new poems

new poems 11/20/03

Hello poetry lovers!

Today's new poems were a bit disappointing, but only because so many good ones have been showing up lately.


My pick of the day is from Angeline:

Used to think that way is a wonderful poem.

Oh I thought I knew.
I thought I'm such a killer--
romance in a short black dress,
Venus de Milo, bare-armed in Chanel,
shaking my hair, checking my lipstick.
Is it red enough so my moue confesses
sweet lies shaped like hearts?

And it just gets better from there!! Go read the whole thing. It's definitely one of those, "I wish I'd written that!" moments for me...


Other recommendations:

Bent Brass Panic by jthserra

Very nice use of metaphors!

Hotel by 2rivers

I mention this poem only because I saw something in this poem. I even went back to read some of his (her?) other poems. Definitely something here... Just not sure what.


Okay. Go read for yourself. And give feedback. And vote.

November 21

No new poems today. Nary a one, so I spun the spinny thingy--yes, this week I really did. I made a little game up--best 3 poems per 10 spins for the erotic and non-erotic categories, respectively. Turned out pretty darned well, too.

Erotic Poems

Lavender-sweet by Endlessly is a pretty sexy poem and it smells like lavender, also a very good thing.
X is not what you think or I feel by smithpeter is good. Ok, very good--you rarely go wrong with a smithpeter poem, in my humble opinion.
Down From the Canyon by Ded Poet is very well written as are the other poems this writer posted. They're well worth a read.

Non-Erotic Poems

Words, softly said by RazRajen because even when he doesn't post, a little Razz poetry is good for you.
Bent by Tristesse came up on the fourth spin and she writes so beautifully, so read this and explore the poems on her page.
All the Yesterdays by just pet who has been around lit writing terrific poetry for a while. She hasn't been mentioned on this board of late, so if you haven't discovered her writing, go for it now.

And here's a lagniappe from another wonderful Lit poet who hasn't posted in a while.

Spiraling down this rainbow sphere
change surrounds when you are near
bubbles pop beautifully as lies are told
slip sliding away, strangling my soul.

~ Rainbow Sphere, nakedangelina

No. No relation. :)

Have a peaceful weekend (and a thankful thanks day America--I'm thankful for all of you and your poems, Literoticans). :) :rose:

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My pick of the day is from Angeline:

Used to think that way is a wonderful poem.

Oh I thought I knew.
I thought I'm such a killer--
romance in a short black dress,
Venus de Milo, bare-armed in Chanel,
shaking my hair, checking my lipstick.
Is it red enough so my moue confesses
sweet lies shaped like hearts?

And it just gets better from there!! Go read the whole thing. It's definitely one of those, "I wish I'd written that!" moments for me...

I think so highly of your poetry (and you :)), Cordelia. Your compliment means a lot to me. Thank you. :heart:

Re: November 21

Angeline said:
No new poems today. Nary a one, so I spun the spinny thingy--yes, this week I really did. I made a little game up--best 3 poems per 10 spins for the erotic and non-erotic categories, respectively. Turned out pretty darned well, too.

Have a peaceful weekend (and a thankful thanks day America--I'm thankful for all of you and your poems, Literoticans). :) :rose:


Thanks Angeline for mentioning that one again....

and I had submitted, Guess it wasn't approved

Chuckling Have a great weekend too. Its unseasonably warm for end November here and sunny too.....

scarcity pays off

oh good golly, none of us are posted and some lucky few are still mentioned. I am proud to be among the few. Bless you, Angeline and thank you.
Hey, the new poems are finally up

After skipping a day, some new poems have appeared. Amid a number of poems (good ones by RazzRajen and Dennis Hale) I spotted an interesting one. I like poems with a bit of language gymnastics using alliteration, internal rhymes, so I enjoyed 2 rivers' Dog Hotel Take a peek, read it outloud.

jim :)

PS. Thank you cordelia for the mention. It means a lot to receive a nod from poets you think highly of. thanks...
22nd November 2003

I'm sure Laurel does it on purpose, always when I'm busiest. I'm sorry about having to rush this, but I'm really pressed for time, today.

