new poems

thank you eve...

Thank you Eve for the kind comments on my poems.

Nouveau Art was inspired by a movie based upon JG Ballard's novel Crash. The movie starred Holly Hunter and James Spader in a very dark look at cars, people and some odd sexual perversions. One worth watching, but don't plan to drive immediately after watching it.

Fish Watermelon... was my Homage to Richard Brautigan, a favorite of mine from my high school and college days, so many years ago. Read his Trout Fishing in America, The Abortion or most anything else he wrote.

thanks again Eve,

jim :)
Re: thank you eve...

jthserra said:
Thank you Eve for the kind comments on my poems.

Nouveau Art was inspired by a movie based upon JG Ballard's novel Crash. The movie starred Holly Hunter and James Spader in a very dark look at cars, people and some odd sexual perversions. One worth watching, but don't plan to drive immediately after watching it.

Fish Watermelon... was my Homage to Richard Brautigan, a favorite of mine from my high school and college days, so many years ago. Read his Trout Fishing in America, The Abortion or most anything else he wrote.

thanks again Eve,

jim :)
I never saw crash but a friend told me about it. I wondered if the poem was inspired by that movie.
Maria2394 said:
and I like her pic too, it looks like one Boo used to have, a verrrry sexy lady with hat ;)

I STILL use that Avatar- but isn't imitation the highest form of praise?... it's ok, tho... she could never be me...
BooMerengue said:
I STILL use that Avatar- but isn't imitation the highest form of praise?... it's ok, tho... she could never be me...

yep, I guess it is ;) thought I recognized the pic and for a sec wondered if you just had another name on here

Rybka said:
Lately, as some of you may have noticed, I have been trying to find poems by new poets that are worth reading and recommending to others. zell19861986 has submitted four poems so far, two of them this Monday. They are all very dark in an adolescent manner. I would like some of you to go read them and tell me what you think.

Is this insightful talent developing itself, or the cry of a real life? I am perplexed. Are these 4s and 5s purposefully constructed as the are, or are they 1s and 2s full of errors and needing help? Here are the poem links in order of posting:

The Dagger



A Brother's Love

I checked out these poems and the first thing that popped out at me was the need for a spell check!!! Sorry, I don't care how good the poet is, or how artful the poem; it disrupts the flow whenever there's a spelling error or apostrophes where there shouldn't be any, etc. Unless it's obviously a word play poem (and it's not) there's nothing to excuse that. I didn't like the first poem. Sounded like one of those "my life is so dark and horrible" poems that teenagers like to write. The rest were MUCH better (spelling aside). The poems "Father" and "Brother's Love" can't be written about the same father of the same person, because in the first poem the guy is absent, and in the second he's around (although he's kicking his kids around). So one of these poems is an imagined situation, making the emotion of it even more remarkable. I loved the repetition in the poems. It flows. Oddly, for some reason I was reminded of the poet Sherman Alexie--who also has a way of writing raw emotion, sometimes in the most unexpected places. He's like a new Alexie, minus the irony and dry humor. I think we should encourage this person to keep writing (and use a spell check!!!). This person has potential!
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Hello. Thank you for the suggestions. I shall certainly listen to them because i need all the help that i can get.
I stumbled across...

I took a quick peek in the new poems and stumbled across a real delight. Take a look at an excellent haiku: heron. It is nice to run across someone who understands the form, Poetboy824 knows haiku and senryu... some of his others are: haiku and senryu .

I didn't have a chance to read his other poetry, but I found his haiku and senryu to be very good. I will go back and see his other work.

jim :)
poetboy824's poem "A Cricket Chirping" is really good. I like the imagery in it. poetboy824 is an awesome poetry writer in my opinion.


I am not sure whose turn it is to intro the new poetry and I hope I am not stepping on any toes, but everyone, read Tammy Cant's poetry and enjoy. She has three poems in the new poems, her first three posted here. I enjoyed every one...

jim :)
Yea. Thanks for the heads up on Tammy Cant. She is another awesome writer. I just hope that one day i can be as good as them.
zell19861986 said:
Hello. Thank you for the suggestions. I shall certainly listen to them because i need all the help that i can get.
Zell, as you can see by this thread, there are a lot of poets who like your work, especially its emotion grabbing power. I am certain that anyone here, myself included, would be willing to assist you in developing your talents and polishing your work (Even to the point of just spell checking for you :) ).

