new poems

Angeline said:
lint preserves on a toenail? ewwwwww (you've totally grossed me out, woman) :D

Well since you insist
on honesty here
I'll not be amiss Maria
my dear, but come out,
be pointed and admit
that I myself am triple-

Yes, that's true.
Not a lie. My fingers
bend back in a very
odd way. Don't know
why. Elbows, knees
too, and sometimes
hips slip, kersnap.

Think about that.

Do tell.......all that and such a mind too

Re: New Poems: Monday 27 October.

If you share my love for the rhyming couplet, then read Bedazzled by Bedazzler.

Thank you, darkmaas.
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Because it seems you have your mind on other things.

True, but can you blame him? I just went back and read our posts. I think you and Maria and I should start a girl group. You can snap your toes, Maria can pick up stuff with her toes, and I'll um crack my knuckles. Maybe for the grand finale Lauren can come out in her thong AV and say something in 30 or 40 languages.
I heard about this girl
man, she had some sexy feet!
Perfect toenails painted pink
and heels as soft as silk

she lived her life on imagined stilts
looking down her nose
at all the peasant frauleins
with hyper-extended middle toes

the thing about this lady was
( if you believe the latest bar room buzz)
she had a talent worth paying for;
the woman was a fetish whore

with just one look a man could tell
how her peds on his member would feel,
she even took Visa and travelers checks...
and saved all her tips for a Mercedes Benz
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: New Poems 10-28

WickedEve said:
Because it seems you have your mind on other things.

Ponders posts....limber backs..double-jointed limbs, prehensile toes....and a triumvirate of women ganging together to form a plan.....

distracted? I am surprised I can type coherently.....
the possibilities, my dear , seem endless


RazzRajen said:
Ponders posts....limber backs..double-jointed limbs, prehensile toes....and a triumvirate of women ganging together to form a plan.....

distracted? I am surprised I can type coherently.....
the possibilities, my dear , seem endless


admit it. poet chicks are the coolest and sexiest--and oddest.
admit it. poet chicks are the coolest and sexiest--and oddest.

Tomorrow on Oprah:

Poet Chicks and the Men Who Want Them

(Nah. Not ready for prime time. Not all *all*)
Re: Never Written, by Jthserra

A haunting, sad, melodic piece..and I loved it, even if there wasn't any toe lint in it. *g*
Re: Never Written, by Jthserra

A haunting, sad, melodic piece..and I loved it, even if there wasn't any toe lint in it. *g*
WickedEve said:
admit it. poet chicks are the coolest and sexiest--and oddest.
Yeah. I got one. I can recommend them. :D

And, I can also recommend some poetry from today (10/30/03):

Land is
Making love to 1:00 am
It's love, baby. Simple and beautiful.

Sanchopanza made me laugh with Manly Drinking Song
"men, men, men"

...and Angeline made me smile with Boring, really
Interresting, up until the last punchline, where it becomes nothing short of brilliant.

There were more good ones too, check out the list yasself. Vote, send feedback, you know the drill.

who sends way too little feedback. sorry sorry sorry...
Thanks for the love

I can definatley recomend poet chicks, gufaw........... I met and am going to marry one from this very board, go figure..

thanks for the recomendation Icing

WickedEve said:
admit it. poet chicks are the coolest and sexiest--and oddest.


And who denied it.....but what they have also are convoluted minds....and oddest is the "piece de resistance" as they say.....

Now if only odd ones were floating by on gossamer strings, one could easily be fisher folk...

...and Angeline made me smile with Boring, really
Interresting, up until the last punchline, where it becomes nothing short of brilliant.

Muchas gracias, Iceman, Maria, and others who sent feedback. I was feeling a need to assert my simplicity, lol (a product of spending last night listening to old Joni Mitchell cds).

Poet Chick
new poems 10/30/03

A lot of wonderful work amongst the new poems today.

Here are my recommendations:

jthserra has three poems posted:

Moonlight on the Rocks (great title!)
My Fingers Rain Over You

and, my favorite of the three:
In Garden Verse

which I read several times, and liked it more each time.
Definitely read
poems for the day:



Boring, really (which I loved!!)
And my favorite of the day is from _Land:

Making love to 1:00 am

A lovely love poem (I'm such a sucker for this kind of poem...)

Anyhow, go read, give feedback, and vote if your conscious tells you.

This is Halloween

Happy Halloween, mes enfants de la nuit. Angeline is still asleep on this cold October morning, snuggled in her down comforter. So I--Disposa Girl--have flown in on this most delightful turbo broom I cribbed from some Harry Potter novel to review new poems.

O la, I'm playing a little trick on the snoozing Angel, but for you my darlings, rien mais treats, as sweet as this witchy goddess can make them (and that's pretty darn treackly).