There are twenty-eight new poems, too many good ones, and my recommendations from the day are:

I Dreamed I Was Her Zipper
In the Dunes
Silicone Rising
by jthserra ©

Sweeping the Sadness
by *Catbabe* ©

Some End, Some Begin
by RazzRajen ©

Dog Hotel
by 2rivers ©

Deep Blue
by neonurotic ©

five little stars
by oxalis ©

Riding It Out
by denis hale ©

Your Voice
by A Desert Rose ©

The First Communion
by Karen Kraft ©

Read, have fun. :kiss:
Unfortunately this list is not complete. You forgot my submitted poems

Hi and welcome to the board. The list shown is just the the poems the poster (in this case Lauren) wants to recommend. If you want to recommend anyone's poems, including your own, feel free to post the links here. :)
N8Dreams said:
Unfortunately this list is not complete. You forgot my submitted poems
Angeline is right, but I must confess that if I had had more time, I probably would have mentioned your Waiting for you. The first two or three stanzas don't do justice to the poem at all. It deserves a more gripping start.

Spoiling you while dinner definitely kept me entertained and I would recommended it in a 'new stories' thread.

Anyway, welcome. :kiss:

Thanks for the read and mention Lauren on my 'Deep Blue'. I appreciate it much ;)

Thanks for the recommendation Lauren. :rose: I feel honoured to be mentioned anytime on this board and in this company.

Re: Hey, the new poems are finally up

jthserra said:
After skipping a day, some new poems have appeared. Amid a number of poems (good ones by RazzRajen and Dennis Hale) I spotted an interesting one. I like poems with a bit of language gymnastics using alliteration, internal rhymes, so I enjoyed 2 rivers' Dog Hotel Take a peek, read it outloud.

jim :)

PS. Thank you cordelia for the mention. It means a lot to receive a nod from poets you think highly of. thanks...

Thanks for the mentions jt and Lauren....Great feeling to be mentioned by you both

Angeline said:

Well your pretty damn good, gf :rose:

Thanks Ange:rose: :kiss:
You aren't trying to bribe me to get back the giraffe pics are you?

*attempting to restore mature and serious tone to the thread *

I thought denis hale's "Riding It Out" was very well written. I especially liked the middle section:

"...Moonlight strobed
by freight train rush
of nimbus cloud caress
out of nowhere,

and on the now-stiff
breeze french-kissing
french doors open against
stuttering shutters

comes an astringent
harbinger scent..."

N8 please erase your poemsThey bore and not well writtenEnglish choppy and give headache
Folks, please bear in mind this is a thread for poem recommendations. No disrespect intended, but personal messages belong in a pm. This place is sorta my home, and I like a little harmony on a Sunday morning. :) :rose:
New Poems on 11/23/03

There are 25 new submissions on this Sunday, and I bring one "spinner" as always.

For today's oldie I offer, after 7 spins, a 5 month old poem by RazzRajen Trust: A Fragile Jewel. A poem that requires no explanation. It is Razz at his best.
Smoking guns and smoking mirrors
Taken together and lumped always
insecurities are
once broken
be brought back.

My bones told Me
I was doomed to fail.
Somehow I knew
that always.

in life comes
wisps in the air
caressing breezes
Taken together, then thrown away
strewn like so
many baubles in
front of believing eyes
dies-believing is
what happens.

Ridden again
ridden twice
Neither glue nor chewing gum
nor the best wishes of anyone
will ever seal back
fissured jewels.

so all alone
the journey began
and all alone now
the journey continues

What changed ?
Taken again and left again
and for what?

