new poems

Step up to the board, you spineless piece of monkey excrement-- show me one line of any merit you've ever composed, and we'll all sit up and take copious notes. Really!

Um, you ok there guy? Take a deep breath, you. :) :rose:

We all get such feedback, which is why a) I don't get too exercised about votes and b) don't permit anonymous feedback on my poems. If you wanna trash my stuff and tell me about it, you have to be brave and state your name.

You have a real gift for language, and everyone here knows it. Screw whoever can't deal with it....

Re: Thanks Rybka!

denis hale said:
You're too kind
Fish Person.

I value your feedback very much.

And speaking of feedback, THIS is addressed to the individual who felt compelled to drop me an e mail recently saying "no comment", coupled with some kind of "protest vote" on a poem of mine.

The next time you feel the urge to do this, please save your breath-- for the energetic sucking off of barn animals rutting in shiny slicks of black diarrhea, for it is sadly the case that such fellatio prowess is undoubtedly the only talent you possess in this world, or ever will.

Step up to the board, you spineless piece of monkey excrement-- show me one line of any merit you've ever composed, and we'll all sit up and take copious notes. Really!

Sorry Ryb. Whoever it is, knows who he/she/it is.

Dontcha? Fucker.


oh my, Denis, you have such a way with words, even when you tell someone off!!! Way too much energy spent on slime dwelling fokkers, if you ask me. I think you know by now that you are an awesome writer and probably anyone who posts here who is worth a sh** has gotten hateful mail like that. ( I havent, so I must not be worth a sh**..) at least I have something to look forward to..wait, I did get one that called me a hiprocryte ( they couldnt spell, I guess) :) I laughed, got pissed, then wrote a letter like yours, sort of, and was gonna cave and pull my poem, but Ange, Lauren and others, said, no way!! so i didnt, they were right and still are, screw the jerks...hehe, keep writing, that'll show em.. :) and smile, sexy, smile :)
<°)))>< ~~~~~~~~~

thank you for mention. not sure I understand all you say but say away.
we could say more, but so close to holiday stress we say less.
all you muthafuckas betta step off my man, that boy is mine

The Boy Is Mine Lyrics

(feat. Monica)

- Excuse me can I please talk to you for a minute?
[M] - Um hum sure. You look kind of familiar.
- Yeah you do too but umm I just wanted to know do you know somebody named
you you know his name.
[M] - Oh yeah definitely I know his name.
- I just wanted to let you know he's mine.
[M] - no he's mine.

[Chorus] - You need to give it up
Had about enough
It's not hard to see
The boy is mine
I'm sorry that you
Seem to be confused
He belongs to me
The boy is mine

- I think it's time we got this straight
Let's sit and talk face to face
There is no way you could mistake
Him for your man - are you insane

[M] - You see I know that you may be
Just a bit jealous of me
But you're blind if you can't see
That his love is all in me

- You see I tried to hesitate
I didn't wanna say what he told me
He said without me he couldn't make
It through the day ain't that a shame

[M] - Maybe you misunderstood
Cause I can't see how he could
Wanna change something that's so good
Because my love is all it took


[M] - Must you do the things you do
Keep on acting like a fool
You need to know it's me not you
And if you didn't know it girl it's true

- I think that you should realize
And try to understand why
He is a part of my life
I know it's killing you inside

[M] - You can say what you wanna to say
What we have you can't take
From the truth you can't escape
I can tell the real from the fake

- When will you get the picture
You're the past, I'm the future
Get away it's my time to shine
And if you didn't know the boy is mine


[M] - You can't destroy this love I found
You're silly games I won't allow
The boy is mine without a doubt
You might as well throw in the towel

- What makes you think that he wants you
When I'm the one that brought him to
This special place in my heart
Cause he was my love right from from the start


- The boy is mine
[M] - Not yours
- But mine
[M] - Not yours
- But mine
[M] - Not yours
- But mine

I'm sorry that you
Seem to be confused
He belongs to me
The boy is mine

*cracking up* no, I'm not drunk, I swear!

[mesmerising eyes]drake you will forget all of this, you cannot see it, it is just love sonnets for youuuuuuuuuu! wooooooo![/mesmerising eyes]

ohhh I read all those contest poems! I don't know where y'all are doing the voting or the mentioning, but I have to say, two caught my eye with their excellence, Fool's, and Linbido's. I won't post them, because I don't know what you're doing with it, but WOW! Impressive work by all.
New Poems for Monday, 24 November.

No question about what today’s theme is all about. Thanks to the Fool’s Challenge we have seven poems exploring the female bosom and the myriad metaphoric manifestations that … er … flow from the inflamed hearts of lovers and poets.

I must say though, I was approaching today's task with some trepidation. The challenge could have produced some very pimply poetry, but surprise... darkmaas worried for naught. My only regret is the absence of la poitrine bilangue. (Now there's a lexiconical concept worth studying ... a breast with two tongues ... I digress.)