If I can be of help, just let me know via PM or e-mail. In any event, remember to keep writing and READING.

Regards, Rybka
Thank you Rybka. I shall certainly remember that. You could never get me to stop reading. I would just like to thank every one who has helped me so far and who has offered there help to me. It means alot to me to know that so many people are out there willing to help one another. Thank you
Re: another

jthserra said:

I am not sure whose turn it is to intro the new poetry and I hope I am not stepping on any toes, but everyone, read Tammy Cant's poetry and enjoy. She has three poems in the new poems, her first three posted here. I enjoyed every one...

jim :)
AGREED! In particular I liked her If Poetry was a Man. - I guess the drought is over. New poets are popping up all over the place!

Regards, Rybka
Truely, Madly, Deeply, Poetry!

I'm so glad to see the thumbs up for poetboy824. He's not been around for some months, and I'm glad to see him back. He's equally good at free verse and form poetry, and he is one of the (imo) relative few Lit poets who writes wonderfully subtle erotic poetry. Here's a great one:

The Poem Was Their Lover

Ok, pb, lol--unlurk and post the other poem. :)

And welcome Tammy Can't! Loved the strength and attitude of
If Poetry was a Man
. (Actually loved all your posts today.)

Also have to mention maria's Cumslut Visits the Temple of Doom. What a mind, you have woman--love it, lol. Somebody send Speilberg a copy. :D

Finally, congrats to smithpeter on his E for foreword, which I loved for its spare, delicate quality.
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HI All,

It seems to me that I heven't been on the boards in a while, I think I may have forgotten to reveiw last wed poems (sorry) I've had a hell of a month. Anyway here I am.

Todays posts were great I particularly liked If poetry were a man by Tammy Cant
as well as Military Man

URL=]bobby in the basement [/URL] was another of TC poem that I liked because it evoked a cold sort of emotion within.
Upon finding myself so enthralled and whatnot by the poems I went to TC page but found that the three aforementioned were the only submissions I don't know about you guys but I look forward to more.

happy pilgrims by skipboxx gave me a laugh which is always worth mentioning :D

A more perfect motion by Jthserra was just delightful and tasteful a quality I adore in erotic poetry unless of course you're trying to be tongue in cheek, in which case nearly anythng goes .

There were many more poems submitted today and at least 3/4 of them were really good the ones I selected are imho GREAT. In anycase read , send feedback vote and generally enjoy.

For those who celebrate Thanksgiving have a happy and safe holiday .;)

Dear Angeline,
thank you for mentioning my bad little poem, CS visits the temple of doom. Destinie? you are so tactful. I want to apologize if I offended any women out there, I know at least a couple of you were concerend about one of the CS series to ask me if I had daughters and if so, she pitied them. Thats okay, I do have girls and they are very nice kids, ( no problems ever) but I dont parade my "humorotica" in front of them :)

I know you dont like the blatant smut Ange, and I understand why, but thanks for being a good sport and reading it anyway, youre a sweetie:kiss: but just so you all know, I was laughing my ass off when I wrote it, dont know why, but its like a cartoon in my head sometimes, and well, I should quit while Im ahead:eek: thanks again and happy turkey day
Giving Thanks for many things not mentioned here

I appreciate the remarks and feedback. very very.

peace, for once
WickedEve said:
I thought my Worth a Sixpence about witches, anal sex, and threats of cannibalism was bad...
But Maria... what can I say? The cumslut rules. lol

Eve!! I just read sixpence...I see why they call you Wicked :D It was awesome..maybe my three sisters could get with yours and invade some place really cool <weg>
perks said:
all you muthafuckas betta step off my man, that boy is mine

The Boy Is Mine Lyrics


*cracking up* no, I'm not drunk, I swear!

[mesmerising eyes]drake you will forget all of this, you cannot see it, it is just love sonnets for youuuuuuuuuu! wooooooo![/mesmerising eyes]



your D

PS :heart: :heart: :heart: