moment more
then fade to the whispers
of flutes.

It is perhaps a little known fact that in his youth, darkmaas was a trombonist. The rest of you mere mortals may not understand how hot this poem is. I am wondering why it is hidden as a non-erotic poem?


thank you miss angeline for your mention of cocksuckingpiece... yes the title is naughty, but since it is an acrostic i decided to go with it...keep up the good work and by the way...what are you doing tonight?
thank you miss angeline for your mention of cocksuckingpiece... yes the title is naughty, but since it is an acrostic i decided to go with it...keep up the good work and by the way...what are you doing tonight?

Well steve you're most welcome, but I'll have to pass your thanks along to Disposa Girl who snuck in here early Friday morning to write new poem reviews while I was still asleep, the minx. She stole my password some time ago and, well, she rampages on occasion. I couldn't say exactly what she does when she comes here, though The_Fool seems to know her fairly well.

I'll tell you though, had *I* been doing new poem reviews, I'd have known your poem was an acrostic immediately. Disposa's a little slow on the uptake sometimes. Too much champagne, imo. :D

And tonight, lol, I'll probably be crashing since I stayed up more than half of last night writing a damn sestina. Wanna write a sestina? It was fun. Really! Well, sort of.



(P.S. I wrote this poem Disposa Girl and posted it here at Lit almost two years ago. I removed it recently, but if you care to hear her saga it's in the attached :))
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thank yous

I want to thank Destiny, Cordelia, Angeline, Lauren, et. al. for the mentions in their recent posts.

I especially want to thank Darkmaas for the mention for Trombone... My musical instrument poems are a result of my work with our local high school band, where my son was and my daughter still is a member. Going to the various football games, marching contests and solo competitions, I have had an opportunity to watch some amazingly talented kids do some wonderful things with their music.

I am not a musician and until I held my son's bass clarinet as he prepared for an audition, I had never touched an instrument. But, though watching the kids, put their instruments together, warm up and then later perform, I became intensely interested in the mechanics of sound... this led to the poems.

It is especially gratifying for a musician to comment kindly to one of my musical poems. I can feel good that, in this instance, I got it right. So Darkmaas, I am grateful for your comment.

thanks again,

jim :)
New Poems on 11/02/03

There are 28 new submissions on this Sunday, and I bring one "spinner" as always.

For today, after a dozen spins I found HomerPinder in Hell, walking around enjoying dessert. :)
Pi in Hades
Perhaps, lost wandering Hades,
the once famed mage Pythagoras
ponders between myth and what is,
"What fine line lies between the indefinite,"
but his thoughts are cut short, "Oh, sir,"
interrupts a small demon, "time for your comeuppance."

"What do you mean, comeuppance?
I do not know they'd taken up torture in Hades."
The demon shrugged, "Just doing my job, sir."
With that said, the demon left Pythagoras and without warning if such a departure was indefinite
leaving him to consider if was not or is

And so everything is either/or, not or is
plagued by such thoughts became his comeuppance
either to be free or to suffer indefinite
Indeed! Is is either/or. "Hades!"
Such thoughts would grip Pythagoras
Only to be interrupted again, "Oh, sir."

"You toy with me," he'd reply, "for I am no sir."
"But all that you are must remain what is,"
taunted the demon back to Pythagoras,
"for certainly such ideas become your comeuppance."
"Yet, had I such thoughts before I came to Hades?"
he'd ask back, "Why need I define indefinite?"

"Certainly such a task is definitely indefinite."
To which the demon chuckled, "So sure are you, sir?
Then how far to the bounds of Hades?"
The myth past death had become what is,
either that, or simply his comeuppance
The absolute truth would define Pythagoras

Unless the is that is is not Pythagoras
All that is is either/or, definite or indefinite
Defined straight out of existence, "Indeed, comeuppance!"
Unless, of course, the torture is..."Oh, sir?"
"Oh, bother, bugger, and drats is what it is.
Thus I reside in what you call Hades."

And so in Hades did reside Pythagoras
"Is what is not so definitely indefinite?"
"Oh, sir, it's time for your comeuppance."

Of the new offerings, the first to rise above average (IMHO) is one of four by new Lit poet Em Keli 2003 . Please read all four of his offerings. There are good parts in all of them. I thought Whore! Whore! Whore! was the best of the four.
I parried the path of their
deflecting them from their
beat the beasts with staff until they
still yipping
and snarling
with their ugly teeth bared.
Whore! Whore! Whore!

She was no whore.

She had always been an angel with me.
I held her tight until the sobbing subsided.
Kissed away her tears.
Caressed her aches and
tended to her wounds.
Renewed her hopes.
Returned her home.
Kissed her forehead and held her tight one last
Watched her smile glow as we parted.

Then found a bigger
and went back into the night

Next is smithpeter pumpkin eater with really crossed path, very nice as always and as always expected of SP.
a dark Halloween made perfect
by voice and mystery on travel
into advent state of weird

orange acquired
decapitated for art
lines of incision not followed
wide entrails of waste
easily wiped
®Scott Picker Uppers
smithpeter also presents high . Go read it a few times. It gets better each time. :)

Awen is a poet not frequently heard from. His Eyes Scan is worth a good read on a Sunday morn after a hard Saturday night.
Liquid gold
Slashes the bottom of crystal clear
One gem, two gem
Cracking on content sincere
To the lips
The brain revels with joy
To the stomach
To become ulcers new joy
Read Awen's Death of music also. This alliterative piece has a problem or "too" (sic), but I enjoyed it.
Against rosewood, against lust
Fingers pull a vibrato trust
Squeezing overtones out from the air
Non sequential melody fair

Sustain substantiates subtle soul
Holding full and holding all
A flight of fancy free delight
Like owls call too the moon and light

I haven't even finished reading all of the new poems, but I vote Eat Here! by denis hale the BEST of the day. It is pure denis.
Hale fellow well met! :rose:
I won't quote it. You MUST go read it, vote, send feedback, and an e-mail to Laurel demanding a "green E" for this work. I wish I had written it. (Although I would have been sorely tempted to title it: "EAT, HEAR!") :)

I must mention Sweet Surcease by Bedazzler, another alliterative poem with the use of page spacing to enhance the work (which is one of my favorite things to do). I wish I could figure out how to do what I want in http. Even Laurel couldn't get my poem for today into a form that is readable by anyone, including myself. :(
Maybe Eve will succeed. I sent it to her also.

Salome Naked by darkmaas makes me wonder if he is really a man.
Cold bridal chamber
Damp windowless womb

Head of the Baptist
Bleeding in his tomb

Salome dancing naked
Her veil reveals

Blood on her thighs
A wound that never heals

jthserra's In a Saxophone Summer continues his orchestra building. I am waiting for him to get down and viol (sic), doubly so since I am a big, base (sic) man. :p ;) :p

Finally, RazzRajen starts off the long holiday season with
Strings, musings on - 2.
As a small child,
I watched the trees
being cut
a carpet of green needles
falling down
My dad said all the trees
were grown to be
cut for Christmas time

Homes, houses all lighted up
Trees were decorated
and Presents stacked
All tied up with gaily coloured

I stopped and

Did this show what
Christmas was to be
Is this what He
wanted the world to do
Make a business of His birth
and of His death

I shrugged and wondered
Little child I was and then,
Then I spied My gifts there,
And forgot all in My
haste to break the
and open the gifts

was I always a child?

As always, please go and read the rest of today's new postings on the New Poems page. I may have
overlooked a poem that you will really like. Remember to vote and send feedback. Our poets need support.

Regards,                 Rybka
Just wanted to thank Rybka for the kind words. It is always nice to know that some one enjoys your work and that you are not just playing with yourself.:)

Since I am new here and just learning my way around I have not had the opportunity to really do enough reading. The volume is a bit intimidating to know where to start, but this board has provided me with a great starting place to cull through the stacks of material and least get a toe hold. Thanks to all for the suggested reading.
First, it's good to see I turn up once in awhile (but then, so does bad cheese in the fridge :p)

Second, EAT THIS is amazing, great recommendation (as always) thanks for the quick tip.

Third, for those who want to keep in touch, please do...I'm living in Roma for the time being, and don't spend much time online as I use to. The place has inspired a few short stories, and a second cross-line research poem (re: See How Far We've Come To Say style) that I'm still working on. At least one of these works is quite erotic even ;)

Angeline said:
(P.S. I wrote this poem Disposa Girl and posted it here at Lit almost two years ago. I removed it recently, but if you care to hear her saga it's in the attached :))

i LUV this. nicely done.
i'll have to keep an eye on you.
innisfree what?
there are so many these days . . .

i LUV this. nicely done.
i'll have to keep an eye on you.
innisfree what?
there are so many these days . . .


Thanks. :) And the Yeats poem, of course. I love W.B.; he's one of the poets who I think has most influenced me. Innisfree was the first poem of his I ever read (in high school), and I was a goner.
bed her, late than never? hell yeah

sorry so late with the TY, but thanks for the mention Lauren, for Friday Night, Raw....

um, DG? tell me how to invent an alter ego I can blame my raunchy stuff on...please LOL

and TOG!! OMG, please post more often, I just love looking at your...posterior, umm, I mean, posts, of course

and DENIS!!! how freakin tall are you? quit, I say quit raising the danged bar thingie, Im so short I can barely even see it anymore <pout> :rose:

yep, I'd eat at denis' anyday :)
thanks again LH and to everyone who sent FB..youknow I love ya all

edited for this...
don't miss this jewel Columbus Discovers Christmas, by Rybka

our dear rybka, modest as he is, has a beautifully written make-ya-think about it poem you should check out!! I personally loved it
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I'll be away most of the day Tuesday, so if you guys don't want to wait late for the reviews -- well, someone do them! I have to go to the doc because I sneezed and hurt something, and I need to get my license. I actually have to take the written and driving test over! And I have to ship some packages, go to a meeting, maybe use the bathroom if there's time. And so on...
Jeez... does this happen as you get older? You sneeze and damage your body? God!