And what a list we have today bébés. A soft October's galaxy of poetic pleasures, though sadly nothing from either of Disposa's favorite warlocks, the indubitable Foncé (who is Disposa's soul mate) and the tres delicious Fool, (who is Disposa's um other soul mate, but with a blue truck). But I digress. I'll press on.


jthserra offers two poems today. There's Just, a wistful sentiment of a poem that reads light and lovely as a lingering breeze, even as it raises questions about the constancy of love.


Leave, follow a heart
than can love
at a time when
we’ve only learned
of an intimacy beyond
a penetrating touch
the beat of a heart
on lips…

Contrast it with Terminal Twilight, a stunner of a semantic twist down dark alleyways, past pimps and used condoms. A brilliantly constructed heartbreaker of a poem. It made me shiver with its cynical power.

Rancid lovers sweat wet kisses, their tongues
mingle like rats scurrying in dark holes.
Corners grate shoulders as they press, moaning.
She takes what she can, knowing he won't last
she's sweet meat and there ain't much else around.


Mr. James has written a delightful halloween saga, appropriately titled (what else, bebes) Hallowe'en. It's clever and perfect for today. Read it and doooon't turn out the lights! :D

Ghost and ghouls you’re sure to find
With monster fiends of every kind
Fiery eyes and bloodstained claws
And what’s behind the cupboard door?

Something big and green and hairy
Under your bed and boy it’s scary!
Will it eat a naughty child?
Drink Dad’s beer and then go wild?


Now Steve Porter is the naughtiest of poets because he has written an intense little prosody with the verrry explicit title cocksuckingpiece. That's right mes amis (and frankly Disposa thinks maybe bad bad Steve just wanted some pretty poet to say it...not that Angeline ever would, the prude). Anyway, the title is a bit misleading because it's more directly about inspiration and looking at a work of art, although arguably there's high art in, the poem. It's quite good. And true in its assessment that you chiens will do just about anything for that.


Now who doesn't love a little champagne? Frankly, Disposa likes quite a lot, sipped with a charming partner like le Foncé at places like this (with Fool, I only drink gin). But our Champagne, 1982 vintage, is a regular Salome in her poem Ulalations and Undulations, which could otherwise be called A Whole Lotta Shakin Goin On because there's dancing, veil dropping, a tongue on the floor (and probably a uvula showing, given the title). It's smart and sexy. Read it.

Baby pick up your tongue.
Cymbals clash
Round hips thrash.
And I whisper the night is still young.

The first veil falls
Revealing the skin of my shoulder,
Smooth and white,
Perfect for a kiss.


Disposa Girl's Five-Kiss Pick of the Day :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

Cordelia is amazing. Disposa feels almost Forrest Gump-like, reduced to and that's all I'll say about *that.* Cordie's sonnet, The Science of Patterns is a metered mathematical maze of patterns, with content matched to form in gorgeous vivid images. Yes, it's that good. Yes, she deserves every rave she gets. Cordelia builds sonnets like Stradivarious built violins. She is a master of the form.

Honeycombs, whose architects are bees;
The icy veins in alabaster’s skin;
The march of leaves up eucalyptus trees;
The oscillating song of violin.


Disposa Girl's *Other* Five-Kiss Pick of the Day :kiss: times 5

Yes it's a tie! Disposa reads the next poem and awards five *more* kisses to oxalis for six fingers on Friday. It's just wonderful. There's only one poet Disposa knows who throws batches of words in the air and makes them float down into whimsies that are clever and funny and sexy and profound. What's his name again? Look at this.

interest in nationality flags
flaps diminish due to Goth
almigthy, what a distinguished lisp

stumble down a lane
up a pebble dried stream
to the pumped up rind

spitting the roasted seeds
so tasty, so slaved over
ovens that used to ingest

treats and ticks and horrific
feats mellowed in brine
the embalmers emblem


neonurotic is another of Disposa's favorite Literotical-type poets. Today he offers a poem caught between cynical-bitter and amused resignation with Paint and Porn. It's sort of a counterpoint to that um Steve Porter poem, writ with neo's usual careful construction. In fact go read all neo's poems, they're thoughtful and really good. :)

I do it for the double D honeys
in girly mags, skin flicks,
amateur cam sluts,
but hey, they are all just
paint and pictures too.


The quality of mercy is not strained. Shakespeare knew that and so apparently does denis hale in docket a nuanced courtroom drama of a poem, where the narrator's growing realization that he's sorely unprepared is balanced against erotic references that make the whole event seem like erm, you know. Disposa expects that le narrator will not only be found deliciously guilty, he might even get the little death sentence. Go read it.

And there's more. A pair of haikus (haiku?) from Senna Jawa and svelte walker, a lovely offering from razz, and this interesting piece from CuteCpl4U.

Bébés, read, vote, and feedback. Be safe tonight and not too scary and don't eat too much chocolate (a little is good for body, mind, and soul, but Disposa doesn't want your cute belly to ache).