Angeline is in an alliterative mood this morning with McKennitt. This is not one of her strongest works, it is not original enough in theme nor image for that, but it is a nice way to start a morning's read in a comfortable chair with a cup of sweet tea.
Loreena dances
and her layered skirts swirl
dipped to arabesques of wind
swooping with the rusty rise
of violas that saw reels
into a breathless night
and fall fretting at her feet
Next to be mentioned is Anna Phylactic. denis hale is now writing Karma dog titles as well as excellent poetry. However, this one is not a soft Sunday sonnet. denis has been showing some teeth and grit recently. Maybe the rough side of Sin City is beginning to reach him. Go read this poem when you are wide awake.
Meanwhile a man
in Monte Carlo stares
into the merciless green eyes
of a baccarat shill

to let his fortune--his very
life--ride on the snap
of the next card coming
out of the shoe.

Beatrice by jthserra is another poem not meant for a Sunday morning, but a very good piece all the same. It reminds me a little, perhaps, of the flip-side of my "Maui Jim's" poem, the view from the bed. I think I would rather be the protagonist in his poem.

The Looking Glass by tis_mina is a nicely structured little piece for reflection by a fairly unknown Lit. poet
Through the looking glass I sit
painting faces on the wall
Talking nonsense to my friends
Who might not be real at all

Hoping for an invitation
to tea time with the Hatter
White Rabbit or March Hare
Does the difference really matter?

Like Dina and the Cheshire Cat
the Queens both Red and White
I’m sifting through doppelgangers
That are Jaberwalkys at first sight

Through the looking glass I sit
In a world that’s all my own
Never quite comprehending
which side of the glass I’m on.

Here is one by someone "just passing through". You guess who. Others by our resident transient today number two. Both of them are worth a view. nourishment I
-eggs and tuna
-eggs and tuna
-they shine and gloat
-pick each other
-remove each others shell
-hide and scales
-so we bipeds may be fed
-they deceive us
-it’s not the same we eat
-they dance and frolic
-tango, disco, bar room quarter plugging
-system sexy prance and nickel chasing dime
-they seem to always tongue in rhyme
-in dark corner, Sergeant Bunny senses crime

It is always nice to encounter a new poet who has a good descriptive eye and ear. This work is not a classic, but I think it shows promise and the poet deserves to be encouraged to continue to write and develop his skills. Please go vote on this poem and send feedback (as you should on all the poems that you like). My Math Teacher by mikeindub21
Hands in the distance raise, voices ringing out in harmonious chaos.
Sounds fall on tone deaf ears and are forgotten.
This same newcomer to Lit. also presents My Fair Memory of a more common poetic theme.
I stood there for mere minutes, staring into the nothingness that her presence left behind.

As always, please go and read the rest of today's new postings on the New Poems page. I may have
overlooked a poem that you will really like. Remember to vote and send feedback. Our poets need support.

Regards,                 Rybka
Thanks for the menton rybka. :) I agree with you--McKennitt was really just my mind wandering while listening to Loreena Mckennitt, whose music I really love. I was trying to capture her sound in a poem, and thought ah well not so great, but good mind candy, so I posted it.

Yup, have that poem with tea and cake, lol. You understood perfectly. :rose:


PS--yay! a new sgt bunny poem. i love that hare.
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Thanks Rybka!

You're too kind
Fish Person.

I value your feedback very much.

And speaking of feedback, THIS is addressed to the individual who felt compelled to drop me an e mail recently saying "no comment", coupled with some kind of "protest vote" on a poem of mine.

The next time you feel the urge to do this, please save your breath-- for the energetic sucking off of barn animals rutting in shiny slicks of black diarrhea, for it is sadly the case that such fellatio prowess is undoubtedly the only talent you possess in this world, or ever will.

Step up to the board, you spineless piece of monkey excrement-- show me one line of any merit you've ever composed, and we'll all sit up and take copious notes. Really!

Sorry Ryb. Whoever it is, knows who he/she/it is.

Dontcha? Fucker.

denis, pay no heed to the trolling fuckwits of the world, and don't waste your valueable energy on them. Chances are they don't have the brainpower to find these bulletin boards, let alone this thread. Trollers are petty little creatures driven by their own insignificance. Laugh, shrug off, move on.

That being said. I'd like to say that Anna Phylatic was a treat. One of your best in a row of excellence.

...the big question of the day is,
did Man Ray ever get to nail his Rugby girl? ;)