The Fool's Challenge title was Elaborate Décolletage. I'll identify the poems by their author.

First up is Linbido with a sleek and sexy look at décolletage and office politics. My offices were never so ... erm ... just go read the poem.

Then we have, Icingsugar who takes a surrepticious look at the topic, lol.

HomerPindar then gives us a poetic lesson in dressmaking ... oops... sorry... that's not it at all. He cleverly deconstructs the concept of décolletage. (No bias cuts for this boy.)

Ah Eve. You had to do it didn't you. A somewhat less than vanilla Vianelle.

D A Stone dares to take the plunge ... or not. Nicely descriptive.

The Fool promised me a couple of drinks in exchange for the extra "work" this challenge entailed. Save your drinks Fool. This poem is compensation enough. It's not a feel good poem, but I was moved. Thanks.

Last, but certainly not least, Angeline's poem gives us a more sublime take on the female breast. As one matures beyond the juvenile vision of the feminine, one sees breasts differently. Anyone who has ever loved a pair of breasts long and deeply, will be charmed by the last stanza.

That's it for Décolletage. There are other poems today as well, but I have to run away. Fear not though, I shall return to finish up, before the day is over.

Thanks Fool for a good challenge.

Terzanelle with my twist at the end. So, I guess it was a twistanelle.
Thanks for the inspiring challenge, Mr. Fool.
There's no Fool

like our Fool, whose erm Elaborate Décolletage has produced a wonderful (hmmm what would the term be??? flock? rash? no not rash. flight? wait I know...) round of boob poetry (or maybe just boobetry).

There's not a poem posted that deserves less than the highest 5 imo (including my own, she said modestly). From Linbido's racy turnabout on the old boy network (man that woman can write!) to Eve's glittering um showgirls (lol, twistenelle) to Fool's lovely poignent muse, these are winners. What a pleasure to write and post with such talented poets.

Fool ya done good baby, but I still have to award the 2003 best breast line to the lovely Wicked Eve for announcing in another thread that her visit to Maria would be heralded by:

"two knockers at the front door."

Oh she may be wicked, but she's the cleverest bad girl around. :)
Last edited:
Oh, I forgot about the knockers! LOL

I haven't read all the poems, but every time I take a break from whatever I'm doing, I read one. And so far, a really impressive group of poetry!
Boob poetry...

What can I say? At first glance, it looks like an absolutely delightful set of decolletage there. I'll go read them again, slam away some votes and feedback now. Ta!
May I ask where all the aforementioned 'breast poems" are located? My curiousity is aroused *s*.
ss, just check the New Poems of today, and see if you can figure out which ones it is. :D

I really like the many different angels that we managed to produce. From the downright raunchy (me, Lin, HomerP) to the lush sensual (Eve, D A) to human warmth (Angeline) and finally dark empathy (Fool).

Interresting indeed. And good poems too. I'll gladly do an encore of this some day.

I want to think Darkmass for the wonderful lead-in to Elaborate Décolletage. You did a great job of setting us all up with your commentary. The offer is still good for the drinks, it gives me an excuse to imbibe as well. :D

I also want to think all those poets that responded to the challenge. All very good poems. Once again, we have shown how great a contrast there is between how people think even about the same two words.

Finally I want to thank everyone for the feedback, both for me specifically as well as the feedback for all the poets.

I love these same title challenges. Lets do it again....soon. Somebody pick up my old thread or make a new one and lets do it again.

WickedEve said:
Oh, I forgot about the knockers! LOL

I haven't read all the poems, but every time I take a break from whatever I'm doing, I read one. And so far, a really impressive group of poetry!


Did I miss part of the post?:D :devil:

The_Fool said:

Did I miss part of the post?:D :devil:

Yes, you did. It had something to do with my knockers showing up at Maria's door and politely knocking. She was going to offer them iced tea. :)
WickedEve said:
Yes, you did. It had something to do with my knockers showing up at Maria's door and politely knocking. She was going to offer them iced tea. :)
Now, that would be a sight for the gods.
New Poems for Monday, 24 November. Second Movement

Back again.

First, a pair o' paradelles. This is obviously a very constraining form. Both poets are brave or foolish (or both), but each poem succeeds in spite of the form and you should read them both. The first one by perks, Paradelle's Contrition certainly has me perplexed. The theology is NOT orthodox, but I've read it a couple of times and it make a perverted kind of sense, so it's certainly worth a read. (BTW, you may have missed perks' two most recent contributions to the 12 Bar thread. Go read them. She is obviously hoarding her best stuff!)

Angeline is responsible for the second of the pair. His Ocean Her Sea is a love poem. Rybka will no doubt point out that starfish have rather nasty mouths, but we all knew what she meant, lol. The repetition that the form demands works very well with the rolling imagery.

Bravo to both.