Have a great weekend. A Bientot.
DG :kiss:
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Re: This is Halloween

Angeline said:
neonurotic is another of Disposa's favorite Literotical-type poets. Today he offers a poem caught between cynical-bitter and amused resignation with Paint and Porn. It's sort of a counterpoint to that um Steve Porter poem, writ with neo's usual careful construction. In fact go read all neo's poems, they're thoughtful and really good. :)

I do it for the double D honeys
in girly mags, skin flicks,
amateur cam sluts,
but hey, they are all just
paint and pictures too.

Have a great weekend. A Bientot.
DG :kiss:

Thank you for the read and the mention DG ;)

- neo
Re: This is Halloween

Angeline said:
Now who doesn't love a little champagne? Frankly, Disposa likes quite a lot, sipped with a charming partner like le Foncé at places like this (with Fool, I only drink gin).

Disposa my love, I can only picture you drinking from a delicate crystal champagne flute...How ironic. I rushed my response, but I felt it was appropriate. Perhaps I will review at a later date. But poetry is like that, sometimes. Sometimes it is better to be a little raw, slightly rushed, forcing the feeling rather than passively waiting for just the right touch, the right image, the right feeling to overcome the artist.
Re: This is Halloween

Angeline said:

Disposa Girl's Five-Kiss Pick of the Day :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

Cordelia is amazing. Disposa feels almost Forrest Gump-like, reduced to and that's all I'll say about *that.* Cordie's sonnet, The Science of Patterns is a metered mathematical maze of patterns, with content matched to form in gorgeous vivid images. Yes, it's that good. Yes, she deserves every rave she gets. Cordelia builds sonnets like Stradivarious built violins. She is a master of the form.

Honeycombs, whose architects are bees;
The icy veins in alabaster’s skin;
The march of leaves up eucalyptus trees;
The oscillating song of violin.


Have a great weekend. A Bientot.
DG :kiss:

Thank you, DG, and those of you who sent feedback. I am amazed this poem received so much attention. I only posted it in the face of overwhelming pleading.

I am speechless that I received a Five-Kiss on this with such august company as oxalis.

I loved that poem of his....

Many thanks,

1st November 2003

(second try... grrr)

Good morning, poetry lovers. I hope you all survived last night's unspeakable feast of horrors and are not sporting a too big hangover. Today on The List we only have eight new poems, so scurry on over there and read them all. There are some very good ones.

The one that brightened up my day the most was, undoubtedly,

Friday Night, Raw
by Maria2394 ©

The muted scarlet dress she wears
invites the dirty minded stares
of men at parties
without their wives

Who screw paid escorts on top
of dirty bedspreads
in cheap hotels
with little Asian women listening
outside the door
thinking with a smile

what a whore, what a whore


Other poems I really enjoyed were:

No Title --excellent flow, very smooth
by travelers_bengal ©

Strings, musings on - 1 --mind-blowing imagery (typical Razz)
by RazzRajen ©

Trombone --it shines, it mellows, it whispers
Schocolate Serenity --superlative alliteration
by jthserra ©

In addition to these, there are a few more not-so-new poems I would like to recommend, especially for today. Most of you has already read them, but what the hell. ;)

Halloween Poetry

Child in Black
by Scott X ©

Blood Lust
by Angeline ©

I'll Get You, My Pretty
by Maria2394 ©

Hill House
by Angeline ©

The Feast of the Dead
by champagne1982 ©

by ScottishChieftan ©

Halloween Bill
by champagne1982 ©

Something Wicked This Way Comes
by Ms. Jones ©

by The_Fool ©

The Mezcari
by Icingsugar ©

Red Death
by Angeline ©

Transcriptus absurdus
by Maria2394 ©

The Eulogy
by diosdemoche ©

A Lycanthropic Apology
by ffreak ©

by RenzaJones ©

After you read them all, don't forget to vote on your favourite in one of the two halloween polls, if you haven't already:

Poll1 : Poll1

originally posted by Disposa Girl
But our Champagne, 1982 vintage, is a regular Salome in her poem Ulalations and Undulations, which could otherwise be called A Whole Lotta Shakin Goin On because there's dancing, veil dropping, a tongue on the floor (and probably a uvula showing, given the title). It's smart and sexy. Read it.
Thankyou for your mention. I'm glad you liked it! I'm going to share a snippet of feedback I received yesterday on it ...
this is feedback from a reader and not something I have written
as the veils fall one by one
our eyes lock, the contest is on
you tease, i withhold; i probe, you restrain
a game where it doesn't really matter
who lost and who really won...
Happy Nanowrimo to those who are participating. Good Luck everyone!
Re: This is Halloween

Angeline said:
Happy Halloween, mes enfants de la nuit.

And there's more. A pair of haikus (haiku?) from Senna Jawa and svelte walker, a lovely offering from razz, and this interesting piece from CuteCpl4U.

Have a great weekend. A Bientot.
DG :kiss:

Thanks for the mention....and Yes I travelled far and gathered too much candy and ate it too....No will power against Cote D'or chocolates....

Razz :p