Rybka/Disposa Reviews

Thank you Rybka and DG

for the very kind reviews of EAT HERE and DOCKET, respectively.

Thank you also Maria, for the kind words. (I'm 6'3'' BTW)

And Eve: Gazoon Tight, Stranger! (FYI: your heart stops briefly, a-la-orgasm, every time you sneeze... Let's be careful out there!)

:D dh
Angeline said:

And tonight, lol, I'll probably be crashing since I stayed up more than half of last night writing a damn sestina. Wanna write a sestina? It was fun. Really! Well, sort of.


Told ya so.
Re: New Poems on 11/02/03

Rybka said:
There are 28 new submissions on this Sunday, and I bring one "spinner" as always.

Finally, RazzRajen starts off the long holiday season with
Strings, musings on - 2

As always, please go and read the rest of today's new postings on the New Poems page. I may have
overlooked a poem that you will really like. Remember to vote and send feedback. Our poets need support.

Regards,                 Rybka

Thanks Rybka for that kind mention, so early that I am.....

Originally posted by Angeline

And tonight, lol, I'll probably be crashing since I stayed up more than half of last night writing a damn sestina. Wanna write a sestina? It was fun. Really! Well, sort of.


Told ya so.


I didn't need Excel either. :p
Funny thing happened this morning.

I awoke to an inbox full of propositions. Many sweet, but some a little scary.

Salome Naked by darkmaas makes me wonder if he is really a man.

Seems that yesterday I became a woman. For those of you who sent kind feedback, I am grateful. For those offering matrimony and other cyber indulgences, I regret that it's all a cruel fishy hoax. (And I ain't getting into any damn pick-up truck, Gin or no Gin!)

Disposa ma 'tite cherie: Merci pour tes belles mots. T'es trop gentile (meme indiscrete).

Re: New Poems on 11/02/03

Rybka said:
I must mention Sweet Surcease by Bedazzler, another alliterative poem with the use of page spacing to enhance the work (which is one of my favorite things to do). I wish I could figure out how to do what I want in http. Even Laurel couldn't get my poem for today into a form that is readable by anyone, including myself. :(
Maybe Eve will succeed. I sent it to her also.

Regards,                 Rybka

~ Thank you, Rybka ~
Monday 3 November 2003

Enough silliness!

Lots of new poems today and no real clangers, so read them all.

Recently we were speculating about the demise of air2o. Seems we were premature since there are, not one, but two poems today. First there's hearing which has a jazz motif. Go vote Angeline! Then read a real person - a hug embellished.

Razz tickled my fancy with a string theory allusion in Strings, musings on - 3

After perhaps embarassing poor jthserra with my effusive review of Trombones, I shall only tell you to read all 3 of his poems today. You will not be sorry.

Then read the scalpers by palau. Not a "nice" poem, but a good poem.

But save Why so sad? by Icingsugar for last because, in my humble opinion, it's the best of the day.

Read and enjoy.

But save Why so sad? by Icingsugar for last because, in my humble opinion, it's the best of the day.
Maas' humble opinion, meet Ice's humble gratitude. Thanks a bunch for the mention!

The Perfect Ten thread have been grat therapy for me, and Why.. was born straight out of a set of mini poems in there. I think I'll purge that thread one of these days and make an Assorted Tens collection from the contributions. There are many short sparks of genius in there by now. :)
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Re: New Poems on 11/02/03

Rybka said:
I wish I could figure out how to do what I want in http. Even Laurel couldn't get my poem for today into a form that is readable by anyone, including myself. :(
Maybe Eve will succeed. I sent it to her also.

Here is the best that I have been able to do, so far. :(

                EYE CHART
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Re: Re: New Poems on 11/02/03

Rybka said:
Here is the best that I have been able to do, so far. :(

                EYE CHART

Absolutely...beautiful! What does this test mean? I read it out straight forward in a full sentence. Does that make me a bizzaro? lolz Well its was indeed an imaginative work.

The Tooth Fairy Is A Cocksucker
by denis hale

truely great. COll images and language the whole bit. good on you DH.

a torrent
by svelte walker ©

I just liked it no real reason I suppose. The images were good in thjis one too.


More 2 rated sillies...
by Bedazzler ©

the poems by bedazzler were cute and a little cynical just the way I like it.

As usual read em write em love em, whatever just send some feedback. :)
destinie21 said:

More 2 rated sillies...
by Bedazzler ©

the poems by bedazzler were cute and a little cynical just the way I like it.

~ Thank you, Destinie2 ~