Also a pair o' jthserras. Construction has the most out-of-left-field imagery for make-up. I loved it.
Placed, not poured, she flows into day like concrete
a liquid solid conforming to the forms
The Numerology of Trees is less a poem that a statement of philosophical principles (which I happen to share), so read it.

Best o' the day though goes to Icingsugar with Counterday Morning
With a Tuesday rolling in
minutes bright and counting
A powerless countersong
for a counterday

Fingers numb, head is sore
but yesterday is hours old
And I hear somebody say

"It's gonna be a new day"


That's it for me. Until next week...

Re: New Poems for Monday, 24 November. Second Movement

darkmaas said:
Rybka will no doubt point out that starfish have rather nasty mouths, but we all knew what she meant, lol. The repetition that the form demands works very well with the rolling imagery.
Also a pair o' jthserras. Construction has the most out-of-left-field imagery for make-up. I loved it.
Placed, not poured, she flows into day like concrete
a liquid solid conforming to the forms

The Numerology of Trees is less a poem that a statement of philosophical principles (which I happen to share), so read it.
I liked everything today that has been mentioned so far.
DM insists that I comment on starfish mouths, so: Starfish like to eat mollusks. Some varieties pry clams open with their arms, others can drill through a shell with their mouths. Their shape may be pretty but their texture and their habits are not. Also you cannot kill one by cutting its arms off. Each piece will grow into a new starfish clone.

I really liked jthserras' The Numerology of Trees, but I object to the philosophy that claims purposely deforming life forms is "art". Re his Construction, I only think that the first line might be altered. While some in the trade do say "placed", the more common term, at least in the northeastern United States, with reference to concrete is "poured". FYI: Asphalt can also be placed, but we more often "lay" it. :)

Regards, Rybka
liked everything today that has been mentioned so far.
DM insists that I comment on starfish mouths, so: Starfish like to eat mollusks. Some varieties pry clams open with their arms, others can drill through a shell with their mouths. Their shape may be pretty but their texture and their habits are not. Also you cannot kill one by cutting its arms off. Each piece will grow into a new starfish clone.

LOL. Well between you and darkmaas, my lovely romantic image just died a (literally) painful death. DM explained to me in some detail (romantic fool that he is) that kissing a starfish mouth would be akin to kissing a beak that can crush coral. Perhaps you boys can recommend a sea creature that nibbles and I'll change the poem. :rolleyes:

:) :rose:

thank you...

thank you darkmaas and rybka for the kind comments regarding my poems. It means a lot hearing praise from both of you.

With respect to the poem: The Numerology of Trees, it is actually a concrete poem written and formated to suggest a bonsai. I have been working for the last hour and a half to try to recreate the formatting to work here, but I couldn't get it to work.

As for the philosophy of bonsai, there are some misconceptions of the art. I have heard the training of trees compared to the ancient footbinding techniques practiced in China. While interesting, the comparison here is not valid.

Bonsai is a marriage of science and art. The trees are trained utilizing detailed branch, leaf and root pruning based upon sound horticultural practice. Though this extended pruning, with proper exposure to light, the leaf size is reduced, as trunk and root growth are accentuated. Branch growth is directed through pruning and in some cases wire. The wire is applied with extensive care and when properly removed, the branches are not deformed.

Bonsai is not an art of deformation, but of understanding. Understanding of not only horticultural priciples, but of the basic principles of trees in nature and of the basic principles of classic bonsai design. Bonsai is a four dimensional art form, existing not only in the physical 3 dimensions, but over time, as the trees mature, age, and as parts of the trees die.

With the exception of some extreme techniques used in transforming the dead portions of trees into the design, the techniques used are no more deforming than pruning trees, or roses, mowing a lawn, or landscaping your lawn.

Please forgive me for digressing from the poetry, but the principles of bonsai, as well as horticulture are dear to me.

thank you again for the kind comments,

jim :)

Just a brief response on Construction...

I refer to placing concrete instead of pouring it. This reference is based upon concrete being considered as a solid. While onsite concrete crews will often talk of pouring concrete, from an engineering standpoint the concrete is placed, not poured. It is from this viewpoint that I spoke of placing the concrete.

I thought the image did fit while considering the application of makeup.

Anyway, thank you for the comments,

jim :)
Response to Jim

Since concrete can be "placed" as well as "poured" in common parlance, the use of both to indicate a contrast is lacking in power and credulity (IMHO). :)

Re Bonsai: I do not approve of topiary either (and I have never enjoyed lawn mowing :) ).
I am opposed to doing anything to a plant or animal that does not improve its quality to produce / or be food. I find the foot binding analogy apt, as well as would be the Italian practice of castrating young boys so that their voice did not change. Or playing with growth hormones to produce dwarfs, etc. :(

Nothing against you personally, Jim. Just my own feelings. (Although I should point out that I am not a vegetarian and even used to be an avid hunter.) I just don't consider mutilation an art form (including tattoos and piercing.) :)

Best regards, Rybka